Monday, December 7, 2009

Our $82 Fireplace Makeover - Revisited

(The spectacular view from our hotel room here in VA Beach)

We had a super successful shopping day yesterday, and it was so much fun hanging out with some of the folks we've been talking to via phone and email over the past couple of months! We also had a chance to check out the room we're making over, in person, yesterday. It was so surreal stepping inside of the room that I had previously only "been in" in the virtual model on my computer!

(Me, taking a last minute look at my 3D drawings before heading out the door to shop!)

We brought our video camera along with us while we shopped yesterday and hopefully we'll get a chance to use it again today, while we work on the room, so that we can post some behind-the-scenes footage here on our blog.

I found this schedule online, which shows when and where you can catch our "The 700 Club" segment on Tuesday (December 8th)...

In the meantime, I've received a number of emails regarding our fireplace lately, so I thought I'd revisit a post I did a while back, which shows the exactly what we did to transform our outdated-looking fireplace into one that suits our style...


"Our $82 Fireplace Makeover"

What do you do with an outdated-looking fireplace, that’s proportions are all wrong, for around eighty bucks?


First, you bulk up the mantel by attaching wider wood to it:



All it takes is a 1”x8” piece of lumber, that’s distressed and stained the color of your choice:


Then, you remove the cast iron firebox:

Removing the Firebox

Next, you paint the brick around the opening, and the cracked concrete hearth, black:

Black Paint

Then, to create some dimension, you add strips of wood and pieces of luan plywood to the facade, using Liquid Nails:

First Pieces of Moulding

Next, attach various 1x4’s, as well as 1/4”x4”s to the luan plywood using wood glue or Liquid Nails:

Fireplace Trim Moulding

Don’t ask me what that weird pinkish spot on the back wall of the fireplace is. I have no idea. All I know is that everytime I looked at it, I saw Wilson, from “Cast Away”:

Next, tape off the brick, so that you can caulk the seams and paint all the wood:

Caulked and Taped

Last step, paint the inside of the fireplace with black heat-resistant paint.

Here’s how it looks today, after implementing all of the simple and inexpensive steps listed above:

FP 2

Here is a close up of the newly added wood:

FP Close

And a view of the side of it:

Metal Shell Tiles

This project was not difficult at all. It was kind of like putting together a big jigaw puzzle. We just had to keep building it up, piece by piece, until it looked right. So don’t be afraid to try and revitalize your old, outdated-looking fireplace. With a little extra wood, you can completely change the look of it, for very little money, in as little as one weekends time.

Layla :-)

“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try”
– unknown

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Karyn @ Candarbry Garden said...

My fireplace is surrounded with a box made of drywall. I have painted it the same color as the wall, and I have painted it a dark brown contrast, but I have been begging my husband to do something more traditional. Last week I brought home some scraps of trim my contractor brother in law had around his shop, You just gave me the courage I need to do what I want to do. Thank you so very much... Karyn

JR in Sweden said...

This is one of my very favorite things in your house - it makes me want to add "outdated fireplace" to our list of must-haves for our current house hunt, just so we'll be able to do this too :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful Layla! We are looking at new homes, but sadly all the fireplaces are teeny little nothings. We might be stealing this idea in the near future! Thanks : )

mother of three fellas said...

I love the look of the new fireplace...So simple, but such a statement!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Yet another reason why I love you guys! This is genius!

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see your tv appearance! It looks like (over here in south jersey) that the 700 club can be viewed (on comcast cable) on two 13 CW network at 9am and ch 51 Family channel at 10am. So I can watch it twice...ha.ha! Anyway, good luck and lots of fun!

The Green Pea said...

Wow! just amazing and you did that for only $82.00? Have a wonderful Christmas. sandi

Anonymous said...

That looks so good! Thanks for revisiting it. I hadn't seen it before!

Wendy said...

Amazing as always!

Cottage Dreamers said...

