Monday, January 26, 2009

Flea Market Find - Footboard

Misti recently posted this photo of a flea market find she scored for $13.00:

My brain kicked into overdrive when I saw the photo.

I was instantly more drawn to the clean lines of the footboard, so I decided to focus on ideas for that piece.

Inspired by these scrumptious chairs...

...I started to think that maybe it could be the top of a giant bulletin board.

...and maybe the bulletin board part could be a thin piece of plywood, or luan, upholstered in old burlap grain sack material.

Like this one:

Since this one is so pricey, (and not the right size, I would HAVE to attempt stenciling the letters and numbers on a regular piece of burlap myself to achieve a similar look. :-)

I'd paint, and distress, the whole thing a creamy, slightly dusty, white color.
Last step- add some nailhead trim where the burlap meets the wood, and presto!

I created a drawing to give you a visual:

I've got a few more ideas swirling around in my noggin for you Misti....stay tuned!

Now I'm off to clip some daffodils for my Kitchen. Have you had your "flower fix" today? :-)


PS...Scroll down if you were wondering what the price of the Antique Bed was!


Anonymous said...

That is a fantastic idea! I "imagine" your imagination is on go all the time. Thank you for sharing you ideas with all of us.

Amelia said...

I love your idea of upholstering a bulletin board in old burlap sack material and stenciling it!

Unknown said...

Like your idea for the footboard....awesome idea to re-work it.

I'm drawn to the circles on the other piece....:)

Erin Southwell said...

My gosh you are creative!! I actually Love Love Love that headboard!!

And daffodils!!???!!! Oh my gosh, it's 19 degrees here. Bummer.

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

I LOVE IT! I am soooo into Burlap right now (see the past few post I have done). I am now in the process of making pillows using old coffee bean burlap bags from COlumbia.

long on style said...

I love the idea of using the feed sacks. I bought two last year at the Country Living Magazine fair and they were so pricey. I am thinking of using them to upholster the back of dining chairs or a bench. I was told that you don't want to use it as an application on anything heavy traffic, etc. On a sidenote they had a very "rustic" scent and I swear I got sick after handling them. Who knows where they have been as they are from the 1800's (French Green Beans!)

Misti of Studio M Designs said...

AWESOME Layla! Love, love, love the bulletin board idea! I knew between the two of us we could come up with something fabulous for my bargain find. Thanks so much for the link to my blog, it made my day!

BTW, love the new picture, you are gorgeous! Too bad we don't live closer, we would have too much fun!
More ideas, bring 'em on, girl!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

I love the circular design on the footboard. It would make an amazing bulletin board. Great idea! Have a nice week. Love your new picture. I'm jealous about the daffodils. Mine are just peeking out of the ground!
Love & blessings in NC!

Leila said...

Those antique French textiles are so enticing!
I need to get me some!
-- a textile-holic xoxo

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! I love your idea! It looks great!

Inspired Kara said...

Beautiful! Oh I just LOVE it!!!

Kimberly said...

You are so clever! I've been following your blog since it became of Blog of Note. Your talent is amazing. Keep up the great work!


WhisperWood Cottage said...

I couldn't envision it until I got to your drawing! Amazing! What software do you use?

angela | the painted house said...

Had to comment...even though I'm on a commenting hiatus! :)

I just made a bulletin board on a piece of luaun for my studio--but it isn't as brilliant as yours. Hopefully I will post about it soon when my darn studio is done. I finally painted the last coat on the floor yesterday. Now I am just waiting for it to cure. So close, my pretties! I'll have to link up to this post. And then everyone can read my silly comment. :)

Sorry I missed you--but I guess you weren't just a hop, skip, and a jump away! :(

C'est la Vie said...

Very good ideas!!

C'est la Vie said...

If you look on my blog Just about everything in tinas house was from resale shops are flea markets...very funky!!!

Nikki via The Scarlett Rose Garden said...

I freakin' LOVE this idea! You da wo-man!!!

C.E.R. said...

Hi Layla.

I think you'll be inspired by Maya!

Jean Martha said...

LOVING all the eye candy over here. Adding a link to your blog from mine!

Jess said...

Your site is simply fabulous. My husband and I just built a new home and I just love all the inspiration you provide!