Friday, August 13, 2010

News and a Thank You

We got some exciting career-related news yesterday, so we'd like to take a moment to thank a friend of ours for helping us figure out that it was even possible/something we wanted to do.


Back in 2008, Kevin and I decided to leave the security (and stress) of our day jobs so that we could chase our dreams.

To make matters (and our parents) even more crazy, we didn't even really know exactly what our "dreams" were.

I mean, we knew they had something to do with music and design, but we didn't know exactly what they were.

All we were absolutely sure of, was that we both had that "I'm gonna go crazy if I don't do something about these feelings NOW" feelings.

So, together, we went out on a limb.

But unfortunately, as with a lot of crazy, impulsive decisions, the limb we went out on proceeded to break clean off behind us.

Whoopsie daisy.

Fast forward to today- Friday, August 13th, 2010.

Kev and I still aren't quite sure where we fit in to the world of music & design, but as of yesterday, we're gonna give shooting and styling for a real-life, glossy-paged magazine a try!

We were hired by Cottages & Bungalows magazine to style and shoot a cute little bungalow located in here in the South, and lemme tell ya...
(I'd give you a sneak peek, but I'm sure that's against the rules and mama needs to start savin' up for a new air conditioning unit with that paycheck!)

(I don't know what was more exciting- telling our parents that we got the gig, or finally being able to answer "Yes!" when they asked if we were getting paid. LOL. Oh lord. I can't wait to see the comments our Mom's leave on this post!)

Anyway, we're crazy excited/nervous about the whole thing, and I think this might actually qualify as one those dreams we started out unconsciously chasing.

It sure feels like it anyway!

But I can honestly say that I'm not sure we would've even known how much we like "shooting and styling interiors" if it weren't for an incredibly encouraging & inspiring friend of ours.

She's a real daymaker this one.

She's a talented, warm-spirited gal, and has a familiar and comforting soul.
She's sunny, yet down-to-earth.
She's confident and reassuring, and it's become insanely clear to us that she's come into our lives for a multitude of very important reasons.

She allows us to be wacky, wild, Kool-aid style.
She paints us bubbly when we're feeling blue.
She makes us feel like we're on the right track.
And she gives us the courage to never look back.

The friend I'm referring to, of course, is you.


So thank you, friend, for accepting us for who we are while we try to figure out just who exactly that is!



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Simply LKJ said...

Congrats to both of you!! That is very exciting news. I truly admire people who follow their passion in life rather than doing what they think is expected of them. You'll be happier in the end!

Mallory said...

Congratulations! This is amazing news. Makes me a little less scared to venture an inch or two out on my limb. You two are so inspiring!

Jennifer said...

Congratulations! I really admire you for going out on a limb and chasing your dreams! Your sense of adventure will send you far!


Anonymous said...

Im sure your parents will be as excited as you two are, not just for the pay check, but for chasing your dream and catching it, I'm sure they are proud to have children that are brave.
Congrats!!! and GOOD FOR YOU!!

Leen said...

We are so happy for you both. This is perfect for you, I can't think of a better fit for you two.

Congrats from me and James (and the boys)


Carolynn said...

Congratulations! You both are extremely talented and creative! Enjoy your new adventure....can't wait to see what you create!


Deb's mind said...

Congratulations to both of you. I think both of you are so adorable and I just know even more amazing things are in store for you. I can't even remember how I found both of you but I so look forward to your video's and posts. I was so inspired to even start up my own blog regarding my dream come true of starting interior design school.

Unknown said...

That's amazing news! the way...that's EXACTLY what our dreams are for you, our virtual friends. Well, maybe not the entire dream, but I'm sure we can all agree...this is just the beginning...

Sherri said...

Congratulations!!!!! You both so deserve it!!! You have put a smile on my face when I was feeling blue, and a creative thought in my head when I thought I'd never have another one!!! You give me hope that my dreams (even though I don't know exactly what they are either) will come true!!!

Jason and Sandi Rodriguez said...

Congrats! I think you and Kevin will be perfect for the job! Can't wait to see what it has in store for y'all!

janjan0000 said...

Congratulations to you both. You're going to rock it :)

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

How exciting for the two of you!! Sometimes you just have to chase your dreams even if you don't know exactly what they are, I couldn't be more thrilled for you. Good things will comtinue to come your way, you have such big heart!

Cheri said...

A BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BOTH. NO ONE IS MORE DESERVING. I always thought you should have been on design star. You both took a chance and followed a dream and it looks as though it will pay off. Happy for you both.

