We had already put up this full sheet on the wall next to our Master Bedroom door...
...but he still needs to add a small piece down near the bottom. I had also already primed and painted it- however, it does need another coat of paint.
We did a full wall of beadboard on that wall, instead of the usual 65" height we do, because the artwork hanging on it wouldn't have hung right with chair rail moulding sitting at the 65 inch mark- and we love the look of a whole wall of the stuff! :-)
Last night, we moved the china hutch out of the way, and began cutting the rest of the 65" tall pieces, which hubs will install down the wall on the left, today. Here is a photo of the 65" high paneling we did on the other side of the room...
We're building a headboard bench, out of this $20 headboard I found at a flea market, to set next to the china hutch...

I've got this idea to use a collection of various antique plates on the wall above the bench- starting on the beadboard panelling below the chair rail, and stretching all the way up onto the painted blue wall above.
We've been recording everything on video tape, and will continue taking pictures along the way. Mr. LC will be blogging about our process soon!
I hope you have a marvelous Monday....but if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, like so many of us do on this particular day, remember this:
Enthusiastic Attitude
Stop fighting against what you have to do.
Turn it into what you want to do.
For any given task, you can be miserable and plodding or you can be enthusiastic and highly effective.
It all depends on your attitude.
Instead of dreading and avoiding something that you must get done, choose to look forward to it. Then jump in, make it happen, and get it finished once and for all.
It's really very easy to make a change in your attitude.
You can do it without lifting a finger.
With a positive, enthusiastic attitude toward whatever task you must complete, the work will go more quickly and smoothly.
And, you'll feel a whole lot better while doing it.
Decide that you truly want to get it done, and soon you'll be reaping the rewards of your effective effort.
Can't wait to see the bead board bench - I know it'll be great!
We spend the weekend putting up the rest of the bead board in our "guest" bathroom and put in a larger window and trim. I got all of the bead board primed and some of the drywall patched. I love the bead board but DH hates to do the caulking on it and he's my caulking king!
How's that bathroom of yours coming along, or did I miss the post somewhere?
Layla, the bead board looks great. Thanks for the inspirational tip, I'm going to need it. Next Monday I start school full time and I also work full time, Yikes.
Have a fab day.
I love how the two of you charge into these projects and just get them done! Very impressive~ It looks great!
The wall looks great with the full length paneling! What brand of paneling did you use? I have been debating between the real stuff and the paneling for some time now. To do my whole kitchen with the real stuff would be pretty expensive so I am definitely considering other options.
So true. I have a rule that no more things can come into the house, just groceries and humanity, it simplifies not only our home but my life and where I go each day...
The beadboard looks fantastic...it really makes all the creams and black just pop.
That bench is going to be so cute! I love your house, especially the beadboard. We are moving in a few months and I can't wait to use some of your ideas as inspiration. BTW: have you see the wallpaper beadboard?
Love your awesome blog woman!!!
layla - great quote!!!
Hello Deary! I love the beadboard! I'm curious what your opinion is on beadboard wall paper?
I so love your beadboard. It looks beautiful!!!! I especially love your black cabinets in your kitchen too. The poem you posted about enthusism was so wonderful!!! Could I share it on my blog? It really spoke to me. I am so overwhelmed with things that I need to get done at home, but this really put things into perspective. I would love to share it with my blog readers. It was really encouraging! Thanks and have an amazing week. Love & blessings from NC!
Hi Layla! Oh, this beadboard wall looks wonderful! You are amazing, Most Young One! Your home looks magnificent and you're as pretty as a picture! Thanks for sharing all your knowledge!
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Layla, where do you get your bead board? Do you have the name of the supplier?
You might have posted this somewhere on your blog, but I can't find it! Thank you!
Can't wait to see the bench. I know it will be AmaZing!!!
layla...i really like the full wall of beadboard! i can't wait to see the rest of the wall at 65". my friend just had a bench done out of a headboard so i will be interested to see how yours turns out (you'll be video-ing right?? :) ) i love your blog and all your enthusiasm!
