"Team Amy" re-designed a Kitchen for the Johnson family...
"Team Nathan" re-designed a Kitchen for the Boucher family...
And I had fun creating a quick re-design on Team Amy's room- I did a stainless steel backsplash, because we all know what happens when a Design Star team attempts a tile job. (For those who haven't seen the show- it never gets finished!) Attaching stainless steel panels would be a lot quicker, and would satisfy the homeowners craving for a more modern and eclectic kitchen.
I chose a flooring that more-closely matched the flooring in the room next door.
I covered the center of the ceiling with beadboard, and hung a drum-style pendant light in place of the bulky, florescent light fixture.
I used an assortment of barstool cushions, just to keep things fun and fresh. Each family member could pick their favorite! :-)
I placed slate placemats on the bar. (Of course I would have written the family members names on them with chalk) :-)
To break up the visual heaviness of all the dark cabinetry, I used an off-white colored island, topped with butcherblock.
A woven-wood window shade speaks to the tone of the butcherblock on the island and the color of the floor. This keeps your eye moving around the space, and makes it feel well-balanced, not so bottom-heavy.
I moved the cook top to the other side of the room, and used an above-range microwave, that vents, above it. (which Dan would have totally had to install- you'll find out why in a minute) I didn't like the way the cook top broke up that nice expanse of countertop in front of the bar, and I really didn't like the way the vent looked hanging above it. It was such a distraction.
(I would have moved the fridge over to the area where they built the wine bar, and put the wine bar to the left of the it.)
And lastly, horizontally-laid beadboard, painted in a dusty blue semi-gloss paint, would protect the front of the bar from getting too scuffed up by dangling feet.
(Hover your cursor over the bottom photo to see it transform from Team Amy's to mine)
But, in all reality, can you imagine actually designing, building and fully accessorizing a Kitchen from scratch in the amount of time they were given? <:-P Holy insanity Batman! This is where the above-range microwave bit comes in. The day Kevin and I got ours, we were sure we could install it, not only on our own- but lickety split, to boot.
We quickly discovered that it would have taken us hours to decipher the directions and assemble the big ol' thing. And we definitely would have struggled to install it ourselves. Thankfully, one phone call to our electrician and the job did indeed get done lickety split. I swear, that man could sell tickets to his "one man microwave installation show". The speed at which he worked was truly remarkable.
So when I look at what the contestants were able to accomplish in the amount of time they were allotted, I think they did fairly well. But "fairly well" definitely isn't going to wow this distinguished panel of judges, and once again, they were pretty brutally honest with the teams this week.
As far as what I thought of the rooms, well, of course I thought the Amy's room should have been accessorized, and Nathan's room was accessorized a little too literally for my taste. But its really about what Candice, Genevieve and Vern think, and I would keep that in mind each and every week I was lucky enough to be there. They are, after all, choosing this years winner. And I really don't think HGTV could've have done a better job choosing judges this time around.
All three of them have very successful shows on HGTV, so obviously they know "what's up".
Think about what types of designs you see on their shows. They're beautiful, fuctional, comfortable and livable.
Think about how they would probably define "good design".
Vern's website says, "Vern's calling card is his attention to detail, married with precise, clean-lined interiors, balanced with a sense of warmth. Often with Vern's designs, less is more and something in the room always "pops" due to its graphic nature."
An interview with Geneiveve says: "I'm into the earthy tones and styles that fuse culture and time. My home is a reflection of my travels I have a variety of masks and door-knockers, photography taken by my father, friends and me, and colors inspired by a Moroccan palette. I like my rooms light, textural, sensual and most of all comfortable."
And Candice's biography on BarnesandNoble.com reads, "Her signature style incorporates creativity, practicality, and timelessness to create sophisticated yet accessible designs."
And while they may select a winner who's definition of good design is different from theirs - I'm sure the person they choose to be this years Design Star will be one who can consistently create beautiful, functional, comfortable, livable designs.
After I created my Photo Drawing last night, I did a little research to see what Geneiveve and Vern did when they had to design on the fly on HGTV's "Summer Showdown".
Here's what the fabulous Genevieve created from scratch-

And here's what Vern did-

And of course we all know a Candice room when we see one...

...fortunately for her, Clive never seems to bust up into any of her rooms yelling, "STOP! THAT'S IT! TIME IS UP!" and unfortunately, for us, she hasn't made an appearance on Summer Showdown yet. I wonder if she will sometime? That would be a trip!
