12-30-09: This giveaway has now ended. Thanks to all those who entered!

Hello! Tomorrow Kevin is going to tackle our third, and final, True Value DIY Squad project. Installing a new mailbox! The one that we've been calling a mailbox for the past two years is hanging on by a rusty thread, so we're going to use some of the dough True Value gave us to get one that looks a little more presentable, stands a little straighter, and actually has a door. If you'd like to see how it goes, check back tomorrow for Kevin's play-by-play. (I'm really hoping the ground isn't too terribly hard!)
In the meantime, we thought we'd host another True Value Giveaway. Our local True Value has a fantastic home decor section called, "Snooty Miss Moody's", and we picked up some great stuff to give away this week...
A burlap tote...

A couple of concrete candle holders...

And a sweet, little wire picture frame...

So if you'd like to enter for a chance to win all of these lovely items, just leave one comment on this post by Thursday, December 31st (2009) at noon. (Central Time)

And Congratulations to Melissa Mautz, who won the DIY Drama Contest!

Her "Duct Taped Shower" drama won her the help of a local True Value handy man and a $5,000 shopping spree at True Value! Hopefully she'll be standing on tile instead of duct tape while she showers soon!
1 – 200 of 416 Newer› Newest»Merry Christmas!
Please pick me!
Happy New Year , I want to win !!!
Merry Christmas and Happy/Blessed New Year to you! Such sweet stuff and great ideas - thanks!
Love your blog hope I win something!!! Everything looks great!
Happy New Year - Love the new bathroom! Pick Me Please!
Love your blog!
Happy New Year!
Yay!! A giveaway! I would love to win:)
My 5 yr old son and I just love you guys! He loves watching all your videos and says "that guy doesn't talk much". Thanks for all your great inspriation!
Congratulations to Melissa - she certainly had a DIY-challenged duct tape disaster. :)
Great giveaway! Please count me in.
I hope you had a Merry Christmas!
Enjoy this blog so, so much! Would complete my New Year, with a wonderful gift! Woopie!
Great items, I had no idea True Value had a section like this - I always thought they were more of a "hardware" store. Thanks for another great giveaway :)
It would be lovely to use that tote for magazines, or to carry folders and paper to meetings. The candleholders and frame also already have a home if I should get the honor of winning. Best of luck to everyone! Happy New Year
How sweet of you to think of us...you guys are the best!
Love it and love your blog.
I love the picture frame and love your blog
What fun treasures you have gathered!! Hope to have them in my home, snicker.
Oh how exciting! Thank you for doing this giveaway. The tote is awesome :)
What cute items!!
I win!!! I wish!!
Happy New Year and Happy new bathroom!
True Value has a decor section?! Who knew?!?! Love the items, especially the concrete rose candleholders :-)
I can't belive True Value Hardware had such a cute bag and candle holders and frame. They are darling! I hope I win!! :)
wow, neat stuff. Hope I win, love the candle holders.
Happy New Year!!
Love the wire frame ~~ very cool!
cool! I've been enjoying reading your blog since I discovered it just before christmas! :)
Happy New Year to you too!! Pick me!
What a great giveaway! I love these items!
That burlap tote made me drool! I am a container freak - baskets, totes, you name it! What a fun giveaway!
I love the burlap tote! Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas! That's a great giveaway!
Great giveaway.
Please enter me.
Happy New Year to you!!!
I love your blog- great ideas that are very cool!
Pick me, pick me, pick me! *flapping arms wildly*
Me please!
Who knew True Value had a home decor section?!?
BTW, great blog.
That picture frame is adorable. I've never seen one like it before. Thank you for the giveaway.
Oh my goodness, how cute is this stuff!! Count me in!!
Your blog is one of my faves. I'd love to win :)
I want to win!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Keep up the good work!
Count me in! What a fun drawing! :)
Very cute! Love all of them especially the little flower candle holders!
Pick me please oh please Mr. Random Number generator. Looking forward to lots more terrific posts from you all in 2010.
Really cute stuff!! Who knew True Value had it!!!
Happy Holidays Palmers!
Happy New Year!! I would love to win!
Happy Holidays! Just saw your reno featured on Apartment Therapy's "best of". Absolutely love everything you've done.
Happy New Year! Can't wait to see the new mailbox and I hope I win :)
Who knew True Value had a home decor section - and such a clever name, too! Thanks for such a wonderful, detailed blog!
Hope 2010 is as fun as 2009 has been watching your blog grow in popularity. Happy New Year
ooh I hope I win!
Life is too short for me not to own that tote. YUM.
I love reading your blog. Blessings in the New Year!
Glad you're "Fully Alive!"
Happy New Year!
Would love to win all these cute things, such a nice giveaway.
