Thursday, February 19, 2009

Flea Market Finds- Vintage Book and Cast Iron Pedestal

Oh how I love my little cast iron pedestal.
It's ever-so-slightly whitewashed appearance reminds me of the sea.
I pretend it was purchased at an open-air flea market in Paris, where it was rescued from an old place like this...

The same day I brought my pedestal home, I also purchased this vintage book for Kevin.

It was $2.00.

It's titled, "What color is Love?"...

I'm going to mail it to him today. :-)

There is such a sweetness about the green linen cover. The pages smell just like you'd expect 34 year old pages to smell....warm and musty, in a good way...

The story inside reads:

An apple is red.
The sun is yellow.
The sky is blue.
A cloud is white, and a stone is brown.
The world has many things, the world has many people, the world has many colors and each one of them is different.
In a garden all the flowers are different colors, but they live happily together...side by side.
In a forest all the birds are different colors, but they live happily together...side by side.
In a meadow all the animals are different colors, but they live happily together...side by side.
In our world all the people are different colors, and, sometimes, they live happily together...side by side.
Colors are important because they make our world beautiful, but they are not as important as how we feel...or what we think
...or what we do.
Colors are "outside" things, and feelings are "inside" things.
Color is something we see with our eyes, but love is something we feel with our heart.
An apple is red, the sun is yellow, the sky is blue, a leaf is green, a cloud is white...and the earth is brown.

And, if I asked you, could you tell me...


Anonymous said...

Awww how sweet, I would get something like that for my hubby if I thought he would appreciate it! :( Is yours out of town?

Katherine said...

I'm glad that you bought the pedestal. When you first posted a picture of it, I loved it. And the price is hard to beat.

I love the book too.

Becky said...

Oh how precious!

I love finding the needle in the haystack...who am I kidding, sometimes I love the HUNT even more!!

Blessings :)

LuLu said...

so glad you went back for the pedestal... on my wish list! and the book is so sweet... i'm sure your hubby will love it.

Anonymous said...

That is such a lovely book. The message is so timely. Thank you for sharing.

Darija said...

oh please share the author of the book! I had a book with the exact same illustrations growing up that was called "what is a friend" or something like that.

Darija said...

I remember now- the one I had was called "a friend is someone who likes you" there's several of these children's books

fun stuff you've found!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

That's lovely...I read it out to my children over lunch and my youngest (age 6) said it was if everyone could think that way then world would be a better place.

Kimberly said...

What a sweet book! I love the spare language and the simple pictures. And thank you, thank you, for photocopying the pages instead of tearing them out.

Teacats said...

Now THAT is a true Valentine! Found, read and re-read until it becomes part of your soul -- and then it is sent along to brighten and lighten another person's soul. Lovely posting!

Jan at Rosemary Cottage

WhisperWood Cottage said...

Love the pedestal and the book! What a great message!

Janelle said...

Joan Walsh Anglund is the illustrator and I think author, too--she did a lot of little books like that in the 1970's. I had a few myself. Her tiny children are SO CUTE!

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

sweet...all of it!

Sweet Soft Southern Thrill said...

What a darling little book! I love it! You always find the best things. :)

Jeannette said...

I have a copy of this dear book my dad bought for me long ago. Have you seen the article about children's books pre 1985 being subject to a new law that will make it hard for 2nd hand selling, or even giving away unles expensive lead testing is verfied? It is such a shame. Check it out, many old books are being discarded.
Link for you:

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Lovely finds! and I like that you also put in photos of similar pedestals with different colors...makes it interesting as well as helping visualize a hidden treasure.

That book, also a find! $2...I looked on eBay and Amazon and found prices ranging from $24.50 to $120.

Smart shopper, you!

Suzann said...

pure sweetness.

Nancy Hood said...

I love this author and have an autographed book of hers. She came to Atlanta when our Jenny was small and we drove to the bookstore to buy another of her books. Love the way you've displayed it!! You are so talented, girl~

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing those words from the book you bought. What a bargain. I have a copy of Pilgrims Progress that I bought at a flea market in Virginia in `1995 and it was dated 1 January 1895 and belonged to Alice Maud Fowler a lady from Short Falls New Hamshire and I only paid $1.
I love old books.

carolyn said...

I have this book from my childhood, and love it now as much as I did then.

My mom was a huge Joan Walsh Anglund fan and I had framed prints of hers in my room as a kid. The memory makes me smile!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful find! I grew up reading that book as a kid with my mom, and still have my copy. It's really adorable!

Love all of your design ideas -- thanks! :)

Rachael Black said...

I looked for this book online because I absolutely adore it..... I found it on for between $71.89 & $109.58!! I just wanted to let you know that you found quite the gem! Thanks for the inspiration. {Ode to Creativity}

lisa said... soon as I saw the little green book, I knew right away that was the same one I found at a vintage shop years ago before I had children. I knew that one day when I had kids that they would inherit this lovely little story. It is now sitting on top of my daughter's shelf.

ps I adore your blog and taste.