Normally, I'm totally consumed with what's happening
inside our house, but today I couldn't take my eyes off what was happening
outside. Within minutes of waking, I had fallen hopelessly in love with a million winter-white snowflakes. They
took me back, brought me closer to God, and reminded me of my Grandma Evelyn. (She passed away this very day, 11 years ago) I was so moved by the magic, I was compelled to capture bits and pieces of it on video so that I could watch it from time to time and smile. :-)
Unfortunately, when I peek through my blinds tomorrow morning, my winter wonderland will have no doubt disappeared. But I guess that's what makes days like today extra special, and I will certainly cherish the memory of it forever.
Hope you're enjoying your weekend too!
PS...That's Kevin playing guitar in the video! :-)
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Hi Layla,
What a beautiful post.. So special that this day brought you happiness and reminded you of your Grandmother. Your Husbands guitar playing added to the beauty of the video.
Have a wonderful weekend,
What a precious, beautiful way to remember your Grandmother. It snowed so much here in Texas pretty! So FUN! Loved the video...and the guitar music was wonderful!! Great post...thanks for sharing!
Enjoy the snow!
I love the snow. Lovely and special to remember your nana! Great music! Talent there two! Have a great weekend! ~lulu
Awesome as always!
So beautiful! Thank you for sharing it with me.
Free, beautiful, peaceful and heart warming.
Chris...NOT Carl..he-he!
Enjoy the white stuff! I live in Canada and we've hardly had any snow this year - looks like you guys got it instead ;)
Hi Layla loved your post. Here we are in Queensland Australia and the temperatures are very hot. I actually had a shower just now and didn't even bother turning on the hot tap - cold showers here. Cannot believe its snowing we never get to see snow so that post was gorgeous. Regards Sandy Palmer x
Beautiful, all around....!
Happy Valentine's Weekend,
: )
Julie M.
Too funny, Layla...I'm watching your video and I got your comment on my blog at the same time! I love the video "guest my nest". That house is amazing. I loved the kitchen and that huge laundry room. And I loved this video of the snow. Everything is just beautiful when it a perfect little white wonderland. That's why I love and collect snow globes. Whenever something doesn't go the way I had hoped or planned, my husband says, "Is your snow globe broken?" That's what it feels like. :)
Have a blessed weekend!
(hey, i'm on twitter)
Your snow looks so pretty, especially with the daffodils starting to bloom.
When I look out the window I see about 2 feet of snow. Not so pretty anymore!!
It's beautiful! The kids next door building a snowman with their dad brought tears to my eyes! As we are gearing up for a day in the snow I can't help to think of how soon it will be gone here to in Massachusetts. Simply simple and enjoying Mother Nature ;)
Looks beautiful Layla. I'm in Queensland, Australia and have never been in the snow so it was a delight to watch.
Jo x
It snowed here yesterday too. So beautiful!!! Loved Kevin's music on the guitar. He is quite talented. I had a cousin named Evelyn. You don't hear that name much any more. Have an extra-special Valentine's weekend. Love & blessings from NC!
Very serene with the background music! Love guitar music! We got snow here in southeast Alabama, too. Thoroughly enjoyed it since it is so rare. Wouldn't want to live in it all the time, though. Hope you and Kevin enjoy your special day tomorrow!
Happy Snow day!! We got it here too and I love it as well. My grandmother's name was Evelyn too and it will be 11 yrs since she passed this October. I miss her. So glad the snow brings back such wonderful memories for you!
I love the video! Thank you. We have snow in North Carolina too.
Under your post it reads: Sponsored by Lucky Girl and I couldn't help but think yes, Layla, you are indeed a lucky girl...You have the ability to find beauty in everything.
Your Friend,
Hi Layla! I just love your video :)
I'm also in love with your back deck and the view. How lovely! It's like you're in a tree house!
Just when I was thinking... Hey this looks like great snowman snow... You didn't disappoint. Thanks for sharing. And enjoy it while it lasts.
It's a treat for us isn't it?! We know it will all be gone in a few days and not disrupt our lives.
I have some beautiful photos of our Atlanta snow to share with you too! Come on bye.
I think Kevin should do the background music to ALL your videos. I loved the music and the film...a perfect combination.
Ahhhhhhhhhh...that was precious. It almost made me appreciate the snow a little more and we have 4 feet of it to appreciate this Leetle Have a wonderful day, Layla and Kevin! Would love to hear more of Kevin's guitar playing! :)
Great video and fleeting days that bring back memories are the most special.
Kat :)
Beautiful ... love the kids making the snowman, and the daffodils covered in snow.
Great background music.
Happy Valentine's Day Layla and Kevin ....
I grew up in Minnesota too! Western Minnesota. I live in Wisconsin now so I still get snow, but it was fun to see it through your eyes. Thanks for the post.
I always get dorky-excited when you mention your Minnesota roots. I'm a Minnesota gal, and it makes me proud to know that such a talented writer and designer comes from the Land of 10,000 Lakes. :)
Beautiful & the kids playing w/the snowman....and the flowers in the snow...
thx for sharing,
enjoy the glorious snow!
don't you just love snow days! hope you enjoyed it, loved the video and music!
Layla, I love your website. Loved Kevin's guitar just as much! Can we download it somewhere? Beautiful!
It's amazing how your video made the snowfall seem so magical. When I look out my window and see it though, (all winter long) it doesn't exactly feel magical. lol.
What a lovely way to be reminded of your grandmother on that special day.
P.S. Loved Kevin's accompaniment too.
Loved this!
The flowers, the music, the snowman building, the sign in your front yard, your memories, the way you say Minnesota!
Happy Heart Day to you both-
What a heart felt video. The snow, the children, the snowman, the guitar music(which was wonder) and the memories of loved ones. How appropriate for the month of Love.
