Thursday, April 16, 2009

Maple Street Marvel


About two miles from our Lettered Cottage, sits a bona-fide Southern Charmer…


It’s listed for sale for $199,900.

Dreamers to the cores of our beings, Kevin and I love to visit places like these to draw inspiration from their charming architectural details and symphonies of colorful landscaping. Imprinting images like these into your subconscious mind can help you to create a similar look and feel into the place you call home.

The Maple Street home is located in the Daniel Pratt Historic District of Prattville, and it was constructed circa 1898.


Front Walk

The front porch has restored columns and banisters…

Front Porch

Front Porch_2 Railing

Here’s a close up of the tiny, delightful pale blue-gray and white tile that covers the front porch floor…


Inside the front door, is a large Living Room with a bay window and a fireplace…



The formal Dining Room has large windows, and a fireplace…



The home also features a Butler's Pantry, complete with a built-in hutch, located between the Dining Room and Kitchen. The Pantry also has an exit that leads to the oh-so-inviting screened-in porch...

Screened Porch

(please excuse this “pieced together” photo of the porch…we’re buying a wide-angle lens soon!)


The ceilings throughout the house have been restored, and it's also been completely rewired.

You’ll find wide crown moulding and original moulding on all the doors, and around the hand-blown glass window panes.

Another bonus is the fact that the home has tons of closets & storage, unusual considering its age.

Unfortunately most of the house has been carpeted, BUT, the good news is- underneath all that carpet are the original hardwood floors!

The kitchen is extra-large, and even though the cabinets and stove are old, I think they’re so charming…



My eye goes right for the light & shadows, cast on the middle of the floor, thanks to the windows over the sink. So dreamy! Just like something out of a movie or a magazine…sigh…

There are four bedrooms and two bathrooms in the house, and it also has a huge laundry room, which is always a good thing.

Outside, I love the yellow Lady Banksia rose (more commonly known as "Lady Banks") tickling the white-painted picket fence…

Picket Fence

The charcoal gray urns, by the front and back porch, look so fresh filled with “Spectabilis” Sedum…


Several trees on the property are wrapped in Resurrection Fern. I love the texture on texture…



On the ground, beneath this tree, we found these refreshing white blossoms…

White Flowers

Check out the Snowball "Viburnum" bush by the garage. It was in full bloom the day we stopped by…



As you can see, the backyard is like something out of a fairytale too.

While strolling around the yard, I found beauty in the form of a wooden, moss-covered swing…


So much here to be inspired by, so much sunshine to the square inch!

I like to see a home like this, a home connected with people's thoughts and work, things they love.

- Dewitt Bodeen (1908-1988)


Amanda said...

OMG! You HAVE to buy that- I would LOVE to see what you could do with that place- how yummy!!! hey my Kitchen is done! hoo-ray!!! if ya wanna see
also- I want to put your button on my blog but couldnt find your code.

Amanda said...

ok I tried to post a comment & it didnt work-lets try that again. 1st you HAVE to buy that house! I would love to see what you could do with it! 2nd my kitchen is DONE woo-hoo if you wanna take a peek:
3rd- I want to but your button on my blog but can find your code- halp!

Mitzi said...

Wow! That is a really pretty home. Too bad I can't move to from Nashville to Prattville.

I've enjoyed reading your blog. I just recently discovered you via The Inspired Room. I appreciate your eye for clean, character-filled, beautiful rooms.

Denise said...

Hydrangeas are already blooming in your area - I'm so envious. So much charm for the price! Whoever buys that house is so lucky to have you in the neighborhood.

Holly said...

Ho-ly cow! Under $200k? I live in what is general considered an area of reasonably priced housing, but no kidding, that would be twice as much here! Sigh.

Jenny Beth said...

Hi Layla, My name is Jenny Beth and I live in Nashville, TN. I have found your blog through my friend Lyla that I went to school with. I love, love, love your style and try daily to create a cottage look for our home as well. I am hoping to have your expertise help me in the next coming months on some things so I will let you know for sure, I have both big and small projects and would love your advice/direction to really create a charming cottage feel inside. I LOVE the house you just posted, this would be the kind of house that I would dream to live in and what a price!!! We live in a 1964 ranch style home that has been partially re-done but plenty room for more. Thank you for posting all the ideas, I just love Maple Street!!!

The Bloom Girls said...

Hello Layla,
What a darling house it is and what an even more darling house it would be once your worked your magic. Your enthusiam to create is so precious.

Great blog!
The Bloom Girls
Nashville, TN

Unknown said...

Wow, what lovely grounds and potential in that home. In our area, even needing lots of TLC on the inside, that home would go for $750,000 (Canadian dollars,too) or more on a decent sized lot. Prices are so regional. The hydrangeas are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing your great photos.

Katie said...

whoa! 199,000?! That is a great price! What a delightful house!

Lori E said...

