Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Our White Wood Wall

Now that Kevin's done writing lyrics, he's really been jammin' on our latest renovation project!

Yesterday, not only did he paint the newly-uncovered wood ceiling the prettiest pale shade of gray/blue, he also added some wood in the door opening we discovered the other night...


And today, he primed the whole wall with Kilz...

Tomorrow, it'll get a couple of coats of "Crisp and Clean" by Dutchboy.
(Available at Walmart.)

I cannot tell you how excited I am about the decorating opportunities uncovering this wall has created!
(Can you imagine the possibilities at Christmastime! AAAAAHHHH! ELATION OVERLOAD!)

Since each "nook" on the wall is a different size, I'm going to use all different sized items in them.

One of which will probably be this strip of vintage black and white beach photos I had my friend, Danny, frame for me this week...


I got the photos from Mary Kay Andrews booth at "Seaside Sisters" on Tybee Island, Georgia.

Look at this little doll!



That's a heck of a beach bucket she's luggin' around, eh?

Here's one of the kids, hangin' out with Dad...


Notice how few houses there are on the beach.

And here's one of the kids, all packed up and ready to go...


And finally, one of them all piled in their super cool car...


I'm so happy the photos haven't ever been pulled apart from each other, and that they're all in such great shape.

I mean, they're like....fifty three years old!

Holy "Handled with Care" Batman!


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Kerry said...

Not quite 53 yet Layla...and I know...I was born in July 1957 so I'm eeking out every day until then!! Fabulous job of the framing too.

Kristine at The Painted Hive said...

Oh coool! I so WISH I had awesome walls like that to discover in my place. Those pics are plain vintage goodness.

Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...

what a beautiful wall, love the frame too!

My Cottage Charm said...

You totally had me snookered! I thought you were tearing the sheetrock down to find a door opening because you wanted a door into another room! ROFLOL I guess that's what I get for thinking. I should know by now I can't get into that head of yours! :) Lovin' the new wall though...see, your idea was better than mine! :) Can't wait to see it all dressed up.

Laura Trevey said...

Such memories in those sweet photos!!

Willow Decor said...

Love the vintage photos!! Painting makes such a difference!
Great job!!xx-Gina

Sandy said...

I have childhood pictures like those in your black frame of our family vacations in Clearwater, Florida back in the 1950s! It was a pretty empty place back then. I should frame ours the same way. The years go by even quicker as you age Layla - so enjoy everyday to its fullest!

Teacup Lane (Sandy)

Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said...

Where exactly is the wall you are opening up? In your bedroom? It's going to look great!I love your old beach shots!

Sandy, I grew up in Clearwater FL! It was the greatest beach ever. Mom would take us all the time and we would drive through Farm Stores on the way home. It was a drive through convenience store of sorts! How great is that? So many great memories.

Nienke at Revel said...

I can only IMAGINE how much fun you are going to have with your new rustic wall and nooks!! Oh the things that make us happy, right?!

By the looks of it this is a project that us folk with newer homes can take on and try to recreate the old look?

Cathy M~(checkitoff) said...

awesome paint job & very cool photos. you rock Layla!

The Hot Heads Groupie said...

We used to go to Clearwater every year too (in the 1960s). We stayed at The Angler. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm with Kerry (above). 53 in June and extremely colorful (you know .. as opposed to black and white :)

Great pictures. My mom gave me some marvelous B&W pictures of my brother and me and this is a great idea for display. I am going to have to think about this. Just grand!!

geri said...

Lovin the wall layla!!!
You have the cottage feel on the beach I love so much with wood slats and all.
Not lovin that the pictures are in better shape than me. maybe cause I am 3 yrs older. NOT! hehe
Can't wait to see all the pretty things you place there.

Mary Kay Andrews said...

Layla, I'm so glad YOU were the one to score that great vintage photo strip--and that you didn't break 'em up. I love finding these vintage black and white beach snaps whereever I travel.

Anonymous said...

Layla -

Watching with much interest as you reinvent another room in TLC! Is this your bedroom? Did I miss the finished bathroom?

- Deborah

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

I love the wall!! And the photos! My mom has a bunch like that in a box somewhere!

Beautiful Handmade said...

I'm curious as to where the wall is, too. I'm assuming in your bedroom?

Love the great texture and interest those boards give!

Tina Schiefer said...

