Monday, August 9, 2010

For those about to rock...we salute you.

We interrupt this previously scheduled bedroom re-do to rock out.
Well, at least Kevin will be.
He's headed to Atlanta tonight to shoot the "back story" portions of the music video for his bands first single, "Heart in my Hands".
(The record will be released on February 8th, by the way. Woo hoo!)

From what I understand, there will be lots of running, jumping, and splashing. (one scene will be shot entirely under water!)

Unfortunately I can't be there with him tonight, but he's promised to shoot lots of behind-the-scenes footage (pics and video!), and he'll be uploading all to Twitter throughout the night.

If you'd like to join in on the adventure too, you can find our Twitter page by clicking on the icon below...

And I'm sure I'll be bloggin' all about the whole ordeal here within the next week too.
In the meantime, keep your fingers and toes crossed for him!


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Kelsey said...

Yay Kevin! How fun...You'll do great...good luck!!!

Bette said...

Good for you Kevin! Can I pre-order my autograph before you get soooo big that there will be a waiting list??

CalleLillyCafe said...

Congrats! Can't wait to see it! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Congrats and Good luck! I just love your blog and ideas. Keep 'em coming.


Ashley said...

Sounds like a fun video shoot... rock on! :)

Ashley said...
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Chris said...

The guest bedroom is ready. Come on over! :)

Sophie said...

I'll be keeping my eyes peeled on Twitter!
I'm stupid excited about the new album (almost as excited as I was when you guys created the wonder wall in your dining room!) (:

Staci at Craftify It ! said...

Good Luck Kevin! An underwater shot?! Can't wait to see/hear more about that!

And for now....I clicked on this blog post today & besides the fact that it is BRIGHT YELLOW, it reminded me of your reading room!

cupcakes for breakfast said...

I love the title of your post! I literally just bought my daughter a AC/DC shirt that say that : ) I love your blog and always look forward to reading it. AJA

Robin {keephomesimple} said...

I look at your blog ALL the time! One day I mentioned to my husband that your husband was in a band...well that caught his attention! He checked them out online and has been a fan ever since! He can't wait to hear their new album! Good luck with everything!
~Robin @keephomesimple

Anonymous said...

congrats to Kevin on the video shoot! btw... my daughter will be ROCKIN' out tonight in metro Atlanta too!! she and some of her new band members will be at Arena Tavern. :)
can't wait to get her album finished & on to the fun stuff like videos. lol

Unknown said...

How much fun is it to see your dreams actually coming true?? I'll be checking in to see. Are you just squealing right about now?:)

dewgiesgirl said...
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dewgiesgirl said...
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Anonymous said...

Congrats and good luck to the rock star! It's always wonderful when someone follows their passion. Will be watching via twitter updates.

Your Friend,

My Cottage Charm said...

I'll be watching Kevin rock out on twitter! lol I'll make sure TJ gets to watch too!
Have fun!

momentum said...

Yay for Kevin!! I'm always rooting for the musicians as my husband is one part time and would love to do what Kevin is doing!

I really want to start a blog and would like to include parts about my kids and home. Do you ever worry about putting yourself out there with all of the crazies out there? Have you ever had stalkers?

Am I being silly or is this a realistic concern?

Simply LKJ said...

Congrats to Kevin! Wish you had gotten to Atlanta...I would have loved to meet you.

Anonymous said...

Wow, so exciting! I'm really inspired by you two - you both seem to have just followed your passions and are doing what you love.

Angela@Quarter Acre Cottage said...

Very cool Layla...if only we could all be married to a rock star. My hubby pretends sometimes and it's very cute but he looks more like an 8 yr old than a real rock star =) Let Kevin know we wish him the best!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Kevin will have fun at his video shoot. Sorry you could not be with him. It's exciting about his new record being released in February. That is exciting! Love & blessings from NC!

Stacy@The Project Shoppe said...

How fun & exciting for you both to be following your passions! Enjoy!

Christy {SparklesandSpinach} said...

Hi Layla! I just found your blog and LOVE it!!! Your taste in decor is so fresh and soothing. It's beautiful. I've been thinking about starting a career in Interior Decor/Furniture Refinishing etc for some time and I def think I'm going to check out your ebook! I also just became a Design Cons. with a company called Willow House, the style is kind of similar to the pieces you've chosen, so I'm hoping that helps me out a bit too. Best of luck with everything! I can't wait to see more =)

Miss Mustard Seed said...

How exciting! :) Good for him...and you.

Dreamy Whites said...

Hello Layla and Kevin,
How are you guys?
That is soooo exciting!
Can't wait to buy your first single!!!
Have a great day!
P.S. Thank you for leaving me such a kind comment about my bedroom! : ))))

Anonymous said...

Very cool!!!! Congrats!