At last! I can sit down for a minute!
(Or at least as long as it takes to finish this post) :-)
Here is the Kitchen in its crisp new seaside-inspired paint color.
I don't know the name of the color, but I'll post a photo of the top of the paint can so you can see the formula if you'd like to know what it is.
I got it mixed at Home Depot in Behr's Premium Plus Ultra Pure White Base.
As you saw in the video I posted yesterday, we FINALLY got around to putting up the remaining beadboard panelling. It really helped finish off that part of the room nicely. I love it's fresh, cottagey look, and it was a cinch to install. Just cut the beadboard panel to size, apply Liquid Nails to the backside and nail into place with finish nails. Countersink the nails, fill the holes with wood filler (or spackle), and paint the color of your choice!
I repainted ours a Semi-Gloss White. It used to be a cream color, which looked SUPER dingy next to the new blue.

(My right wrist would like to add that Beadboard is kind of a pain to paint. You've gotta get in all those pesky grooves, and it usually takes 2 or 3 coats.)

I hung a chocolate brown matchstick blind above the window. It adds so much texture...I love it. I'm considering changing my middle name to Texture, by the way. You think I'm kidding.
Anywho, here's what the area above the stove looks like now:

Missing something right?
Well, I've got plans for this:

The top of my fridge deserves to be pretty too, (Lord knows the INSIDE isn't pretty),so I kept the birdcage, bird tealight holder, books and topiaries on top of it.

I love to buy old books (that match my color scheme, of course) from Flea Markets.
They're cheap and add so much character.
Here's the catch- I only pick ones with titles that mean something to me.
I love this one. I look at it everyday and think about being chosen for Design Star.

My flea market bench is still sporting its apple green and white bolster pillow. I like how it looks against the blue wall. The two colors really appeal to my senses.

I received this cutting board as a Christmas gift from my Sister-in-Law.
I love it! Thank you Robyn!

I'm not a coffee drinker, but my Mom is...so these little babies are in place for her next visit:

And there ya have it!
The Lettered Cottage Kitchen as of today.
I THOUGHT I had chosen a color for the Dining Room, but after painting a couple of test patches, I've changed my mind. Therefore, I won't announce who won the "Guess the Colors" contest I blogged about the other day. You'll just have to wait until next week to see who got it right! Oh yeah, that's right, I said it. I'm moving on to the Dining Room now. Home Depot, here I come. :-)
Love the photography on your Blog. Do you do it yourself or do you get someone professional to take them for you. Very impressive. They are supersharp and they capture the mood and feel of the place so well.
crisp & clean... LOVE IT! great job Layla! :D
The kitchen looks phenominal!!!
Hey Yecap!
I shot all the pics myself...thanks for the compliment!
And thanks for stopping by, you're welcome anytime! :-)
I love it!!! Clean fresh new are just a few that pop into my head full of ideas! You need to prop your little feet up now and just sit back and enjoy. Great job.. I knew it~
It looked good before but now it looks great! Can't wait till I see the hood and the final product!
You have some serious skills. WOW.
Your photos...they are amazing, or are they so excellent just because the room designs are so great?
Perhaps you can post a bit about your photo process one day!
Good luck with HGTV! I'll be watching for you. -
Hooray! Looks fabulous, Layla! Your blue looks identical to my blue in my kitchen, which of course, reaffirms my choice. :) Mine is from lowe's as well, it's River Rapids by Ralph Lauren.
A huge congrats on making it to the next stage of Design Star auditions! You are so talented. We are working on making "Scheme No. 3" you did for us a reality, I'll have pics for you soon!
Um ya, I meant Home Depot. :) I really should not work and blog at the same time.
Me again! The color is comfort gray...thanks for asking, smile. Its a Sherwin color and it changes colors throughout the day. If you want to hear about the whole story check out my post... paint malfunction and the color for me. It was a journey let me tell ya. Hope you check it out~
It is absolutely lovely!! Thanks for the pics.
I love it. And I'm glad someone else loves books as much as I do.
Fabulous, fresh and clean! Very inspiring!
I love how you just do what pleases you rather than following the latest trends. Or... are you setting the trends perhaps?!?
Thanks for the eye candy and updates!
Donna in BC
Hi Layla! I've really enjoyed your blog. Just found it over the Christmas holidays. Being a photography I really appreciate good photos especially when they involve interior design. Good luck on Design Star.
Layla, your kitchen looks wonderful! Can't wait to see the dining room!
Layla - I love that you do the clean, crisp, lighter colors but keep it warm with texture and accessories. Of course, since your middle name is now "Texture" that helps in your design process! It all looks great!
I just discovered your blog and love it. Love the kitchen, and best of luck getting onto Design Star - that's one of my favorite shows!!
Love, love, love the baskets. Now what are you going to put in there? I would like a shot of the black cabinets on the opposite wall, they looked really cool in the other photos. Are they freestanding?
You're not going to believe this (well, maybe you will), but I just made the same "texture my middle name" comment to someone the other day! I just can't get enough of it. Too funny! The pics are gorgeous!!!!! The colors are just perfect together! Beautiful.
What an eye for style! Love the blog and the design inspiration.
Your Kitchen looks beautiful Layla and congrats on the next stage of Design Star!! Wishing you a happy new year (;
Layla - love the beadboard. And love how the blue looks so crisp next to it. You did a great job. Now sit back and relax a while and wait for HGTV to call you - which they will!
really nice...the kitchen looks so warm and cozy...this blog is a great find, especially to an inspiring interior designer like me, hehe...keep up the amazing work...
It is very lovely. So calming! :)
Your kitchen gets more and more beautiful!
Good choice to extend the beadboard onto the side wall. It looks like it was always meant to be like that! Will you still use the apple green in your hutch?
What a fun neat blog. It uplifts my spirits today. Thanks
Perfect mix of dark and light! It is just lovely, Laya. Ya done good...once again. REAL good!
wow, what a perfect kitchen scheme! I love the seaside blue with the black and ESPECIALLY the baskets in the upper shelves. I had some sari fabric that made me think it'd be fun to do a spice market themed kitchen with warm colors and add TEXTURE ;) by replacing cabinets with tention rods and sari fabric or woven baskets full of spices near my prep area. I love seeing how you turn your ideas into reality!
Excellent photography for your beautiful blog,
you are good photographer, love the photography blog as well as your blog.
Really enjoying the blog - getting great inspiration from your kitchen. Really beautiful!
I just love it! Would love to add some beadboard around my house, it is just such a nice addition.
Love it, love it! Thanks for sharing every detail, cuz you know we girls like details :) I would love to have beadboard, but I don't know if I'm up for painting every little nook and cranny. I sure do love how yours has turned out.
I love your subtle soothing calm colors! Congrats on the blogs of note, and on your HGTV news!
I'm adding you to my bloglist! I think I will enjoy coming here again.
It's so lovely, Layla! You really do inspire!
Very nice!
Love the new look! Goodness..you are such an inspiration. I'm sitting in my kitchen thinking of everything I can change too. You are so right about the to-do list..how boring would life be without one..right? Best wishes on your HGTV audition!
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