Thursday, September 2, 2010

Pick us a Paint Color!

Okey dokey!
It's time to pick a paint color!

And, just so ya know, we're totally cool with any one of these handsome hues.

Re-decorating with you is FUN- so we're open to whichever color wins!

And, remember, the winning color will only be on a couple small walls (the rest of the room will be clad in white-painted wood planks)- so not only will the bed & bedding not be touching whichever wall color wins, it will be on the opposite side of the room from it too!

Here are the contenders...

(Sea Salt- Sherwin Williams, Silver Sage- Restoration Hardware, and Blue Hubbard- Sherwin Williams)

And here's a pic of the color we originally chose for the walls, next to a sample of Silver Sage...

It's crazy how taupe-y it looks next to the blue-ish-ness of Wedgewood Gray!


And here are some pics of each color, zoomed in at a closer level...

Silver Sage:


Sea Salt:


Blue Hubbard:


If you'd like to join in on the fun, check out the poll in our sidebar to cast your vote!

We'll keep it open 'til Monday morning- and then we'll get crackin' on re-painting the walls next week!

Thanks friend!

We feel so blessed to be able to share our renovation and re-decorating adventures with you, and we appreciate your encouragement so much!



Here's a little high-def video footage too of our choices too!


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julielollar said...

My whole house is Silver Sage and I LOVE it! :)

emily said...

i suppose i'm a bit biased because i just painted my entire living room (up to the vaulted ceilings) in a color very similar to sea salt!

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

I LOVE the Silver Sage....gorgeous. Linda

Anonymous said...

I'm liking the depth of the Silver Sage!


laurmela said...

I really like the silver sage!

Anonymous said...

I like the blue hubbard!

DisturbedAngel said...

Already cast my vote! Still loving me some Blue Hubbard! :)

liz @ bon temps beignet said...

Sil-Ver Sage Sil-Ver Sage Sil-Ver Sage!!!

Oh, that was me. Chanting.

Beach Mama said...


Anonymous said...

Sea Salt for me...(Kathy, Australia)

The Weathered Bungalow said...

No question...SILVER SAGE!! I used it all throughout a clients home and it goes with EVERYTHING! You will love it!

xo, Meredith

Brittney G said...

Blue Hubbard! I might just have to see how that looks in my home. Pretty!

Kristi said...

Oh man I am so sad. Blue Hubbard is the only one I can not stand of those three and its winning :( I say go with Silver Stage, looks so crisp but yet still soft against the white.

Nita Stacy said...

I think the silver sage goes best with both sets of bedding although if only picking for the floral...I'd go with blue hubbard. I really like that it has a bit of green in it. At least on my monitor it does. Believe me...I went around and around picking the perfect seafoam green color for the trim on the outside of my house. I think you are wrong...Life is too short NOT to have the perfect paint color. But I think any of these will turn out looking nice. But Silver Sage would give you strong contrast with the white planks too.

AngelaBeth said...

Silver Sage.

It's right in between the two so it blends with both the greens and the blues in the bedding. The other two lean too far towards one or the other (green or blue).

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I am voting blue hubbard....

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I just watched the video and I want to say Blue Hubbard again!

KimberlyJ said...

Loved Sea Salt when I saw it on your blog last week (considered using it) but with your bedding I LOVE Blue Hubbard!

Kim-A Creative Spirit said...

I love both Sea Salt and Silver Sage. Not too keen on the Blue Hubbard. I would love to use Sea Salt in MY home.

Ally said...

I'm definitely torn between the silver sage and sea salt! I think that the blue hubbard could be too similar to the pb porcelain blue toile bedding (which I have and love, btw). Good luck figuring it out -- they're all lovely! :)

Cheryl said...

I am torn between the sea salt and the silver sage, but if I had to pick just one, I would pick sea salt.

ellieshine said...

blue hubbard. love it.

Dina said...

Without getting too sappy, you guys have saved me! I will spare you the details. I would be very ungreatful if I didn't take the time to say, "Thank you!" So let me return the favor. I want to save you from Blue Hubbard. I am surrounded by Silver Sage and I love it! Sea Salt is still better than Blue Hubbard. I think I used the exclamation point too much, sorry.

Screaming Meme said...

