Saturday, May 9, 2009

Twice Remembered Cottage 3rd Annual Cottage Charm Giveaway

It's that time of year again. Can't you just feel it in the air?
You know what I'm talking about....yard sales, flip flops, the smell of freshly cut grass. The kind of rain you don't have a problem with because you know it will clear up in an hour or two. An extraordinary amount of the color green. The 3rd Annual Cottage Cottage Charm Giveaway!

Kim, at the Twice Remembered Cottage, was the one who inspired me to start my blog last May, but since I had just started writing my blog around the end of her Cottage Charm giveaway last year, I didn't get to participate. This year, however, I'm offering up one of my Quote Jars, and one of my Good Jars to two lucky winners.

To sign up to win one of my jars, follow these two simple steps:

1. Leave me a comment on this post with the name of your blog. If you don't have a blog, just leave me any ol' comment. :-)

2. Mention my Cottage Charm giveaway in a blog post, and make sure to link back to this post AND
this post.

And that's it!
Good luck to everyone who enters.

The winners will be announced here, on May 31st.
Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go sign up for some other Cottage Charm goodies!

PS- If you'd like to contribute a goodie to the 3rd Annual Cottage Charm Giveaway too, find out how to be a hostess


Tiff and Chris said...

Yeah! This is an awesome giveaway-such an awe inspiring idea which would fill my mornings with optimism. My blog is

Anne B. said...

Enjoy your blog!

Unknown said...

I love quotes...
My blog is: Made You Blush
~Hope to win one of these at least~

Anonymous said...

Hi Layla

Here's me leaving you 'any ol' comment'!!.

Seriously, I'd be so delighted to win one of your jars.

Still reading your blog everyday!

Love Karen (from Australia) xo

Evy said...

Aww, too bad my first giveaway just ended! But I'll keep this in mind for next time, it's a great idea!

GailsPlace said...

I love your blog and visit every day. I also love the Charm Cottage and get many useful ideas from both. Whoever invented blogs is aces in my book!

Rachel Ann said...

Love your blog! Mine is called Intellectual Domesticity. We live in a little rental apt in NYC and your blog provides lots of images when I want to dream about having a house someday. :-)

sherrie said...

Hi Layla,
Thank you for participating in the cottage charm giveaway. Your jars are sooo cute!
Have a great day!

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

Thanks, Layla! Please count me in :)

Our Family said...

Enjoy your blog and DIY ideas!

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

count me in Layla!
Tales From Bloggeritaville

Denise said...

I would love to enter! I will also mention it on my next post, which will be in honor of my 350th post! So, I would like to do my own giveaway on my post and I am going to buy one of each jar to giveaway. I will order soon. Thanks again for all of your inspiration~

Tanya said...

What a fun giveaway! My blog is Sunday Baker and you can just click on my name to go to it. Have a great weekend :)

~Kristin~ said...

These are great! I've been reading your blog for quite some time now, and thought these were a great idea. I would love one!

Beth said...

Hi Layla! Thanks for the chance to participate!
My blog is called Spots On My Apples.

Kimberly said...

I love your blog and the way you share your process. Keep up the great work! My blog is A Pen and a Nest.

Kim said...

These jars are so cute! Love all your ideas. Please include me in this great giveaway!

mylifetimes said...

Ciao Layla,
Il mio blog e My Life Times ( il runner ritento la fortuna.
Complimenti per il tuo Blog.

Denise said...

I just made my post and will order what my winners pick next weekend. That way they don't have to be shipped twice. Happy weekend tile is going in today!

Courtney said...

Love, love your blog! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Layla, Love your jars and The Lettered Cottage....please include me in the Cottage Charm Giveaway...

Sue said...

Hi Layla,

I enjoy reading your blog! Please count me in the giveaway :)



Cherry Blossoms said...

I love your fun blog! I have two blogs they are at:

Cherry Blossoms said...

I blogged about this fun giveaway here:

CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail dot com

Decor To Adore said...

I love this cottage charm giveaway and will be participating as well.
It's so fun!

Daisy said...

This is a wonderful giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity.

