Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Another House Guest

What's that I spy on the window INSIDE my cottage?

Why, it's a LIZARD!

But instead of dousing this little guy with Raid (like we did to the spider) or smashing him with a flip flop (like we do the roaches), I chased him around the house and finally caught him underneath a tupperware bowl. Then I slid a piece of cardboard underneath the bowl and took him outside, where he promptly ran off into the wilderness.

Alright now, what do you think?
Scary, or cute and harmless?


Anonymous said...

They're too close in relation to snakes for me...BUT, if I found one in my house I would probably do the same thing you did {with a little screaming involved}.

Anonymous said...

Cute and harmless. We used to have them everywhere when we lived in Florida. They make great entertainment for the kids and pets!!!

Stacey @ The Blessed Nest said...

Totally harmless! They live here, and especially in FL where my parents have a place. We even named one that lived outside their front patio for a while "Pinky"! :) Great job letting him back outside!! I would be calling the exterminator for the roaches though! Yuck!!! Still can't believe one had crawled across you while you were sleeping -- EEK! :)

Darlene - Our Creative Life said...

I bet that was a funny scene! Layla, I am hosting a "Support Women Entrepreneurs" on my blog, please come by and add your link to your website if it's ready or a link to your etsy store.

ROXY said...

oh cute and harmless!! Although, he wouldn't have lasted very long in my house....two cats and a dog.

Rae said...

I say lizards are cute and harmless BUT we do not have any lizards where I live. I might change my mind if they popped up inside my house!

Anonymous said...

so cute, but I too would scream as I dumped him out the door!!! Actually, I would get one of my kids to do it!!!

You have a lot of little visitors, don't you?? They all want a peek at your house!! Just like me :)

Letti said...

Harmless but not in my house. I would cover it and wait for one of my boys to come home and take it outside for me.

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

I don't kill them either, although I've only had one in the house. I managed to shoo him out with the broom. They're cute, but I don't like them in my house!

Anonymous said...

I'm totally cool with them as long as they are outside. They get a pass because they control the bugs that I loathe.

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

love lizards!

FarmHouse Style said...

Cute and harmless, definately:) Although, my sister is scared to death of them.

Thanks for stopping by yesterday and wishing Ms. Sadie well.

I was very inspired by your living room remake....I have the same pine board walls and have endured the darkness for years. I am dead set to paint them now! Thanks:)


Anonymous said...

Depends on the size of the lizard and if it is in my house or outside. I'm not a reptile fan in general. :)

Andrea said...

So cute! He would have become a new pet for me. But I also have a praying mantis and two fire belly toads as pets. They are so fun to watch.

Suzann said...

To me...scary. But, I'm not one for anything that is a bug, rodent, or reptile. LOL.

Natalia said...

Cute & harmless get my vote.

This happens pretty regularly here at my house. We've got a system worked out where he runs and shuts all doors to kids' bedrooms as I stalk the poor little guy and try and keep the cat from finishing him off. It usually happens when I spy the cat "playing" with one and rush over, pull open the slider, and try to save it's life. In my haste to stop the horrors I'm witnessing I always forget to close the slider behind me. And then the fun begins. I let them go out in the garden and try and reason with them as to why it's not a good idea to find ways into my lanai as mean the Siamese is on the prowl. They don't listen.

Ivy Lane said...

I'll take that little guy anyday over the spider and the roaches!!!

Anonymous said...

He's a cutie! I don't care for spiders but I actually cup them and put them back outside too. :)

Liz Harrell said...

Aw... good for you. I've got no mercy for bugs/snakes... but lizards dont really bother anyone.

Stacy said...

Cute! All I can think of is car insurance, but CUTE nonetheless!


Lindsay said...

ehh scary! i don't trust anything that can crawl on me!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhhhhh...cute and harmless-outside the house that is. Inside the house, they gotta' go. I would have done exactly as you did-no need to harm the little guys. :0)


Anonymous said...

Not so scary... Thank you for popping by, I got a chance to view your design star video and voted for you. Good Luck and I love your blog, you are doing a fabulous job on your home!!

Unknown said...

Fine as long as they don't crawl on me... I wouldn't want them in my house!

Lisa Marie said...

when we lived in NC we had them all over the outside of our home,,never got one inside...but I would have done the same thing and I agree with the other poster, with a lot of screaming,,,they are harmless but scary to me...,hugs, lisa

Katie said...

Very cute when they are little like that!

Sarah Kate said...

Very Cute, but I had a frog when I was growing up, so, I might not be the person to ask.

Anonymous said...

harmless but not cute!


{oc cottage} said...

Oh they are cute! And he did add the perfect little accent of color to your window while he was there!

M ^..^

Unknown said...

Hi Layla,
They may be harmless, but I don't want them in the house with me.
We've gotten them through the years...maybe on a green plant brought in.

They can be hard to catch! Once I had to get one with the vacuum cleaner! I did let him go outside, and he survived!

Chris Kauffman said...

OMG so cute , my kids would have it all tucked in if it entered my house , I would take a lizard over spiders and roaches any day .

Anonymous said...

Creepy, creepy. I really do not like them even though I know logically that they are more frightened of me. It's just that they are so fast and can pop up and on you at any time.That's one benefit of living in a cold climate -- no creepy crawlies (with the exception of three frogs who have taken up permanent residence in my backyard -- yuck!!). Lisa

Amber said...


sandra/tx said...

We have them all over the place. I think they cute.

Chris said...

Anything that crawls, slithers, or moves quickly is FREAKIN' SCARY to me! Heck, butterflies freak me out! Now that I've said that I feel like little bugs are crawling all over me. Ack!

Carry Grace said...

I get all freaked out about lizards. We had one in the house a few weeks ago and it was crazy, I did a lot of screaming.

Nancy Hood said...

Once, during the evening meal, we commented to our daughter, "look, there's a lizard on the screen". She turned around and was commenting on how cute it was UNTIL she realized she was looking at its back and NOT it's tummy! She screamed before leaving the table.

Naturegirl said...

Cute and harmless and I 'm glad you gave him a chance to survive.a nature-lover

Anonymous said...

That guy is pretty cute.

heidi said...

I'd have done what you did but they are fast little critters. GREAT thing is that they eat those other bugs like cockroaches and spiders. I have 5 kids who'd love to adopt it but I too have 2 cats and a dog who would be looking at it like its lunch LOL.

Tina Schiefer said...

Gotta love living with nature. I've only been reading your blog for a short time, so I'm not sure if you are rural or metro, but I live in the country/mountainous area.

The first year in our old home - 2004 - we had a bat flying around in our living room. Talk about DUCK AND COVER. We just opened up the doors and swooshed him out.

Since then, we have had all sorts of critter encounters.

Always an wild adventure around these parts.

Tina - Southern Oregon

ps. Your home is coming along beautifully. Love your style! Ours is still a work in progress.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for sharing.
Through your blog, a lot of people including me of course have a chance to read and learn from.
I have read some of your post and I really enjoyed reading it.
Thanks again and looking forward for more of your posting soon!

Elizabeth said...

Oh!! So cute. I love lizards.

edeenut said...

cute. and that one was so little. I would hold them when I was little playing with my brothers but now I won't, my husband and boy child will though.
they are still a bit too fast for me and I wouldn't want them in my house.

Marie said...

Oh he's cute and harmless. AND he'll eat roaches and spiders. So, a bonus! lol