BLUE HUBBARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol

Naomi said...

Silver Sage!

rach said...

Sea Salt for me, looks a lot brighter than the others

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

Personally, I like sea salt...but, I know whatever you choose will be perfect!

candirodgers said...

What's a hubbard anyway? Silver Sage!

debbie @ happy little cottage said...

At first I thought Blue Hubbard because it matches the toile bedding perfectly, but I think Sea Salt matches both. So Sea Salt gets my vote.

Victoria said...

Blue Hubbard.

Fawn said...

Blue Hubbard...though really can you go wrong with any of them? :)lol

Angela said...

My vote is for Silver Sage!

Marty said...

Blue Hubbard

The Mac's House said...

love love love the Silver Sage!

Keely said...

Silver Sage!

Sherry said...

Love the Blue Hubbard!

aguzman918 said...

Silver Sage from Restoration Hardware. My sister's guest room is painted with that and it is absolutely beautiful.

Jeannine 520 said...

Blue Hubbard

Debby said...

Blue Hubbard ----- love em all really, but BH my fav.

Cassie Bustamante said...

they are all pretty, but i am drawn to the blue hubbard.

white flower farmhouse said...

They are all great choices. I am feeling the love for BLUE HUBBARD. Lori

Nicki C K said...

I love Silver Sage! I just painted one of my bathrooms and my front sitting room that color and it's amazing! HOWEVER, I am really diggin the Sea Salt for your space because I think it'll be brighter! Either way, both great choices.

judi said...

hmmm, it was reeeeealllly hard but my final answer is...drum roll please.....SILVER SAGE! woo hoo!

judi ;) may have helped me with a paint color for the bathroom!

Susan Wyatt said...

My mom just painted her newly remodeled downstairs of her house Silver Sage. Silver Sage is the way to go!

beachcomber said...

i think i like sea salt.. those drawers look fabulous, by the way!!

Unknown said...

I love this color, it is Martha Stewart: Rainwater

Anonymous said...

Sea Salt or Blue Hubbard? Mmmmmm, Blue Hubbard.

Kati said...


I helped a friend paint Silver Sage in her bedroom and it is absolutely stunning. The funny thing is, I'm going to paint my bathroom this color in about 10 minutes... or as soon as I can get my lazy butt off of the computer! It has so much depth and is such a rich color that really goes with everything. You can't beat it!

Unknown said...

I don't think that worked.

Here is the Rain water link

robyncal said...

painted my family room silver sage last year after many 'try it' sploches on various walls. I love it and think it looks great with your fabrics. Off to vote!

Tina Ramer said...

Silver Sage!

Lisa said...

Silver Sage!

MaryGene said...

Silver sage!!! LOVES IT!

Duly Inspired said...

Sea Salt! But then again, I come here for guidance, not the other way around. Still, sea salt.

Anonymous said...

Sea Salt!!!! my son works for miller paint company in Oregon - and they have a color called sea glass and it's really close to sea salt. It's a very pretty, clear my opinion.

Monica said...

My vote is for Silver Sage!

Sjn said...

Blue Hubbard hands down! The others are way too blue for the toile-ish comforter. Please!!! You can't choose anything else. The other two colors are way too blue and not enough blue-green for the fabrics you're working with.
PS.. I am known to be fab at choosing colors, but don't let this sway you ;-)

Carrie said...

Blue Hubbard!!

Carrie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sjn said...

haha... your pup licks you just like my Chihuahua licks me. Awh, so much doggie affection, so sweet.

Jessie said...

I love Silver Sage but as others have pointed out when you add the toile blanket in the mix it becomes too blue for the room. Blue Hubbard is what I would pick. It works nicely with both sets of blankets.

Lift Like A Mom said...

Lovin the silver sage!!

Lift Like A Mom said...

Lovin the silver sage!!

Anonymous said...

Silver Sage - Silver Sage - Silver Sage

Simply LKJ said...

While I know most are going for Silver Sage, Blue Hubbard pulls out the color in the toile PB bedding the best. I've seen this in person and it is not a really TRUE blue...more a green blue. The other pieces have many other very dominant color, but I feel the toile will get lost in all the white without a wall color to pick up the blue green color.

