Friday, July 23, 2010

Lettered Cottage Reader Discount at

Remember when I blogged about that random act of kindness that happened to me the day before yesterday?

Well, the folks at Compendium ( read my post, and the sweet comments attached to it, and were kind enough to send me an email last night offering our readers a 10% discount on all of their products between now and the end of the year!


The discount only applies to orders from last night (at 7:00pm CST) 'til December 31st of this year. So unfortunately if you already placed an order (like I did!), the discount won't apply. BUT, if you held back and didn't get a few things because you were trying to keep your order around twenty bucks (like I was!), just know that whenever you're ready to splurge again- you'll get it for 10% off!


The night I found their site, I go a BUNCH of metal postcards, like the one my anonymous friend sent me.
There are SO MANY cool phrases to choose from!
They even come with matching envelopes...


And at 49 cents a piece, well, let's just say my twenty bucks went a looooong way!


Here's the stuff I didn't get, that I will eventually use my 10% discount on...








Anywho- here's how to take advantage of the discount...

When you're ready to check out online, there will be a place to enter the code...


It's on the same screen you enter your mailing address on.

The code should be entered exactly as I’ve typed it above.

Make sure to check and see that the 10% discount has been applied before you make a payment.
(The discount will appear in red lettering on the payment screen).

If you are concerned that it doesn’t seem to be working, please feel free to give the sweet folks at Compendium a call at (800) 914-3327.
They will be happy to make sure it’s correct.

(Note: This discount cannot be applied to orders placed before 7:00 pm CST on July 22. Also, they can’t apply the discount after payment has been made, so make sure you check that it's there before you pay!)

Happy shopping!


If you left a comment on our post yesterday (or any day for that matter!), I want to take a moment to thank you.

Because you're sweet, it may not seem like that big of a deal to you to send us an encouraging or complimentary message now and then, but I want you to know that those kind words make all the "tough stuff" I don't blog about, SO much easier to deal with.

I just really wish I could give ya a big hug and tell you in person!
Why can't you live closer, darn it!?


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Kristine at The Painted Hive said...

Wow, that was quick thinking on their part. How totally generous and awesome. Those tin postcards are adorable and would make ace fridge magnets.
Oh, and thanks for featuring my dining room the other day. I was so super stoked when I scrolled down and saw a pic of my little house on your blog!
The Painted Hive

Mothership said...

I linked to your post, embedded the video on my blog and spread the love on Facebook. I will be placing an order--

and I smile every time I read your blog.

And I say, "Hummm" a lot as I try to figure how to fit your ideas into my life.

Ali @ Honey and Maple Syrup said...

I LOVE the thing about the limb breaking and learning she could fly! I'm def gonna have to check that website out!

Sjn said...

I visited their site yesterday but didn't order yet, I procrastinate, but! I'll be going back and will take advantage of the 10%. Thank you Layla!
I haven't commented very often here, but I do want you to know I love your design ideas, and your blog, it's so refreshing!

Jill Swank said...

Layla- you kill me! In a good way. I look forward to reading a new blog post each day, just because I know I will read something that makes me smile. Props to anyone that can make others smile. Give your self a big pat on the back girl! Making people smile is the best Super Power EVER! Hope you have a fabulous day- I'll be sweating with you in Ohio today...the heat index is 98-103!!!

Life Without Pink said...

I love reading your blog. So inspirational. I added you to my Friday Favorites this week because I thought the random act of kindness was such a great story :)

Simply LKJ said...

Wow...those products are fabulous!! I love all the inspirational sayings. Sometimes they are just the thing to get you through a tough day.

Anonymous said...

I am bookmarking their site for future gift ideas. Thanks for sharing!

Rebecca said...

I just placed my order...what an incredibly nice thing to do for you and for your readers! Love your blog, thanks for sharing your awesome ideas, creations, and discoveries.

valerie said...

We have a hobby of buying houses, re-designing them, and reselling them. We are now building our (hopefully) final house that will be where our kids grow up and your blog has given me SO much inspiration! Thanks so much-- love your style!

Kristen said...

Just placed my order. I also LOVE the Tin Postcards and Tin Bookmarks and stocked up!! :-)

Layla, you are such an inspiration in your designs AND your Positive attitude in life! I've been reading your blog for several years now and I LOVE that you are now on Facebook! :) I have truly enjoyed watching your dreams and successes GROW! :)
Reading your blog is like taking in a deep breath of fresh air filled with sunshine! :-) Thank You! For all that you share with us out here on the WWW! :)

Heather said...

I love this idea. It is so simple, yet your style I suppose. I love your blog and am constantly inspired to incorporate your thoughts and ideas into my own designs at home. Thanks for writing.
Inkling Design Shop

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! I knew this would happen and so glad I waited the extra day before placing my order. Now I hope everything isn't sold out!

Your Friend,

Debra @ Life in a 320 square foot home said...

You have such a kind, gentle way of dignifying people - this is so refreshing!

Unknown said...

Thanks for this, Layla! I've just taken care of some stocking stuffers for this year.

Thank you also for the blog. I've been quoting you to my husband since I discovered The Lettered Cottage a month or two ago, and you will be in my head soon as we figure out how to decorate our brand new house. Thank you for putting good things out into the world!

Joanie said...

Just got my cottages & bungalows magazine and your spread is just wonderful - congratulations!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

I love to get comments too and have made so many wonderful friends while blogging. Thanks for your kind words. You inspire so many people in the blog world. Layla, you and Kevin are very talented. Love & blessings from NC!

Becky said...

Whoo Hoo! Missed your blog for a day and now saved 10%! Thanks Layla! Just placed my order, already making a list for who gets the goodies!


Ellie said...

Love those notecards! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

in sept i'm going to meet two online friends for the first time and of course that means giving gifts to them..these are things that i can see packaging up in a bag and presenting to them!! even though we make cards i think they will enjoy the journales and the metal cards and gosh who knows what else i'll find there..thank you for the discount..and layla thank you and kevin for the great blog and the great ideas that you share.

Krys72599 said...

I bought 5 copies of SHE a couple of years ago and gave them to my sisters and to my sister-in-law, and of course kept one for myself.
LOVE that book!!!

Dogfood Provider said...

I just now got to this post and immediately ran over to their site and dropped $30 or so on those adorable tin can postcards. I really hope they aren't clearanced because they are doing away with them -- they are fabulous! Thanks for the 10% off. :-)