Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ripfest 2009 Announcement!

(Correction: There are wood planks underneath the sheetrock in the Dining Room too!)

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JR in Sweden said...

You guys are a hoot. Good luck - let the ripping begin!

IEA said...

tooo funny and you guys are so very cute! on a sidenote: do you guys want kids in the future? hope that wasn't tooo personal ;-)
greetings from germany and i always love to see the great progress! your house is just adorable!!! Iris

Anonymous said...

You guys rock! Good luck with your Ripfest 2009...cant wait to see the end results! Jo x

Laura Lynn said...

I wish the sound on my computer was working today. You guys look cute, anyway! Can't wait to see how the ripfest works out!

Pam said...

You two are just waaaay too cute together! Can't wait to see the progress of the planks.

Anonymous said...

This is so exciting... what a hidden treasure!
Have fun :)

Pine Tree Home said...

I love that you too "keep it real." Best wishes on your Ripfest journey. Can't wait to see the results.

Cheryl said...

Layla, you and Mr. L.C. are so adoreable and funny. These new found planks are going to make your cottage even more charming.

erin said...

Does my breath smell? Too funny, and on camera at that!! Good luck I hope he gets it all done tomorrow for you.

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

You guys are so cute with your videos! Good luck!!

{oc cottage} said...

What a project! I don't think I could find a slab of sheet rock anywhere in my house! (we have to build them flimsy out here so that they can sway when the earth decides to move! ;)

Good Luck!

m ^..^

Unknown said...

You guys are so cute together!!! Love to watch your blog! Good luck with the Ripfest.

Tricia said...

Ya'll are adorable. Good luck and have fun....can't wait to see it!
Happy Friday to you both. :-)

Anonymous said...

You guys could not BE any cuter!! Good luck, can't wait to see the results!

Honorablyfallen said...

Wow I'm so excited for y'all ! we recently found out to that our ole farm house has 1800s tongue and groove ceilings hidden under acoustic tile (yuck!) lol We will one day get the courage up to tear it down! Thanks for the inspiration! -Sarahlynn

Kira =] said...

good luck &

WAR EAGLE!!!! =]

Susan S said...

You guys are too cute! What an undertaking! Good luck with the project. Enlist some help if you can.

Susan S

Lori said...

You two are so cute!! Can't wait to see how it all turns out.

Sami Jo said...

Could you guys be anymore adoreable! jEeZ!!! Anyhow, excited to hear that there are planks in the Dining Room - how romantic! Well - Good Luck and definately look forward to pics! Rip Away!! The Lady

Meredith said...

Hey Layla-

I found out about your blog through Rhoda Montgomery. You have awesome ideas and beautiful rooms in your house! I love decorating my home and doing DIY projects also! Just wanted to let you know that I loved the drop cloth curtain idea and recently did the same in my master bedroom. I linked your post about when you did it, in my blog post so hopefully others will see it too! Thanks again for the great ideas!

Dianne said...

You two are soooo cute together. It's great fun to watch your love for each other and the cottage create something warm and wonderful. Your energy is boundless!!!

AnNicole@Our Suburban Cottage said...

You are killing this single girl. But at least you two give me hope that I too could have a relationship that sweet, supportive and outright adorable in the future :).

Can't wait to see the new planks!!!

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

You two are soooo cute....anyhoo...I wish I could rip my sheetrock down and find these planks...lucky you! Gotta Luv Those AUBURN TIGERS....WAR EAGLE!!!!


Building Dave said...

War eagle! And good luck with all the ripping!!

Anonymous said...

Ummmm Susie bloop here...I love y'all...yep..~

Mrs. Chapman's 2nd Grade Class said...

You two are seriously SOOOO adorable! What a super cute couple! Good luck with the Rip Fest!

Prairie Girl Studio said...

oh yah ... you two are just dreamy ... right down to the plank boards (and beyond, of course) ... wishing you mucho luck in getting far with your ripfest (aka dustfest, right?) ... the results will be nothing short of spectacular!
cheers ~ happy ripping,

Fenima said...

Layla, you and Kevin are the cutest couple. I love the video. Can't wait to see the ripfest 09 and the before and after pics.

Katy said...

Ya'll are too cute and funny! I love that you both care about what your home looks like, AWESOME!!

Woo Hoo, cannot wait to see the finished product.

I'll be posting in a few days about (or tonight) about my fun console table I found today at a gar. sale $ it!

Kim @ Twice Remembered said...

You are just too darn cute! I love the random "Is my breath bad?" Ha!

Keep up the great work and looking forward to the start of Ripfest 2009!

Missy said...

you two are adorable :) love the video..hope it's going well today!

Sharon said...

Can't wait to see the final product!!!! Have fun!!!

Peanut-Butter Kitty said...

You guys are soooooo funny!! I'm looking forward to watching your progress. Good luck and take care.

MilkMaid said...

Man, Home Depot, Lowes, Benjamin Moore...all those folks are missing out on you would so rock any of their commercials.

And....Design Star, eat your heart out LOL...

Precious pretty people!

Ripfest means something else in my home of two boys and one MilkMan.;)

Erin Southwell said...

Love it!! So fun! Can't wait to see the next update!

Jaimee said...

Ohh... you two are so totally in love :o) Good luck with the project! You are such an inspiration!

Melissa Miller said...

So funny! Max is too cute!