I think it was the only time I stood still the entire day! :-)

We worked a very fast-paced 16 hours to make sure the room was ready for its big reveal this morning. It was exhilarating and we had so much fun putting the room together! We ended up working on the room (with the help of the wonderful homeowners, Brandon and Heather) 'til after midnight last night. By the time we left, I could barely form a complete sentence and Kevin had managed to bleed on the curtains and the window seat cushion. :-( Long story short, around 12:30 a.m. he was working faster than he should've been with a box cutter. He wound up with the entire triangular-shaped razor blade embedded in the base of his thumb, on the top side of his left hand. Thankfully, Brandon is in med school and works in the E.R., so he immediately started helping Kevin get his bleeding under control. I had to leave the room. It was just too gruesome. But Kevin was completely calm throughout the whole ordeal. Heather said he actually yawned while they were wrapping his thumb up. :-)
Fortunately, after all that medical drama, we were able to get the room all put together, and even managed to get work in about four 4 hours of sleep too! :-)
Here's a couple of before and after photos...


And here are some more interactive before and afters. Just move your cursor back and forth over the photos to see the room transform...

I want to send out a big thank you to Teresa at Cherry Checkers for making three of the pillow shams and the window seat cushion. They were perfect and the homeowners were thrilled with them. Teresa is an incredible seamstress and I highly recommend her! :-)
(PS...Teresa- don't worry, I used hydrogen peroxide to remove the blood from your beautiful cushion!)
If you want to check out our segment that aired today, you can find it here.
This afternoon I taped a Christmas decor segment that will air on the 17th. It was a lot of fun taping in the studio at CBN. We're looking forward to heading back over there tomorrow morning to sit in on Sandra Lee's taping. (We actually just passed her in the hallway here at our hotel. Turns out her room is just a few doors down from ours!) Wonder if she'd be up for a slumber party?
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Wow. What a beautiful job. I love, love, love the new look. If it were mine, you would have to drag me out of there every morning.
AWESOME, awesome, awesome - just oozing with AWESOMENESS! You guys are just naturals in front of cameras and naturals when it comes to design- it's as simple as that! That segment was fun and a joy to watch and I know you had a blast doing it...I hope Kevin heals up quickly!
I watched!!! Loved the part where you guys were shopping and goofing around! Poor Kevin, hope your hand is feeling better:( Great job with the room, what a huge transformation!
So, how does this make you feel about trying for Design Star again?
Ouch, the thumb story is a killer...I could feel the pain!
The video is just wonderful...love what you all did with the room. btw...where did you buy the bookshelves? Love the trim...would like to see the details on how the trim was added.
How incredibly exciting! So happy for you guys to have that great experience and hope there's more to come.
You did an amazing job of that room but I'm very sorry Kevin got "bitten" by a power tool. They are not very forgiving when they bite! Hope it heals well.
Oh my!! So fun! I love the room! Im taping the show and can't wait to see it. I hope Kevin's finger is okay. My husband can sympathize with him!!
p.s your jacket is super cute!!
Hi, hi! I actually TIVOed the "700 Club" and just finished watching it. I didn't know it would be online too! COOL! You guys did GREAT!!!! You two are such naturals on television! I would be all like, "Um...well...ahem...see...the curtains..." FANTASTIC!
Love all the details! Especially love the window treatment - that is brilliant.
What an amazing job you have done!
I watched the show! I can't believe you did all that in one day...crown molding and everything. It looks amazing!
Hi Guys.
Well I was so tired after getting home late but needed to check out your facinating daily events.
You have got to send demo tapes to a few networks.
You have so much to offer.
Beautiful designs and decorating talents. The ability to produce rooms that would normally cost a fortune, but are for people that have budgets and a whole lot of taste. Even better you have dynamic personalities that resignate your love, friendship and partnership together to do what you love and were made to do.
No more hiding your light under a bushel basket. Time to decorate with the basket and show your talents to T.V. networks.
Who needs Design Star ( unless it's a new contest with couples)when you are already " STARS".
I pray you will be on a T.V. show of your own in the coming year.
Love your great additude and zest for life.