Big news Tuesday and Wednesday. Two new websites to announce....stay tuned for more details! :-)
I love love your blog!! I'm not a blogger yet...just a stalker!! (in a good way!!) hahaha
Thank you for soooo much for the inspiration! I've been workin my tail off painting every yard sale find I can get my hands on!!
Thanks again!! :)
I love your design for Amy's very blah kitchen.
Lovely design, as always! I have a question, pretty please could you tell me what fabric you used in your design for the closest bar stool? I have seen it elsewhere recently in a sea-foam color and can't track down whose it is to buy it. I would be forever grateful, and so would the chairs that I want to reupholster them with.
Once again, I much prefer your design to the "design star" teams.
Great post, Layla! Where were you when Team Amy needed you?! Don't you think the producers purposefully choose at least a few contestants who don't have a clue just to throw a wrench into the works? And a kitchen remodel by committee in 3 days? That might be great tv but it makes for terrible design. Next week will be most telling... when they each design their own space. I'll be watching you watch them...
TOTALLY love the last pic of the white kitchen. White is soooo me.
Stopping by to give a little blog ♥
Great job, Layla! I think the island you did in your redo really added some character! ;)
I love Genevieve's work!
I m in the Uk so don't get to see the programme and also realise that there are differences in uk and usa tastes BUT I thought that you must have mistakenly mixed up Team Nathans before and after photos ! it looked like some little old Grannie had been allowed in to accessorize at the last minute and the first one looked liked very little thought had gone into it. You perhaps had a little more time for your design but at least it looks good on the eye and different to the before picture. Is it possible to see the programme on the computer ? If so what is the channel called?
I didn't like Nathan's room, way too overdone. I thought that Amy's room had a great starting point.
I love what you did to it. The blue works so well with the dark cabinets and light counters.
Can't wait to see your take on what happens next week.
How is it you didn't get chosen for this season's show again? I swear I'm going to ask that every week! Team N's kitchen was too busy and Team A's was undercooked. Yours was so much better! (Did you notice that the two before kitchens looked to be designed by the same contractor?) PLEASE do NOT sell out of those boxes before you put a set aside for me. :)
I agree with PJ - we'd love to watch you do your thing on Design Star!!
I have to say that I wasn't really impressed with either team's makeover...and as most have said here, you did a better job. Knowing that they have only a certain amount of time makes it more understandable, but Layla, I know you could do it!!
I didn't watch the show, but I plan on setting the DVR this week.
I'll have to send you some pics of our renovation in progress...you know that I will need your help when it is done!
Have a great week~
Want't team Amy's kitchen terrible? What were they thinking? I would love to have you or Candice come to my home!
Thanks for a great blog with so many ideas!
You never cease to amaze me Layla!
Those kitchen were barely improved at all ,I almost didn't realize the afters were afters yuck, the windows really date the spaces make them look tacky.Very boring and safe changes for the HGTV show.
I don't get to watch the show but I saw the two kitchens on another blog before I came and had a look here. Seriously, they did a horrible job - particularly the overdone one. Ugh. However, yours! Absolutely perfect!!! Love the different coloured island, the cooktop move is perfect and I love the pale blue with the chocolate brown cabinetry (and the drum shade - love it!). I think I will write to the producers and suggest they hire you for next season!
I loved your design too. Your
island was so much better choice
than the others and would have
been a simple change with alot
of wow factor.
I love the show every season.
But what happened to last years
winner? Never seen her show?
I don't watch this show, but once again I am amazed you weren't chosen for it. You should really have your own show. I love the changes you made to Amy's room.
I haven't seen this episode yet! I didn't want to stay up until ten to watch it, esp. after seeing that they simply repeat the episodes later on in the week at more reasonable hours.
Love your research into the three judges. Thanks!
Now for two weeks of Design Star I have watched the show with a "Layla filter" on my eyes. I STILL think you should be there, and I'm more sure today that I'm right!
I absolutely love your blog!! I am a huge fan of Design Star but I will tell you, I can not believe you didn't make it!! Your designs are so much better than anything I have seen on design star....
I know they didn't have much time but I thought both kitchens were really lacking. The amount of accessories in the one kitchen was nuts, how ridiculous was that?? Even with the time crunch, I can't believe these kitchens were the end result.
I love seeing your plans for each room, I hope you continue to do that throughout Design Star!
Love your design! I thought both kitchen re-dos were bland. Looking forward to next week's episode to see individual styles.
I am having trouble trying to redecorate our master bedroom. I definitely want gray walls (BM Sidewalk Gray). I'm thinking of black & teal for accent colors. Any ideas???