Thank you for sharing. Happy Valentines to your family also.
I wish we only had as much as you...we got hammered with snow...54 inches to be exact, and we are getting more....
Kevin is a talented guitar player...I absolutely LOVE your videos!
Thanks so much for that snow show! BEAUTIFUL! I think Houston was about the only city in the US that didn't get snow this week. :(
PS: Tell Kevin his guitar play we beautiful! :)
ahhh! beautiful! :)
I woke up at 3:00 a.m. to see the snow. It didn't get here until almost 4:00 p.m. but it was well worth it! Glad y'all got snow, too!
Now that's the right amount of snow!
Layla, thanks for the beautiful post. My Mom passed away 11 years ago this April so it brought a tear to my eye. I can see why Kevin is in a band. His music is wonderful. I've ask you before to send him to me. Wow, a cute guy that is a whiz of a handyman who can make great music. Don't worry, (I am old enough to be his Mom and I am not cougar material). Have a great Valentine and I love your blog!
That was such a lovely video ... music especially. What fun! We moved from central FL the end of December, but we both grew up in the midwest. It had been 19 years since we had seen snow and this morning we woke to our second snow fall of the season. It is so much fun. I love it too! In fact, we are going for a walk later on.
Enjoy the weekend and Happy Valentine's Day!
What a pretty video! Enjoy your snowy Valentine's gift! :) Happy Weekend!
Hi Sweet Layla and Kevin,
Jen here from sunny California. I have not posted in a long while. Only...after watching and listening to your tender clip, I now have lots of joyful tears streaming down my face, so I had to comment. This morning when I went outside in my front yard, I reflected on how warm and soothing the streaming sun felt on my face. Spring is looming. Then, I come inside and see your snow clip-such contrasting weather, yet still so beautiful. To feel your obvious joy in the simple beauty around you come through your lens was so touching. But Kevin....I was not really *touched* or moved by the video, *until your music started playing.* For some reason, you tugged my heart strings (aiy, tears are welling up again now!), and floodgates opened. Your music was so touching. For me, no associated snow or people memories (we don't get snow here), no-it was simply the music and the tenderness of finding beauty available anywhere. Thank you Layla and Kevin, for the sweetness you brought to my Valentine's Day weekend.
Holisticgal Jen
Sweetness. I'm all teary. Happy V Day to both of you.
OH yeah! Me too. In my own little world, with water streaming down my face. Explain that one to the family. Why's Mom crying?
Just RAW emotion!
Happy Saturday!
Thanks for sharing Layla,
The snow has made me think of my Nonnie (also named Evelyn) who passed almost 5 years ago now and her birthday is Valentine's Day. We sure enjoyed the snow yesterday and this morning...I hope ya'll did too. Have a Happy Valentine's Day.
Oh the daffodils!!!! Here in Michigan those babies are still snuggled underground!
Enjoy the snow and the wonderful spring flowers!
Beautiful! Houston is too far south to catch any of the snow, so it was nice to see you able to enjoy it. Happy snowy Valentines weekend!
Hi Layla,
Beautiful video, thanks. So fun to watch the neighbors building their snowman. Snow makes the world feel so clean and peaceful, don't you think? Loved the guitar playing, too. Enjoy your winter while you have it. We will have snow for another several months here in Manitoba.
Cindy S
Hi Layla, Hi Kevin!
Oh, loved the video. My 3 kids are SO disappointed that we've not had ONE snow day this year. :( What a beautiful day ... ENJOY!
Love is in the air .... XOX
Even though we have more than enough snow here, I enjoyed your video and can imagine your excitement!
Hi Layla; What a beautiful Video love the making of the snowman... such a lovely post too,,, sweet loving memory you shared...
Happy Valentine's Day
I have to laugh as I have been complaining about the snow and ice outside my house all day....and more to come Monday. For you all it was such a treat.
Both of my Grandmas have been gone for quite awhile but every spring and summer when I am working in my flower beds I can feel them near.
The snow on your daffodils was really pretty, as was Kevin's music.
My dear husband sent me a bouquet of white tulips for Valentines...yep I think we both have spring fever.
Wasn't the snow just beautiful?! How wonderful of you to have the cherished memory of your grandmother for this day. Kevin's background music just amde your video.
Happy Valentines Day,
Hello Layla I really enjoyed your post, it all looks so very beautiful and WOW Kevins guitar playing was just wonderful
This blessed me this morning...the best part was seeing the little peek of daffodils in the snow! What an encouragement! Bless you back!
Happy Valentine's Day. No snow in Tampa today, but it is cold and sunny.
Layla,How fun this was for me to see snow in action. Being from Calif we don't get snow where I live. Last time was in 1990.Sure makes it special when it does happen. Love the daffodils bowing their little heads covered in snow and also the sign all patching with big clumps of snow on it. Priceless of the Mom making sure Frosty did not fall over while the kiddos worked so hard on him. Loved this and Happy Vday to you and Kevin. Tell him the music was a perfect touch.
We got some snow up here in Charlotte. You have to capture it all in pictures before it melts by noon.
Anxiously awaiting some pics and a "how to" of your new table! I love that look!
Wow, what beautiful playing. I was thinking as I was watching the video that the music was so pretty.
We just moved to KY after living in CO for 13 years, so I'm no stranger to the snow. But the snow in the south just evokes a different feeling. It makes me more melancholy than the expected snows in CO. Isn't it wonderful?
The buttercups look so lovely all dressed up in their white coats. I can see why you'd be reminded of your grandmother on such a day.
So sweet!
Yes, we thought it was pretty special too. Living in south Mississippi doesn't get us much of the white stuff. My kiddos were in heaven. Thanks for sharing the video with us...loved the background music too. Such talent lives at The Lettered Cottage.
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