In honor of my blog's One Year Anniversary this month, I'd like to do a few giveaways.
The first of which is this personalized burlap table runner, by Grace of Coastline.
Isn't it great?
Photos: Christan and Allegra
Grace is no stranger to creating great accessories with burlap. She is the creative mastermind behind the little burlap chalkboard tags I used in my Kitchen:
And check out these pillows she also makes:
So cottagey cute!
And she even has her own awesome version of the fish pillows I blogged about on Sunday...
And these little totes are so cool and versatile too...
The rules to this giveaway are simple.
Post this photo on your blog: 2. Link to this post on my blog: http://theletteredcottage.blogspot.com/2009/05/coastline-contest.html
3. In the same post, also link to Grace's Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=7044601
4. Leave a comment on this post stating which letter you'd like Grace to add to the runner if you should be selected as the winner.
And that's it!
The giveaway will end on Thursday, May 7th at midnight. I will announce the winner on Friday.
Good luck! :-)
And to double your fun, Christan and Allegra are also having a Coastline giveaway this week. Make sure to stop by their blog to read more about Grace...there is a fantastic interview there right now:
U know, I could reeeeeeally use this!?! (hahaha, couldn't think of anything else that starts with "U")
Well, count me in...I would love to win the table runner!!! If I was to be the winner, I'd want a "B" on mine.
Thanks for the fun giveaway and I'm off to post this on my blog.
I would like the letter "D" on my table runner please!
Oh I'd love to display this runner in Nebraska with a "S"! Love your style! I visit your blog frequently and you are the inspiration for my decor for my sunroom/office!!
HI! I just found your site and I love your home, stories and all your ideas! I am obsessed with decorating my home and am currently in the process of changing from really primitive country to a more light and cottage look. You have such a beautiful home and can't wait to use some of your ideas ~ I love burlap and am so happy that it is in style. I look forward to seeing more of the changes in your home ~
I have this thing for burlap! Love the texture and chic informality it offers. Those kitchen tags are darling. thx, -susan
I have been looking at Coastline for a week trying to decide what I wanted! I'm dying for the labels that you have! They are so great! I would also love that runner with an "H"! Thanks!
Hmmm....let's do an "O" for us. I just know that this would look great with my drop cloth curtains I just put up..Love ya Layla!!
I would love the letter "b" on mine! I've never won anything so fingers crossed this time's a charm!
Count me in too! I blogged about the giveaway on my blog. I would like the letter V on mine if I win! TOO CUTE!!!!!
I LOVE your blog! I am going right now to post on mine! I will take the letter "J" please if I win! ;o)
Adore that! I would love the letter T on mine.
Great idea! I've been following your blog for a while, collecting design ideas for a little place of my own I hope to own one day. If I win I'd love the letter "S" on it! Happy anniversary! :)
I don't have a blog but I will gladly post the picture as my desktop background so people will ask. Will that work?? Thanks for sending me shopping via the web yesterday!! Love your blog and congrats on the anniversay!! debe14@msn.com if I am still eligible!!
I'd like to have the runner with the letter "H" on it. So cute and summery!
Oh! They're all adorable!! Love them all!
Congratulations on your 1 year blogiversary!
I would love the letter "F" on my runner :)
Also, I can't wait to place my order for some custom burlap items! What a great store!
What an awesome give away!! We need an 'F' one!
I'll take mine with an S please. Thanks for such an inspiring site!
I just did a post with a link back to the giveaway and to Grace's fab shop...nope, I'm not messing around ;). I would love my runner with an "F" on it.
Thanks for letting us know about her shop. She has some amazing stuff in there.
I would need an "H" on my runner, please. And while I am here, let me say that I love your style, and look forward to reading your posts every time they pop up in my Google Reader!
Letter H, please.
Those chalk boards on those baskets are just too cool! I just got about a dozen odd frames with no purpose in mind.....now you have my mind whirling!
Layla: Happy 1st anniversary! I, as many others, read your blog daily and always find something inspirational,whether it is a new design idea or remembering what we have and can do now, not thinking what we don't have. Because of you, I have no fear painting our cabinets! Started with the wet bar, now I am in the kitchen! I wish you much success with your career.
Ok.. I WANT IT ALL.. you are wonderful.... great site.. I was like.. she needs to be my best bud... You brought a much needed smile to my face today!
Gypsy Queen
Happy first year- Love your blog-
I would be so happy with an "A" on mine =)
LOVE LOVE LOVE this! I've posted about it! If I win I would love the letter H!
I would love to win the table runner......with "K"......