Hi Layla,
I am a huge fan of beadboard, my cabinets are actually beadboard in our farmhouse kitchen and we put it in our upstairs bathroom. It looks beautiful in your house! The bench will be spectacular. I would love it it you came by for a visit sometime.
that is very pretty! i like the brackets under your kitchen cabinets. i found something similar in a lighting catalog and am going to fabricate something with my new scroll saw.
that headboard is very cool!
That headboard bench will be stunning ! I'm going to attempt a twin version with a thrift store headboard, it's such a brilliant idea, I have to have one too !
I am loving the black accents in your dining area. So chic.
I for one like that attitude. I like the bead boarding too.
Love all that you do. I really love the headboard and can't wait until you turn it into a bench. $20, what a steal !
Oh Layla, once again you gave me the quote I needed to keep me movin and grovin today. Thanks for all that you do. Your spirit brightens my day! Can't wait to see the beadboard done and the bench placed in it's new home. Oh and the headboard bench. Man, you've got a lot goin on. Keep on keepin on!
Love the bead board...I used it in my main bath, even on the ceilings...I love it there! Thanks for all your great photos..what do people do who don't have husbands to help with our "honey dos" ~~Sheri
It's looking fabulous! Can't wait to see that bench when it's done. I've been wanting to do one of those for the longest time, but I really have no where to put one... just my luck!
I've seen benches made out of old headboards - such a cool idea! Can't wait to see yours.
The paneling looks great.
I just love how your rooms are coming along. You are doing such a beautiful job on the walls, I too love bead board I always enjoy all your photos and posts, thanks for sharing...
I've been in love with that headboard since you first showed it. It'll look so charming as a bench--can't wait! The beadboard looks wonderful on the whole wall! Excited to see the changes, friend!
This could NOT have been a better post for me to read today. First of all, your headboard bench is going to be awesome!! And secondly, I was dreading what I call "technology day," you know, when you have a list of computer stuff to do like organize your photos in folders, organize/delete emails, add stock to your etsy shop, etc. I will put it off no longer. Your quote was the perfect thing for me to read and now I'm off to get started....Thanks!
Thanks, Layla, for the "Enthusiastic" message. I needed it today!
Dang woman! The quote in your post today is exactly what I've been needing to hear/read. Thank you!
Love the beadboard!
I love the beadboard but I have a question. Do you take the base molding off and then put up the beadboard and put the base molding back?
It's all looking wonderful...what I love is , I'm getting on a bit now !!! but we were like you when we were your age but I'm afraid I'm not as enthusiastic these days as I've been there, done that. Please don't think that I'm being patronising , I'm not , just recalling the enthusiasm I used to have !!!!!
The beadboard looks great! I can't wait to put it up in my kitchen as my backsplash and chair rail. I love how it looks so cozy and has that cottage feel too!
I can't wait to see your finished product. As with everything else you have done, I know it will be great.
You have the best ideas, Layla! It's very apparent that you have true talent. Can I copy the quote you have posted and use it in my blog? It's great. :)
Hi Layla,
Love the beadboard! It is so lovely with the black. I can't wait to see the bench done.
I have that headboard sitting in my garage...thinking about making a bench. Mine is still in it's cream/blue finish. It looks great black. I feel sure you will finish yours first, can't wait to see it!
I just what you have done with your home. It looks great. You and and your home a great source of inspiration.
Layla & Kevin
I LOOOOOVVVEEE your house. I so can not get enough! Do you have a post where you have a tutorial on how to put up bead board?
Also, what paint colors are in your house? I want to steal them. =)
(I can't wait to see the bench... that headboard is gorgeous)
-- Karli
OMG that headboard bench is going to be UH-MAZING! I'm super jealous too because that headboard would've looked stellar in my bedroom. I'll just have to find my own here in Missouri! Love your work guys!
Love visiting to see what great projects you have going in your house! Thanks for today's quote. I needed that today!
LOL I just made a headboard bench out of a free headboard and a $5.00 bench. It's not perfect, and needs paint, but great minds think alike I see. HA HA :)
Mr. LC is as ambitious as you are! A match made in heaven!