Oooo...Virgina Beach! I went there once as a teen and had so much fun!

You guys did an amazing job on your fireplace!

Sharon@Sharon at Home said...

Layla - I can't believe you did all that with just liquid nails! I always think you have to get the heavy equipment out so haven't tried this .... THANKS for the re-visit.

LouLou said...

WOWSER! Looks like a million bucks!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for reposting this informative piece. I hadn't discovered blogs when it originally appeared. The transformation is amazing. Now I know how to fatten up my mantel.

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

I'm so excited for ya'll!! I'll be watching, I found the ABC Family channel, so will be tuning in!!

Jacci said...

If I remember correctly, this was the post that made me add you guys to my list of must-read-blogs :) Why not transform outdated parts of the house by gluing wood to them?! I think I must have had your fireplace in the back of my mind when I dreamt this up...

You and Kevin are inspiring! :)

Jacci in Ohio

Jamie, the Very Worst Missionary said...

Amazing and brilliant!! thanks for giving the play by play - totally makes it seem doable. (not that i'll ever do it...but a girl can dream, right?)

jill said...

Hi, I love your blog. What type of lumber and stain did you use on the mantle? I would guess just off-the-shelf pine, but when I have tried to stain it dark (usually to match walnut) it has an ugly green tint to it. You guys did a great job making that piece look natural...what's your secret??

Sami Jo said...

Hi Layla and Kevin! The fireplace is genius! I just bought a headboard for #20 off of craigslist and I'm excited to give it a makeover and a lot of the ideas I have for it come from you all so thanks! and good luck on the tv appearance!!

Tamera said...

I pulled up you post today and my 3-year-old daughter asked, "Is that Barbie?" when she saw your picture...don't you just love the little minds and how they operate?
Have a great Monday!

Unknown said...

I've already checked out what station you will be playing on in my area. I live close by to CBN and I don't have cable, but they still air their show on a local station. Can't wait and I'm even going to figure out how to record it for my daughter who introduced me to your blog.

Jill said...

I LOVE it!! You two always have wonderful ideas. Can I ask what stain color that is? I'm refinishing a table and want something dark and nothing I'm using is coming out quite dark enough....


Shana said...

That's so awesome that you posted this today! I was just thinking about this post last night because we are considering redoing our fireplace. Yay, thanks for making my search easier. lol.
How exciting about your spot on the 700 club too. :)

Anonymous said...

Do you have any idea if you can paint the inside of the brick if you actually use it as a wood burning fireplace? Our fireplace is brick floor to ceiling, I wonder how i could use this idea to make it look better...

Fairytales and Finley said...

Thanks for posting this. I love my stone fireplace, but I don't really care for the mantel. It gave me some ideas on how to perk it up. I love your house!

Free Art Printables said...

I love how your fireplace turned out!

Karen said...

Hi I'm in Australia and it seems we all have the same problems. We are going to update our entertainment room after Xmas It is dark brick and I've finally talked my husband into painting it ( I'll probably do most off the painting)and the ceiling is about the same colour timber as your lounge walls were. It has a brick bar which we will knock down and put against the wall.Only problem there is a brick arch leading into the room Do we square it off or leave it and clad it with timber and paint it
Kind Regards

Unknown said...

Ooh, our fireplace looks very similar (albeit much older), and I'm dying to update it. A couple questions, if I may: how fireproof is your new surround? (Do you make fires in yours?) Also, adhering the wood to the bricks doesn't hurt the brick at all?

Thank you for any additional info!

Kristi @ Addicted 2 Decorating said...

I just watched y'all (actually watched online), and you did so great! That room was gorgeous. You'll have your own show before long, I feel certain. :)

Laura Lynn said...

Good job on the 700 Club! You both were great on camera and the room came out so nice! Your accents (speaking) are charming.

Cathy said...

You two did an AWESOME job on TV!! Congratulations to you both.... The room looked great and so did the two of you. I hope Kevins hands is ok.