My Life Times
okay love love love it!! I would like an S please!! Oh man, I can picture it in my home right now :)
Congrats on a year of blogging! I've been a fan of The Lettered Cottage for a long time. You do such a beautiful job.
What a fun giveaway! I have to check out her Etsy shop. Thanks! :-)
Wow, that burlap runner is really unique! If I won, I would like a "W" on it.
I, too, have found your blog recently and shared it with several friends. Your home makeover is stunning. Thanks for letting us "share" it with you.
Nancy Williams
I would love the runner with a "P". But I don't have an active blog. Oh well.
I would love a B. I can just see it on my peeling ol' kitchen table.
LOVE this table runner! Please enter me for this give away and I would like a Letter "P".
So beautiful - just posted it up on my blog!
If I am lucky enough to win, I'd like a "C" please.
Thanks so much and good luck everyone!
I just posted! I'd love an "R" on mine please. :)
Oh such cool stuff!! I think an "R" would be perfect for me...I love your blog and your style...and Coastline!
What a great giveaway. You rock!! I would place B on mine.
If you can sign up without having a blog...
I'd want a "K" on mine.
charlies_secret_angel2006 at yahoo dot com
"J" please! I will post, tonight!
How darling! I love that. If I don't win I think I'll have to buy one anyway :) I would love to have the letter "K" on there.
I'll be posting the links on my blog - what a great giveaway!
Congratulations on your 1st Anniversary!
::off to shop etsy:: ~ thanks for the introduction to her site!
That is SO cute! It would match my room PERFECTLY!!!
~Emily Joy
P.S. I would get an 'E'
OK, can you love a table runner? I think I might....I would love to win this and have a lovely "W" on it!!!!! Oh, my fingers and toes are crossed!
Enter me, please Layla! Thanks!
I would love an "M" table runner for my kitchen table. I'm hoping to do a black bench very soon in my kitchen similar to the one in your dining room because I just fell in love with it. If I win, I will definitely have to purchase one of Grace's burlap lumbar pillows to match. So cute!
Thanks for the inspiration! I read your blog daily.
-Stacy M.
Southern Cali would love this runner with an A.
I've posted my love for it already and maybe even gushed about the Lettered Cottage a little bit!
I'd love an "F!"
Grace- Please pick me- Love it! I would like "A" runner- Layla congrats on 1 yr- I got your jar quotes- so cute- can't wait for my mom to open it for Mother's Day~
I posted yours link facebook and myspace- I don't have a blog yet- but I do get a lot traffic since I'm a Photographer-Take care
Kelly Ann
Just completed my post on my blog! Love anything burlap...would love a runner with an "H" on it. Congratulations on your one year anniversary..may you have many more..
I'm in! I know this would look beautiful in my dining room. I also think I NEED those labels too. I just might have to go get some.
If I do win (fingers crossed) I will go with the letter F.
I love all the burlap! I'd want a "P".
Give me an H !!!!!!!!!
Please and thank you. Molly
I am new to blogging and presently working on a fixer upper of a house, so your blog inspires me Layla! Congratulations on your one year anniversary!
LOVE the table runner ... especially if it had an "S" on it because I won it :)
I'll take the one pictured! The "P" is perfect. What a cute table runner.
I am a big fan of burlap! Its so versitile. Hope I win! I would love the letter "B" on mine. I have such a time trying to find monogrammed B items. I would LOVE to win.
Grace has some beautiful items!
I published on my blog too.
Love it! I would love a T if I win!!! cute, cute stuff!
I'll take an "S" please. I love it sooo cute!!! What a great giveaway!!!
The letter "b" works for me. Thank you for the chance.
Whoo hoo! Give me an "H" please. Love the blog and your design sense!
I LOVE that runner! And I would love it even more with a C on it ;)
I totally love the burlap. I would be "D" lighted to have a runner like that. ;)
Oh Layla, this runner is too cute! It would so go with my new burlap curtains. I'm putting in my request for the letter "C".
OMG, I totally love the burlap sack. If I was one of the lucky receivers I would love mine to have a letter "C" on it. And those tags Layla on the baskets....well I totally want to do the same idea for my pantry. Fingers crossed xx. Come check out my blog, I have just started it so still learning. But would be flattered if you would stop on by.
What I wouldn't do for a { T }! How fabulous!
Thanks Layla~
the runner is beautiful, please enter me, you have a lovely home, so fresh.
Hi there.. I would love an H... very generic for my last name.. but still funtional, wouldnt you say!? I heart a burlap table runner! :)
This table runner would look loverly on my grandmother's old trestle table. It's cream colored and wonderfully crackled. Oh please pick me! I'd have Grace put a lovely "O" on it for our Irish name.
Love you, love your style.