Wonderful job as usual, my dear! I agree with you that team Nathan's kitchen was a bit "over the top" with the accessories. (And the color palette for that matter.) I think team Amy's kitchen could have been lovely had they been able to finish it. (Too bad you weren't there to spur them on!)
Layla...I think you may possibly love bead board as much as I do.
I can never run out of ways use it or stick it somewhere.
I am thinking my yucky popcorn ceilings upstairs may be next.
I am guessing you didn't make Design Star cause you have the
"WOW" factor. Your own unique style.
Can't wait to see next weeks blank rooms designed. Always my fav,and now with your creations of the spaces it is double the fun.
Great redo of Amys kitchen attempt. It has life and mucho personality. Geri.
p.s. Does anyone think they cancelled the wrong person's show?
I love how you made everything go together without making it "match" too much. I think that is a real talent in design, to make it look like everything flows without using the same material. Love the island that you picked! It looks much more "homey" than the look Team Amy came up with.
I think both kitchens could have been better if they had more time. and this is the second time that they have sent the wrong person home.
I wasn't thrilled with either design vision, yours is much more my style, but I can't imagine making a kitchen layout change in the time allotted.
Hi Layla.
Once again, I say "Why aren't you there?" I do in fact like your design much better. I especially love the design for the island that you did. The creamy paint and butcher block make a huge difference. Lovely.
You're right though. In the amount of time that they had, it would be VERY difficult to complete. Heck, I can barely get my kitchen cleaned in a couple of days. ;)
Looking forward to the announcements.
I knew you would hit it out of the park with your renderings! When will they learn the commandment, "Thou shalt not tile with only 26 hours to do it". I feel as though the talent on this year's show isn't as good as previous seasons (still can't imagine why you aren't on there and totally kicking tail) and I am still pretty disappointed. Can't wait until Sunday. They "white room challenge" is always one of my faves.
YOU are the design star!!! I love what you did in that kitchen.
I love your kitchen design! I am curious what Amy's kitchen would have looked like completed, but how it was left was so bland and dull. Ugh. And the other kitchen was nice but a little over the top for my tastes. Oh well, that's why it's not me! LOL I LOVE that show and I LOVE your blog!
I like your kitchen design better, why didn't you get cast?
Layla, you rock. Frankly, I thought both of the designs this week were sorely lacking. Your version is sooo much better than what those contestants came up with.
I don't watch the show (no cable - Ack!) but that first kitchen is so sterile and bland and uninspiring! Your re-take on it is fabuloso! So much warmer and more inviting. You're right, they don't get much time, but still!
You should submit your re-do of Amy's room next year for design star! If they don't chose you after that, then they really have their heads in the ground!
Great design, although putting the oven next to the fridge is an energy suck.
Oh my goodness Layla - your design easily blows away the others, in fact I didn't even like the others. Seriously, team Nathan, that was a nightmare! I hope someone from that show follows your blog and puts you on the next show!!!
Oh Mercy!!! This week was CRAZY! But seriously, could you imagine being Amy's homeowners and walking in on that disaster? I didn't care for the colors or materials choice in the other kitchen, but it DID get finished... Amy's would have won hands down had they done it well and finished... Rainbows throwing up... LOLOLOL
I wish you were on Design Star, Layla! I have the first two episodes on my DVR, I can't wait to watch them.
I'm right there with ya, that's why I wrote:
"I moved the cook top to the other side of the room, and used an above-range microwave, that vents, above it. (which Dan would have totally had to install- you'll find out why in a minute) I didn't like the way the cook top broke up that nice expanse of countertop in front of the bar, and I really didn't like the way the vent looked hanging above it. It was such a distraction.
(I would have moved the fridge over to the area where they built the wine bar, and put the wine bar to the left of the it.)"
This post speaks straight from my own heart...I couldn't agree with you more! Team N's kitchen has some nice aspects to it, but WAY over accessorized and I agree with Vern when he said "it looks like a rainbow threw-up in it!"...uhh, YES IT DOES!! I'm sorry, but their so-called "Color-Expert" leaves something to be desired! And Team A's kitchen definitely could've borrowed some ideas from you, as well as benefited from some better organizing and 'planning' skills. I would like to see the final "after" photo after the HGTV fix-up crew had their hands on it!
So, how can I cast my vote for YOU to be on the next season??!! :)
you are totally a design star. yes, ma'am.
Layla, you really need to be on the next show. What were they thinking? Your design was great. I can't believe those rooms. Terrible. I love your take on things. Thanks for sharing your talent!
