Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Holidays!

First, here's a link that'll take you to some videos of this years HGTV Dream Home:,1000147,HGTV_32696_3281,00.html

And second, I just wanted to say Happy Holidays to everyone who I have "met" through my blog this's been so cool sharing my passion for interiors with everyone.
Your comments have brightened my days, and your creativity continually inspires me to pursue my quest in becoming a full-time designer. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


PS... I do have some VERY exciting news to blog about, but I'm saving it for Christmas Day. Special news on the most special day of the year! :-)


Nancy Hood said...

OH OH OH I can't wait!!! and I know I can speak for everyone that we hope it will be news connected with HGTV or a little Layla is coming?!! BUT if not, we will still be extremely happy for you in whatever direction you head in!! And I, too, am blessed to have you not only in my blogging world, but in my town! I wish everyone could meet you, you are a delightful person, Layla. Merry Christmas to both of you!!

WhisperWood Cottage said...

Happy holidays to you as well! I've only recently found your blog, but I am certainly excited to hear your news!


Bobette said...

I agree with Nancy...I hope you've been selected for HGTV Design Star! Can't wait to hear your big news.

Lacy said...

Ok is the news a baby or an HGTV deal????? I just noticed Nacy said that too!!! Ohhhh cant wait to hear your news!!!!

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Cannot wait! Merry CHRISTmas!

Kerri said...

Now you've got us all in suspense! not fair!

Kacey said...

I'm one of your "newer" readers but I certainly enjoy each and every post of yours and I also CANNOT wait for your news. Oh I hate, er, I mean I LOVE surprises. Ha! Ha! I guess I hate the wait more than the surprise, but I am sure it will be worth it. Merry Christmas!

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Can't wait for the good news. Hope you have an incredible Merry Christmas! Blessings,

3 Peanuts said...

Looking forward to hearing your exciting news:)
Merry Christmas!

Anna said...

Can't wait for the exciting news! Still working on the kitchen - will let you know when I get the finished product!! =)

Anonymous said...

My first guess was "baby news"....but after reading the other comments I think it may be HGTV...........whatever it is will sure be exciting.............Now, on Xmas morning, I will be running to my computer instead of opening the gifts under the tree....

Anonymous said...

Layla, I recently found your blog and I must tell you that you are a very talented gal. I now read your blog everyday and enjoy it very much. I wish you a very merry christmas and a fabulous new year filled with endless opportunities to design!

karlene said...

A very Merry Christmas to you as well!!!

Missy Langley said...

Isn't it weird how you end up making friends with people you don't even know?!?

Hope you are having a wonderful Christmas!


cindy santiago said...

I can't wait to hear what the news is!!! Have a wonderful Christmas!

Cindy said...

Oops that last comment was me. I wasn't signed in correctly!

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

Layla, I hope you have a fabulous Christmas and I can't wait to hear your news! I'm also looking forward to a post on the master bedroom design you mentioned in your Dec 3 post. Enjoy your holidays :)

Kristen said...

Can't wait to hear your news! Merry Christmas!

Tina Schiefer said...

Before reading the other comments, my first thought was "baby". The second was "HGTV". Either one would be the best news ever!!!

Can't wait to "open" this one on Christmas Day!

Tina in So. Oregon

BellaLinda said...

We all could use some good news!! I have been mostly a lurker, but have been impressed with your work.
Have you helped design for anyone who has a galley kitchen? I have one. I have been thinking about sending pictures to you to see if you could help.

Congratulations on good news, and good luck to you in the coming new year.

Hugs from Georgia!

Jules from "The Roost" said...

Merry Christmas....can't wait for the news ;)

Annelies said...

Oh the excitement of waiting for your news....what can it be???? Merry Christmas and all of God's blessings on you, your husband and your lovely cottage. XXX Annelies

Anonymous said...

hope you have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Years!