Unknown said...

I like sea salt. I didn't like Blue Hubbard in the picture but I like it in the video. Go figure?

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

I still like Blue Hubbard the best! They are all pretty, but that is the one that my eye goes to first each time I look at them. I can't wait to see what color is the winner. Love & blessings from NC!

Anonymous said...

First of all, I was sad to see Wedgewood Grey was out. We used that in our master bedroom and bath and I was so pleased. I like the Blue Hubbard, but it doesn't pop to me, because it blends so nicely with the bedding. I've seen Silver Sage in many friends homes and ALWAYS love the way it looks. It's like the new neutral. I can't wait to see the final product!

Jenni said...

Tough call! Looking at the top pics, I thought the sea salt was definitely out (too light, too warm) and blue hubbard was it, though silver sage was very close. Looking at the bottom pics, I like sea salt and don't like blue hubbard at all, but silver sage is the clear winner. I'm going with silver sage because it was a very close contender on top and the clear winner on bottom.

Shelby said...

silver sage!

Blondie's Journal said...

LOVE the Blue Hubbard!


Anonymous said...

Silver Sage is such an old standby for me, that works EVERY DANG TIME, I'm sure I'm partial. Plus, I'm sensitive to colors going's the way my eyes work, nothing against the colors. They're all lovely. Only good things will result regardless of which you choose!

whimages said...

You can't go wrong 'cause they are all gorgeous, but...I think I'm leaning toward the Blue Hubbard. Can't wait to see what wins!

Rachel said...

Silver Sage!!!

chris said...

#1 sea salt
#2 silver sage
#3 not blue hubbard, ever, anywhere

but seriously, you guys have fantastic taste.. you'll do fine with which evah you choose. plus its a pick up wall. the bed will be the focal point.

Melissa at HOUSEography said...

Blue Hubbard!

Becky said...

Sea Salt is so bright and fresh! LOVE IT!

themodernfarmhouse said...

What color white are you using on the wood planks?

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

Hi Layla-
I love the silver sage! I picked some up for a room and it wasn't the perfect hue for that paticular room. So.... I have painted some furniture with it and love love love it!!

Jason and Sandi Rodriguez said...

I personally love all three!

Silver Sage - I find to be too blue next to your toile bedding though. But love the way it looks with your opposite bedding.

Sea salt - looks so pure and crisp. However I feel like it doesn't make your toile bedding pop at all.

That being said...I voting Blue Hubbard!

I just feel like it matches both beddings so well and really pulls out the great things that the bedding have going on within them!

Lael said...

I like Blue Hubbard the best! Sea Salt is my second choice:)

Unknown said...

I love the Blue Hubbard and feel like it is the only one of the three that works well with both sets of bedding. Beautiful color!

gg said...


Katie said...

blue hubbard

Anonymous said...

My opinion is 100% Blue Hubbard if you want a relaxed ethereal feeling in the room. I can't wait to see the finished product.

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

Blue Hubbard!

Anonymous said...

Sea salt! :)

jo said...

I have never had luck with Silver sage- it looks fabulous on Restoration Hardware Store walls but looks like a greenish grey in my house. I like a little more blue on the wall.

Kelly Shane said...

blue hubbard all the way!!!!!

carolyn said...

Hi Layla- Another fan of Silver Sage here.

I'm hoping for the perfect color for you....sadly, we did not choose the perfect color for the exterior of our house and I'm certain the neighbors are talking about us!!

Oh well- we'll get there....eventually!!

Hugs to you-

Anonymous said...

I love the silver sage - it is just so warm and inviting. All of them are pretty so you really can't go wrong with any of them. Good luck! Can't wait to see what you choose!

Home as Hobby said...

I say blue hubbard...that being said, and knowing my eye for color, I would go with whatever color I didn't pick. I am always wrong. ;)

Angela said...

I'm loving Blue Hubbard!!

Betsy said...

My vote goes to Blue Hubbard!!

kelly said...

i like silver sage but i like how it looks when it is more blue not next to the wedgewood where it looks taupe, does that make sense? it is also from RH if it was more expensive i would pick a different one but i am cheap:)!

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

I voted Blue Hubbard and it looks like the majority did as well. I like all three colors but the Blue Hubbard is the best.

