Friday, May 1, 2009

Drop Cloth Drape Update & a trip to TJ Maxx

I fiiiiinally got around to purchasing some ring clips for the curtain rod in our Dining Room.
Now I need to order the shell trim I'm going to edge the drapes with. Don't you just wish everything could just be done with a simple snap of your fingers?

I'm having one of those kind of days.
Not to mention I still want to find a lamp for on top of the linen press too.

Hey, you know who has the best table lamps? HomeGoods. I LOVE their lamps. The closest one is an hour and fifteen minutes away, but I really need to get up there sometime soon a get one.

TJ Maxx, on the other hand, has the best pillows. I saw these there last month:

Aren't they pretty?!

And if you're in the market for an aluminum side table, similar to this one from Pottery Barn that's $299...

...maybe you'll like this less expensive version at TJ Maxx for $79.99...

They actually had one EXACTLY LIKE the Pottery Barn one, but someone bought it before I could get back to the store and take a picture of it. :-( It was also $79.99. I still regret not buying it the first time I saw it!

These glass jugs caught my eye while I was there too...

Pottery Barn uses them in groups on their side tables...

And if you love the look of a colorful tablecloth casually draped across your dining table, like this...

Photo: Country Living'll love the summery tablecloths I found while I was there too:

Photo: Country Living

Searching for a less expensive version of this $59 Pottery Barn beauty?

TJ Maxx had this one, for $12.99...

TJ Maxx rocks!



Nancy Hood said...

wow, you continue to amaze me. I learn from you, Layla :)

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Love your drapes, and the trip to TJMaxx had so many things. I love that store too. I don't have one very close, but it's always worth the trip. Thanks for sharing some great finds. Hugs, Marty

The Bloom Girls said...

Omgoodness, I make several stops a week between T.J.M, Marshalls, and Homegoods and rarely will I walk out with out something.

You drop cloth drapes are darling and very clever.

Nola @ The Bloom Girls
Nashville, TN

Montee said...

I was so excited when they opened a Home Goods 15 minutes from my house!

GoodPlans said...

Okay, since I'm totally copying your idea for the drapes, I have to know if you hemmed yours? If they are 6x9, it would seem they are too long to hang without a lot of pooling. AND, in my case, since I have a little male Bichon, there may be some "puddling" on my drapes, so I don't want to let them touch the floor. SO, did you hem? I'm thinking I'll hem mine, and double rod with a sheer behind, since I'm draping sliding glass doors that face the west. I'm still having trouble finding a double rod that's not $100, or even $50.

~Grace Happens~ said...

awesome finds! TJ Maxx, Homegoods, and Marshalls are all about 5 minutes from my house so I do damage in there way to often. I'm sure my husband wishes they were an hour away! The dropcloth drapes look beautiful!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was just saying that to my husband tonight...that I don't know what I would do if there wasn't a TJ Maxx, Marshalls and Homegoods. They all rock.


angela | the painted house said...

Drapes look fabulous!

I'm a fan of Home Goods/TJMaxx--oh, what a lifesaver in furnishing our cottage. I also went to PB Outlet today and frittered over some glass jars--all 50 percent off, but ultimately left without. I would recommend everyone to find a PB Outlet near them--another lifesaver!

So you are the woman taking pictures of everything in TJMaxx...? :)

Nikki Cogg said...

TJ Maxx is my Sunday afternoon ritual. I could and have spent 3 hours in there! We have a TJ Maxx Homegoods right down the street, they always have some really fabulous finds! Love your dropcloth drapes too!

Sarah said...

I love TJ Maxx, Pottery Barn is outta their minds.

Denise Vakili Fine Art said...

I am way too spoiled having a TJ Maxx just 10 min. from home. This is a good reminder that I really need to shop there more. Nice post, Layla. I'm sure you hear this all the time, but all of your stuff is beautiful. Thanks for your beautiful, inspiring blog.

Debra said...

I had no clue TJ max had all this great stuff. I even have one within driving distance! Thanks for the insight & inspiration : )

mindy said...

ugh, I love tj maxx and hate that you have found so many darling things because I live like 200 miles from a tj maxx :(

janet said...

in canada our tjmaxx is homesense or winners, they are my favorite stores. Are you saying that you made these beautiful curtains from painter drop cloths, absolutely briliant. Love your blog!

