Friday, May 29, 2009

Out of the Office

Out of town today and to go get the final things we need to finish the Guest Bedroom.

In the meantime, here's a couple more sneak peeks...

We'll be back Sunday to prepare her for her close up. (Yes, my Guest Bedroom is a female)

Have a great weekend everyone!


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lettered Cottage - Guest Room

Stay tuned, the full reveal is coming soon to a monitor near you!


Whitewash Sundries & Red Letter Words

The winner of the Whitewash Sundries wine glasses is Nikki Cogg of Loving Every Second

She's so stylish! Makes me want to throw away ALL the clothes in my closet and start over!

Stop by her blog and say hi!

The winner of the Red Letter Words canvas is the wonderful Daryl, of
Vermont Cottage

Here is the Vermont Cottage she calls home:

Isn't it lovely?

And here is a sneak peek into her kitchen:

Love it!
Make sure to stop by and tell her hello too!

And thank you SO much to everyone who entered the One Year Anniversary giveaways and left me comments that day. You really know how to make a girl feel loved! :-)


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lettered Cottage - Photo Consultations

It has been so nice reading through all the comments everyone has left for me today...thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your kind words! I can't wait to see who wins the goodies on Thursday. :-)

Since I started offering design consulting services here on my blog, my Photo Consultation has quickly become one of my most popular options.
They're so much fun to create, and it's always neat to see the "after" photos my clients send in when they're finished implementing my some, or all, of my suggestions. Here's a look at a few drawings I've done recently. Just hover over each photo with your cursor to see what I suggested these five homeowners do to transform their spaces!

I can't tell you how much I enjoy creating these inspirational drawings for my clients.

I really form a strong emotional connection with the homes I have the pleasure of working on. Sometimes, it almost feels like I've actually been inside them by the time I'm done working on them. Especially if I do a Virtual Consultation. That's really crazy! Hey, how cool would it be if Mr. Lettered Cottage and I could road trip to a client's house so we could do a photo shoot reveal of the finished product? Hmmmm......anyone that lives in the southeast up for that?
Speaking of Mr. LC, he has expressed interest in writing another post- what do you think, should I let him? :-)

Thanks again ya'll!


One Year Anniversary Post

Today marks the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of my blog.
It's crazy how fun flies when you're having the time of your life!
I started this blog to document our journey through the renovation of our home, but it's turned into so much more than just a place to showcase our "before and afters".

I've made so many great friends here!

And it's probably a blessing in disguise that we all live so far away from each other because if we were all in the same town, I have a sneaking suspicion things could get a little out of control. :-)

Can you imagine? All of us congregating at the local HomeGoods on delivery day morning, to make sure we're the first ones that get to sift through the latest & greatest shipment of amazing accessories.
The word "chaotic" comes to mind.
As does this photo:

All joking aside, it really has been such a treat to hear from people all over the globe. I appreciate your comments so much!

I've been encouraged to follow my dreams here.

A year ago, I spent a lot of time thinking about interior design. I watched HGTV and read every shelter magazine I could get my hands on. I helped friends and family stage their homes for quick sales on the teeny-tiniest budgets known to man. I peeked into the windows of homes that were for sale, whether they were in our price range or not, just to dream about what I would do with the place. (That's actually how we ended up with the Lettered Cottage!) But back then I worked a nine to five job at a photography studio, and just couldn't ever seem to find the time, or energy, to figure out how to turn my obsession, uh, I mean passion into a career.

Today, because of this blog, I wake up every day, bright-eyed and broken-nailed (Hey, I'm a DIY'er, what can I say?) eager to create fresh new design plans for people all over the world.
It's been such a wonderful year- from "meeting" all of you talented, creative, witty, sweet people out there, to creating inspiring products, to sharing stories about our lives here at the "L.C.", to dreaming up design plans for those who have asked for my help. It's really been a blast! I look forward to the friendships, opportunities, and design challenges Year #2 has to offer!

To celebrate my One Year "Blogiversary", I'm having some more giveaways!

The first one is from Red Letter Words...

Meet Dee.

Dee's loves God, her husband (of 15 years), her four children, her family and her friends. She also adores travelling and scrapbooking, and says she could play with paper and pictures for HOURS. Other interesting tidbits about Dee: she just recently started drinking coffee, and she arranges the clothes in her closet by color, but not in "rainbow order".
Some things that make her tick include decorating her house and staying up really, really late.

When Dee first emailed me about doing a giveaway on my blog, my pulse quickened a little, because the name of her company instantly appealed to me, and I just knew she probably made some amazing things.

One second after visiting her Etsy shop,
Red Letter Words, I was in love.

Dee's works of art have been featured all over blogland. And, today, Dee has offered to give this 12x12 beauty to one of you!

To enter, leave a comment here with your email address OR blog address. Then make sure you visit Dee at her Etsy shop, Red Letter Words.

Thank you Dee! Your work is amazing, uplifting and beautiful- just like you!

The second Giveaway I'm having is for a set of four etched wine glasses, made by Sarah of Whitewash Sundries:

Meet Sarah.

