Hey y'all!
(My Southern hubby must be wearing off on me...I'm from Minnesota, and don't think I've ever type the word "ya'll" until today) :-)
I am so excited about the latest addition to the Living Room here at the Lettered Cottage.

The girls at White Flower Farmhouse sent me this great, old, hand-painted water ski yesterday and I absolutely LOVE it!
I love how the slate blue matches my shutters flawlessly....and the fresca blue-colored shadow on each letter is the perfect too...

The girls at White Flower Farmhouse sent me this great, old, hand-painted water ski yesterday and I absolutely LOVE it!
That Lori sure can wield a paintbrush- she did all the lettering by hand:

Slowly, but surely, this place is being accessorized, which makes Mr. LC very happy.
Because believe it or not, when he's not doing this...

...he is consumed with creating an inspiring place to live, just like me. (How did I get so lucky?)

But unfortunately he won't be here today- so honey, if you're reading this- (and I know you are)

...he is consumed with creating an inspiring place to live, just like me. (How did I get so lucky?)
And speaking of Mr. LC- it's his birthday today!

But unfortunately he won't be here today- so honey, if you're reading this- (and I know you are)
As a Minnesota girl, it warms my heart to know that you are from my home state! I love your beachy style and it makes me wonder... is it odd for a girl like me to decorate in this style when I live in a landlocked state? We DO have awesome lakes... :)
I LOVE it!!!
Happy Birthday Mr.LC! :D
This is a VERY cute idea. It fits perfectly above your door! :)
Cute! I'm so jealous of people that can paint lettering so straight by hand. I have to stencil everything.
Hope your husband has a wonderful b-day. What type of music does he play?
marcia in TX Ü
happy birthday mr. lc. what band does your husband play with? love it when people are living their dreams.
I have been visiting your site for months now and I think this is the first time I've left a comment. I love getting my Lettered Cottage fix every day! I'm curious too: What band does Mr. L.C. play with? From the looks of the crowd pictures, the group is rockin'!
Kristi H.
Happy, Happy Birthday Mr. LC.
The ski sign is great, Layla. How convenient that it even points the right way. ;) The whole LC looks so fantastic, and every little tweak you make continues to make it better.
Thank you for the continued inspiration, Layla.
LOVE it! And Happy Birthay Mr LC!
I love that sign!!!!! Seriously, Awesome!
Happy B-Day to Mr LC.
I love signs like this one too.
1st of all..I LOVE your blog, designs, etc.!! So happy I found you!
Your style is fantastic!
Happy Birthday to your hubby, Mr. L.C. lol
Cool that he's in a band!! I'll definitely be back and hope to buy some of your amazing stuff soon!
How fun that your husband gets to sing on stage,,,isn't that every singer's dream? VERY COOL!
Love the picture Layla! Happy Birthday to Mr. LC! Got to ask (you know we would), who does the hubby play for???
The sign is just perfect for the Lettered Cottage. Happy Birthday to Mr LC... Ya'll (ha) sure make a cute couple!!!
Happy Birthday Mr. LC!
That sign is great!
I am reading... I LOVE and MISS you more than I could ever express through words! I can't wait to come home to you! You are my everything!!!!
Mr. LC
Happy birthday Mr Lettered Cottage!
When he is off on the road, how many times does he wonder what you are up to??
Go Minnesota! I'm from God's country too.. :) Love this new look for the ol' mirror. Enjoy you're site and style!
You are lucky- what a cute hubby :)
Happy happy happy day to Mr. LC!
What a fun gift! I just got a great wooden "Live, Laugh, Love"
sign from the Goodwill for 4.99...I was shocked nobody had snatched it up yet!
Too cute Mr. LC posted a comment on your blog! ;) I hope he had a happy birthday!!
Happy Happy Birthday Mr. LC
What a sweet sweet comment form him too :)
Love this! We're taking my daughter skiing for the first time this morning, so it was fun to see this cool piece on your blog. So many neat things coming out of that store of theirs!!
Happy Birthday to your man!
The lovely ladies at White Flower Farmhouse are just too too clever. As are you. Love your shuttered mirror! and happy birthday to MR LC
Your White Flower Farmhouse sign goes so perfectly with the shutters!
Happy birthday to Mr. LC! I smiled at his note with "143;" my daughter and I have always used that, too.
A. LOVE the sign.
B. Happy birthday Mr. LC!
C. Where in the South is your hubby from?
D. Hot pics Mrs. LC
Okay, a little googling to find out what band your husband plays in and I find out your Layla from one of my favorite Flyleaf songs EVER. Is Wikipedia right? OMG, I love it!
What a crowd - what is the name of his band? I would love to listen to it! huge crowd - how wonderful for y'all!! HB M LC.
Layla, seeing the mirror from further away (with the new sign) - it looks amazing. Fantastic job. Just goes to show that a great room takes time! :D
Love it Layla! So freaking cute I can hardly stand it. Plus I don't think you are a nerd. That kind of kizmit is what will make your heart sing everytime you see it. Enjoy! And Happy Birthday Mr. LC. Hope you had a great day, even if it wasn't with your beautiful wife.
Mr LC is part of one of my all time favorite bands and its was just pure coincidence i fell in love with your blog too :) Happy Birthday!!
I LOVE this post! you guys are so cool!
♥ Jen
Happy Birthday Kevin and I hope you have many many more wonderful years with your sweet wife.
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