Thursday, June 18, 2009

Consultation Givewaway

Is your bathroom driving you nuts?
Does it look more like this:

than this:

Are you tired of trying to come up with a plan to re-do your bathroom?
Let ME do it for you!
Erin, over at Rare and Beautiful Treasures is giving away one of my Consultations.
Make sure to stop by for your chance to win today!
(And tell her I said hello!)


Anonymous said...

What a great Giveaway! I am ove there now! Thanks for all you share.


The Charm House said...

Just found your blog and I love it!!! Wonderful ideas!

Tales of Whimsy said...

Love the wallpaper map stuff!

duchess said...

How nice. I'm headed over. Tx.

SoBella Creations said...

What a great giveaway!

Tammy said...

I already hit her blog and boy does my kids bath need help bad. I am enjoying the little teases that you are giving us about your bath redo. You are a very talented person and thanks for so much inspiration you give.
Tell your husband he did an amazing job on your kitchen with the moldings and such. I have taken that post to my husband to do here.

Barb said...

yipee. i need a consult! headed over thx barb

Lynn said...

As the saying goes, "like a duck on a june bug," the instant I saw this, I grabbed my camera, posted the photos of my bath, headed over to Rare and Beautiful, left my plea and the link to my blog.

You, Layla, are extremely talented. I love everything you've done.

pedalpower said...

Wow...what a great giveaway. I did my bathroom in maps like that a few years can see it here if you like.

PS~Erin said...

I totally want to win this... Going there now!

diana said...

you have amazing talent! i just found your blog and have shared it with everyone. you have been an inspiration! thank you for sharing your talents with us.
i need help in my bathroom! after 3 times of redoing, and not getting it right, i need professional help! going over to sign up!