Love your blog and love you over at Houzz.
Such cute stuff--who knew this about True Value!
I'm falling in love with your blog!
Pick me! Those things are great.
Too cute - I'd love to win.
I recently found your blog and I LOVE it! I've gone back and read all your old posts. Your home is lovely. I can't believe the transformation. Anyway, I would love to win the giveaway!
Happy New Year! I would love to win!
Would love to win this. Thanks so much for the chance.
Oh I hope I win. These would be perfect in my home.
Luv your blog!
I would love to win this, Happy new Year!
The bathroom tile job was fun to watch. Put my name in the hat, please!
Great giveaway! Please pick me!
Love your blog! Happy New Year!
Natalie :)
Oohh - love the concrete flowers! SO cute! Thatnks for the great blog & fabulous ideas. I check your blog daily :)
Love the tote! Happy New Year!
Thanks for a great giveaway!! Have a happy new year!
These would make great additions to my gift closet!
I love that tote. Happy New Year!
That tote is the cutest thing ever and the candle holders and picture frame too! Happy New Year you two!
How fun would it be to have these little items to replace some of the Christmas doodads that need to be put away soon.
So glad to have found your blog while blurfing. LOL Love the picture frame. CUTE!!
Beautiful items.
I never will but I'll give it a try!
Hope I win!
I love the candle holders!
I love a giveaway and can't wait to see the mailbox installation! Happy holidays.
Oh, I love all the items, but that burlap tote? Gorg!
Love the Lettered Cottage and both of y'all. Or is it "all y'all" because I love the fur kids, too. Originally from BAMA and would love to win something... Your blog is in my top three favorites. Keep up the inspirational projects.
That burlap tote is screaming my name - can you hear it? Happy New Year!
Ooooo. So Cute!
Count me in! Looking forward to keeping up with your in 2010!
yay!! a great new years prize!
What a pretty selection of items - a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
Wow! I had no idea there was such cute stuff there. Now I will need to go in and take a look!
Love your blog! Hope I win!
Pick me!
Wow! I hope these items find a new home with me.
Love those candle holders!
OOH! I would love to win these!
Love the things you can find in the hardware store!
Great giveaways to end 2009!!
Thanks for the opportunity, Layla!
thanks for another great giveaway. Happy New Year.
Ooooohhhh!!!love the burlap bag...My True Value in Atlanta doesn't have a home decor section
How fun that you're doing giveaways from True Value! I love what you chose :-)
I've got my fingers crossed. Happy New Year!
Love this!! Love your blog!! Thanks for sharing all of your projects.
How cute, I am gonna have to go check out my True Value store now...that is if I don't win ;)
love your blog and all of these items.
Love your blog!
I'm feeling lucky today, so maybe I'll win!
I'd love to decorate with ANYTHING you pick out!!!
Love them all,specially the tote!!!!!!
Pick me!
Would love to win!
Best of everything in the new year and thanks for all the inspiration!
Happy New Year!!
I enjoy your creative and fresh ideas on your blog! Thanks for the opportunity to win...Happy New Year!
Got my fingers crossed! Love all the stuff in the giveaway. You have great taste! Going to have to check out the home dec section at our local True Value.
Keeping my fingers crossed. Love, love, love the concrete roses!
Cutie Patutie stuff - I'd love it! and I might just go to my True Value to see if they have a home decor section!
Yeah to Melissa!!
Happy New Year. I'm working on the courage to paint my kitchen cabinets black.
wish me luck!!!
Lurve the tote, and I would make room for those perfect candle holders. :)
what a great giveaway!
That would be so fun to win. I love watching your ideas and my new herb nesting boxes are now gracing my kitchen wall! I was so glad to get them before the home store closed. Hope your new year is great!!
Nice picks! They are all great.
Oooh, nice things!
Happy New Year!
Adorable! Gotta have 'em! Thanks for the chance. ;-)
I always thought your little red mailbox was cute...but maybe I'm thinking of one you just featured on your Christmas cards?
Oh well! Can't wait to see the new one anyhow!
Yay giveaway!
Great stuff! would love to win!
Love reading your blog for inspiration on a daily basis. You are such a faithful blogger. Every time I check your blog there is another awesome update. : ) Yay!
Would love to win! Thanks for the chance!
I love our local True Value store and these goodies would be a delight to win! :)
Happy 2010 to you both!
Those are cute things! I especially love the candle holders!
And can't wait to see about your mailbox post. I should have shown in my own blog what we had to go through recently to get ours back up again!
LOVE the candle holders! I know right where to put them!
OOOOOO.......I love all those things. I love your blog and your amazing stories and that you are willing to share your talents.