908sunshine said...

beautiful jars! please count me in.

Anonymous said...

Me too! Thanks Layla!


3 Including Me... said...

I just love the jars, and would be the happiest little blogger.. or bloggie... if i won!
Im :)

B. Redd said...

Love your blog and your creative ideas. Count me in on the give away.

Tina Johnson said...

Love your blog! Mine is

Anonymous said...

I don't have my own blog, but I adore yours! Such inspiration! Love it!

Jennifer said...

Thank you for entering me for your inspiration jar giveaway!

Amy Maze said...

Love your blog and your jars! amy

Mrs. Dunbar said...

Daily inspiration is a wonderful thing, especially when its right before your eyes.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and love it!! Your kitchen is amazing, if fact I told me husband I'm going to start painting cabinets (He was not excited). Oh well, he'll love them when I finish. Keep up the great posts.
Thanks for the fun giveaway.

Carrie said...


I don't have a blog, but I love reading yours everyday. You've given me so many ideas for decorating my home. Thanks!

Drawn to The Sea said...

Hi Layla. II've been enjoying & following your blog for awhile now, always finding inspriation here. I'd love to be the lucky winner of one of your pretty jars!

Pleasant day! :-)

Unknown said...

I would love to win either one of your jars! My humble little blog is Blue Clear Sky or Lala.

Anonymous said...

What a fun giveaway!

My blog is

Anonymous said...

Der Layla,

I don't have a blog but I just love your blog and look forward to reading it everyday. Thank you for having this wonderful giveaway!


mel said...

I absolutely love your blog. Your ideas are positively inspiring!

Mindy said...

Thank you for the chance to enter. I love your blog - all of your ideas are SO inspiring and you look like you are having such fun with your projects!

Casey said...

I absolutely love you blog Layla and am so excited about your lovely and thoughtful giveaway. Your jars are just the best!! You always come up with the greatest ideas!!

Joanne said...

Aren't these jars just too adorable? Love them. Hope I win one of them. Thanks, Joanne ~~

Aura said...

Hi, Layla! I know you love any sort of text or type on things around the house, so I wanted to tell you about a little box I found at a garage sale that I recently burned our wedding date into. I thought you would like something like it, if you're in the mood to be crafty. I used a wood burner I got at Michael's for $19.99 with my 40% off coupon and paid $2 for the box. Here is a link to the after pictures.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for allowing me to have a chance at this, Layla. Since recently finding out about your blog, I have made it a place I stop in at all the time. I love your style, and you seem like such a sweet person!


Trisha B said...

I love your designs and your ideas. My blog is
Hopefully I win one of these neat jars!

Chanda said...

Love these!

The Ultimate Cottage said...

I would like to enter the
giveaway. I really like your blog and try to read it everyday. Have a wonderful day!
Pam @ The Ultimate Cottage.

Sofia Striffler said...

Great giveaway I enjoy your blog. Stop by sometime. I will post your cottage charm giveaway tomorrow. Thanks a bunch for sharing

Lori said...

I love ur blog. Great ideas! I read it daily and check back often to see if there are new posts! I dont have a blog yet but hope to soon get mine up and running.

Christy said...

I love your blog and would love to win!

Kat said...

Hi Layla,

My blog is just getting started and I'm too embarrassed to have you look at it so I'm leaving you an "any ol' comment". LOL

I would absolutely love to win one of your jars in the giveaway. They're so awesome!

Thanks for all the great ideas that you post on here!


Bonnie said...

Sending you sunshine.


Unknown said...

Love your jars! What a great way to start the day. Beautiful inspiration. You have a wonderful blog!
Marie @

cakegirl said...

The jars are so darn cute. Would just love to win one. My blog is

Peanut-Butter Kitty said...

Hi Layla,

I really enjoy your blog and visit everyday. I'm new to this blog stuff and have found some great ideas on your site I hope to use in my home. Hope to win!!

Anonymous said...

Need some inspiration!!


p.s. love your blog and sassy style!!

Renee G said...

I don't have a blog, but your jars look great.


KMR said...

