Sunday, December 28, 2008

Kitchen Update Video

So? Did you guess the color I'm painting my Kitchen? :-)

Well gang, I hate to say it, but we are STILLLLL working in the Kitchen.
I know I promised to post a video of our progress, so I'm going to follow through and show you a sneak peek, PLUS a little peek into one of my favorite rooms here at the Lettered Cottage. :-)
We're THIS CLOSE to being done in here, so I'll post a more finished reveal tomorrow. (I mean it!)

Still a LONG ways to go. Stainless appliances, new countertops, a rug, new lighting...I need it all...sigh....

Truth is, I wouldn't be happy if I didn't have a "To Do" list. :-)
I mean, can you imagine me living in a house where there was nothing to re-design or nothing to decorate?



Google said...

Very nice blog.Thanks for the valuable contributions to this site. Have good works.
Thanks for your help.

psikoteknik raporu

Renee said...

Hurry, scurry!! I can't wait to see.

cotedetexas said...

AWWWW, I was hoping the kitchen video would be on, Miss Future Design Star!!! So excited for you - I have a really, really good feeling about this - you have everything they want, talent, energy, good looks, charisma. They would be crazy to pass you up!!!

Jenni said...

Looks good so far... Do you travel internationally??!?!?! LOL.. I am in Australia and I would love to have you come by and help me with my house...

Jenni - Australia

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see your kitchen. You are very talented :) I am trying to figure out which of the many areas in my home I want you to help me with ;)
Blessings from TX,

Barb @ The Everyday Home said...

Oh Man! I couldn't wait to come by tonight to see the finished kitchen. LOL I know how it is when you are tired and worn out and you just want to be through!! Hang in there! Looks great so far!

Anonymous said...

What a tease you are!!! I can't wait to see the finished room. Tomorrow?

whimpers said...

I just discovered your blog tonight. Very nice. Enjoyed your video. Will add you to my favs.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there! Its looking so good~ Can I tell you just how exicited I am that you are going to go far with HGTV! I just know it to be true. Keep being you girlfriend... you will go so far. Love your style and spunk! Susie H~

Lindsay family said...

Looks great! I love the video that you included!

By the way, what is the song you used in the video? I've heard it before but still don't know what it is.

Rose - Watching Waves said...

Haven't been by in a while; your kitchen is looking great! Really enjoyed the way you did the video and the music; that was a real treat. I wish you continued good progress on the kitchen!

Sabiq said...

you have nice blog...
i like it.. :D

Anonymous said...

Ndice picture and I am excited to see further picture.

Anonymous said...

I love that cute Merriest Christmas pillow you showed in your video! Looking forward to your kitchen reveal =)

Anonymous said...

awe... pretty blue... post up what color that is!

Kacey said...

Can't wait to see! Thanks for the sneek peak!

dana's design studio said...

Hi Layla,

Just found your blog featured on blogspot. Congratulations! Impressive layout and so professional. You inspire me. Good luck on Design Star...I think you more than qualify!

I'll link you on my favorites soon.


debi lynn mattingly said...

Congrats on moving forward on "Design Star"! After looking at your blog and pics...they would be fools to not bring you in so you can "show your stuff"! :)

Best of luck...xo...deb

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Ahhh. Great color with the beadboard and your dark cabs too!

Don't you wish you could just push fast forward and move through projects that quickly??

Cute video!

tim blogger said...

the best your blog

Anonymous said...

You have been tagged!

Femin said...

Very Nice Blog !!!

Rchrd said...

Congratulations on being featured as a blog of note, Layla. The reading room seemed so quite and cozy. I'd love to do some reading there! The starfish near the lamp really got my attention. That was a very nice touch.

Good luck on your redecoration. Ü

Electrofreak said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Electrofreak said...

Wow nice traffic. how you did it
donate for my rsi

Anonymous said...

Hi.....very nice and interesting blog =)

please come and see my blog at:

♥Anna♥ said...