Cute, cute!! Happy New Year!
those are pretty!
jill b
Fabulous choices as always. Sure would look nice in my own... or any for that matter. :)
Oh goodness, I did not know they had a little fun home decor section! What great choices for a giveaway, I'd love to be entered, thanks guys!!
Hope you had a great xmas! Adorable votives... :)
Happy new year! Pick me! new year's eve is my birthday!!!!!
What a lovely giveaway!
I am definitely going to have to visit our True Value to see if they have a decorating section! These finds are so cute and I can't believe you found them at True Value of all places. They are really keeping up with their decorating shoppers!
Happy Holidays!!!
Love your blog. Happy New Year!
Love those! Pick me!
Love, love your blog....Happy New Year....can't wait to see what's coming.
Love your picks....as always!! Looking forward to seeing your new mailbox!
okay..... I keep telling you to pick me and you never do!!!!
is it my turn now???
I would love to win this one! That burlap tote screams beach reads to me.
Oh sweet little things!! I sooo want to win! Thank you for the chance to win!! I do love your blog too!!!
What a great giveaway! I love it all. Thanks for the chance!
Com'on!make my day! make my day! sign me up and make my day!!!!!
Pick me!!
Happy New Year!!
Cute stuff! Hope I win. Happy New Year!
LoveloveLove the rose candle holders! Wish me luck and Thanks!
Happy Holidays! Love the Burlap Tote! Fingers crossed!
It's been fun to follow your projects...hope there's many more to come!
I would love to win!
happy almost new year- have fun with the new mailbox! hope the ground isn't frozen there like it is here... : )
Thank you for the opportunity and have a Happy new Year!!
wow! i love it all! thanks for the chance! good luck to me!
Happy New Year! Love that tote!
Great giveaway! Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year! That tote is beautiful!!
Who knew True Value had such cute stuff! I think of rubber hoses and nails- not stylish and sophisticated totes, candle holders and picture frames.
Pick me! Happy New Year! Love your blogspot!
Your bathroom is turning out awesome. Hope you have a wonderful New Year.
such cute stuff from true value - who knew!?!?!?
Oooh! How fun...and from True Value! Looks great!
I'm in love with that tote!! Count me in! :)
Great Giveaway...Love those candle holders especially. Loving the bathroom...can't wait for the final reveal! Thanks!
Happy New Year! You guys rock!
Pick me, pick me!!!!
Love your post and don't nearly comment on every post! But couldn't go without at least saying "pick me" on this one! ( :
Happy New Year!! A win would be a great way to usher in the new year.
So cute! I have the perfect spot!
Oohh! Love those candleholders! Pick me!
Love all of these!!
Happy New Year! I love your blog and would love to win these goodies!
Such pretty items! Love your blog :)
Happy New Years!! Let's start the new year off with some good luck...I want to win!
Hello Layla and Kevin...Happy New Year. Hope to win the wire picture frame.Thanks
oh this stuff is cute! :-)
Oh I wish my True Value carried such cute things! I'm new to blogland and am loving yours. I've told all my girlfriends about it and they are hooked as well. Btw, love the bathroom.
Oh, I would love to win! Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway. Finger's crossed.
Cute stuff!
that tote is so cute i need her
I'm loving looking through all your ideas and planning what "to do" in my new (very old 1920 farmhouse) first. I also live in Prattville and miss driving past your house everyday on my way to and from work. We moved into our "dream house' last month and it's been a whirlwind of a month.
Wow! What a great giveaway! Count me in!
Such cute items! Happy New Year to you both. Here's hoping I'm the winner!
hi ya'll - just wanted to give you heads up that your kitchen is now featured on hgtv.com page!
LOVE your blog!
Oh, those candle holders are killing me! I SO want those! :)
So fun! Happy Holidays!
Oh, yeah...I'm loving those candleholders...so rustic and so elegant, too.
Ya'll are the best@! I've been praying for you and that adorable house! Hugs, Lana
Kev and Layla..
It is my turn..
please pick me!
Love your blog..
and I could certainly use the items..
please pick me as winner!!
happy new year!
warm hugs..laughing smiles..
Loui♥ cold in Denver
Great choices for a giveaway. Thank you for including me.
I wish our True Value had such cute stuff!!!
My house needs some new decortating items ;)
I would love to win one of those!
Love that burlap bag, I need it!! :)
I would love these!
Too cute! I think they want to come home to me. :)
How wonderful!
I would love to win these things! I already have plans for them! :)
Oh how I wish we had a True Value nearby! Such cute things to find in a hardware store!!! Happy New Year!!! I'm LOVING the candleholders!!!!
just recently came across your blog. its beautiful! thanks for sharing and happy new year!
love those candle holders!
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