Saturday, March 13, 2010

Lisa Leonard Designs Giveaway

THIS GIVEAWAY ENDED AT NOON (CENTRAL TIME) ON MONDAY, MARCH 15th, 2010. Thanks to those who entered!

This weekend, the lovely and talented Lisa Leonard is offering up a $100 gift certificate to one lucky "Letterhead"!

If you've never seen Lisa's handiwork- here's a sneak peek of some of her latest creations...

To enter, just leave one comment on this post between now (Saturday, March 13th, 2010) and Monday (March 15th, 2010) at noon Central Time.

Good luck to all those who enter, and thanks for stopping by our blog today!

(PS- Those who follow Lisa on Twitter (@lisaleonard) are welcome to leave a second comment to up your chances of winning!)


Check out my e-book "Creating an Inspired Home"!


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Alisa D said...

Love, love, love Lisa's designs. Thanks for the opportunity!!

Unknown said...

I am determined to get one of these beautiful pieces!!!

Between You and Me said...

love her designs...would love a chance to win!!

PJ said...

I would love to win! I love her stuff. It is so beautiful.

Unknown said...

I follow Lisa on twitter!

lindsey said...

I love her designs they are beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

I love Lisa's jewelry! I own one of her necklaces and wear it all the time!

Samantha2818 said...

I love so many of her pieces. Thanks for the chance to win one!

Anonymous said...

I follow Lisa on Twitter!

Unknown said...

Love Lisa's jewelry! Thanks for the opportunity to win! Wow!

mama3davis said...

My heart has sped up a little . . . I would love to win a gift certificate for Lisa Leonard's jewelry.

mama3davis at gmail dot com

My Life and My Loves said...

Layla - new to your blog this week. Very inspiring!

Ellen said...

would love one of these!

shopwithm said...

I loooove Lisa's designs. Thanks for the chance to win!

Deb said...

I would love to win!

K. Davis said...

Whenever Lisa is involved, I know it'll be a great giveaway!! Such beautiful creations!

Unknown said...

I love your blog! Thanks for the chance to win :)

J & L said...

I've been wanting to buy some of her stuff for my mom! What a great giveaway.

Vanessa Greenway said...

Great giveaway!! Thanks!

Kare said...

Oooooooh....would love to add one of Lisa's creations to treasures!! Big hugs & thanks to Layla & Lisa for the opportunity!!

Shining Windows said...

i would be proud to wear one of Lisa's designs!!!

Allison61 said...

Love Lisa's creations! So cute!

Ally said...

pick me, random number generator!

Sherrie said...

She makes the most gorgeous jewelry!

Lori said...

I'd love to win this. Thanks for the opportunity and all the other great stuff you post on your blog!

K said...

I'm absolutely in love with Lisa Leonard's jewelry. I would be so grateful to win a gift certificate. Thanks for the chance!

lauren said...

love it. i really hope i can win this one. i also can't wait to check out the book!

Shelli Bourque said...

I love Lisa's jewelry. Thanks for the chance to win!

Ruth P. said...

Love the designs. Love your blog!

Annie Davis said...

Lisa's jewerly is awesome! This is a great giveaway!

Stacey said...

I heart Lisa Leonard Designs!!!

Chelle said...

I really hope I win..I need an inspirational piece to look at everyday!!!! I love her designs!!

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

I would love to win one of Lisa's designs! Please enter me in your contest and thanks for the opportunity!

Abbey @ Practically Perfect said...

Lisa's necklaces are the best. Thanks!

Lizzy @ Lizzy Designs said...

I hope I win, Lisa's jewellery is just my style! :)

brockey said...

Love her beautiful jewelry....... I want to win !!!!

Unknown said...

so adorable! love everything:)

Anonymous said...

She has such Beautiful Designs, I would be so Happy to win! Have a wonderful Weekend!!

Michelle Torres

Pineapples and Pickles said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.

Fingers crossed...

emily said...

Her work is gorgeous!

:) emily

Shaunna said...

Love her designs...thanks to her and you guys for the wonderful giveaway!

linda t said...