AnNicole@Our Suburban Cottage said...

Great post! I've been eyeing a few of those things at TJ Maxx myself, but I hadn't made the correlation with Pottery Barn. You little smarty you :).

Carry Grace said...

I have never been to Homegoods, but I love TJMaxx. I as still loving your drapes.

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

Layla girl, I have to give you a big virtual high five for showing us about the canvas draps. Today I bought some drop cloths at Home Depot and though I spent $50 on them all, I plan to do four windows. One window is almost 10 feet wide. I'm so excited to put them together tomorrow. And though I wish this week I had the $ for trim or fabric to spruce them up too, I am just more than thankful that tomorrow my windows will have some curtains. Thanks so much girl! (I've been showing everyone I know your drapes bc I fell in love with the idea so much. My hubby was skeptical when I described them but immediatly told me to buy the drop cloths once he saw yours. Thanks!) Sorry for the novel! :)

Anonymous said...

WOW! It looks like you hit the jackpot of all jackpots. I wonder if you could paint a garage sale table with some aluminum paint? Does Michaels have something like that? I am not sure - but it might work. Your window treatments are wonderful. This was a really good post. Thank you for sharing.


Allidink said...

TJ Maxx, Homegoods, Ross, and Marshalls are all my loves LOL. They are the best places to shop hands down. Drapes looks great!

All the best,

Amber Filkins said...

Ooooh, beautiful stuff!! So beautiful and inspiring. I LOVE Pottery Barn, I LOVE Country Living, and I love T.J. Maxx, but I LOOOOOVE Home Goods. My FAVE!!!

karlene said...

really great post Layla, thank you!!!

crazy train said...

Painters drop clothes?? Wow! those are awesome!

Jo said...

Great goodies ~ I may *need* to add TJ Maxx to my list of errands this weekend!


Kathi said...

Great post Layla! I love to copy Pottery Barn style too! Didn't know TJMaxx had such nice things... will have to find one here in B'ham!

Lisa said...



Lisa said...



MagicMarkingsArt said...

:) I was just in TJ's yesterday. That store really is an awesome shopping excursion. And, I think they should give you a special discount for all this free advertising. Love your pictures.

Brooke @ Blueprint Bliss said...

I love TJ Maxx. So many great things. I did a post yesterday on my dropcloth drapes.. thanks for the tip! -Brooke

Suzann said...

Layla, I so want to shop with you! I am going to Home Goods and TJ Maxx and perhaps Marshalls this weekend for sure.

Daryl at Vermont Cottage said...

I totally agree! I also have to drive an hour to find just about anything. I don't think I'll make it to a TJ Maxx today, but Michael's, here I come!! Framing photos from France is on the agenda this weekend.

Daryl@VT Cottage

j said...

I walk through Homegoods at least 3 times a week. It always amazes me how it never fails that i see something new everytime. They do an awesome job of "switching things up" so you are always guarenteed to see new items!
We actually have a Homeggod/TJ Max combined near by!!! Can you think of anything more AWESOME~ It is HUGE!!! ANd has awesome awesome treasures!
Love you posts Layla.....and thanks for the "good jar". I love it!

Kelly Bergsing said...

I agree. My 7 year old daughter begs me to go there now. We don't look at toys or clothes... just home goods. I have already infected my daughter!! :) In fact, I think I see a trip there this weekend. I need a diversion from all this awful weather.... ;)

Maisy said...

I do love Homegoods. The problem is's only 15 minutes from my house. I go weekly.
Sometimes I think my husband wishes it was and 1 and fifteen minutes from my house :)

Farmer's Wife said...

Layla, I love your drapes. I copied them within days of your original post. I needed something on my bedroom window desperately. These fit the budget and look great. I Nestered them at the top so they poof. Did you just browse or purchase these great finds?

The Bliss Journey said...

Hi Layla, Great finds. Remember that book a few years ago about a girl who lives in a Walmart. Well, I want to be the girl who lives in a Homegoods. Love it... I could rearrange the displays all night.
Have a great weekend.

shawnee23 said...