In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and her four lovable dogs. She also spends time helping the local animal shelter, reading, and getting rough-n-tough as "Anna Malinstinct" (get it? "animal instinct") with her roller derby team.
Sarah is inspired by almost everything she sees. And although she works as an Economics teacher, she also possesses tons of artistic talent. She has a passion for transforming everyday objects into extraordinary works of heart. Today, this "Jill-of-all-Mediums" is offering up a set of four of her hand-etched wine glasses to one lucky reader.

Again, all you need to do is leave a comment on this post with either the address of your blog, OR you email address and visit her Etsy shop, "Whitewash Sundries", and you'll be entered to win!

Thank you Sarah! You are so talented. Your Etsy shop is guaranteed to be a hit!

Good luck to all those that enter the giveaways, and thank you to everyone who has encouraged me to keep on keepin' on. I love you guys! Contest ends Wednesday, May 27th, 2009 at midnight. Winners will be announced the next day.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Predicting the future
The most accurate way to predict the future is to get busy creating it. Though you cannot guess what's going to happen, you can know for sure what you intend to do.
Do you wish to be in the right place at the right time? Then commit to creating real value in every time and place where you find yourself.

The most reliable way to get in on a good thing is to put forth the effort that makes that good thing real. A surefire way to have good luck is to create your own luck through the actions you take.

It serves no purpose to wish for what you don't have. Use that energy to fulfill, express and expand upon all the great possibilities you do have.

The more generously you participate in life, the more it will go your way. Always see the positive possibilities in the way things are, and things will work to the benefit of you and those around you.

The future belongs to those who act with commitment, persistence and positive purpose in the present. Use this now moment to make your best predictions for the future come to life.

-- Ralph Marston

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day 2009!

I recently mentioned that I've started collecting little glass bottles and vases.

It all started with this little guy my Mom bought for me at a flea market in Milton, Florida for about a dollar...

Then I received these two in the mail from my friends, Megan & Lori, at White Flower Farmhouse, along with a little lavender-filled pouch...

And the other day, they sent me this amazing glass perfume bottle. (They are the sweetest things!) They thought I just had to have it because it's got my last name on it... :-)

With all these sparkly little containers around, I started to really feel the need to decorate with them. Lucky for me, my friend Sarah brought over a mixed bouquet of flowers yesterday! And while it was beautiful all blended together- I thought they'd look even sweeter if I separated them by color.

This one didn't quite fill up the bottom of the vase like I wanted it to, so I just wrapped some of the extra greenery that came with the bouquet around the inside of the vase...

I put the yellow bunch in a tiny vintage wine glass I bought at a flea market about a year ago...

...I'll take flowers over wine any day! :-)

And the green bunch, which is my favorite, looks so happy in the "Shippam's" jar Megan and Lori sent me...

I put the petite, pink roses inside a stemless champagne glass...

"God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers, and clouds and stars"

- Martin Luther

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

White Flower Farmhouse

I received a package on my doorstep yesterday from White Flower Farmhouse.

The first day I stumbled upon their website, the words "Simple Country Style" on their front page immediately made me feel at home...

Inside my package, were the vintage theater marquee letters I ordered...which spell out one of my favorite words...

(Marquee letters= $4.00 each)

Here's a photo from their website,, showing the letters too:

Also nestled inside the box was the driftwood sailboat I ordered...

And I can honestly say, it's my favorite thing in the whole house right now! :-)

From the little navy flag on top... the perfect piece of driftwood on the bottom...

The ticking stripe fabric makes me smile everytime I walk by it. :-)

(Driftwood sailboat= $22.00)

And if those two treasures weren't enough, I also found this little fish, tucked inside the box as well...

This is a photo from their website, showcasing some of their fish and some of their sailboats together...GORGEOUS!

Photo: White Flower Farmhouse

And last, but certainly not least, I was also happily surprised to find these vintage glass pieces, and a lavendar-filled pouch in the box as well...

I just recently started collecting small, old clear glass jars and vases, so these little guys are a welcome addition to my, so far, tiny collection. I love them!

And lavendar just happens to be my favorite scent, so I was very happy to receive that as well.

Thank you so much Megan and two do such a wonderful job of making the world a even more beautiful and inspiring place to live!

Lori shares her favorite frugal design tricks here: Frugal Farmhouse Design

Megan shares the ins and outs of shop life here: White Flower Farmhouse

Monday, May 18, 2009

Half Note Cottage - Kitchen

The Kitchen at the Half Note Cottage next door has come a long way. And the best part, it only took a little bit of dough....and not the kind you cook with! (insert cheesy drum beat and cymbal crash you hear after any bad joke here)

What used to be dark and heavy looking...

Is now light and airy...

So instead of being greeted by this view when you enter the front door...

You're now welcomed inside by this one...

As I mentioned in my last post, I donated my white table and chairs to the Half Note Kitchen because I got a new (well, actually it's really old) set at a flea market a couple weeks ago. It looks so happy in its new home, don't ya think?

I also mentioned that she painted the old ironing board closet with chalkboard paint in a previous post. Look how cute it turned out!

Jessica and Eric didn't previously own any dishes, but after a productive trip to TJ Maxx, they now have a mixture of navy and french blue plates, bowls and mugs. Each one was only $1.49-$1.99.

My friend, Sarah, makes the wonderful wine glasses in the photos...

She will be opening her Etsy shop very soon...

...and she is one creative girl, so I'm sure there will be lots of other goodies to fall in love with there too!

Y'all come back soon now, ya hear?