I'm so glad you are doing this. I love what you came up with, and I wish you were on the show. I like to think you would never call your team "TEAM HEART." All of the people I was watch with just rolled their eyes. I'm still a little shocked at who got kicked off! Crazy!
Layla, you would have won!
Ugh! I didn't think they did a very good job on that kitchen at all... especially with all the horrible finishing. They definitely needed you and your amazing vision there to help. Your kitchen design is absolutely gorgeous! So talented!!
I watched on Sunday and was so disappointed. I kept thinking, Layla's room would be WAY better than these. I thought both were awful in their own ways. I hope the designs get better since someone is getting their own show and noone is even close to the judges, even when they first started or David Bromstadt (spelling?).
I'm waiting with bated breath! Love your design for Amy's kitchen redo redo. I'm dissapointed that it was just so blah. I know the time constraints are crazy but when someone is picked over YOU, well, they better be darn good. IMO that was not good and the room doesn't flow well at all. I'm taking some ques from your design and implementing it to my kitchen "updo" that I am in process of completing. Thanks as always!
I love your kitchen the best! You totally should be on the show! I think the first kitchen is boring, the second kitchen is well...ugly, and your's is a balance of fun, functionality, and modernity.
i was cringing watching the show on my dvr last night. ouch.
i love your redesign!
i know they had unbelieveable time constraints, but wasn't it like watching a train wreck?
i felt like i could have done a better job and i'm not even a designer. it did drive home the point that they are all pretty dependent on people who can do carpentry and installation.
It is a shame they didnt have you on that show! Yours is the best! Nathan's is? blehk! ha Great job!
My Father told me time and again while I was growing up "If you can not say anything nice, do not say anything!!"
Your design was way better than either of the contestants.
Ok, I've been thinking, and here are my thoughts.
We all love your style. We would love for you to come and redo our houses, but the Design Star folks seem to have crazy, way-out styles. I don't want them to come decorate my house. I wonder if you are weird enough for Design Star.
I LOVED your kitchen way better than either of the ones created last night. I have never watched Design Star before I caught your blog. I want to be familiar and be a fan by the time you make your debut on there!
This post just makes me SO anxious to see what you will come up with for my kitchen. I know my room was hopeless, but I trust that only you can help me fix it!!
Seriously what were the judges thinking by not putting you on that show! Your design is absolutely gorgeous! Hands down it would be the winner!
I loved the island and the light fixture with the drum shade that you used in your design! The contrast in cabintery was beautiful and they both warmed up the space!
I loved your redesign of Amy's room. I'm sure all of the contestants are quite talented, but it was hard to tell on this challenge. The designers had to create plans very quickly, but you are creating on the fly as well. The contestants rooms looked very much like a nice kitchen display at Lowe's but that is all. Your redesign showed both a classy style and an high degree of serene livability.
ooh I really like your redesign of Amy's room!
i love your kitchen design the best, great job! Dd
Hands down your kitchen is the prettiest of all of them! You did a great job you talented lady you :) You totally should go back and try for Design Star again even if it means I'd have to get the HGTV channel just so I could watch you!
Thanks for the update, we were out of town and I missed this episode. Love that they changed the judges, though. The other 2 were awful!
I love your kitchen design the best except for moving the cooktop. Moving the cooktop would be very expensive. You are very generous and have a fabulous blog. I've been reading it from the beginning just not leaving comments.
I just can't get into Design Star but I have been waiting to see what you would do with the rooms. I like your design much better by far. I love the makeovers where you hover over the photo to see the changes. Whether you are ever the Design Star or not, you are off to a great start toward much deserved success.
You have started a very interesting discussion on kitchen design. I'm a cabinetmaker who really does not want to make kitchens for a living, because the most of what is done in the US is just boxes with a "choice of doors and drawer fronts," the most of which are made in a factory somewhere. Boring. I want to do something else if I can, but what?
European design just absolutely blows my mind, and I find myself reading quite a bit on it, even though these are often modular kitchens that one would simply send away for and have installed by a local craftsman. But what fascinates me is the utter innovation of those designs, so I find myself returning to them quite a bit.
I am also looking to design a kitchen for my wife in a too small space in a tract home, which necessarily lets out those wonderful European designs that excite me so. And whenever I find myself going out on a limb with some idea or another for our kitchen, my wife always grounds me by saying, "If you stick with the classics, you won't grow tired of them."
So, what do you do that is different and yet timeless and practical and stimulating to make if you're a cabinetmaker? Damned if I know, but if I ever figure it out, I mean to make it for us and splash that baby all over the Internet!
What you've written, though, has given me quite a bit to think about, and I thank you for sharing your concepts.
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