Very interesting blog!
Please, Please, please, PLEASE people view my blog. I am an author and therefore every single entry I try the best I can, accessorizing it with humour, Replenishing it with gossip, and writing in a chatty, Humourous way, in which I hope will make readers want to read on. Be aware that every post is about something different, So I suggest if you don't like one post, check the others out. I have topics about Celebs, Books, food, major events I've been to, having a laugh (Being the rAnDoM<3 ME)and much more. The website is:
I am an author so If you don't keep bad language (i.e swearing, threats, ect.) on my site to a minimum, I'll give you some vocabulary!!!

p.s ya'll see why I'm called that when u see my site ;)

Kimberly said...

Your site is amazing! It makes me want to pick up a gallon of paint today.

I love the reading room! Such a sweet surprise to have in a home.

Anonymous said...

We are ALL waiting on pins and needles, Layla!! I'm sure the finished product will be every bit worth the wait :0)

- the Przybylos, Michigan

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

It is looking great! I love it!!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Congrats on all the new followers! And for Blogs of NOte, that is so cool. Your videos are so much fun to watch, can't wait to see the finish & how could I not have guess aqua for the walls...of course!

Lezlei Ann Young said...

I stumbled onto your blog your designs! You can tell that it is something that you really love. I also LOVE your approach to your consulting services. It allows the buyer to select the level of help that is needed. I am currently buying my first home (at 54 years old)...can't wait until escrow closes so you can help me with the many design challenges!


Anonymous said...

the video did not work for me. i dont know if anyone else had this problem.

i just can't wait to see the finish result.

now as i read the other comments i am noticing that the video was not much but just a tease.

i did love the blue color of the wall in the picture.

Chris said...

I can't STAND it! I'm in love with a tiny picture of it, so I KNOW I'm going to love it! Beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

great choice using Imogen on your video! :D can't wait to see the finished project!

Anonymous said...

Layla, could you also post photos tomorrow of your kitchen in addition to the video? Those of us in the "outbacks" with only dial-up service cannot view the videos. Thanks so much!

Misti of Studio M Designs said...

Wow Layla! This is the first time I have visited and I love your blog! You are a blog of note, How cool! Being a designer is so much fun! I will have to post more ideas from my own home too. Mine never, ever gets the love and attention it needs! Always working on client projects... Thanks for the inspiration!My fingers are crossed for ya on Design Star!

Mortgage Advisor said...

Your kitchen is already looking great. I can't wait to see the final product. Keep up the good work.

Thousands of Hot Tips and Helpful Videos. Read the hottest tips and articles. Watch and enjoy the latest self-help videos for free.

Sassy said...

I'm sure when it's done, it will be beautiful. As far as living in your house with nothing to redo or redecorate, I'm reminded of something an old friend told me when I bought my first home. He said "As soon as you finish and think you are done, there will be something else you will want to change, so take your time." In fact, at the time, he was working on things in his home that he had lived in for the past 20 years. Just enjoy the house and the processes that go along with it.

Indigo Robe said...

This is a sickness, I have checked your blog at least 10 times today!!!! I showed my husband your black cabinets and the before and after photos, expecting him to hesitate and question me about my choice -- but he LOVED the idea! I am so excited to see the final results!!!!

Private said...

It's coming along nicely!

Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

Very Pretty Blog. I just found your blog...I will stop by, agian.

Sheryl said...

No video yet?

Lettered Cottage said...

Hi Sheryl!

Nope, the video looked so dark, and you couldn't see the detail as much as I had hoped- so I took photos instead.


drrice said...

Layla, well, I started looking at your house a couple days ago, and I have went "backward" I suppose. Anyhow, when I got to the first few post and saw where it started, WOW! UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! You all are very talented, and look like a supersweet couple. :) Now, I have a question for you. I want to put beadboard in my kitchen, behind my cabinets. But, the wall goes on for another 15 feet past my cabinets, into my dining room, and I really dont want beadoard in there. So, do you have any ideas on what I could put where the beadboard meets the drywall, to make it look right? Thank you so much. :)