{{Big Hugs}}


Anonymous said...

Wow! Just got done watching you on the 700 Club! You did GREAT! The room make over was nothing less than spectacular.
For all of those that didn't catch Lalya and Kevin on TV, you can go to the 700 Club website and catch the entire show on line.

Anonymous said...

You did such an amazing job... you looked nervous, but i also would be scared to death. Gorgeous room!!!

Tera said...

Simply wonderful!! You guys were FANTASTIC! So proud of you exciting it was to see you What a beautiful room you created!

Jane said...

I just saw the segment and wanted to say congrats! You guys did a great job and the room looked great. Way to go!!

Anonymous said...

Hi guys! Just wanted to come by and say how proud I was of you two! Rhoda and I watched the show together. We just could not get over how great yall looked and how awesome you did. Im still over here doing the happy dance for yall. I knew I would be watching yall on tv soon....You deserve every bit and I cant wait to see more. Love and {{hugs}} to the both of you! Susie

Miriam@BeBookBound said...

Loved your segment today! You guys are so inspiring, and that room was SUCH a transformation- especially for one day! You're awesome. Thanks for motivating me!

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

I cannot even believe that is the same, what an amazing transformation!!!

Kristy said...

I just (finally) got a chance to watch the segment online - great job! You looked like complete naturals. :-)

Its been such fun hanging out with you guys over the last couple days!

dayna said...

I rarely watch tv during the day but wanted to see if the 4 fallen police officers' memorial was on and low and behold There you were on the 700 club. I dvr'd it so I could show my husband. You both did an amazing job and it so great to see your success! What a wonderful story...very inspirational!

Ellen said...

Hey guys,

I caught you this morning....You were great. Great view out the window. I live in Windsor, VA, just east of VA. Beach, in an old farmhouse. Thanks for the fireplace makeover, I like the photos on the side of the fireplace. Have a great day

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

I haven't stopped by the blog in ages, but I was just flipping channels and saw you on the 700 club. Congrats!! You did a great job.

As soon as I saw you I said, "That's Layla!" And then as more of the decor was revealed, I KNEW it was you. Haha!

Elizabeth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elizabeth said...

I saw you guys on the 700 Club today and you were great! In case anyone wants to see it, here's the link. Your segment comes on around the 23 minute mark.

mkelton24 said...

Speaking of mantles- mine is freshly painted and has its first christmas decorations resting on it! Although the rest of the house is a constuction zone- the mantle is super cozy!

I am doing a little give way(actually my firt EVER) at "The Kelton's Cozy Cottage." Be sure to stop by and sign up!

The Gifford's said...

I saw you on the 700 Club today! Awesome job!!! I love the work you do together and I love your energy! Thanks for sharing your ideas with us.

KellyMellyBoBellyBananaFanna said...

I am so glad that you posted this! I have a fireplace that I'm getting ready to tackle, and I was thinking about yours. Thanks!


jan said...

I just watched your segment on the 700 Club website. You did an awesome job as you always do!!! I'm happy you got this opportunity and perplexed as to how you'll handle all the consultation requests :) Congratulations!!

Carol in Indian Springs Village said...

I just watched your appearance from this morning and I am so proud of you two! I can always say "I knew them when" once you guys hit the big time. It was wonderful and loved the end product. I hope we get to see more of you and your designs on TV in the future.

Dee@FrenchBleuVintage said...

Thank you so much for the inspiration. I always knew it wouldn't be difficult to re-do my mantle. Its about 170 years old and very stark simple colonial. After reading this blog, I'm just going to start. Once begun your already half-done:) Wish me luck.

Wife and Mother. said...

Wow! I'm so impressed with this makeover, and for only $80!! Now if only we didn't use our outdated cast iron wood-burning fireplace...

Dee said...

this is spectacular! thanks for sharing!

cosign said...