I am so amazed! You are awesome. I just discovered your blog after seeing your article in the Montgomery Advertiser last Sunday. Until 2 weeks ago I drove past your house EVERYDAY on my way to and from work. I remember watching the addition being built in 2003. 2 weeks ago my husband and I bought our (ok, my) dream home - a 90 year old farmhouse on Upper Kingston Rd. I had tons of ideas and plans but have become overwhelmed with the move and boxes and child breaking his arm and did I mention boxes. I am still unpacking and sorting through boxes. Looking through your blog has helped me settle down and become inspired again! Thanks
You guys work wonders-if only I could steal y'all away for a weekend to work y'alls magic on our home.
I have a little give-a-way going on, so stop by!
Just watched your segment! Very cool! You both are very personable and your style and tips definitely came through on TV. Great job!
Hi Layla,
The room has that classic "Palmer" style. I just saw the show. It aired here at 11:00 tonight and you guys were adorable. You should be so proud of yourselves. You and Kevin are naturals in front of the camera and the room looked fantastic. You have a big fan here in Ohio. You will have your own show in no time.
Great segment! Thanks for linking it :) I hope this brings you LOTS of business. . .you both are great at this !!!
Beautiful! :) I'm speachless! :X
The transformation is amazing! It looks beautiful! So bright, fresh and clean! I really do love it!
You both did a wonderful job, Im sure the owners are so happy.I love the trick with the windows ,I have done that in one of my rooms, and no one realized!
Hi! While it is late, I couldn't wait to send a message of congratulations! You two really work so well in front of the camera. Wonderful "Palmer" style and personality! It is totally amazing what you accomplished in such a shor time - it took almost a week to decorate the Christmas tree here! We are honored to have you for neighbors!
WOW!So amazing you all! I love everything about it. Once again, great talent, can't wait to see more!
What a great transformation!
Great job! I watched the segment online tonight and you did a smashing job of bringing light and style to a very dark and mundane room.
It's gorgeous! You both are so talented. Sorry your hubby hurt his thumb. I am useless when my hubby hurts himself or the dog throws up, however, I do really well when the kids are sick!
Popping over to see the video now, thanks for posting it.
~ Nan
YAY! What a great video! And you guys didn't look nervous at all! My fave were the "built-in"s! I want them in my sewing room! Congratulations.
You did an amazing job. I am sure they are thrilled. Glad Kevin wasn't hurt more seriously.
Wow Layla! Amazing transformation! Is there any way for me to see your segment outside the US? Youtube maybe?
Aaaaaa, it's so beautiful!!!! It's so up my alley and it is just lovely. Decorated without being trendy or "themey." Great job! I hope Kevin is healing up well. What a trouper!
I enjoyed watching the video! You definitely both deserve your own TV show on HGTV!
Amazing, Layla. Ps, I used your cake stand for my mantle centerpiece, again :)
Aaaaah! I LOVE it! Amazing work, and awesome spot! You're gonna come do my house next, right? :)
Really, really great, you guys! I second everything everybody else has said, and add special kudos to The 700 Club for making the segment so long and in-depth, instead of the "wham bam thank ya ma'am" design segments you usually see.
Congratulations guys! The room & the 700 club spot ROCK! I love that you guys remained yourself for the interview! LOVE IT!
Kevin I hope your thumb heals quickly!
Get some sleep! (or work on the bathroom :)) I can't wait to see it all!
WOW! You've been super busy - but it sounds like a lot of fun, too. Great job!
It was so much fun to finally meet you both in person. The room is fabulous! I'm looking forward to many more projects with you.
You would never know that Kevin first picked up a power tool a year ago... Everything he's done in your home has been wonderful, and very professional. I think 'it' comes naturally to both of you.
I've followed your blog for quite some time now, and I'm so glad that you are starting to get the national recognition you deserve !! Before you know it, you'll be hosting your own show on HGTV, having Sandra Lee on as YOUR guest !! The bedroom is fabulous ... WOW, WOW, WOW !! You and Kevin are the perfect team who are talented beyond belief !! (I hope he heals quickly.) Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your lives. I'm a SMALL time decorator-wannabe and hope you'll visit my blog sometime, too (as if you have the time) !! Take care, Becca (http://www.adventuresindecorating1.blogspot.com/)
I just watched the video and you two are such naturals--soooo much fun to watch!! What a beautiful design, Layla, and incredible transformation--LOVE it--especially the "built-ins" and the beadboard :) I'm bettin' the homeowners are beyond thrilled with their new bedroom. . .and Kevin, I am so glad that you even still HAVE a thumb! Yikes!
