Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ripfest 2009 - Day Two

What a dusty couple of days we've had here at TLC!
I thought I'd show you some photos of what's been going on around here.

Note: There is laminate wood flooring temporarily covering most of the hardwood floors in our home. Within the next year or so, we plan to remove the laminate flooring, and to refinish and patch the hardwood flooring that lies underneath. Do not be alarmed when you see the large chunks of debri that have crashed down onto the floor in the following photos. It is laminate wood, I repeat, insanely durable laminate wood.)

Now back to our regularly scheduled post...

Our hallway is not a huge space. It's basically just a little area with lots of angles, and lots of doorways that lead to various rooms- the guest bathroom, reading room, guest bedroom and our home office.

The room with the door closed in the photo below is the guest bathroom.

Does that door need a paint job and a new door knob or what?!
Better yet, I'd love to replace the door completely with an old one, with a frosted glass window on it. (mental note: be on the lookout for an old door with a window on it)


Photo Credit: Bay and Gable Victorian

The room with the sheet over the doorway is the reading room.

The room on the far left is the guest bedroom...

...and our office is directly across from the guest bedroom.

Anywho, I've been dreaming of covering up our ceilings with tongue-and-groove planks of wood for quite some time.

I just thought it would be one of those things we either never got around to doing, or that we would do waaaaay on down the line because of the cost involved.

But I've been giving the stain in the photo above the evil eye for nearly two years now, and when we found out there were already planks of wood up above it- well...enter: my Home Improvement Hero...

He started day one of "Ripfest 2009" by making a trip to Walmart to buy one of these...

But because I was working in my office most of the day, I didn't get a chance to ask him to try to actually use it...

Maybe he just forgot it was there. Judging from its size, it would be an easy thing to miss, especially in that amount of square footage.
Or maybe it had something to do with the contract he was obligated to sign shortly after birth that stated he must make as much of a mess as humanly possible while cooking, doing home improvement projects and using the bathroom. >;-)

(I'm totally kidding...I love you and your messes honey!)

He barreled through that drywall like a champ...

As a matter of fact, we decided mid-project that it would make more sense for him to go ahead and rip down the drywall on the walls too, before re-installing the crown moulding.

Check out our hallway now!

Apparently there used to be a stove here...

This area used to be the kitchen back in 1950. The house was added on to and re-configured in 2003.

Check out the old, decorative metal vent cover...

(You can click on the photo to see a closer up view of the picture on it)

Unfortunately, only about 1/4 of this wall is brick underneath the wood. Sure would've been awesome to have an entire wall of brick here!

Mr. LC took the day off to watch college football (and recuperate) today, so nothing happened in the hall today except for clean up. Tomorrow he'll be back at it, removing nails and any other debris that's still clinging to the walls and ceiling.

The day after that, he'll start priming and painting.
In the meantime, I'll keep blogging and creating design plans for the folks who have asked for my help.
But don't worry, I'll make sure to poke my head out occasionally to make sure he's using a drop cloth. :-)


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Trendy Home Decor Wall Decals


Megan @ Megity's Handmade said...

Wow! That's amazing! It's going to have so much texture to it now. I live in a 50's house. I wonder....

Amber Filkins said...

Wow, that's going to be awesome!!

It's a good thing you're a visionary, b/c I might be freaking out a bit after looking at the walls right now.

What are you going to do where the brick is? Just paint it?

The Green Pea said...

Thank for the post, it is going to be very nice when you are finished. It is a lot of work but such a sense of accomplishment when you do the work yourselves. Best of wishes. Please show more photos as you move along. sandi

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Gosh Layla, What a gem this place is! One question: Where was Kevin's mask to keep him from inhaling particulates? Can you tell I'm a mom?

Cathy said...

Beautiful! I can imagine that decorative vent cover on the brick with a wide frame around it...making it cool wall "art" that came with the house!

Shanty 2 Chic said...

I can't wait to see what you guys do to it! How nice to have your husband help you too! ~Ashley

Magic Brush said...

I LOVE that brick and vent cover!!!!

Honorablyfallen said...

WOW so that what an old stove pipe cover looks like !! I have a 18-something year old home and in a fire place that has been boarded up is one of those plates ! I wonder if it was a stove pipe too! I'm so Excited for y'all keep having fun ! -Sarahlynn

Lynn Kellan said...

I'm surprised that previous owners covered up that cool wood...but I guess years ago, drywall was the way to go. What a huge job to remove it all!