Oh my gosh, I would LOVE to win a Lisa Leonard original!! She's a design genius and I would be sooo thrilled to wear her jewelry!! I would never take it off!

Jadyn said...

Love Lisa's designs!

Colleen said...

Oh I adore lisa's jewelry! I wear one of her bracelets every day... Now I need a necklace, and that new wall hanging, and everything else on her site! Thanks for the chance to win.

Confessions said...

Love your blog, love Lisa Leonard's designs, would love to have one of her pieces!!

Shannon said...

I love her stuff. Would love to win!

Jadyn said...

I'm also following Lisa on Twitter now!

Lindsay said...

I would love to win something from Lisa!

Heidi said...

OOh, I LOVE her heartstrings piece!

chesley said...

wow! hope i win! i love her stuff!

Meghan said...

I would just love to score that gift certificate. Lisa's designs are so pretty!

Diana said...

So cool! I'm crossing my fingers.

PS- can't wait to see your mantel on Mon.

Ashley's Thrifty Living said...

love all her stuff. It is BEAUTIFUL!

Catherine said...

Love, love, love the chandelier!

Heidi said...

I follow Lisa on twitter!

SShaw said...

What a great giveaway- Lisa has some beautiful pieces. My fingers are crossed!

Dana D said...

Wow, that chandelier is beautiful! How talented you are. :)

Mary said...

Count me in! ~mary~

Megan said...

Oh my goodness. I LOVE her designs and have been drooling over the choices for months. Oh, could it be my lucky day?

Krissy said...

Her stuff is fantastic. Thanks for the offer!

Lasko's said...

another great giveaway...thanks and wish me luck!

Trisha said...

Someday I am going to win oe of may be years, but someday:)

Krissy said...

Her stuff is fantastic. Thanks for the offer!

Melissa said...

They're so pretty!

Mothership said...

So cute. Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Lisa Leonard designs - the product, the genuine artist, the attention to detail - even responding to an email comment - she is fabulous! great give-away. PS - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE TLC, too!

Sarah said...

Thanks for the fun giveaway! I've been eyeing Lisa's designs for a long time...

Ryan said...

I love her stuff! Hope I win :o)

Tamerie Shriver Halliday said...

Me! Me! Pick me! Pretty please! Thanks for a chance to win.

Abby McG said...

What beautiful designs! Love everything! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I love Lisa Leonard's designs. Thank you!

a likens said...

beautiful designs.
Angie b. Likens

Sylvia (at) Lily's Pad and Petals said...

Lisa's design are pure beauty. What a generaous giveaway.

Ashley Pepitone said...

So pretty! I'd love to win!

Aimee said...

I love her work! Thanks Layla!

C.J. said...

hello and thanks for the opportunity to win, so I will close by throwing my name/comment in the hat and spend all weekend praying. :)

AmyV123 said...

Thanks for offering such a fabulous giveaway... I would love to be the lucky winner of one of Lisa's designs!

denise said...

I'm in Ireland. Would you ship that far?

Solstice Mama said...

I love Lisa's stuff! Thank you for the chance!

Solstice Mama said...

I also now follow her on twitter.

Jodi said...

I would love to have this! Thanks for the opportunity!

{ a m b e r } said...

I have no giveaway luck at all...but I would love to win this one!

janine said...

I LOVE her stuff...beautiful!!!

Laura Brown said...

I love Lisa's designs. Thanks! Pick me! ;)

MrsKBJ said...

I love her designs! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

Molly said...

Love her work!

Molly said...

I follow Lisa on twitter too!

zhazha said...

Great giveaway!

Shilo said...

The new chandy designs are so precious! Love them!

judi said...

ooohhh so pretty...hoping to win!
~judi ;)

1 Funky Woman said...

Love all her stuff! I would love a chance to win! I adore all that you and your husband do, you both are amazing!

Beach House 27 said...

Thanks for the great giveaway - I love this style jewelry -


katevp-a said...


The Grandy's said...

Holy cats. I'm never gonna win. Which sucks because she has some cute stuff.

Dear Lillie said...