That is the kind of home I need. The possiblilities are endless.

Lori E said...

I would like to capture the button for your site but there is no coding there to do so. I tried the right click directly on the button but when I add it to my site there is only picture.

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Oh, it's beautiful! and what a great price. I sure wish you could buy that too. It's adorable & I'd love to see what you could do with it. Just the outside is SO charming.

cotedetexas said...

Oh Layla, I would love to see what this house would look like under your vision! Soooo beautiful!!!!

Susan Lang @ Designing Your Dream Home said...

So much southern charm! I loved the white azaleas by the mail box and the street name being Maple Street.

Cheryl said...

There is something so very charming and alluring of an old home and this one looks like it was lovingly taken care of. Everything from the inside to the outside.
We used to live on Maple St....but in North Carolina. I loved that old Cape Cod house. Had dreams of turning it into a cottage, but we moved.
Thanks for sharing your inspiration.

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

SO much potential! Beautiful and a beautiful price!!

angela | the painted house said...

What a deal for that place! Wouldn't love to know what meals have been cooked in that kitchen?

Christy said...

I absolutely adore this house! Everything about it is truly Southern in every sense of the word. You and your husband have got to buy this... can you imagine the fun you guys would have! I bet if those walls could talk, we would definitely be in for some entertainment. I wish there was a house just like this one, with the same price tag on the market here in Virginia. I would definitely be interested!

Anonymous said...

This house is amazing!!! I sooo want to buy it!!!

Barn House said...

Beautiful home!! IF we ever had to move from our place, this is the kind of house we would LOVE!

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

I'm an old-house kind of girl, so I'm drooling right now. YOU could totally tranform that place, while not sacrificing an ounce of its charm!

Anonymous said...

Layla , So here in Oregon that house would easily list for $650,000.00 . It is amazing that a Home that beautiful could be less than $200,000.00 Our little cottage is 800 square feet and it would list for that here. I think I need to move closer to you. :0)

Crafty Mama said...

First of all... I read your blog daily for some time now, and I love it! Thanks for your daily inspiration!
Second, wow what a great house! And don't get me started on the price... what a steal!! We live in The Netherlands and our teeny tiny house cost the same... in euro's!!!

Amber said...

I can hardly believe that house is only $199,000!!! I wish property value was that low where we live. What a beauty! That lush green yard is to die for and all of the architectural detail in the home is fabulous!

Linda in AZ * said...

* LAYLA, this is just OOOOOOZING w/ POTENTIAL, & I can SOOOOO envision it w/ The Layla Touch having been added!!! It speaks, already, of the things in life that mean soo much... or SHOULD!... a lighthearted approach to the joys that sourround us in life! And, a honey of a price, too!!!!!! ~~~ So, are you two thinking of diving in here????? Can't wait to hear! Warmly, Linda in AZ *

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

It's lovely! I can feel the cool, slightly damp air in the yard outdoors. Lotsa potential in that diamond in the rough!

Missy Langley said...

I am in total lust over this home. What a PRICE, too. Wonder why they are selling it? Maybe they didn't want to remodel that kitchen!!! Thanks for sharing.

Wendy said...

What a beauty! Thank you for sharing this lovely old home! Sure wish I could find something that charming in my neck of the woods for such a great price! WOW!

Trish @TheOldPostRoad said...

Love it! That is not a hydrangea - that is a snowball verbena (I love those, too - it is too early for hydrangeas). The pretty petite yellow climbing rose near the fence is called Lady Banks. (I live in middle Georgia and you have the same plants that we do.) Great house. Mine is from the 1860s and it is a love-hate relationship. GO FOR IT!

Rachel said...

I'm so in love with that house!!! Why can't it be in PA?? That place really has so much potential :o)

Have a Happy Day!

Rachel said...

Love how I signed my name incorrectly, lol!


MilkMaid said...

Big. Fat. Heavy. HEAVY sigh. know...this could be a business. For a talent. Like you.

The Lettered Bed and Breakfast.

Amazing, thanks for sharing it!

SeaWorthy said...

definately needs some TLC, but that house could be whipped into shape in good order. With a price tag like that, it would be well worth the blood sweat and tears..with alot of the sweat.

Layla, Im in the pacific northwest in Washington state, what kinda roof is that on that home? It looks like rolled roofing, never EVER seen that on a sloped roof home before.. Common?
coastal nest

Claudia said...

That house is such a beauty! I am in love with it! Where I live that house would be much, much more. Are you thinking about it? It could use your touch.

Katy said...

Awesome place, thanks for sharing!

Candy said...

Oh, the things I see in my head when I see these pictures! That house is gogeous and could be so much more than it is right now. *sigh*

Erin Southwell said...

Just beautiful, Layla! And $199,999!?????? Unbelievable! The curb appeal is to die for.

TGIF, friend!

Funky Junk Interiors said...