Wasn't it such a simpler time? Not a 100 or 1000 digital photos. Just 5 or 6 over a long weekend. Nice!

Loving your new nooks too! I'm in the processes of putting little shelves in the wall space in my craft room to display my favorite wood stamps! Painted the horizontal wall boards barn red though so the light wood stamp blocks would pop against the color! Plus, my house is in mountain country, as you've seen, but still leaning towards that light and beach cottage bedroom!!!

Can wait to see your "first" display...and all the ones to follow each season...

Gina said...

Good Morning Kevin & Layla :O) I've been connecting with your blog for a couple of weeks now ... to say that I love is so week -- you two make me laugh out loud ... really :O) The Lettered Cottage inspires me to be a better wife, mom & keeper of the home. Happy Decorating :O) Gina

Dianne said...

Layla, did I miss it? Did you tell us which room this was? I cannot wait for the entire reveal.

Unknown said...

I {heart} your blog. Stop by mine, I don't think you will be disapointed in my last post!

lisaroy said...

Loving the rustic wall! And those photos are so charming! I love old photos- they have such personality and stories to tell. : )

Anonymous said...

I really love those vintage photographs! I need to be better about finding antique stores or flea markets or something...all of the random things that you find and display - if I came across them it wouldn't cross my mind that they would be of any worth! I love reading your blog because it gives me so many great ideas!

CaraRose said...


Love the pillow cover, and wanted to tell you they have good and inexpensive inserts at this link.

Can't wait to see the room finished. Good job y'all


kerrie elaine said...

Layla, heavens above, you are so beautiful...and your designs! Those are just heavenly.

Hope you're being inspired by!


wishful nals said...

love the white wall! it's so crisp! xo!

Ronnica said...

Cute wall!

Carriage House Antiques said...

so this was just under the drywall??all this sweet wood??how lucky are you?Ours is lathe :( I can just picture the starfish and shells sitting pretty on the ledges

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

It's so amazing that everytime you pull a piece of drywall off you find something increadible! Can't wait to see the finished project!
Take care

Caroline @ The Feminist Housewife said...

I'm loving the vintage beach photos!

I wanted to hang some old photographs that I found at a thrift store...but my husband nixed it because it was "weird" to have photos of people that we aren't related to....

it's not my fault that my great-great-grandmother didn't take awesome photos! = ) Haha!

Er said...

This is a beautiful blog! I havent had a chance to get into mine yet, but have it started.

You and your husband have a beautiful home!

When I came across this blog today, I couldnt pull my eyes away from the beautiful photos and your posts. Then I saw a photo or video of you and Mr.LC and yelled "I know him!" well not personally of course, but I went to see him and Trust Company live in Detroit in December of 02 because I LOVE their music! How awesome is that to have come across that tidbit as I was reading a blog I just found!?! Anywho, I wanted to thank you and Mr. LC for sharing your home and your renovations with us, and taking us on a wonderful ride through your world! I am now hooked!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

That could have been me in those pictures. I was born in 1954! Great years, the 50's! Love the pictures and how you framed them. Can't wait to see how the wall turns out. You have me wanting to to to Tybee Island. It looks so adorable there. All those precious cottages! Love & blessings from NC!

{oc cottage} said...

What could possible be better than a wall-sized-curio????!!!! The coolest!

m ^..^

Unknown said...

It always makes me a little sad when I see family photos in a flea market booth. The pictures capture a moment in time, but I often wonder how the images ended up for sale. Wouldn't it be great if one of your readers recognized someone in those great old B&W's and contacted you. Meanwhile, The Lettered Cottage is a fine home for vintage beach snapshots!

Alyssa said...

Love the photos and the Batman reference. I use those all of the time, as I have a 4 year old Batman boy! "Holy supper you didn't eat Batman", "Holy temper tantrum Batman", "Holy Whining Batman" "Holy I need a drink Batman!" And the list goes on!

Unknown said...

Layla, Thanks for the Seaside Sisters mention, now I am a follower of you and your projects, so fun! We have one more b/w strip of Mary Kay Andrews vintage photos left should you need another. Your new wall and decor is inspiring, looks like Tybee Island. Thanks for sharing your creativity.

Andrea said...

Hi, Layla!
Please, what kind of paint do you use for your wonder wall and your guest bedroom walls? Is it semi-gloss? Satin? Flat? Sorry, but I could not find it in your blog... By the way, I love your blog! :)