I enjoy your blog so much. "Fresh!" is what I think of when ! look at the ideas and pictures on your blog. Love everything and Happy Anniversary!

Kim R.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your blog posts and viewing your artistic talents.

Anonymous said...

Love it....excited to be involved

Melwel said...

Happy to be included

KARA from MADE 2 CREATE said...

What a great way to find some super fun and inspiring blogs! Love for you to visit my blog I think it would be right up your ally! I joined the party and am offering a giveaway too!

Marilyn in NM said...

I just love giveaways! Be sure and enter my name and of course, visit my blog and be sure and sign up for my giveaway!
Marilyn in NM

Anonymous said...

i'm been eyeing both your giveaway items for a long time! and YOUR KITCHEN is amazing. so much so that once we're done with the 1,000 other projects we have to do in our newly purchased home, i'm painting my cupboards and walls to match yours. thanks for the inspiration!

Trisha said...

I am a quote collector and would love to get this jar! Please enter me in your giveaway and visit my blog to see my giveaway. Thanks.

Kristy said...

Love reading your blog! It's the best!

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Oh this looks like fun! Please enter me too!


white flower farmhouse said...

We really enjoy your blog. Megan and I LOVE your innovative and edgy decorating style. We wishfully want this jar for our shop counter. Regards from Eastern Long Island. Lori from White Flower Farmhouse

M said...


Hi Leyla!!
I hope you are doing great!

I have been ill for some time, so my creation of a blog stopped in the very beginning of it...but now I`m back!

I`d love to be considered in your give away!

Best regards from Norway

Cindy said...

I so love this! My blog is

Rebecca said...

Hi Layla, thanks for giving us such joy with your posts. My blog is

Angela said...

Both of these are such beautiful ideas! I'm so happy I found your blog today actually through a mention on a blog called Creatively Dreaming. What a nice surprise to find a giveaway! I'd appreciate either jar! What a great way to start the day! Thank you.
ilovethemso @ yahoo .com

Jill said...

I dont have a blog but really enjoy reading yours. And the jars are such a cute idea! Love it.

Jill said...

I love your blog. I dont have one of my own but enjoy this very much. And I love the ideas for the jars. Very cute

Anonymous said...

Love your blog and your great ideas! Please count me in for the giveaway!


Restoration House Interiors said...

I am so excited about this giveaway...I will be blogging away in the next few days about it! Hee, hee! Happy Mother's Day!


Lindy said...

I love your blog! You have given me so many amazing ideas!

Christy said...

I love quotes! Oh thank you for your inspiring giveaway! God bless you. xx

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

I love your jars...please enter me in the giveaway.

design diva said...

Hello, I was reading that you took Sheefield classes for interior design. Would you recommend it to someone and did you learn enough to know and start your own design business? I just didnt know if you thought another avenue would be good too or were you thrilled with the program? Thank you
Design Diva

Valerie said...

Great Blog!
I'm sorry I don't have a blog yet but I have this site that I keep up for my girly girl. I just feel as though I don't have time to blog...maybe just maybe things will settle soon and I dream a little dream too.

Kristin said...

Here's my comment! I LOVE your blog and would love to have your quote jar to put in my guest room!! Fingers crossed!!

Celeste said...

Layla, your blog is the first thing I check each morning on the computer. Thank you for your inspiration and motivation. I collect quotes and if I win the giveaway, I bet I'll find we have some of the same!

Rogers said...

I love a great giveaway. Count me in!!

Your blog inspires me. Keep the ideas coming :D

shelly said...

Love your blog!

marcie said...

Hi Layla
I love your blog, and would love yp win a jar..
marcie P

Anonymous said...

I just love your blog!! It is so much fun to read.

Unknown said...

Hi Layla...count me in! I am also doing a give-a-way on my blog I would love for you to help me get the word out! Thanks! Tricia

babalisme said...

Wow!! Quote jar! That's new!

Katy said...

My blog name is

I'll post about this tomorrow morning. okee dokee.

I love the jar

Lorrie B said...

Can't wait to learn more about this .. love your two prizes!!

Lisa said...