Miss Mustard Seed said...

You are a lucky girl to have such wonderful things hidden behind your walls. I can't wait to see the finished result. Thanks for sharing your reno adventures with us!

Misti of Studio M Designs said...

I cannot believe someone would cover over that beautiful wood! I am dying to add wood planks to the ceiling in my kitchen and adjoining dining room, but the house is new and I KNOW we won't find any hiding under that sheetrock. What a lucky girl to have found that treasure!


Lori said...

Wow ~ what a difference ~ I love the wood!! And what a bonus to find that vent cover ~ ooh I love old finds like that. I know you will find the door you want and I think it would make an incredible bathroom door. What a cute picture of your superhero!

Leen said...

Oh my! It's so cool! I love that you decided to take the wall drywall down too. And that ventcover is so awesome!

GoodPlans said...

Love the pry bar picture! He's such a sport. I bet he's really a great guy. It's so good to see you two working as a team; I love that about your marriage! After seeing the bump out for the guest room door, I'm wondering if you're going to paint everything, or do a little something special on that particular area, since it stands out anyway??? Mabe just clean that section and leave the wood tone, or whitewash? IDK, but you'll choose something great. You always do.

Chez Zizi said...

VEry cool. I could totally see it painted. I gotta see the pictures.

Kimberly said...

Lucky!! Did you know there was wood behind the drywall walls?

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh I can't wait to see it when it's all finished. I know the exposed wood will be fabulous. Hugs, Marty

Cheryl said...

Wow, what a treasure trove under all that drywall. What a shame the previous owners covered it up. I love the wood look without any paint on the ceiling. Very cool. Thanks for sharing your step-by-step progress with everyone. We all are just as excited as you two.

Linda in AZ * said...

* It looks to me like y'all are constantly on a "TREASURE HUNT", and ALWAYS finding such FABULOUS things in, about and/or FOR your UBER DELIGHTFUL home!!! What FUN!!!

(Note: Your man is a P*R*I*N*C*E, Layla! ~MY darling just smiles & says "Please FIND someone to "JUST DO IT, honey!")...

Linda in AZ *

Stephanie said...

Wow - I knew from day 1 of ripfest that you had planked ceilings, but didnt' know the walls were planked too. Based on your guest bedroom, I think they hallway will turn out beautiful.
Oh, and about that bathroom door. It would be great to find an old door, but not one with a window. No privacy!!

Alisa said...

That totally makes me want to buy an older house and rip it all apart. What a blessing to have all that character hidden behind a little drywall.

MilkMaid said...

I covet!

How cute would a tiny pot belly stove be right there? Even just for decoration. Charming!

Lj82 said...

Looks sooooooo GREAT! I'm super excited to see how this comes along!

Aura said...

Why in the world would anyone have covered that up in the first place?!? PS, he looks like one of the characters from The Incredibles wearing a mask!

Rochelle said...

This hallway is going to look amazing!! Even with the messy given us the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Holy moly, I can't believe that was under drywall. Your place is truly a diamond in the rough!

Anne said...

How happy are you right now? Huh??? Amazing!

Prairie Girl Studio said...

how sweet is THAT? it just gets better and better ... i kinda held my breath when i saw the wood on the walls when you started ripping the wall gyp-roc off ... c'est fantastique! and 'knowing' you two ... you'll figure out something cool to allow that chimney plate and brick to be a focal point ...
cheers to you and HOME IMPROVEMENT HERO ... may you bravely continue on your quest ... right after football ...

Paula said...

Wow, just wow! That's a ton of work, and I'm stupefied by how gorgeous the walls and ceiling are beneath the sheet rock. Why would anyone cover that up?

Can't wait to watch this unfold :) You guys are simply amazing.

Polly said...

Love it. The transformation is going to be extraordinary!

Marjorie said...

What an exciting reveal! I too have hideous ceilings like yours throughout the WHOLE house, but without the wonderful planks beneath. What suggestions do you have that won't break the bank?

Carol in Indian Springs Village said...

Wow, these look seriously beautiful! Can't wait to see them after you are finished. And I'm loving the videos!

Hopechest Bride said...

What a great project. I'm sure it will look fabulous when you're done!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Ya'll are so cute & that seriously looks GREAT! I'm so excited for your discovery.

The Little Red Shop said...

