Shutter Style
Add character to plain rooms by propping architectural salvage, such as these vintage shutters, against a bare wall.
Budget Tip: Rotate accessories in and out of rooms to keep them fresh. You'll save money by not purchasing new items, and the ever-changing accents will create intriguing displays.
Love the shutter idea! I have one that someone gave me and now I think I'll paint it and just use it as a 'pretty' on the mantel. Keep those ideas coming Layla and I can't wait to see your next project!
I love shutters too! I got a lot from my parents old house and have used them in a variety of different ways. We hung one horizontally in the guest bedroom over the bed as a headboard. In my living room I painted three long shutters red and they hang on one wall - I displayed my black and white family photo collection between the shutters. In my basement I hung one horizontally and use it over my kids art area. I have ribbon strung from one end to the other and they hang their artwork from it. I also used a few on my ugly chain link fence in my backyard in an attempt to give us some privacy from the neighbors and dress up the yucky fence! Just a few ideas from someone that has gone a little shutter crazy! Love your idea with your mirror - looks great!
That looks fabulous.....I love it :)
Shutters add such a cozy cottage charm no matter where you put them!
I'm loving bahama shutters right now! For my little beach house, of course...
Very cool. It gives it the added drama and pop of color that that space needed.
I simply adore shutters. I have some in my kitchen and I love them so much they have me dreaming of having all the smaller windows done in shutters.
So WAY cute! Thank you for sharing this!
Note to Cottage Mama: I totally want to see your black and white family photos that you display between shutters! That sounds amazing!
We replaced a yucky bi-fold closet door in our daughter's room with a pair of perfectly chippy, bright green shutters. Shutters rock!
Love shutters! I have a tall pair on either side of the doorway in my dining room right now because there's no moulding around it and it's so plain. We're planning to add moulding tho and I'm having mixed feelings about taking the shutters away--they're really pretty! There's another pair on display in my kitchen, a pair in "storage" under my desk, and at least two sets, maybe three, in the garage! Oh, and there's a shutter I painted with Christmas motifs that I put up to hold holiday cards. Sounds like I have a problem...
I'm doing this today! Repurposing is great and really can, not only save money but, make you feel like you have whole new space. Love the shutter ideas. Once again, making me think.... You are keeping me on the edge of my seat with what you're planning on showing us next! Can't wait!
I'm loving the shutter ideas...you've inspired me to post what my neighbor did with hers in her son's room...I'm gonna go get pics. :)
Such a neat idea Layla...now if I could just find some empty wall space in my house!
I have this same image saved to my computer! I love it and wish that we could find more salvaged shutters here in Australia.
I love your blog...you are such an inspiration!! Just curious...what's going on over at the Half Note Cottage? Have I missed something?
How adorable! I love the color of those. It is the perfect shade. Due to this post and the other one you did earlier about shutters, I am now on the hunt for some budget-friendly finds.
Have you ever hung shuters horizontally? I'm thinking about hanging some above our bed.
Thanks for the beautiful posts!
Hello Layla - I love the arrangement on the shelf along with the shutters! I have an entertainment center I recently painted a creamy white and that I've now been struggling to accessorize. I am trying to find a nice mix of glass, pottery, letters, and books. I just don't have the knack. I'm thankful for your inspiring blog! Also have a bunch of old windows I recently "rescued" that I don't have a clue what to do with.
Cute. And color is key, isn't it? Love the color of the shutters against that wall.
I've seen a lot of shutters painted this color lately and I just love it. I have some very large ones that I have yet to do anything with yet but I think I'll paint them this color and go from there!
I have searched all over Mobile, AL for one wooden shutter. Can't find one anywhere! Any suggestions? I'm looking for one that is about 24" wide and about 48" tall. Thanks and love your blog...and of course your home.
The shutters are great. We had old shutters we recently replaced with new shutters. My husband wanted to throw away the old ones but I knew I could do something with them. After about a month in the garage, I painted them a beautiful blue (mermaid's net), roughed them up and put a black wash on them. I put three together vertically in my hallway, found some old hardware for handles and added black antiqued frames for pictures. I hung an R for our last name from one of the handles. They are gorgeous!! I love them and so does everyone else! My daughter has a ton of artwork so I painted a single shutter pale yellow, lightly distressed it and we painted plain wood clothes pins different colors (blue, pink, white) to display her artwork in our craft room. The yellow shutter is yummy!
And Layla...I visited Home Goods today and literally screamed with excitement as I found the wood bins you have in your kitchen! I have a wall in my kitchen that needs alittle TLC...the bins are a match made in heaven. So excited to get them up!
Love your blog!!
I can't find shutters anywhere by me on Long Island (NY) either! I have a problem with an awful wall mount air conditioner that you see immediately as you walk into my family room (it is pictured on my very newbie blog). I think shutters could be the answer, but I can only find new ones which are pricey. Any suggestions?
I'm in love with the shutters as well. Please keep posting different ways to display them, you always have such great ideas, Layla!
wow, stunning blog
I also love the shutters. They are so architecturally interesting.
Hey Layla-I love how they used the benches under the low wall. Adding the accessories and shutters really make a great display! Stop by and check out the 130-year-old home reno I featured. It's an amazing house!
Yes, that has been a favorite photo of mine for some time. I love the color of the shutters as well as the texture!
These are little beauties! Nice to see short shutters displayed this way. I am always looking for the tall ones. I have 2 tall wooden shutters, $4 ea. from Habitat for Humanity re-store, hinged & painted barn red. I pull them out at Christmas and slide Christmas cards up through the slats to display them all. The shutters stand on their own so I move them around to a different spot every year.
I continue to love what Layla loves!
I love the look of shutters...we used to have a few thrown about our home by the shore, and they were just so neat!
well done!
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