Thursday, July 29, 2010

I Believe She's Amazing

I love it when people surprise each other.

I love it when people dance.

I love it when people clap.

I love it when people smile.

I love it when people love each other...

Join the journey.
Recognize someone who makes you wanna dance, clap and smile- and that makes you feel loved, at I Believe She's Amazing.


Sassy said...

That gave me goosebumps... truly amazing! I would love to share that on my blog (of which I have 5 followers). Is that OK to do?

Linda said...

Love this video! Thanks for will be contagious! I already posted it to my Facebook page!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this video. It gave me chills and brought a tear to my eye.

Lettered Cottage said...

Hi Sassy,

Absolutely! The more folks that see it, the better!

Layla :-)

eva said...

Thank you for sharing as I love to dance ... I take once a week dancing lesson.

Gloria Fox said...

I love that! Especially the way it made everybody in the audience just smile. We need so much more of that in our lives! Thanks for sharing!!!

Anonymous said...

Huh, Toronto Eaton Centre...that's ner me! :)

Anonymous said...

Ok, that's NEAR me, not ner me...I wouldn't want Layla's US audience to think we're hicks in Toronto. :)

In honour of Layla...Layla you've GOT to check out this hilarious take on decorating...

Suzelle said...

I have tears streaming down my face...this realy touched me. Thank you for sharing this......

Kathy Glynn said...

Layla, Thank you for your daily inspirations!!!

Tonja said...

I loved the video! It made me cry.

And I want to say thank you for having such an inspiring blog. I love your house and seeing that you did the renovations yourself inspired me to do something about my house. I am starting small..with my tiny laundry room. But everyone has to start somewhere (: Thank you again for all your inspiration and how to's! My next big project is my kitchen. Woohoo!

Hope you have a wonderful week!!

Missy said...

Oh Suzelle! Thank you for being brave and admitting the tears! I have them too and thought I was just being overly sensative and pms stricken lol.

Very cool. Thanks for sharing Layla!

Michelle said...

I didn't know what the heck a flash mob was till my son, who is a camera man, was one of the cameras hired to film a flash mob in Vancouver. I had the same reaction when it was shown on the late unexpected, and warming.


Ashley said...

Amazing! Makes me want to dance... and love... and laugh. That song is so moving. I would have loved to have seen the flash mob dance. I'm sure that's something those lucky people who saw it won't forget. I also took a look at "I Believe She's Amazing"... what a great story!

Donna @ The House on the Corner said...

Amazing!! If that doesn't bring a tear to your eye, I don't know what will!!

Gail said...

That is just too cool. WOW. LOVE IT.


Tricia said...

That was really lovely. Thanks for sharing, Layla.

Sheri Howard said...

I love those videos....this one brought me to tears because I had just read your comment on people loving each other. The whole wide world would be better if we could all just sing, dance and love each other a little really isn't that hard! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I've always thought life would be wonderful if it was like a I love these things!! I think I'd start bawling happy tears if I happened upon one in real life!

anikay said...

Man. I don't know why, but flash dance mobs get me misty-eyed every time!!
Thanks for sharing, even though I'm at work and looking like a fool ;)

Nana's Fun Stuff said...

I loved that video!! I think that is just awesome as it made everyone just stop and take a breath and reflect. Thanks for sharing!!

Breanna said...

Wow! I watched it three times in a row and still have goosebumps! Thank you so much for sharing. I would love to repost this!

michelle said...

Very inspiring! I always wanted to be a port of something like that. It is great seeing people love one another! Thanks Layla!!

Karla@TheClassyWoman said...

I love that you posted this-definitely moving and I love seeing people so positively affected. :)

Too funny-Before moving to FL, I used to work in the tower attached to the Eaton Center for a few years. Strolling that mall during lunchtmime was a regular ritual, the video helped remind me of my home-Toronto which made me smile even bigger.

Sandra said...

Oh wow - that's something else. Thanks for sharing it!

Kendra@Creative Ambitions said...

I saw the flash mob on Oprah where they were at a concert outside... it was huge and it was crazy good!!

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

Oh my gosh, I just can't even explain this, but I was totally bawling as I watched this- and it was exactly what I needed. It released a big joy bubble right in my heart today that was trapped or something. Loved it.

european chic said...

Thanks for sharing the video. It made me smile.
Grretings from Paris!

Poindexter said...

Thanks for sharing! i see the dance was created to honor a remarkable woman who died of colon cancer. Please everyone share this completely inspirational performance to honor someone that you believe is amazing!

Kim-A Creative Spirit said...

I too got goosebumps. I LOVE flashmobs... The kids at Ohio State did one at the end of the spring quarter and even got the school president in at the end. Just amazes me... thanks for sharing and I will also post on my facebook.....

Julianna Farmer said...

I'm such a sap that actually made me tear up a little

Julianna Farmer said...

I'm such a sap that actually made me tear up a little

Stephanie said...

Yup! tears flowed! I shared from the site and sent to 3 amazing women in my life: the moms, lil sis, and big sis!
Then, I posted it on my blog to share with the few others that read it! =)

Medwid said...

Good to hear I'm not the only sap that was crying. Was totally convinced it was post-pregnancy hormones :) Thanks for the inspiration!

Tiffany said...

Needed it too!!! LOVED IT! I didn't cry, but...I'm about to now. Thanks again!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

What an amazing video. It made me want to get up and join them. And at the end when they showed their neat! Very inspirational. It just shows how one simple act from one person can snowball and affect others in the process along the way. Love & blessings from NC!

My Cottage Charm said...

Hey Layla, my sweet friend! That just made me cry.......I think because it made me think what the whole world could be if we all became like that group of ladies and just became one group in harmony. What a neat video, thanks for sharing. :)
Love ya much
PS TJ's out of the hospital now and kidneys are back to normal. Thank God. :)

Wendy said...

Love this~ Saw something similar that a group did at a train station somewhere in Europe. Just love things that brighten others' day!

emily said...

these dances get me everytime! Thanks for sharing

Unknown said...

If you liked this flash mob video, check out this one. It's my favorite!

Unknown said...

Hi guys

Thanks for posting this great video. Canada rocks! You should come visit.

Kinga and Joe