Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dining Details

It was Halloween of 2007, and we had just acquired walls the same color as the pumpkins on our new neighbors front steps...

Our house had been on the market (and vacant- p.u!) for eight months before we made our offer on it- so something told me that the cobwebs draping from the ceiling were probably not deliberately hung as part of an "All Hallows Eve" theme designed by the previous owners.

These days, the dining room is sporting a new paint color- Sherwin Williams "Rice Grain":

The picture ledge idea on the left wall was one of those things that just kinda popped into my head while I was laying in bed one morning, shortly after we moved into TLC. (For some reason, that's where most of my lightbulb moments seem to occur.) Mr. LC hadn't really attempted to "build" anything at that point in our relationship though, so he was a bit apprehensive about whether or not he could pull it off.
We took a trip to Home Depot that morning and I excitedly tugged him around the lumber department, enthusiastically describing just how easy the project would be. By the time we left the store, my pep talk had convinced him that he could probably handle it. (woo hoo!) And just like I thought, he soon discovered it was really quite a simple project...

As you can see in the photo above, the first thing he did was attach beadboard paneling to the wall with Liquid Nails and finish nails.
Next, he screwed a 1"x8" board to the front of it.
Then he screwed a 1"x4" board, horizontally, down into the top edge of the 1x8 board.
To create a lip for the pictures to rest against, he used Liquid Nails to glue a piece of "L" moulding to the 1x4 board.
Once I caulked and painted, it was done!

I was really happy when I discovered that I could even fit some small, white accessories on the ledge as well...

We used various wood frames, all from a flea market, around the photos we wanted to display...

We paid between $2.00 and $5.00 for each of them.

We sandwiched a photo my Aunt took of her barn took between two pieces of glass, instead of using the backing that came with the frame. We did this because we didn't want this particular piece to look too heavy, visually. We thought it would be too much with the extra-large wood frame around it. The fact that you can see so much of the wall color keeps it feeling a lot lighter visually...

The frame around the barn photo actually used to be a honey-colored wood, which wasn't the color I envisioned, so I simply painted it black with some left over paint, and distressed it a bit...

The rest of them were perfect as is. I LOVE the chalky gray color of the one with my niece's photo in it...

...the way it speaks to the curvy, brown frame next to it just thrills me!

Speaking of flea market finds, we also picked up this sweet old basket to use on the table for a few bucks too...

I haven't really blogged about our table yet, because I'm not exactly sure if the legs will stay black or if they'll get painted brown, but here's a sneak peek:

I love how big it is, but if I need to make it smaller, the leaves on each end of the table slide out, and down, and all the way in. Move your cursor back and forth over the photo above to see them in action.

The old screen door, and our painted dining chairs are currently my favorite elements in the room...

A screened door, some painted chairs, a wall full of beadboard and tiny smiles scattered across a picture ledge. What else does a room need to be happy? :-)

This post was brought to you by:

Trendy Home Decor Wall Decals


Laura Lynn said...

Love it! I've always loved a high wainscoting and picture rails... helps make everything look taller!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a happy place to me! I'm using so many of your ideas in my own home. Love the blog and your style!

claire @ a peachtree city life said...

you all have done a fabulous job! thanks for describing how you made the photo ledge. i have been wanting to do that for a while, but not sure what the sturdiest way to do it would be. seems pretty easy!

Lindsay said...

I love that ledge, if I wasn't renting I would do that to our living room, it looks so nice!

Unknown said...

I like the paint color on the walls. The picture ledge is a great idea!


Rachel said...

Brilliant! I love it!!

Sarah said...

It's really lovely, Layla!!! I love all the subtle shades and hints of color and texture. I was wondering why we hadn't heard anything about your new table;) The 143 grey chairs look perfect in there!!! And ditto..thanks for the chair rail directions...I think perhaps even my hubby could handle this (with my help). You guys should be really proud of the beautiful home you have made together:)

Ms. Elaine said...

I just love the picture ledge! What a great idea. I have a SMALL dining room and this might just add the punch I need.

The Flying Bee said...

Perfect in every way! Love it!

missy said...

everything looks amazing!!!!!!
love the picture rails!!!!!

Shar said...

It's really nice. I would love to do the picture rail. Do you mind sharing the distance of the rail to the floor? I am not sure how high to make mine.


Erin Southwell said...

Absolutely FABULOUS! I love the breakdown! I really wish we had done our wainscotting in our master a tad lower so we could do large frames on top like you have-we have the "shelf" space on it but it is so high, it doesn't quite look right! Boo.

Natalie@Endless Crafting said...

Just love it! Absolutely just love your style!

Robin Johnson said...

I've loved this room since you first bloged about it and it has become a inspiration photo for a makeover in my home. I'm so glad you decided to show how you put your wall treatment all together since my "not knowing" how to do it has put my project in the "still dreaming" pile. Thanks for the info.

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

I'm loving that happy room! Thanks for the blow by blow descriptions.

Audra said...

Your designing mind, girl!!! What you guys have done with that house is amazing! I love the wall with the beadboard and railing, the pictures are beautiful too. Thanks for sharing your work with this design challenged soul!

ceedeedee said...

