Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Cottage Next Door – Let the Re-do Begin!


Over the next 6 weeks, my friend, Jessica, will be re-painting the inside of the small, yellow cottage next door to our Lettered Cottage. I will give her lots of design guidance along the way. If the weather is nice, maybe I’ll leave my Office window open, so that if she has a question, or needs motivation, we can converse back and forth. :-)

2 Houses

When her “other half” (Eric) returns home in six weeks, he’ll begin working on the outside. Scraping, painting, landscaping….the whole kit-and-kaboodle.

Here’s Jessica’s game plan-

Week 1: Living Room

Front Door

Living Room BEFORE Living Room BEFORE 2

Week 2: Kitchen

Week 3: Den

Week 4: Master Bedroom

Week 5: Bathroom

Week 6: Office

She will purchase everything for the house from yard sales, Salvation Army’s, flea markets and Ikea. So the whole place will be decorated on an extremely low budget. She’s buying a 5 gallon bucket of primer and a 5 gallon bucket of paint (on sale this week at Home Depot), which she’ll use to paint every room the same color, to save money and create the illusion of more space.

Stay tuned for updated photos each week, which will showcase Jessica’s progress. It’s going to be quite the charming little transformation!

I think this cottage needs a name….any ideas? :-)


Michelle said...

Can't wait to see all that happens to this charming cottage!

Daryl at Vermont Cottage said...

Can't wait to see how she makes out with this. Her place has such potential and, with you next door, great things are bound to happen. How exciting!
For now, I'd call it a "diamond in the rough", but I'm sure she'll be calling it "cute as a button" in a couple months.
Wish I lived next door to you :).

allisha said...

Sunshine Cottage...good luck with the transformation!

Unknown said...

Layla, What a great place and how lucky you are to have your friend move in next door! I've been thinking: The (year it was built) Cottage (ex: The 1924 Cottage) or maybe after a favorite flower in the garden, or perhaps, The Cottage of Dreams, for that's exactly what it will be after it's finished! :-) Thanks for sharing and can't wait to see the progress...Tami

Anonymous said...

This is really exciting to see a transformation from the beginning!!! The photos show a lot of potential for a charming place - thank you for letting us watch the process.
--Vicki K.

Stacy said...

wonder what the paint color will be......

Sometimes It's Good said...

This place will be fabulous! I can't wait to see what she does with it.

Anonymous said...

It should be called "Charlotte" because of the web-like detail on the entryway!

Rebecca said...

I remember you doing an entry about this house before. How fun that your friend bought it! I love entry-way and that screen door. I also love the clapboard siding- how about "The Clapboard Cottage?"

Leslie~The West, a Nest and You said...

Wow, what a wonderful little cottage! So much potential and I love older homes with the extra character than newer homes lack. With your help and incredible eye for design, I am sure Jessica and Eric will just love their home. I have been meaning to write and say this: Layla, I have been following your blog since your first landscaping video, and you never cease to amaze me with your energy, ideas and zest for life. You are one incredible lady! Your hubby must be so very proud, as I am sure you are of him. Gosh, where did you find this guy? He works hard, seems to love helping you make your house a beautiful home and is cute to boot. (I want you to know I am saying this as a mother, since I am old enough to be one to both of you, lol!) So, to end this lengthy comment, Thank You, for you and your blog! --Leslie

Anonymous said...

ooo LOVE it!!! what a charming little place! Can't wait to see how it all transforms!

Brooke @ Blueprint Bliss said...

Oh, I can't wait to see the results. Love Before and Afters! -Brooke

Julie@beingRUBY said...

I so would love a cottage! This one is so quaint.The second picture inspires me to name it 'Little Sister'

I'm sure your friend will enjoy doing this up, and we will enjoying watching the progress!

Unknown said...

So looking forward to the transformation. I would be totally overwhelmed with the work ahead, unless of course you were my next door neighbour :)

Kim said...

This is going to be so much fun! I can't wait to see what transformations occur. The home has such great "features" to start with!!

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Is it terrible to say that I'm more excited about witnessing this transformation than I am about just about anything else I have on tap during the next month or so? Such potential! Can't wait to see your stamp on it.

Carry Grace said...

This will be fun to watch.

Barb said...

This is very exciting! Can't wait to see it.

Nancy Hood said...

cannot wait to begin seeing the re-do!!! yay for someone purchasing this sweet place, Wetumpka Street will be better because of it! and why not simply call it what you did, The Cottage Next Door :)

Chris said...