I would love to win this for either my dining room table or my living room, hard to choose! It is soo cute! We would want an "S" on ours.
I did all 4 steps, it is mentioned and pictured in my post here: http://prayerfuldrivenlife.blogspot.com/2009/05/getting-back-in-swing-of-things-some.html
For some reason my first comment is not showing up....but anyhooo...I'd love to have the runner with a "J" please!
Love it, love it, ,love it! I would want an "H" on mine!
H, Totally and H!
Love it! I would like the letter "D".
These last two posts have really cute, down-to-earth goodies!
I'd love to post this to my blog - now I just have to figure out how....
An "S" would fit our household right nicely.
My how a year flys by so fast. Im proud to say I have been following you from the start. Looking forward to another year! Love ya!
I would love the letter "M"
her etsy site is wonderful.
ohhhh i love it. the letter "F" pretty please!!! it would look way smashing on my new antique table. love the blog btw, thanks for the inspiration.
I have posted on my blog. I LOVE this table runner!! I am hoping to win one with the letter B.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh This is so great! I would need to have a V please!
WoW - thanks for the heads up on this fabulously creative person. Count me in for the giveaway. I need an 'S'. Fingers crossed, LindaSonia (baddabinda@yahoo.com)
Holy COW, this is the giveaway to top all giveaways! I love every.single.thing. in her shop!
That runner is to die for!
If I win, I'd like it with the letter 'F'.
I've been lurking on your blog for a few months now and I have to say that I LOVE your house and all the amazing ways you've made it special!
I'd love a runner with and 'S'
This runner would look fantastic in my soon to be clean and pretty sunroom! Letter G please and the link and blog entry is already there!!
Hey Layla! I would love to win this beautiful table runner however, I dont have a blog! I am addicted to your blog! Does that count! Ha!
It would look lovely with a W.
I'm in!
First of all, congrats on your one year anniversary!
I posted a link on my blog to yours, and I hope some of my friends will come over to enjoy your work.
Oh, I almost forgot. I would love a "B" if I were to win.
Thanks so much.
Congrats on 1 year of blogging! Time sure has flown by! Mine is coming up in August.
Great giveaway by the way! I would love my runner to have an F.
I would want an "L" for LOVE, because i LOVE this runner!
Happy blog anniversary!! I just made the burlap curtains that you made and would love a matching table runner with the letter "B."
I am posting about it on my new blog www.invitedinn.blogspot.com
Thanks for the fun giveaway!!!
I have been wanted a cute table runner for a long time. The last one I tried to make didn't last very long. They are very cute. I would love a L if I win. Thanks for the chance.
I have been wanted a cute table runner for a long time. The last one I tried to make didn't last very long. They are very cute. I would love a L if I win. Thanks for the chance.
I love it and I would love a "B"
What cute stuff she has in her store! Congrats on the anniversary. I'd like the letter "D">
I love burlap and I am a little crazy for table runners! Perfect combo! If I should win, I would love it with the letter "O" . I am just figuring out how, but will put this on my blog!
The one in the photo would work great for me...the one with the "P"! I use burlap all the time ...I love it washed several times and fringed! (although it does make a big mess when you wash and dry it...but it's worth it!)
Happy Anniversary Layla! What a fun give away! Thanks so much! Your site is such an inspiration. I would love the runner with an "N" on mine!
Thanks again!
please count me in! the runner rocks (i want mine plain- no initial) and i am truely in love with the tags. those are just so darn nifty!
This is darling. I would love one with a W...
LOVE this....especially with a letter "R"!! I have the perfect place to ddisplay it too!!
Love your blog and Thanks!
Count me in. I would be happy with any letter or anything from there. Naturally love everything.
I would love the letter V !
Yay for your first year of blogging! Here is to many more!! Check out my post about your contest when ya get a sec! I would love an "E" for East Coast Evans!!!!
Thank you for adding my name to your generous give away. I always use a runner on my dining room table. Have a good day ~Natalie
The table runner is adorable. I would love one with a "M"
I would love to win..."W"...I think I did everything right on my blog. I am new to all this, and have no idea what i'm doing. Check out my blog and tell me what you think.http://kimberly-boardinghouse.blogspot.com
Hey Layla!
Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary! What a great table runner. If I win I would like the letter "M" on mine.
I blogged about the Coastline Contest here:
I would love to have a runner with the letter "S". Thank you!
CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail dot com
Oh how perfect! I adore the table runner! If I am lucky enough to win I would want an S for my letter!!
Layla, I don't have a blog, but I checkout your site constantly to see what new ideas you have come up with....If I'm a winner I would like the letter S on the burlap runner... Thanks for all the great ideas...You're a treasure!