I don't think I could sleep if that was for sale just down the road from me.

Have you considered staging homes for sale? Or doing photo shoots for homes that ARE for sale? You catch the romantic feel of moss of all things.

Thanks for sharing! I enjoyed that tour!

Donna @ Funky Junk Interiors

Tina Schiefer said...

Layla, when I read this post, AFTER drooling over all that detail and charm, I was blown away by the price! Who in the world thought it was such a good idea to raise housing prices so HIGH!!! Not that one of course, but all the other cookie-cutter, contractor-grade boxes that sell over $500K on our side of the world. AND there are these beauties out there!

I'd love to see your work on this one! Kevin needs to get signed by a label!!!! hee hee

Thanks for sharing!

Lettered Cottage said...

Kev's band was signed to Geffen Records for several years...nowadays, they're trying to stay as far away from labels as they can! :-)

They'll release their next album themselves, later this year.


Cindy said...

Oh my gosh, I cannot believe that price! In California that would be over a million dollars! Seriously!!! It's gorgeous!!! You can't even buy a condo here for that price!

Tricia said...

Beautiful, Layla!
We lived in the south for a mere few months, but I love southern architecture. Your photos were so sweet and the dialogue painted an even lovelier picture.
Thanks for sharing your find.


Unknown said...

I know exactly where that house is in Prattville. My grandparents live not too far from there. I have always loved that house. That area is such a great little area, and I love that the houses are still being maintained! Thanks for sharing. It brought back memories of being a little girl and walking through downtown Prattville on a summer day with my grandparents.

Blessings to you!

Anonymous said...

Oh my Gosh!! You HAVE to buy that. If you need us, we'll help with a bake sale! Good Lord!!! That is THE BEST HOUSE EVER.
I just added you to my blog roll. I am officially addicted to your blog.
Have a great weekend! I will be spending mine catching up on your amazing blog!
Please keep us posted about that TDF home!

100 Thoughts of Love said...

I love that house, have driven by it many times. i could so live in it with very little changes....some paint maybe! dream on....

Unknown said...

I love this house. I could see me and the hubby sitting on the porch, drinking lemonade and him yelling at the neighbors. lol

J.J. said...

That house is a dream. It brings back memories from my past that have nothing really to do with that house.

Just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing the photos.

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

A-MAZINGly charming!

Maria said...

You can't even buy the garage for that much here in NJ!!!!

I love your blog, and your ideas are just fantastic.

Doug Davis said...

Wow...I always thought if I bought a vacation house it would be at the lake or beach...but Prattville is only an hour from Bham! You'd better buy it before I do! That's a really wonderful house

Hillcrest Acres said...

Oh the possibilities!!!!

Kasey said...

then buy it!!!what a great home.

Frugal Jen said...

I love homes with character. That home is beautiful I can see so much potential.

Miss Matilda said...

wow! I can't believe what a steal that house price is, I wish I could move there from the UK !!

Kathi said...

Is it too far to commute from Prattville to Birmingham? I just might have to look for a new job just so I can have this house!!
Would LOVE to be your neighbor!

Rebekah said...

Wow, that banister is DIVINE!!! Houses like that make me cry. Because I don't live there. :)

Anonymous said...

I have been drooling over this house for quite some time now...but with a baby on the way, my husband doesn't want to embark on it! I see wide-plank wood floors throughout...more flowers, a beautiful kitchen with a bronze decorative fan/hood over the range....nights in front of the fireplace! I would love to see someone take it and love it the way I wish I could.

Amber Filkins said...

OH.MY.GOODNESS. You have me *almost* convinced to pick up my life, move across the country, and buy that house. And the price??? Oh my Lord. I could buy a box for that price here. That is insane!!

It is such a beautiful home.

I think I'm going to go have a good cry.

Sarah said...

Is it still for sale?? If so, please email me the realtors info. to


Angela said...

I dream of houses like that! The fact that it needs work but wasn't redone in the 70's or 80's would make it so much easier. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Not sure how I missed this post. You two remind me so much of Thomas and I when we were searching. We knew we wanted an old house and looked at approximately three dozen in two weekends. This house on Maple Street was a real charm. One day you will have your old house.

Katie said...

I held my breath the whole time I looked at these pictures.....ooooooohhhh......

Samantha2818 said...

Oh this home is lovely. We don't have this much detail in houses in the UK. It is so my dream home! I've saved the photo of the screened in porch as when I can afford to have a conservatory I'd love it to look like this. The price was great too - we'd never find anything this size and with this much land for less than double that price in the UK.

the treat girl said...

I would soooooooooo want that house if it was only 2 miles away!!!!! And to be able to walk thru and take pictures would make me crazy knowing it wouldn't it wasn't going to be mine!!

Unknown said...

This is an amazing house!! What a STEAL - in Cali this home would be so pricey i'm guessing around 400K or more depending on the area - wow