Patinaware said...

At the beginning I liked the Sea Salt, but now it looks SO different in the photos... so...

looking @ the colors in the video --
your SKIN tone looks gorgeous against
the "Blue Hubbard", plus, it looks SO serene!

So, my choice is "Blue Hubbard". :)


Angie J. said...

Totally love Silver Sage. My bedroom and bathroom are painted with Behr Celadon Green and it is a perfect match to RH Silver Sage.

glenda said...

I really like how the Blue Hubbard looks with your awesome bedding. :)

Heather said...

I'm torn because I love all three, but I think I'm going to go with Silver Sage. The Blue Hubbard is VERY close to the same color as the Pottery Barn bedding, which I'd think would get a little overpowering.

elisa said...

My vote- silver sage!

lisaroy said...

How fun! I like all 3 but Silver Sage is definitely my favourite! :)

I'm doing a handbag giveaway on my blog so be sure to stop by!

Worn Cotton said...

I absolutely L.O.V.E Blue Hubbard!! It is so calming and looks stunning with your bedding! So, that's where I'm sendin' my vote! :)

Jen@TheOldBlueChair said...

Gotta be Blue Hubbard!

"Cottage By The Sea" said...

OMG this brings back recent headaches of choosing colors for my own remmodel. Ahhhhh! I say just let the dog pick the color AND paint it.

unfinished said...

It was a tough choice between silver sage (my bath) and blue hubbard, but blue hubbard has so much more life to it. I'd love it in a bedroom.

Aura said...

Silver Sage! I might need some silver sage in my life :)

alison said...

Blue Hubbard!!

Anonymous said...


Allison @ House of Hepworths said...

Silver Sage, for shizzle!

Can't wait to see the final transformation. You guys are so great!


Allison @ House of Hepworths

Beth West said...

Silver sage all the way!

Kelly said...

Silver Sage.

Breanna said...

Blue Hubbard looks best with both sets of bedding, IMO.

Pamela said...

Blue Hubbard!!

Pamela said...

Blue Hubbard!!

Kristi said...

Silver Sage!!

Unknown said...

It's Blue Hubbard! The toile has no impact in the other two, as many have pointed out.

Johnna said...

I love the blue hubbard!

Elphie said...

Looks like I'm in the minority, but my favorite is Sea Salt.

Samantha2818 said...

Blue Hubbard looks really good with the fabrics you are using. From the photos it also looks a lot like Farrow and Ball's Off White which I have used in my bedroom and my guest bedroom and it is the most calming, relaxing colour ever!
I can't wait to see you room when it's finished.

Adrienne said...

Blue Hubbard, hands down!

Rosy Inspiration said...

Blue Hubbard for sure.

Rosy Inspiration said...

Love the greenish hue in Blue Hubbard.

Paperfanatic said...

For me it has to be silver sage.

Lesley Spanos said...

Sea Salt, because (on the web, at least) it looks like one of those airy, atmospheric colors you can look through.

Anonymous said...

i think you should go with the silver color, it would look very good with your settings and make a very contemporary piece of furniture too, AboutCabinets Blog brgins you important and detailed information regarding buying cabinets

Mim said...

Silver Sage...
Have it in my kitchen and several other rooms...for about 3 years..
haven't tired of it yet. You will love it.

Julie B. [Holland] said...

Kevin and Layla, from as good as we can see it from the video. Im kind of liking the Sea Salt. Good Luck, Im sure it will be beautiful! Julie in Holland :) .............

Anonymous said...

Definitely 'Silver Sage'. The bedding 'pops' more with this colour. And I always think that a master bedroom should be a relaxing, soothing place. Silver Sage certainly is a more restful colour than that others : )

Jacinda Vandenberg said...

It's a toss up between Blue Hubbard and Sea Salt. I thinking I'm leaning toward Sea Salt though....

Trish @TheOldPostRoad said...

Blue Hubbard!

sally said...

Silver Sage - first thought Blue Hubbard but I think it would be boring after awhile

Anonymous said...

I'm in love with Silver Sage! In the pictures the sea salt looks a little to light and the blue hubbard seems too green

Every Day Blessings said...

silver sage

Brad and Meagan said...

blue hubbard

cakebake said...