I love her things! I ordered the gift tags a couple of weeks ago and I can't wait to find the perfect place to put them. The runner is a beauty - I'd order mine with an "M".
I love burlap things..especially HANDMADE! If I win I can use anything with the letter "W". Thanks!
I would absolutely love this table runner, with the letter E please. I had trouble posting the link to Grace's etsy shop. I tried four times and got an error message each time. I tried. Thanks for the give-a-way opportunity. Be blessed, Cherri
My post is up and I'd like to choose a consonant..."S"! Thanks for all the inspiration in the past year and I look forward to many more to come!
I love this table runner!!!....If I was to be the winner I would want a M on mine. Thanks for the fun giveaway .
Oh...I never win anything...but I instantly knew I must have this runner! With a M of course. It will look great on my hall chest (as soon as I paint it...:)
I'd love to put a B on it!
Blogged http://momcontests.blogspot.com/2009/05/site-lettered-cottage-prize.html
I would love to win this......I'll post the links on my blog. And if I should win, why I would love the letter "D"
This runner is just beautiful and would go so well with the chocolate brown walls in my dining room! If I was lucky enough to win I would want the letter "F" please!
I have the perfect place for the runner. "L" is the letter I would choose.
Count me in, the table runner is beautiful, I love linen. I'd want a "B" for our family name.
So cute! I would like an 'A'.
I would love a "R" in my house. Thanks Layla for an wonderful giveaway.
Ohhhh, I love her goodies! I just posted on my blog, Thanks for Sharing! I would like the letter A, please...
Thanks So Much!
I would really like the letter B on my runner! PLEASE! and thank you of course... :)
I love this table runner. It would look wonderful on my table since I am using the drop clothes for my living room curtains as you did. I have an open space floor plan and this would be wonderful. Crossing my fingers to win this beauty. Hugs, Bobbi Jo
What a beautiful runner. If I win please put a "T" on mine!!
What a great giveaway! I hope I win, and I would like a "B" on mine! Thanks.
Love your style! If I win, I would love a "J" on the runner. How nice!
Love it! I'd love one with a "B"
I just linked to your website!
I think Grace's work is beautiful. My daughter has her table runner in our home.
I'd love to win this with the letter "S"
Thank you for hosting this giveaway and thank you Grace for sharing your talents!
I would love to win this with a "M"!
I also posted about your giveaway on my blog with the picture...www.themaddoxfamily.net
The letter 'M.' I really like her version of the fish pillows-so much more character.
Congratulations on One Year blogging!! If I were to win the runner I would want a S on mine.
Hey Layla,
I don't know how to do the link thing so I am ok with not being entered in the contest but I wanted to tell you that YOU inspired me to paint my kitchen cabinets black! If you get a chance, go to my website where I just posted photos. I have a ton to do yet : beadboard, the diningroom needs chair rail and picture frame moulding, etc. but the cabinets are done! I have some of the knobs on but the cup pulls I bought are not the right ones so I am taking them back and getting others.
Thanks for all your inspiration!!!
This is a great table runner and I would like the letter "R" on it if I win,
I have posted both links and the picture on my blog,
You are so talented and inspiring. I do not have the imagination that you do, but when I see some of your talent, I do try some of the ideas with my new home. Thanks again, Have a great day!-Rebecca
Happy Anniversary!
I love the Lettered Cottage and hope you enjoy many more years of blogging.
I would like a 7 on my burlap runner for Simply Number 7!
I would love for you to stop my new blog and leave me a comment. I really do think you are brillant.
what a fabulous table runner. i am going to post asap! this is getting me thinking about summer!!!
I just had to enter this giveaway...I think Grace and I have the same chair!
If I'm lucky enough to win, I'd like an "R."
Oh I adore them all. Please pick mine, and adorn with an "F".
AWESOME! i love everything.
Well "G", I am totally new to the whole bloGGing thing. I love your bloG! You have Given me soooo much inspiration!!! I am already paintinG my kitchen cabinets this weekend. I would love for you to check out my bloG. by the way I would want a G.
Oooo it would look so adorable on my sideboard!! And the letter "B" would be on it!! Have a great weekend!!
I adore the table runner and would love to get in with a "K" on it.
Thanks for the giveaway contest Layla!
Congrats on your 1st Anniversary!! I have enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to your posts. Thank you so much, you are truly inspiring!! I'd love an "M" on my runner so I could give it to my mom. She is a very courageous woman who is battling breast cancer and I like to spoil her whenever I can with one of a kind items. :)
"A" for me. I would LOVE that burlap runner! melissalee1@bellsouth.net
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