I love the frames!
That picture of the barn looks really similar to one that Pioneer Woman takes often.

Patricia said...

This is awesome!
I am serious
We are buying a home with a small eat in kitchen space and this idea for the bead board and the rail is exactly the thing we need for that room!
Thank You so much for the directions
I am so happy and you are so blessed to be so talented
Happy Weekend

Shanty 2 Chic said...

Love it... I hope to find a wall to copy your amazing idea! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I don't remember where I found this idea but here is one for your picture frame wall. I saw some one line there photo frame mats in burlap so they all matched. I thought of you when I saw the idea and now was reminded with todays post. Thought it might be fun to try. Maybe burlap on some and a ticking on others.
Love the blog always.

Stephanie said...

So is the picture rail opn every wall or just that wall?
I love the idea and would really like to incorporate it into my hoouse but I am not sure about which walls...
Anyway, just curious!
Thanks for sharing your home with us!

Kacey said...

Saving this to my "TO DO" folder and to CONVINCE my Mister that he CAN do it! :D

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

Love that ledge!

Sarah said...

Very cute Layla, I love that picture rail. Very clever. How high is that ledge?

Barb said...

The photo ledge is something that I am going to pass along to my DIL. This would be perfect in their home.

You have a very creative soul.


Kelly B said...

Yeah!! Thanks for the tutorial!! Now I can convince my Hunny he is THE MAN!! ;0) It looks wonderful!!

Kelley said...

I love your dining room. Love love love it!!

Maybe I'm the only one with this problem... but most of the time when you do the "hover over the photo" option- it doesn't work. It used to work, but now it doesn't anymore. and I've tried looking at your blog on multiple computers to see if maybe it's just my computer, but it's not.

anyone else having that problem?

Sandra said...

oooh! How pretty! I love the picture ledge and the beadboard looks fabulous!

Sarah said...

I can't see your table! The hover photo isn't working! =/ But there are still many other photos of your lovely room to see. Thank you for sharing, you are such an inspiration!

Romana said...

gorgeous as always Layla, great work! The table picture isn't working for me either (that damn little red cross!), but I look forward to seeing more in the near future!

Alison Gibbs said...

What a great makeover. You wouldn't recognise it from the first photo.
The shelf and photos look fabulous

Cheri said...

I love the bead board wall with the picture rail on it. I might have to incorporate that into my dining/kitchen space. That is the next room I plan on having you do after my family room is done. Can't wait!

Moore Minutes said...

Umm, how is it that I want everything that you have in your home sweet home? lol... ;) I would love to do this in our dining room.

amy christensen said...

Totally love the "magic wand" effect. You have great vision! Love it!

Lylah Ledner said...

love it!

Katherine said...

You are a genius! And a genuine artist. Imagine if you had lived during the Renaissance...

I love it all!

Amanda said...

Layla, I must admit I find your blog to be a new addiction of mine. ...and much to my pleasant surprise were your instructions on a picture ledge. I too had that light bulb go off in bed. Except mine was in the evening. (decorating thoughts seem to be causing insomnia.) =) I had just planned on my husband making a simple 'ledge' but your bigger, chunkier (for lack of better term) ledge would work great on our massive wall we've selected to place it. Thanks for that idea, and for never-ending beautiful inspiration! =)

Lynda @ SportsMadGirl said...

Brilliant!!! I may just have to steal this idea (but I would totally give you credit).

I think this would look great in my living room on the tv wall. It would be a great way to help bring the room down. My ceiling is about 20ft high and I hate it.

Love your blog and all your wonderful ideas! Thanks for the inspiration!!!

Swan Family said...

I Love it! You are awesome and truly talented!! I love that you share your awesome ideas with us!!!

Julianna Farmer said...

I really like the black legs on the table and the way they set off the gray chairs.

Aura said...

Thank you so much for this! I have been emailing my husband links to all sort of details on how to do any sort of paneling, or chair rails. I'm ready to attack the guest bedroom and I'm wanting to do something like this.

Joan said...

I definitely would not miss that orange. Hope the former owners have seen your blog and the amazing transformation --wonderful!

CandiShack said...

I love it! Love your ideas and your style. Thanks for a great blog!

Miss Mustard Seed said...

I love the bead board and shelf. Your entire house is beautiful and an inspiration to me. It's just my taste. I've been stuck in the "too busy doing projects for my clients and my shop that my house has been neglected" phase. I'm ready to get moving on my own space. Thanks!

paige said...

definately a happy place!
i think your 143 idea is the sweetest thing....i'm betting there's many a family that now uses 143 in their little world.
i love how you create beauty in your home.

Sharon@Sharon at Home said...

Love the beadboard and the whole room. I have a question ... did you take the baseboard and quarterround off before you added the beadboard ... or did you just put it on top of the baseboard?

Tote, Debby, Sammy and Caleb Jimenez said...

absolutely LOVE the beadboard!!! i'm working on convincing my hubby that we NEED to do this in our bedroom! may i ask how high you made the beadboard itself??

Sandy said...

Love it all Layla! You are just amazing.

Hope you and Kevin are well!

Love Sandy (from RE)