Loving your beadboard! I'm very excited to see your finished bench! What lovely work you do!
i love how you and Mr. LC work so well as a team decorating the lettered cottage.
Oh the beadboard wall is just fantastic!
One can never have too much beadboard!
Beautiful post! I've recently become a new fan of your blog. My husband and I are in the midst of a fixer upper. It's very inspiring to see your work! Would you mind telling me what your paint colors are in your dinning room & kitchen? They are both so relaxing to look at!
You have a beautiful home! I can't wait to see the bench.
Hey there!
Layla is out of town for the day, so I thought I'd answer a couple of questions.
A few people have asked what kind of bead board panelling we used. It's just the big 4' x 8' sheets that you can get at any hardware store. (Lowes, Home Depot, etc.)
Layla and I would also LOVE to cover all of our ceilings with tongue-and-groove planks, or the panels of beadboard someday. That project will have to a little on down the road though!
The quote was written by a guy named Ralph Marston. He has a website called GreatDay.com. You should definitely check it out- we visit every day!
The headboard bench is almost done. I've been working on it for most of the day. Can't wait to blog about it!
Thanks so much for your kind and wonderful words of encouragement. It means the world to us both!!
Great quote - thank you! I will check out the website that Mr. LC mentioned. Awesome blog - so nice that you are both on the same page!
Looks GREAT Layla!
I cannot wait to see what the bench looks like, neat idea.
It isn't Monday anymore, but I still had to write and let you know I found your quote inspiring. I had a chemo treatment today, and reading things like this just make it seem better somehow.
It was a hard day, but tomorrow will be better! Thanks again.
I love seeing your work on your house -- it is tres beautifique! I have no idea is that is correct French grammar, but it sounded cool anyway. Have a great day!
I love beadboard, and it looks so great in TLC.
I can't wait to see the headboard bench. What a great find and idea!
Do you have ply wood on the wall before you put the beadboard on? What does that do?
I stumbled across your blog by accident and I'm so glad I found it.
Like someone asked, whats the purpose of having playwood on the wall for bead board? I thought you could just put bead board on the wall?
I plan to add it to the girls room soon and I'd like to know if I need to add plywood or not.
i just stumbled across your blog and i love it! I am a follower for life now! =)
I can't wait to see the bench, and i love the quote. thanks for sharing.
You are beyond brilliant! Love ALL of your ideas. Your home is adorable!
You are so inspiring! I have a few projects that I've finally completed, thanks in part to the inspiration I draw from your blog! Take a look when you get a chance. Thanks!
Your kitchen in stunning! Could you tell me what those planters/plate holders are that are hanging next to the hutch area? I really really love how they look. Are those custom pieces? If not, where can I find something like that?
I am in the process of deciding where to place bead board to give our house more of the farm house look that is on the outside, inside. I so needed that quote today. I can't tell you how it lifted me. I will be posting a link to your post to share places that inspire me, your blog is definitely a major inspiration.
I love, love, love bead board...it looks amazing on that entire wall!!
The photo of your dining room and kitchen looks like it's straight out of a magazine!! Gorgeous, your work is always so impressive and inspiring. I'm excited to see the bead board bench!
Like all the others, I can't wait to see the bench but more importantly to me, I want to see your design for the plates! My mother bought me a lot of blue and white plates when I was a baby and we lived in England & I don't have a clue on how I want to arrange them!
Hey Layla ... as far as the beadboard paneling goes, is there a type that you have found that looks similar to the real wood planking you found in you guest room? We have a bay home in Galveston and we're wanting to do the entire home in that for the "cottage" feel.
Still have a virtual design to send you. Cannot decide which room yet to have you transform for me!! Love love love your home and blog. Vikki
Bead board! How could I have forgotten such a decorating staple? I've been trying to come up with a way to transform a "blah" entry hall to showcase some theatrical posters. Of course! Bead board. Thanks! (The wall next to your BR door looks great, btw!)
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