Excellent! The chimney in my kitchen was cemented over yearrrs ago..probably by the person who painted practically every surface in my 100 year old house seafoam green (inlcuding the entire staircase). The stove hole cover was also seafoam green and stenciled with a big mauve rose. Whilst washing it one day...the paint started peeling...slowly revealing a buttercream tin like yours..but with a scene in the middle featuring lush trees, and a little red barn and silo. : ) Julie M.

Julianna Farmer said...

I envy your wood walls. We just moved out of a 1953 house that had load of interior brick, wood, and flagstone. It was heavenly. Hey! When are we going to see that bathroom you said you were going to start a re-do on? Or did I miss that?

Kim said...! That is fantastic! I sooo can't wait to see the finished hallway!

Heather said...

I'm trying really hard to not be jealous of you right now ;) I would LOVE to discover plank ceilings under our popcorn ceilings, but I can't see that happening in a 1970's house.

Sheri Howard said...

You are going to love it, I just know it!

Amy R. said...

Very cool! It' like uncovering history! It is going to look awesome! I love your house and your blog!

geri said...

"Oh to be young again!" hehe
Not that I consider myself old or out of steam but when I look at
my pop corn ceilings and sheet rock in need of repair,or dream of wood beamed celings...I think I rather live vicariously through you and your remodel.
The results are always so beautiful and an amazing transformation.
Can't wait to check out the fun stories and pics everyday.
Yea for Kevin! What a trooper.

Imagery by Kimberly said...

OMG - soooooooo awesome.... so so so so so so awesome!!!

LOVE it!

Love you guys - you remind me of a much younger and MUCH cuter version of my hubby and I when we worked on our first home!!!


Somewhere In The Sun said...

It's going to be amazing! I had pine plank boards on the ceiling in my kitchen/great room in one house. They were dark walnut and it took me 2 months to paint them white. I still miss them.
I can't wait to see what you are going to do with the vent cover area!

Teresa said...

I love it. Kind of looks like our garage when hubby is doing another furniture project for me. One in the works now so we have sawdust everywhere. Makes you wander why the heck somebody covered up those walls with sheetrock, and why people cover up hardwood floor with carpet. Crazy, I tell you, crazy.

alanna rose said...

We have a tongue and groove wood ceiling in our great room and I love it, it makes the whole are feel cozy. Can't wait to see your finished project!

Wendy said...

Hey Layla! How lucky are you that there is all that wonderful wood underneath the drywall. What a find! I mean the walls and EVERYTHING!!! And I hope you are going to leave the little section with the brick and the vent cover. I actually really love it!!

Wendy said...

Oh, and thanks again for the cake arrived on Saturday and I Loooove it!

Love the Decor! said...

What a treasure you have in that home of yours.
Wonderful surprises at every turn. Can't wait to see the fabulous end result.

Laurie said...

I agree with some would be so cute to "frame" the vent cover and make a little work of art! What a treasure!

Ryan said...

Wow! talk about lucky...

Laurel said...

Oh, your hubby signed that agreement as well. Good to know I'm not alone. Gotta love 'em but I would still be o.k. if there wasn't a HUGE cleanup after a fab dinner as well! Lovin' the walls and celing. How lucky are you??? See... you put good stuff out into the world and the good comes pourin' back!

Cathy said...


Melissa Miller said...

~WOW! What a tremendous difference in the hallway already! You two are so talented!

I didn't realize your home was an older home? What year was it built?

~Blessings, ~Melissa :)

Katy said...

How much fun and it's awesome looking already.
Yes, a vintage door would look great on the bathroom.
I found 3 vintage doors the other day at a gar. sale and I'm SO MAD at myself for NOT getting them. I really wanted to replace some doors in the house. DARN me.

The Blushing Hostess said...

Every time I think.... no, I am sure they won't... there is the wall and ceiling all over the floor. You two are the bravest home dwellers I will ever encounter.

BlueCastle said...

Beautiful! How exciting.

diana said...

it is going to be awesome!

Anonymous said...

hey layla! you two are too fun! i just left you an award at my blog! go get it! dont forget to follow the rules! have fun!

Thumperlane Homestead said...

Here in California they hava a salvage yard for old houses.. Called Urban Ore.. Its in Berkley. Great Place to buy old doors or molding or ANYTHING!! They actually go into home before they tear them down and remove everything that is still useable!

It's where I found all my doors for my old fashioned screen doors. Wonder if they have it in ur area?