I love her designs! I hope I win!!!

Jina said...

I am totally crossing my fingers! :)

Grace @ Sense and Simplicity said...

Such a lovely giveaway.

MariePhotographie said...

Thanks for such a great giveaway!!

fabulousmrsg said...

Lisa's jewelry is just my style! I would love to win, thanks for the opportunity!

Samantha said...

love lisa's work w all my heart!

katevp-a said...

i started following Lisa on Twitter!

Andrea said...

Yay! I love her stuff!

megs said...

i love lisa's jewelry. i have one of her necklaces and i wear it everyday. thanks for the chance to win.

Tricia said...

I love Lisa's designs!

Susan G said...

All of her designs are amazing!

Crib Tales said...

Her designs her loverly!!

Mama Thompson said...

Amazing work...I just adore her necklaces!

Tenille Gates said...

How exciting! That gal has talent..i see her stuff everywhere and would LOVE to get my hands on one of her adorable designs! ♥ {fingers crossed} ♥ by the way, im SO excited to see your mantle creations! ;0)

Blondie's Journal said...

I have turned into a huge fan of Lisa's. Count me in!


Carbzilla said...

Pretty! I'm in!

Melissa's Thoughts said...

So pretty. Thank you for giving us this chance to win.

Shawna said...

Oh, I love lisa leonard!

Emily B. said...

Layla- So excited to see your mantle designs. And I love the simplicity in Lisa's designs. So cool.

Shannon said...

Her stuff is beautiful, great ideas for Mother's Day!

Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said...

Wow, such beautiful things. Really lovely. And what a gorgeous baby!

Katy said...

I would love to win something to give to my sister!

Joni said...

I'd love to win! Thanks for the chance!

Jackie said...

Lisa's creations are so cute...I would love to win...thanks so much for the chance!

Teresa said...

Beautiful designs! I love reading your blog Layla. Thank you for making me smile and giving me the energy/confidence to DIY too :)

Sarah said...

I love Lisa's hubby cannot seem to get the hint that I would LOVE a necklace from her, so I would love to win one!!

Unknown said...

Lisa's jewelry is beautiful! I love the pieces she designed for (in)courage!

City Grace said...

her stuff is so beautiful! i'd love to win!

HopiQ said...

I adore Lisa Leonard's designs! What a lovely giveaway!

Abbie Little said...

Love Lisa's designs! New to your blog & love your style & ideas!

April was in CA now MA said...

Her pieces are so beautiful!

Crafty in Paradise said...

I LOVE her jewelry, and would be a very happy girl if I won!

I am Katy, said...

I have had my eye on a Lisa Leonard necklace for awhile. :)

Kelsi said...

Lisa's designs are beautiful!

Red Door Home said...

Her designs are so pretty. I especially love the new ones you showcased in this post.

Anonymous said...

Wahoo! Thanks!

farmhouse mama said...

love her items. Thanks for the chance.

Tamera said...

me, me, me! I want a lisa leonard design!

Unknown said...

How fun! Thanks for doing such a fun giveaway!

Jessica said...

She is so talented! Adorable designs!

Jack said...

Can't wait to see the Monday mantel post! Would love a chance to win some of Lisa's inspirations!

Katherine said...

Her work is absolutely beautiful! I would love to win! Thanks for hosting such a fantastic giveaway.

Lisa Boutell said...

Love your blog and really love the "sparkle" necklace!!

Anonymous said...


Sarah said...

I love Lisa's beautiful! Hope I win!

mrs.messi said...

I love Lisa's designs! This is a great giveaway!

David and Christine said...

Everything is too darn cute but that little owl is something special!

Anonymous said...

love her designs... these would make some amazing gifts!!!

TheVirginiaHouse said...

Yes! I would love to win this! Thanks!

beckylynne said...


Unknown said...

I love Lisa Leonard's stuff . . . hope to get some . . . some day! :)
-Karen F.

Cathy said...

Love Lisa's stuff--thanks for hosting! Also love the idea of being a "letterhead" -- your creativity amazes.

carrie said...