I'm loving the Sea Salt!

C.J. said...

Blue Hubbard has my vote...

Jill Swank said...

blue hubbard. Best with the one set of bedding/pillows.

Terrie Mathison said...

blue hubbard!!!

Chelsie said...

I would have to say I love the Silver Sage as well!

TupeloLove said...

I LOVE Silver Sage. So much, in fact, that it's the color of MY bedroom! It looks amazing in all lights, day or night. It's soothing and serene and I truly feel it's the best color I've ever used. BTW, I got a pintuck organic duvet cover from West Elm in the color Sea Spray and it matches PERFECTLY!

maid marian said...

For me personally, I love the Silver Sage. However, for your home, I think Blue Hubbard would be the best match. Good luck!!!!

claire said...

ok - i obviously dont have the interior eye coz i just cant choose - maybe i need to see them in person - so if perhaps u could fly me out - that'd be great !!! thanks !!!!! ( think it will look great whichever- lovethe dresser and the linen!)

Adam and Nikki said...

Definitely Blue Hubbard. It is going to look beautiful with what ever you choose.

Kendra@Creative Ambitions said...

Blue Hubbard!

Unknown said...

My vote is for sea salt! Although, you can't go wrong with the other two colors either.

fun fridays said...

i am voting on your paint color. i really like the blue Hubbard. it softens the room. it has the green in that goes with both your bedding choices.

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

My vote is either sea salt or blue hubbard and I'm leaning toward sea salt. Max is adorable. I think he was looking more for a treat when he "sat" than a paint brush. LOL

M.K. Reilly said...

I LOVE the Silver Sage! I painted my entire home that color, It looks fabulous!

Valerie said...

It was close between Silver Sage and Blue Hubbard, but ultimately, I think I cast my vote for...


(But either one will be pretty.)

The Kogans said...

I love the Blue Hubbard. Not too bright, not to dark...just right!

Kathysue said...

Love love Blue hubbard, softer more soothing!!! Layla I gave you a shout out on my blog today. I used a picture of your wonderful kitchen as a great example on how to use baskets in decorating!!! You are one clever lady,Kathysue

Tiffany Harper said...

Oh goodness all three are gorgeous....but if I were to pick would Sea Salt. What a gorgeous color!

Lili said...

Blue Hubbard :)

Jackie said...

Sea it!

To The Moon and Back said...

Love the Blue Hubbard!

Lisa said...

I think my pick is the Blue Hubbard. In the photos and video it seems the most ethereal. But they are all lovely.

squishsmom said...

I like the sea salt :)

tbzrealtor said...

Blue hubbard

Beth said...

I'm a big fan of Sea Salt, I even have it in my own bedroom BUUUUT... I really love Blue Hubbard for your room. I think it complements both bedding sets the best. I love the color. I may try to incorporate it into my own house. :)

Julianna Farmer said...

Anytime I'm given the option of silver sage, I have to choose it. I love that color, but, of course, I think you should choose what you love and are inclined to regardless of the untrained voice of the masses.

Jane @ Jane's Junk and Treasures said...

I'm diggin the Blue Hubbard.

Are you going to paint the drawers? Sorry but it' really bugging me...... other than that I love the way it turned out!

Unknown said...

I love the contrast of Silver sage. Not liking the "matchy matchy" of the blue hubbard. I'm surprised to see it winning. Lovely bedding btw!

Beate i Husets Hjerte said...

Hi! I recommend your fantastic blog today on my blog! Love your pictures and your vitality!

Joji said...

Sea Salt. I love the lightness it gives to the bedding which deeper hues anchor the room.

Tricia said...

I really like the Blue Hubbard. I think it's a perfect medium tone. Oh, and can I just tell you how in love I am with that dresser?!!!

Can't wait to see it all.


Amy J said...

You will never ever ever regret Silver Sage. I've taken it with me into the last four homes I've lived in and will use it in the house I'm renovating. But, I've fallen for Pale Silver (RH) and love it even more!

Jaclyn Beith said...

Silver sage all the way!!! :)

Suzanne@Meridian Road said...

Blue Hubbard. Hands down!

Melle Dettenmaier said...

Silver Sage!