Sindy :)
PS... loved seeing the other half of your headboard bench!
WOW! You guys have done it again!
That room is truly amazing and beautiful...and calming to look at. Sorry to hear about Kevin's mishap. Ouch! I think my husband would have fainted. Seriously. :)
Just watched the segment. You two did a great job! You were fun to watch, natural, gave great tips, and the fact that you two are nice people conveyed in the video. Love the room. It doesn't look like the same space. Glad Kevin's thumb is okay. I would've had to leave the room, too.
Have fun at the Sandra Lee taping.
Rhoda and I watched together yesterday morning and then it came back on lastnight. My neighbors think someone won the lottery here from all of the yelling. I had to make sure everyone knew yall were on TV and came in to watch with me (again)! Oh how I wish I could just sit with yall and have a fun get together. I would love to hear every little detail (- the booboo...sorry Kevin). I wanted to scream from the roof yesterday to all of my neighbors...THAT'S MY FRIEND!!! yeah....Im that proud of yall...smiles...((hugs)) Susie Bloop!
Wow, you two are an amazing design duo! It looks fantastic. Congratulations!
All I can saw is WOW ! the transformation is off the charts ..you guys are on your way! Congratulations! ~Sarahlynn
I love you even more now that I saw you on 700 Club! How fun! I couldn't sleep last night and turned the show on very late....and what a FUN surprise to see you guys! :)
The room looks fabulous! I'm really bummed because my speakers have gone AWOL on my computer so I can't hear your segment, and we don't get ABCFamily so I can't watch it on TV. Grrrrrrr. Congrats though, I'm very proud of you both!
This is so amazing Layla! It's crazy how far you've come in such a short time. So proud of you (is that weird to say... because I totally am!)
Oh, how pretty! I love your style and have been very inspired by your site. I LOVE the layered look you gave the drapes in this bedroom - and think I'm going to try that look on my living room windows (which have gone drape-less for a year now b/c I can't figure out what to do!) Thanks!
Incredible. To characterize it as the difference between night and day would be a gross understatement! Gorgeous!
Looks amazing! But I wouldn't expect any less!
Hi Layla and Kevin,
You two are amazing:)
I noticed in the interview that you are so in tune to one another....that your body language is as one. That when one person sorta shifts to the left or the right, so does the other.
Why do so many of the Home and Garden shows have to be done in such a short time?????
Seems such a shame to do everything in such a hurry.
All the best.
I know you will just be sooo relieved to know that I figured out the problem with my computer speakers (my 9 year old accidentally muted the volume on the entire computer). So I was able to watch your segment, and you all are fabulous! I expect great things. I will be able to say "I knew you when...." ;-)
that video and everything you used is AMAZING! I want the exact same EVERYTHING in my master bedroom! Please Please spill the beans on where you got those book shelves!
I am dying to know!
Wow, that room was totally tranformed! So fun to watch the episode and see you all. You did a great job. You both are so comfortable in front of the camera; just being yourselves. Y'all are just too cute. (smiles)
Kevin, sorry to hear you cut yourself. Hopefully it's healing well and it won't slow you down from finishing up the guest bathroom.
Those window coverings are just PERFECT!!
Oh, I'm SO excited for you both!! It was just a fantastic segment. Susie & I were chatting on the phone & watching you & I taped it & had to watch it again. Great, great job, Layla!!! And how fun to be rubbing elbows with Sandra Lee. I just watched one of her Christmas specials on HGTV. You're next!!!
So sorry about Kevin's thumb, poor guy. xo
It was great seeing you two on the 700 Club! Great job with the room! I was so excited - not only were you two on but also Lysa TerKeurst.
What a fabulous transformation! I enjoyed every second of the video segment!! You two are off on a journey to do amazing things!! I hope a TV show is in your future. A husband/wife design team would be something that hasn't been done before as far as I know. I would watch every episode!
What a transformation--from dark and gloomy to light and airy! You guys not only rock at redecorating, but you are entertaining hosts as well. Thanks for all you do to give us DIY ideas (although I must admit that my husband thinks maybe you give me too many ideas!) Great job!
