Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Paper Cafe Giveaway Reminder

Just a quick post to remind you that Random.org will be choosing a winner for The Paper Cafe custom stamper today at noon (Central Time) so if you haven't already done so, make sure you sign up HERE. And if you're thinking of buying one of Mollie's "Three Designing Women" stampers, take note of the special 15% off discount code she's offering to TLC readers at the bottom of the post. Also, Mollie wanted me to let everyone know that she will also be including a surprise gift with each order.

That Mollie sure is a sweet one!


PS...More "Behind the Bathroom Door" to come, later today!


  1. Your TLC banner/signage gave me a serious flash-back to the aluminum models we made for the A&E Channel years ago, before digital media took the world by storm!

    That was when the boys were little and we were struggling to make our little company work!

    You and Kevin keep your eye in your goals!!!

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  2. ....ON your goals! Darned I-phone!!! Little buttons-fat fingers...


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Kevin and Layla Palmer

(PS- You can find answers to our most frequently asked questions in the "FAQs" section in our sidebar) :-)