Shell said...

silver sage

justjude said...

Max is the CUTEST!!!!! give him a hug from Grandma Jude then give yourselves some too :-)

Kerry Sloe said...

Liking the contrast with Silver Sage!

Jess @ Reclaimed Marketplace said...

Sea Salt for sure. Light and refreshing. You will like it for a long time!

Cindy at Some Really Neat Stuff said...

My choice is Blue Hubbard. I liked Sea Salt best from the still photos but decided I like Blue Hubbard better from the video and because it looks like it has less black in it than Sea Salt when I saw them together.

Kiki said...

All colors are beautiful, but BLUE HUBBARD looks best with all of the bedding.

AntiqueChase said...

They are all nice BUT I choose Sea Salt..mostly cause I just like saying it...Sea Salt... ya that's my choice

Jenny said...

My favorite is Blue Hubbard. I love how it picks up the greens. :)

Becky Holmes said...

I think the Blue Hubbard looks nice but it too matchy matchy with the bedding. I'm liking the Siver Sage-

Cathy said...

Hmmm might have to go get me some Sea Salt for my bathroom project.

CLee said...

blue hubbard

Staci said...

Silver Sage is my all time favorite. It's in my family room. I sit on my couch and stare at it everyday because it is so beautiful! That being said, I just don't think it goes just right with your bedding. Blue Hubbard goes perfectly with both. Sea Salt is great too. Good luck!

Tami said...

Sea Salt!

Marielle said...

I was leaning toward silver sage, but then the last photo of blue hubbard with your bedding convinced me--blue hubbard makes it all work.

Sarah said...

Sea salt is definitely my favorite!

Cass @ That Old House said...

My vote -- SW's Blue Hubbard. I like Sea Salt, too --but it looks like a color that absorbs light so unless the room is REALLY bright, that's a deal breaker for me.

I got a kick out of this post asking readers to chose the paint -- I'm asking readers today to help choose a fabric for curtains!


AJANA said...

Sea Salt :)

heidig said...

I've voted for Blue Hubbard but my daughter, a graphic design major in her junior year at school, has said that she prefers Silver Sage. She said I could vote however I wanted but I had to tell YOU that the EXPERT (daughter) said you should definitely go with Silver Sage. So, there you go! The expert has spoken!

Unknown said...

Blue Hubbard!

I just painted out guest bedroom Wedgewood Gray and couldn't believe how blue it looks :( I was hoping for more the of the gray, too. I may have to "steal" one of these new colors!

Unknown said...

Blue Hubbard!

I just painted out guest bedroom Wedgewood Gray and couldn't believe how blue it looks :( I was hoping for more the of the gray, too. I may have to "steal" one of these new colors!

Janet- OPEN MARKET STYLE said...


Mallory said...


dewgiesgirl said...

Sticking with my original, Silver Sage. Love it!

talitha said...

Sea salt!! And a question: Do you find choosing the right "blue" super difficult?? I re-did two of my daughters' room, and I went through 4 different colors and the one that finally ended up on the walls STILL isn't really what I had in my mind's eye.

Anonymous said...

I love silver sage!

geri said...

Layla & Kevin.
Can't wait to see the color on the walls,( I love blue hubbard, so beachy, and Tybee-esque')the bedding on the bed, the fluffy pillows & great accessories placed and you both stretched out with smiles enjoying the finished room.
I do know however that it may only last a short while till your paint brush and hammer draw you to your next reno adventure. hehe
Can't wait to see the slat wall created. My husband is very afraid(and he should be) that it will have to happen next in a room of ours.
Have a glorious weekend. geri.
p.s. I watched the winner of desin star this season, and even though I think she is cute, I feel you would ROCK HGTV into an "Audience Frenzy" by the amount of people that would tune in and watch for all your talents, charismatic personalities, and stage presence alone.
I still think it is in the chips( paint chips)

Gail D. said...

My choice for your room is Blue Hubbard. It blends blue with the green in the comforter and pulls everything together. Love it! In my own place, tho, I would go with Sea Salt.

Gail D.

Melissa said...

Sea Salt!

Carla said...

Blue Hubbard! Love it and something a little different from the rest of your look!

avidreader said...

I like Silver Sage!

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