Well done!
I'm so proud of you two!
(How odd to say...but I feel like I know you even though I don't. I will celebrate your successes regardless.)
You continue to inspire me.
It is absolutely beautiful! I loved the video too, how exciting!
Merry Christmas!
Great Job!
Too sweet. The room and you guys :)
Way great job!
You two are naturals in front of the camera! Fabulous job. I, too, would really love to see a how-to on adding the crown moulding to the bookshelves. (When you have some spare time, right?)
OMG you two are amazing. How does a trip to snowy MN sound? You guys are more than welcome to do my house anytime! =) Btw, are you going to post a source list/budget?
I love it! You guys are incredible!
I DVR'd The 700 Club yesterday just to see your segment and I was not disappointed. Great job!
Totally awesome! I need to remember the trick with the window treatments ...
Could you guys do a video on adding the crown molding to cabinets? We painted our kitchen cabinets and I wanted to add crown molding but hubby was reluctant ... he hates working with wood a mitering is his nemesis :-)
Oh, forgot to add .... love all the videos. Layla, you did one way back painting a bench. Totally inspired me :-)
I was so surprised yesterday - I was leaving for work and my husband had the day off (lucky him) and was watching TV and there were you and Kevin(700 club)!! So, of course, I had to stop and watch - you guys did great!
I sat like a vulture at my computer yesterday morning waiting for the video to be posted on the CBN website. Great job! The room is gorgeous! Thoroughly enjoyed the video! I am so happy for you two.
It is amazing! You guys are naturals! Can't wait to see the show on the 17th! Have fun.
Good lord woman, you are a Midas! Is there anything you touch that doesn't turn to gold? I love your blog, and I'm so happy that you're so successful, you and your work definitely deserve the recognition!
I DVR'd it and watched it at lunch--you were both amazing on camera. I can't believe how at-ease you were both taped and live :) The room is awesome--love the drop cloth idea! Congratulations to you both...
I've never met either of you, but reading your blog each week I feel like I have gotten to know you. Oh, please don't think I'm weird, when I tell you that I have said to my husband, "Layla's black kitchen cabinets look amazing...why can't we make our cabinets black?" I often get an eye roll. LOL So excited to see what new opportunities life has in store for you! Can't wait til you have your own line of stuff at Target or something!!!
Keep up the awesome posts. PS- You inspired me to redo my spare bedroom, when I saw yours.
Wow! All of you hard work paid off- this room looks fab! Such a cozy little room.
You totally rocked that room. It looks 3x bigger and at least that much brighter. It's gorgeous, guys! Great work :)
So pretty! Especially the window--you just can't cover up all that light! I love it.
the room, your presence on TV, your zest for life... just wonderful... now a whole TV network knows what we bloggers know...the joy of the Palmer style! Congratulations!
your room, your presence on TV, your zest for life... just wonderful... now a whole TV network knows what we bloggers know...the joy of the Palmer style! BRAVO! Congratulations!
Where do I begin? You already know everything looks amazing. The drop cloths as window treatments? Gonna try it. The "built-ins" with less-than-expensive bookcases? Gonna try that too. That bedding? (the duvet and euro shams) I have that set. Brand new in the package listed for sale. Maybe, just maybe, I'll think about attempting a recreation of this room for our master. Always inspiring you two are... God love you both!
Congrats guys!! This is really awesome! Beautiful room!
WOW ... fabulous makeover
Are you kidding me? This is fantastic! I would of loved to see more of this room and have more info on the things you put in like the bookshelves, the sheers behind the dropclothes, the paint color etc and more info on the size of the room. Inspirations! When am I ever going to get my turn at my design consultation??
Great job, you guys! I really enjoyed watching the video. Hard to believe that was the same room! :-)
Wow guys, I just got done watching your video and I am floored at how great the room looked after you were done with it. I also thought you guys were amazing on camera! I know you guys are going to be so successful and this is just the beginning!
I don't know what else to say... WOW WOW WOW WOW!
Absolutely amazing!!
stunning room!!
Great job! Congrats!
You guys did an AMAZING job! I love absolutely loved the layered curtain look.
Watched the video and you did an amazing job. You guys are so adorable together and compliment each other so well.