I am SO excited! I remember this house, and I've always thought it was so charming! I can't wait! Wish her good luck from us!

Fox Lair said...

What a charmer, Layla! Look forward to the seeing the gradual progress. If Jessica has you nearby for input, she can't go wrong. As for what to name it, I've always wanted to call a place "Cupcake Cottage," but since my home wouldn't really qualify as a cottage, I'm happy to offer it for Jessica's consideration. If that doesn't work for her, I'll second "Sunshine Cottage" - it's a great suggestion, assuming that cheeful yellow exterior remains.

Good luck!

Erin Southwell said...

That is so much fun!! I am jealous of the project and the friendship! :) If I had an old cottage, I would want to do research at the recorder's office to see who originally built the home, and when, and then name it according to that-a tribute to those who first loved that little yellow darling.

Eagerly awaiting what is sure to be a beautiful result, Erin

Caitlin said...

I would definitely name the cottage "the buttercup baby"'s small but sweet. I just redid my buttercup colored cottage, a 1850 Farm House, so I can relate to the project you have ahead of you.Enjoy every moment... wishing you the best of luck in your cottage transformation!

Bobette said...

What a beauty!

stephanie h said...

Oh, I love, love, love it! That is my dream home!

Can't wait to see what she does with it!

EandJandA said...

just to be silly - how about "the bettered cottage?" :) You know...cause it's right next door to the lettered cottage and is about to be "bettered."

It's really sweet...I'm looking forward to seeing what she does with it.

Donna said...

How is literally a "Lemon" isn't it???? I know that it will be beautiful when finished - and I can hardly wait for the results.............I think it should be called something....Lemon (my creative mind only goes so far)

Anonymous said...

How exciting! Don't forget craig's list for furniture and accessories.

Anonymous said...

Where did you find the blind that's in the picture along the right side of your blog? Love it and hope it's not too pricy!! P.S. Love your blog...

crazy train said...

How fun! I am in the process of renovating a farm house on a budget.

Looks like a gem!


People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Boy, it has excellent bones! I think you could name it something like "tiny diamond" or maybe a romance language equivalent. And I think that, following her schedule, week #7 = sleep of the dead. Good luck ladies!

Cathy said...

Layla that is great news! You have a new neighbor and she's a friend, that is awesome! I know you will be there every step of the way to help her out. I love that house and can't wait to see the changes.

{{Big Hugs}}


Mitzi said...

I look forward to watching this home blossom. What color is she going to paint the interior? I'm looking for a good neutral whole-house color myself.

To The Moon and Back said...

Can't wait to see the transformation.

RLG said...

Great post. Looking forward to seeing some updates -- no pressure!

Early Morning Mist (BM 1528) -- light but sophisticated neutral.


CarolAnne - camdesign said...

I love the web like detail on the porch columns...I am thinking the name of the cottage should be,
Designing the rooms with garage sale finds will be fun to watch, she is starting at a great time of year for yard sales...
Ikea is a great place for soft seating, also look for furniture stores going out of business...
Good hunting...looking forward to the blogs to come, wish I lived closer I would love to help with floor plans and space planning, do remember to do a scaled drawing for all the rooms before setting out to purchase anything...saves lots of $$$ in the long run...Regards, Carol Ann

Sarah's Fab Day said...

Is she going to keep it yellow? I hope so because I adore pale yellow cottages. Maybe name it after a flower or a hobby? Like Spindle Cottage, not likely that she weaves thread but I love how the words sounds.

AnNicole@Our Suburban Cottage said...

First, how cool is it that your friend moved in next door?! Second, I can't tell you how excited I am to see her progress. Third, is she really going to redo the entire house in 6 weeks? This will definitely help motivate me to finish some lingering projects :-).

Teacats said...

Of course it MUST have a name! LOL! And a sweet sign with its name out front! How about "Boxwood Cottage" or perhaps "Lemon Drop Cottage" or "Buttercup Cottage" Every cottage (even one in the basic suburbs needs a name!

Jan at Rosemary Cottage (yes there is a HUGE rosemary bush in bloom outside my front door -- and a pretty sign too!)

Unknown said...

Yeah, how fun!! I am jealous. Can't wait to see the process.

Sara F. said...

How much fun are you two going to have!? I wish you lived next door to me--I would love to see what you could do with my 1975 bi-level!

patrice said...

regardless of the final color even if it does not saty yellow....I dub it the buttercup cottage

Melissa said...