I read that you were looking for a table lamp for your linen press. I found this one at Walmart that looks very similar to one in pottery barn filled with wine corks. Think of all the fun stuff you could fill this with! It has great reviews and you cant beat it for 40.00 and free shipping site to store. Thank you for sharing all of your fabulous ideas and finds, thought i would try to throw one your way! I cant attach a link, so the name is Nydia clear glass table lamp with fabric cream shade.

carolinagirl said...

I. Love. TJ's! I think I need you to go shopping with me though to find all these current and in style goodies!!! :)

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

I do love TJ Maxx. Marshall's is pretty awesome too! :)

Aura said...

LOVE TJ Maxx. I get most of my decorations from there.

mary said...

thanks. now I feel a terrible need to go to TJmaxx.

Jen Kershner said...

Arggg! Your killing me. I've looking for pillows for my new brown sofa but no luck yet. I know they will show up there eventually. Love those tableclothes! I love their lamps too. I passed up a couple awhile back that I've been regretting ever since. You better snatch it up when you see it there.

Lisa said...

TJ MAxx is my favorite store too!! I go there at least once a week. You never know what you'll find and when that item you've been wanting will go on clearance!!! MAybe a trip today is in order.

Unknown said...

I love your tips on decorating with inexpensive style. Keep those thrifty ideas coming!

Rose - Watching Waves said...

I love PB style, but I've never been to a TJ Maxx, HomeGoods or Marshalls, so I didn't know they carried really great look-alikes. Wow! I've been missing out!

3 Including Me... said...

Just love your blog, and great ideas! Maybe you can head over to my blog and give me an idea what to do with a certain empty room i have! Would love to hear what you have to say!

Mary Poppins said...

What inspiring photographs :)

Thanks for sharing


Katy said...

Tj Maxx is quite the handy place. I found some DARLING childrens sheets there last year. I didn't buy them, simply b/c I didn't really need them.....but I SO wanted to.

christy said...

I almsot went to TJ & HG today! I guess I know what I am doing tomorrow! ;) Love all of your finds! Great eye!

I just did the drop cloth drapes on my patio. Can't remember who I got the idea from, another blogger. Love it! I used the inexpensive clip rings from Lowes, 14 for under $5! Oh & fabric grom Goodwill for $.99 for tie backs. :)

Kasey said...

I remember Heather Bullard did a post on the drop cloths 2 years ago, and Sara @ Sadie olive just did a post last week on them.
you are right...
they are the rage.

alison giese Interiors said...

TJ Maxx does INDEED rock - how I miss it so! :(

alison g. (brazil)

Shannon said...

I scour TJ Maxx, Ross and Marshalls all the time for beauties. Looks like you found alot! Thanks for the tips on the drop cloth drapes. They are nice.
-Shannon in Austin

Misti of Studio M Designs said...

Hey Layla- Your dropcloth drapes look great! I can't wait to get my rear in gear and hang some over my stairway window, I really want them! Love the way your table turned out, the baskets look very warm and wonderful, too.


Courtney Baker said...

I adore home goods, but since mine is within walking distance it's not always a good thing. I actually bought three of those very same glass vases a few weeks ago!

Courtney Baker said...

I also saw these:

at HomeGoods. Love that place.

Jess said...

I am so obsessed with TJMaxx and Marshall's Homegoods stores for house stuff-- I go at least once a week-- found a fabulous distressed white wood framed mirror there for $150!

Anna said...

I hung my drop cloth drapes today - $8.97 each from Walmart. I love the natural color and texture.
Thank you for sharing all your great ideas!

Susie said...

I agree with all these great stores. TJ Maxx.. one of my all time faves.. and the HomeGoods store closer to me closed! I almost died! I also like to meander Tuesday Morning. If you look hard enough, you'll find some cool things. Thanks for the post!


I got a set of placemats that match the 2nd pillow in the 2nd picture. They were on clearance for $3 for 4! I am trying to figure out what to use them for since I don't want them on my dining room table. Any ideas?

Stacey said...

I am amazed that you are able to remember all the Pottery Barn items. You are so can replicate the look with items from TJ and Target! I just have a hard time remembering what I was drooling over.