Great video clip! It was fun to see you shop -- and work together -- on the project and inspiring to see that it can be done on a budget and in a relatively short amount of time.
hey guys!! great work -- a BEAUTIFUL room! i am currently working on our home office and would love to know where you got those killer bookshelves with the attached doors. i know you added the crown moulding... but what did you start with?
You two rocked that room! And you are naturals in front of the camera...hope the hand feels better!
BRAVO!!! I truly hope that this was the beginning of a segway to bigger and better things for the both of you!!! Here's to seeing much more of you on the ol' tube in the very near future! ...Fingers crossed!
I saw the segment! and you and Kevin rocked it!! The room is amazing. Yay for the two of you!! Have fun and do be safe traveling home :)
2 words-
rOCkeD iT!!
Yay!! (ok, 3 words!)
I like how REAL you both are:) Goofing off in the store, cutting your finger(ouch-sorry!), looking so relaxed with your hands in pockets during interview & how you aren't afraid to use flea market, ebay, DROP CLOTHS to decorate! Some people get so stuck on "designer" items & I say who cares where it came from...if it looks good! Thanks for inspiring ALL of us!
The room is amazing and you two were adorable on tv. Your dreams are coming true and I love watching your journey! :)
You guys are AMAZING!!! Seriously, so inspirational. I'm worried you are going to be big and famous before I get a house (renter) and can buy a design consult. You'll be too famous by then to mess with us normal people :)
I wish I was a gazillion billionare and could hire you to do my whole house! I haven't seen a thing you've done I didn't love. So so amazing.
Awesome!!! I love everything in there - it's so bright and airy now!
Great job!
AMAZING! How did you make the room look so much bigger! You guys are awesome!! I love all of your projects!
WOW!!! Love the pictures and your segment!!! I am so happy for you both that you are getting recognized for your amazing work:) I am getting ready to redo my master bedroom and will take some inspiration from this bedroom makeover. Congrats!!
Wow! What a terrific job you did! Need you to come over to my house sometime. You should definitely submit to HGTV or other networks. You're an amazing talent!
Just finished watching it and you two are just too cute for words. You are GREAT on camera and I think there's a future in it for you both.
And we never see your hair curled Layla. Super cute either way but it was fun to see you "done up" for the cameras.
Nice work you too!
The room was amazing! You did a FANTABULOUS job!!
You two are simply amazingly talented!! If some home channel doesn't offer y'all a show soon I'm going to cancel my cable...wait I don't even have cable, but I'd get cable it you two were on it!
Great job!!!
L-O-V-E what you guys did!! You are truly talented. I got some very useful ideas watching your taped segment on decorating the room. Awesome job, truly!
You guys did an amazing job on the makeover segment! I was watching it
thinking - I know those people - Just
because I enjoy your blog so much.
Congratulations and I hope this brings
you more opportunities to show your style
and fun personalities!
Sharyl @Thelittlebrownhouse.us
Layla - just wonderful!!!!!!!!!! did I miss this on tv???? is it on a video anywhere so i can watch it? omg!!!! I can't get over what a transformation you did. it looks fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh ok - I see you posted it - I just couldn't wait to leave you a comment. ok - I'm off to watch you!!!! yeah!!!!
It turned out gorgeous!!!!!
You are such a rockstar. I love all of your before and afters! Have you ever done a consultation where there was a big alcove above the fireplace? Like where you would put a tv? I looked, but I didn't see one :) That big hole above my fireplace is UG-LYYY :) I need Helppp :)
I taped your show and watched it with my husband and son (who's 21) and we were all very impressed!! Love everything you guys did to the room!! You are both so adorable...I think you should have your own show!
Hey guys -
I remember popping over here from a comment you posted on The Nester's blog back 'in the beginning' --- I've had you favorited since, and just love what you do. I couldn't help but grin watching the two of you on this segment - loving the way you work together as a team, witnessing Kevin truly hold his own sharing some design elements, and praying that you will continue to grow and blossom as a couple and a company. I am proud to have you in my favorites - you are truly inspirational in so many ways. Keep up the awesome work!
And congratulations on some pretty big gigs here lately!!!
You did SUCH an amazing job. Your clients must be absolutely delighted.
Layla & Kevin, keep at it. I know from your blog that you've had some rough times, but you really have the talent to make it work.
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