Unfortunately, I don't have a blog. I've been thinking of starting one, but I'm afraid I don't have much time for one. :(
Thanks for the giveaway! Hope I win.

Elisabeth said...

Love all of your stuff!

stefanie said...

what a beautiful jar, please sign me up.

wgleaves said...

No blog yet. I am so inspired by how much you are able to update with great ideas. Thanks for sharing...

the belle said...

hi! love your blog!

misskp said...

What a great giveaway! I love your idea of "jars" and look forward to your blog each morning with my cuppa!

Lolly said...

What a neat giveaway! My blog, although I have been a bad blogger the last few months, is

I am off to take a peek at your blog. I just discovered you and it looks really lovely!


Carrie Garvin said...

LOVE the jars! Please enter me.

underthewillow (at)

Jingle said...

These are fabulous! My blog is called Just Jingle! I'd love to have you stop by!

Kristen, pajama mama said...

Yay! A Lettered Cottage Giveaway!!!!
my blog is Pajama Mama at

pve design said...

I adore these.

Amy said...

Wow! Love these! Would love to win!
Amy in CA

APureHeart4Him said...

Please enter me. Thanks so much.

God bless

Chez Zizi said...

Layla, I love your blog and your decorating style. I also love your jars, they are so inspiring. Please enter me.

elaine said...

These inspirational jars are a great idea-great way to start the day!

Elaine R

Cherri Engle said...

I love your blog. I am inspired each and every time I pop on over. Love the give-a-way opportunity. My blog is Thanks for opening yourself up to us all.

Jalal said...

I need to tell you this...I love my kitchen how it is ...and STILL when I look at yours, I wanna paint a cabinet. I think it is a sickness.Or you are just an inspiration.whatever.


Nancy said...

How creative! I would love to win one of your jars. Really am impressed with how your coffee table turned out.

Cathy said...

I love your jars!! They are so cute. I enjoy your blog!!

Sofia Striffler said...

Great giveaway I am hooked up now. Good Luck

Julie M. Jackson said...

As always, I love your blog.

Em said...

I love your jars, it would be awesome to win one! I'll mention your giveaway on my blog asap.

VintageCrafter said...

I just found your blog and already am inspired! Your giveaway is wonderful too. Please enter my name into your draw.
Carol :)

Nanalulu said...

I would be delighted to own one of the jars, such a creayive idea!

amberlee103 said...

Hi-Excited to be a part of Your Cottage Charm Giveaway!!!Good Luck to Everyone

Tammy said...

Hi Layla, What a generous and lovely giveaway! Hurray!

I'm a "newer" fan to your blog and it's so inspirational and full of creativity. :)

I posted your link and Kim's on my blog at I'm going out of town but hope to be back in time to participate too!

Good luck everyone!

Jennifer said...

I'm so excited to be entering!

marie said...

I would love to be included in your drawing! This little jar is so sweet! I'm excited about finding your blog ~ it looks like a great place to visit!

Heather said...

I love these jars!! My blog is!

Anonymous said...

I enjoy your blog. My blog is just starting out..

Tina said...

Great blog! Adorable looking idea!

Brooke said...

Thanks for all the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Please enter my name in the hat!
Thanks for posting such a sweet giveaway! These jars are just too cute!

Great blog!

Sunshine and smiles said...

Just found your blog. Such inspiration! I would love to win a jar!

Anonymous said...

What a delightful giveaway. I'd love to feel good 365 days out of the year. Please sign me up.


Anonymous said...

Please enter me. I don't have a blog. I just love the jars.

windycindy said...

Your jars are a delightful idea!
I would be a happy camper with either of them. Please add my name to your drawing. I appreciate it.
Thanks, Cindi

Anonymous said...

I would love to win!

ar-parker at hotmail dot com

Michele said...

I posted about your giveaway with a link to your giveaway post as well as a link to the Twice Remembered Cottage post about the giveaway. Here is the link to my blog post:

Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)
Butterfly Whispers

Stephanie said...

Layla, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog. It, along with a few others, has really inspired me to decorate. Please enter me in your giveway. Here's the link to my blog, Ready, Set, 40!
my post:

Thank you! Stephanie

trish said...