Such beautiful work!!

Annette said...

Luvvie duvvie Lisa's jewelry....Would love to win

ruth said...

I love her designs!!!

Lisa said...

Beautiful jewellery and a gorgeous baby too! Thanks for the opportunity.

Mama's Boys said...

she has such beautiful stuff!
utahraptors (at) zookee [dot] org

jenna said...

well, i would certainly be one happy lady if I was the lucky number :)

The Riebeek Family said...

Beautiful designs!

BL said...

absolutely beautiful!

Natalie of said...

oh i love her stuff!! what a great giveaway!

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

I *adore* Lisa's designs. I'd LOVE to win!

Molly said...

I have one of Lisa's word of the year necklaces, but am so wishing for the Sparkle necklace!

Just want to say I don't often comment but I have you in my feed reader and look forward to your posts!


julie & joe said...

I LOVE Lisa's designs!!!

Unknown said...

I love her jewelry! I've been coveting it for about a year now!!

COTTAG3 said...

I have been wanting something from her for a long time. My fingers are crossed!

AKA Rosa said...

Cute Cute Cute!

Cori said...

Thanks for the fun giveaway! Love Lisa and Lettered...

Wendy said...

I would love to win this giveaway!!! Lisa's designs are beautiful!

Nancy said...

I LOVE Lisa's stuff and have always wanted something, this would be a fabulous opportunity, thanks!

Melissa said...

Everything she makes is so pretty! I love her work!!!

Lisa-Marie said...

The owls are adorable!

Lindsey J said...

What a treat! I LOVE her pieces....thank you for the opportunity!

Unknown said...

I love the necklaces. If I won that sure would be a bright spot in my day.
Ladies, thank you for this opportunity.

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

WOw, such stunning designs, how would you pick just one thing :)

claudia b said...

yo yo! i've been seeing Lisa's designs all over and I love them!

Andrea said...

I just love her work! It's so timeless and elegant! I would love to win! Thank you for the chance.

Georgia Josies said...

Love your blog and Lisa Leonard Designs!!

The Runyans said...

i would love to win! thanks!

Kat said...

One of these days I'm going to win something. I just know it!

Unknown said...

Beautiful work. Hope I'm the lucky one! Thank you both!

Tara said...

Love her designs! Thank you for sharing!!

Janis said...

I'd love to sparkle with one of these designs.

Stephen and Larissa said...

Thanks for the giveaway!!

CozyGirl said...

I LOVE all of Lisa's piece's! Thank you for offering this giveaway! :-)

Kay said...

I love her work!!

Kristi said...

I love jewelry and Lisa's designs! Her jewelry is fantastic!!

Bless by Tone said...

Love these pieces - they are so genuine.

Tina Johnson said...

love her designs!!!!

Unknown said...

Beautiful pieces!! I'd love to win!

Debby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elaine said...

Love Lisa Leonard's necklaces! And I love your fun blog - looking forward to your mantel post on Monday!

Kathryn said...

love her your stuff...hope I win!

Anne B. said...

How creative! I have seen several stamped jewelry sites....but her designs take it to a whole new level! Thanks for the giveaway!

Wanda Hurst said...

i love rainy weekends so i can do things indoors, have a blessed day.

Turley Times said...

Thanks for the chance to win!


Molly said...

Yay! Lisa's Stuff is beautiful!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful baby! Lisa's designs are so lovely and I would love to win one.

Diane said...

wow, the things she makes are absolutely gorgeous. i would love to get my hands on them.

Ashley Schott said...

Such gorgeous work! Thanks for the opportunity:)

Mandy McDonald said...

I have entered so many drawings to win something, ANYTHING of Lisa's. I LOVE her stuff! Love your blog too by the way. Thanks for all the great ideas and the chance to win!

Nutty said...

I love her work!

Holly S said... Lisa's jewelry! I'd love to be the winner!

Holly S said...

Meant to add I follow Lisa on twitter too.

Spark and Madison said...

This would be my mother's day gift to myself!

ItchyBits said...

Very cute. Love the owl. Hoot hoot.

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