Layla~I am new to your blog, but I just love it. Amazing! We're transforming our 1970's house as well~I cannot wait to see how this one transforms. If they do it all in 6 weeks, they need some kind of grand prize!! I would call her the "black-eyed susan." Love those flowers and it was the name of a little shop I adored.

Steph said...

Hi Layla,

I can't wait to see how this cottage turns out.

I haven't been able to get your updated feeds on my google reader and I just read on another blog that people were having the same problem. I resubscribed but that did nothing. Any ideas?

Thanks :)


Oh how cute!!! I can't wait to see what she does with it, she should start a blog too! I wish I was moving into that adorable little cottage(;

Cindy said...

Hi Layla:

I agree with all the other comments: How great to have your friend live next to you! I like two of the names that were suggested earlier: A)the yr. of the cottage and then the word cottage or B) The cottage next door. It will be exciting to watch the transformation on this cottage. It looks like it has great "bones".

Cynthia said...

Darling cottage. I call my cottage the Haiku Cottage. It has just what I need and love - not much more. My cottage is decorated from flea market finds as well. I can't wait to follow the progress to get lots of ideas.


{sue} said...

Cutest little house ever! How about Hummingbird Cottage? It's tiny and delicate. Or if it will stay yellow, Canary Cottage, but I think I like hummingbird better.

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Oh fun! She picked a great place to live...right next door to you! Can't wait to see the transformation on this one.

Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

This is exciting I can't wait to see the progress. I want a name for my home? How do you decide? You need to do a post on this. I would love to know the way to do so. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

Leslie~The West, a Nest and You said...

Layla, I am having the same difficulty described by "Stephanie" in your comment section. I cannot get it to show updated posts, nothing since your Cottage FAQS post. If you find out what the problem is, please let us know what we can do about it? I would hate to miss any of your interesting posts! Thanks, --Leslie

Julianna Farmer said...

I love this! So exciting! Please be faithful in your postings on this one; you've got me all kinds of pumped up.

Michelle, All Home and Love said...

Her cottage is just darling. I can't wait to see it as the makeover progresses. It's a great house to work with, charming all on its own.

Larae said...

How about "The Cottage that Could" or "The Little Cottage that Could and Would."

Scooper said...

Oooh, this will be fun.

My name idea: "Buttercup Bungalow"

Katy said...

I am so excited to keep up with the progress of this darling little cottage. I think it will turn out sweet and simple. I'm not coming up with a name right now.

Julie B. [Holland] said...

well I know its going to get painted like you said, but when I looked at it , I thought "The Weathered Cottage"..... its adorable!

Missy Langley said...

First of all, how lucky are you to have a friend re-doing a house NEXT door? How fun is that? Is your friend going to live there? I'm jealous!!

The house is really cute. As someone who is FINALLY finishing up a 3 year renovation, I wish her the best of luck.

carolyn said...

Layla- Love this post & the excitement and possibility that comes with it!

A few people have suggested this as well, but my first thought was how sweet it would be to call it Lemon Cottage. Not sure if that will be the final exterior color or not.

Our cottage at the river started out being called Long Cottage, because of the original owners but has become simply "the river house". You can see pix of our spring spruce up in my latest post- I'd love you to stop by! Our rule inside is that nothing can cost more than $100 (with the exception of mattresses & appliances). Love this-

Can't wait to see the inside!!

Kathy said...

What a stunning cottage! Your photographs are always enchanting! What type of camera do you use?

Angela said...

Hi,I recently discovered your blog through a link from "SOuthern Hospitality" and I love all of your style and how tos. I have a new construction but would love a cute cottage with all the charm like yours and this one. I would like to use some of your ideas to add some charm to my builder beige and economically as well. How about calling the cottage "Punctuation!".

Anonymous said...

"The Shaded Daisy"

Don't ask me where I came up with that but the yellow exterior and adorable cottage look just made that name come to mind!


Daly Essentials said...

It's so cute! I'm so excited to watch the transformation

M said...

Hi, I`m new in the bloggers world, but I have been surfing your site for awhile!
It looks like the cottage is on a hill?
If it is, my idea of a name is "Sunny Hill". And since they are shopping at IKEA, a store from my neighbour country Sweden, I`ll tell you the swedish name for Sunny Hill; "Solbakken".

Brgds from Scandinavia!

Flo and Grace said...

Hi Layla, I've just started following your blog and it's funny because we're redoing a cottage right now, too. Come look at my blog if you want to see the progress...hopefully it will meet your standards! Your ideas are great and I'm already implementing a ton of them in my "cottage".

SO thank you so much for all you've done to inspire us!

Lynn Page said...