Maybe this is what I need to keep me motivated!

Helen said...

What an awesome giveaway. Would just love to win it.

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Fabulous giveaway. My blog:

Lynn Stevens said...

I would love to feel good every day, my blog

Anonymous said...

This is a great giveaway...would love to win! Thanks so much...

Ginny said...

I have a bunch of blogs, but mainly Mom of 2 Dancers

Chiki Cottage said...

Count me in!


Lisa said...

What a really great offering!
Hugs, Lisa

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

this is awesome! I would love to win, and kindly add me in your giveaway!.. i shall cross my fingers!

Gossamer Creations said...

What a wonderful giveway… please enter me. Have a wonderful day.

Barbara Jean said...

Sign me up!!!
Can't wait to see who wins.

Barbara jean

Marianne said...

I love those jars, such a wonderful idea.

dctm said...

I absolutely Love your jars.please include me in the Cottage Charm Giveaway

dctm at bellsouth dot net


Please add my name to the hat. Love the idea of the jars. My blog is Joy To The Blog.

Rhondi said...

I'd love to win one of your jars.

Andrea said...

Awesome giveaway!
Please enter me in!

Brought to you by the letter K. said...

I have silently been stalking your blog. LOVE it! Love, love, love the neutral color palette. Coming out of the woodwork now to enter the contest for the jars! ;) I don't have a blog.

Kris said...

Oh' nice. I love the jars. Thanks so much for hosting the giveaway.


Sheri Howard said...

I love your name and that your parents loved the song!!! Thank you for your generous offering of gifts!


enter me please ~!!!

Elisabeth said...

I'd lo.3ve to be entered in your drawing. I've gotten a lot of inspiration from your blogc !

Debb said...

This is such a great idea... I love it and would love to win this jar...
thanks debb

Gigi said...

I absolutely love your quote jars and good jars. What a great idea and I would love to win. I created a blog because of you. It is empty now but I will get on it.

Nancy said...

Those are so Neat!! Please enter me.

Thanks, Nancy

Anonymous said...

I'd love to have a blog. Looks like so much fun.
Love your giveaway!.........R

Leigh Ann said...

Love your jars and your blog!
Leigh Ann

the wild raspberry said...

you have such a lovely blog! and i am so adoring that jar.
hope i win :)

zees5 said...

This is a REALLY great AND original idea!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

My blog's name is Whimsical Creations.

blogged here

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Sarah said...

I love your blog, I have been a follower since I found you about 6 weeks ago.
I think both of your jars are awesome!

My blog is

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage said...'s me....Andrea From Big Creek Cottage blog...I would love to win one of your jars!!!! count me in!

Jean said...

I love jars and yours are special.
Jean in Virginia

Angie at Home said...

Oh... I love the jars.

My blog is Http:// and the name of it is Seeking Simplicity

Thanks for hosting a great giveaway.


Anonymous said...

This is a very uplifting giveaway. Thanks for participating in the fun. Debbi

SueLovesCherries said...

Very nice idea for a giveaway! Something everyone can use!

Michelle said...

I love it! Thanks for the giveaway!

Neverfinished said...

Oh Kayla...enter me! Love your your blog!!!

Christine said...

I hope you got a chance to check out my giveaway!


Tammigirl said...

Here is my blog:

I can't wait to read more of your blog!

Sandi said...

Oh I adore your jars and I hope I win one! I have loved them ever since I ran across them some time ago. Have a wonderful day!
I linked you from my blog...Wayside Treasures.

Debra said...

Please count me in. I would love to win so I could draw one each morning to begin my day with a quote.
You can go to my blog and enter to win, if you haven't already.

Deb611 said...

Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway.

Arlene said...

Please enter me in your fabulous drawing. Thanks a bunch!!!

bobbi said...

Love your blog and your ideas... you are such an inspiration! Thanks. My blog is

KAW Said The Krow said...

I stumbled on your blog by accident and am glad I did. I don't have a blog but I think about it occasionally. Thanks for the chance to win some inspiration.
