April 27, 9:13 PM

Photo: The Lettered Cottage
Drop cloths may be the new decorating rage.
The price of curtains ranges dramatically, and depending on how many windows you have to cover, it can be a big expense.
A thrifty solution is using painter's canvas drop cloths as curtains. That is what Layla Palmer of The Lettered Cottage did. Now if I hadn't shared that those were drop cloths in the photo...would you have known?
⇒ Each drop cloth was a mere $9.99 and measures 6 feet wide by 9 feet tall.
⇒ All four sides come pre-hemmed, so unless you need to alter the height, they are ready-to-hang.
⇒ Wash and dry before hanging. Ironing is optional.
⇒ Easy to customize by adding trim to the edges.
What else you could do with a drop cloth? Table cloth, picnic blanket, or car blanket for those times when you have to change a tire or sit on the lawn to watch a child's soccer game.
Drop cloths can be found at your local hardware and big box stores (see list below).
For more info:
The Lettered Cottage
Home Depot
Ace Hardware
Author: Renee Christensen
Renee Christensen is an Examiner from Minneapolis. You can see Renee's articles on Renee's Home Page.
These are gorgeous. I love the heft and the texture. Wish I had some windows to cover right now!
Congrats! I've seen many articles & photos of drapecloths being used over the past couple months. It's the NEW decorating must-do.
I'm going to use a drop cloth to cover up the storage unit in our garage. No matter how I try to organize it, the shelves always look cluttered and messy; so, I'm going to hang yonder drop cloth in front. Voila, no mess!
Congrats! You are worthy!
I'm totally going to Lowe's to buy some today, by the way. :)
Way to go- I love the idea-
I'm going to run out to Home Depot and get some- because they run out! =)
Love your ideas- We just bought a tiny second house that I plan to redo using just what I have or on the cheap- your ideas are so stylist but something that's within my budget!
It's always a happy day when I visit your blog-
Thanks for the help-
Awesome! I'm hanging my drop cloths today. I was able to score some incredible curtain panels while out yard saling today so now I am able to embelish my drop cloths today too.
Layla, so glad you are getting kudos in the paper and they did a write up on it. LOL,heres a thought, now I am wandering if the price of drop cloths will go up because we are all rushing out to our Home Depot stores. I sure hope not.
Oh yeah! I love that your greatness was further shared!
I love your ideas in this blog and I love the idea of the drop cloths, with one caveat: Since they are heavy,they're going to filter out a lot of light.
I was going to suggest ways to use old sheets, but then I saw that you already had that covered! :-)
Please show us other ways to use our orphan objects. Because of you I will not sell/garage sale my lamps that line my garage.
Thank so much for your creativity and inspiration ........
Lorna in Southern California
Do you think drop cloths could be dyed? I'm just wondering . . .
Holy Hanna......will be buying some dropcloths quite soon and they will have a home in my front living room.
Thanks for the great tip girl.
So glad I went and bought some the other day when you first posted it. I have heard some people say they bleached theirs ??? Is that possible?
Congrats on getting the kudos!
Brilliant. Thanks a bunch. (Lynn from For Love...what a fabulous idea.
Congrats! Now, can you teach me how to market my site and art? I believe that is where your real talent lies!
...love this idea. i really like the naturalness...is that a word? i seem to be on a roll of creating new verbiage today. anyway, i am going to use this for my jewelry display! xo, mickey
Layla, I went out and bought some for my windows after reading your blog. After showing my daughter, she bought some for her windows in her living area. Then a friend bought one to use as a shower curtain. I have some chairs I want to slip cover and I figured I could use drop cloths for that too. I hope the Lowe's and Home Depots don't catch on!! They'll double the price!
Thanks for the great tip!
Layla, thanks for the PR...you must be well connected because today I was the number 1 Home and Living examiner in the country!
Might have to do this in the den! Love it! Congrats on the awesome write-up on examiner.com!
I had been looking for fabric to use to cover a storage area in an unfinished space in my apartment and after your great idea, I found it.
I hung the drop cloths on a high tension wire, it worked perfect.
Very cool Layla...you are everywhere!
One note on the drop cloths - I was surprised to find that the two 6x9 canvas drop cloths I purchased at Lowes on Saturday were actually 2 joined pieces of canvas (unlike the cloths I had purchased in the past). Do check them before you throw them in the wash!
Wonderful idea! I am going to get some drop cloths for my DH's office. Can you tell me where you got the rings and rod from? I love it!
This is such a great tip, I'm so excited to use it for my living room! Thanks!!!
Does anyone have any tips for ironing these? Mine are incredibly wrinkled out of the dryer. It's taking me FOREVER to iron them.
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