Oh how exciting...I'm sooo intrigued now! Can't wait to see how it turns out!

Mrs. Wiggy said...

Hi! I stumbled on your blog today and absolultely adore it!

Apis Melliflora said...

Whistle Cottage, Ginger Cottage, Thimble Cottage, Wedgewood Cottage, Petal Cottage, Snug Cottage

holisticgal said...

Hi Everyone!

This is my first posting on your blog, Layla. What a joy...I have been lurking for months and was originally lured here from seeing some advice you posted on someone else's blog. You told her she could (spray) paint her 50% off dollar store Christmas baskets to convert them for everyday. I loved it!
So, what drew me in to post today is the request for a name suggestion for the cottage next door. I have two suggestions: 1. Cottage bloom (because you know that is what it will be doing-unfolding, beautifying, opening up, 'blooming')... and 2. Blossom Cottage (same referenced meaning). Of course, this will eventually hold double meaning as the flowers are (no doubt) planted by you lovelies :)
As for the other ideas, so far I like 'Solbakken' best. Very creative!

If you like, perhaps your neighbor can eventually choose her top few if she can't decide, then you can hold a vote? That would be fun! Maybe the winning suggestion could receive a....jar??....or.... some... other pretty from you? How does that sound? :)
I didn't see anyone else ask, but for this conversion, I wondered if this is a job you were hired for?

Lastly, I would love to see and learn first-hand about using NO VOC stains, paints, strippers, varnishes, etc. in your renovation quest (all the better to live and breathe with). I know this might be new to you. This eco-wise movement has not (yet) found it's way down to the masses on the DIY blogland that much that I have seen, so I see a very unique trail-blazing opportunity for you, Layla! Wishing you well!

Post more and often so we can see....

talitha said...

Oh, I am absolutely salivating at the thought of being able to work on that cottage!!

I cannot wait to see what she does with it!

aahcoffee said...

What I call my house....Wee Little Cottage (which always has a thick brogue do it when I hear it in my

Hudson Goods said...

The Little Cottage that Could...

~Grace Happens~ said...

that is such a charming and sweet house. i can't wait to see you work your magic on it!

Anonymous said...

What a charming cottage! I can't wait to see the potential unfold!

Debbykay at Rose Cottage Gardens and Farm

beachbrights said...

I am so excited to be witnessing this transformation...thank you for blogging about this! Also, I asked for a gift certificate from the Lettered Cottage for Mother's be on the lookout for a confused husband!!

Bri said...

Hi Layla! I am so inspired by your designs and your ideas. I cannot wait to see the transformation! Have a good day!

Anonymous said...

Hi Layla.
JUst discoved your blog the other day by accident. LOVE IT!!!
I got inpirational ideas since your creative style is right up my ally.
Block Island anything is my taste and dream. Peacefulness with a ddash of beach.
Wish you get on design next season. They will LOVE YOU!
Love Jessica's cottage. Love taking on projects as well. It is my therepy I think.
Maybe a mane like Cottage Daze Ahead or "Right As Rain"
Can't wait to see all the work. Best of Everything. geri.

Anonymous said...

Oh my. I can hardly wait to see the transformation of this darling little cottage! It has soooo much potential!

Rochelle said...

Great bones to begin with! Can't wait to see the outcome!

Lori E said...

Ambitious goal of six weeks. Must be young and full of energy.
My suggestion for the name is to name it after them:
JessEric Cottage

Sarah Brady said...

Layla, I've been following your blog for a few weeks now and I LOVE it! My boyfriend's house looks a lot like yours and I even sent him your fireplace makeover - he now says it's a "must do" for his house. Can't wait to see your gorgeous taste reflected in your friend's beautiful home!

Mimi said...

The *Busy Bee Cottage*!

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

I can't wait to see all that happens! The outside of this little place is adorable!!! I suppose if you just look past the peeling paint. I love the shape of it. You gals are gonna have fun!

Kathi said...

What an adorable little house! It has MY name written all over it, but I'm so happy for your friend!
Can't wait to see what you do!

Misti of Studio M Designs said...

I'll be tuned in to see the transformations! BTW- I am on blogger and just saw all of your updates for the last 2 weeks show up in the same day! I thought it was LAYLA DAY on my dashboard. Good to see you again!


Barbara said...

It's got such great bones. I can't wait to see the transformation

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

Did you know home depot has life time warranties on their ceiling fans? It doesn't matter how old they are you can take them in (if they are a home depot brand) and they will give you a new fan or a credit towards a more expensive fan. That should help her budget!! Love your blog!