Anonymous said...

Layla and Kevin,

It's an incredible experience to watch a wish become a goal and then a reality. Congratulations! You were out on a limb that may have snapped beneath your feet, fearing the fall, only to soar!

Your Friend,

PS Thank you for being THAT friend to me.

liz @ bon temps beignet said...

Well, you're welcome ; ) hehe. Congratulations on the (PAYING!!!) gig. Can't wait to see this adorable bungalow done up 'TLC' style!

Bonita Rose said...

both of you are gonna be rock stars after this.. CONGRATULATIONS.. SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU BOTH!

Unknown said...

How FANTASTIC!!!!! Go for it!!!!! You will do great!!!! We are so happy for you -

Unknown said...

Me and my husband did the same thing. Unfortunately, we fell flat on our face. 5 years later : my husbands business finally keeps us a float (and at times,better!) Now I'm working on my dream, design! I have two kids...some how I'm thinking I missed my opportunity {sigh} But I'm going to keep on truckin'!! I hope one day to have a success story much like yours! Wish me luck ;)

Janie said...

That's very exciting, congrats!

The Brick Cottage said...

Congratulations! Two things jumped to my mind while reading this: 1. I am not surprised at all that you all were offered your gig--the pictures/ magazine spread that ya'll did for the cottage on Tybee Island was soooo good and professional looking and 2. I must get a subscription to this magazine! I can't wait to see your work in it!

Best wishes on your new adventure!

Laura R. said...

You two deserve this and much more that, I'm sure, is to come! Congrats! and celebrate!

Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said...

That's such exciting news! I'm sure you both will do a wonderful job which will lead to even more jobs. And to think that I had a fraction to do with it. That is just so sweet :)

Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

Congratulations! Stick with what you are passionate about and it will pay off! That's awesome:)

Traci@ Beneath My Heart said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for you both. I have a sneaking suspicion this is only the beginning...

Nita Stacy said...

How incredibly exciting! I picked up the issue of Cottages and Bungalows with your home in it. So glad they have given you an assignment. I'm sure it will go very well.

Sarah @ Cozy.Cottage.Cute. said...

That is so exciting. I'm giddy for you! Congratulations on this huge accomplishment and can't wait to see what the two of you come up with!


Erin @ 3 Meadow Lake Cottage said...

You, Layla and Kevin, are the inspiring ones! So thankful for all of the blogging because you truly are amazing at what you do.
It's my dream to be as successful and talented at decorating as you are. So thank YOU for being MY inspiration!

Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ali @ Honey and Maple Syrup said...


TSL said...

Happy happy joy joy! Such a charming post and congrats!

The Little Red Shop said...


: )

Julie M.

Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said...

Congrats on the new photo assignment. How exciting! I just got the Sept. issue of Cottages and Bungalows and was in awe of the amazing photographs of your cottage. Then I noticed that they were shot by the two of you! I really look for to seeing what the future holds for the two of you talented, creative people!

Ann said...

I'm so happy for you. You are more than ready for the task. Can't wait to see in the magazine some day.

MissBrightside said...

I love it when bravery pays off....congratulatons!

becky up the hill said...

It's a happy day to read such good news, congrats to both of you!

Nori said...

congrats!!!!! that is incredible! blessings to you both as you start on this new adventure... and get PAID! woohooo!!! :o) you both have SO much talent.

NanaDiana said...

As a Mom of a Dream Follower- I say YAAAAAAYYY and YAAAAAAAY again! Diana

Christine Trebendis said...

Congratulations! I really admire you for chasing your dream! You are such an inspiration to me. I'm so happy for both of you. Thanks for sharing your amazing journey.

Mz V said...

Couldn't happen to 2 nicer people! I suspect this kind of project is what you were born to do; I'm so thrilled for you.....remember the excitment of this day when it's 3 in the morning, you're thinking you picked the wrong color and surfaces and you're wondering why you even agreed to do it.... And remember how much faith we all have in you!

Anonymous said...


That's SO awesome! Keep us posted when the magazine hits the newstands so I can be sure to pick one up. Congrats to you and your hubby!!!

michelle said...

Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you guys!! You have worked so hard for this and it is going to be so amazing!!! I can't wait see it!!!!

Kim-A Creative Spirit said...

What great news!!! You both DESERVE it so much and can't wait to see the fruits of your labor.

Katy said...

Congrats. I'm sure you've got only more good things in your future.

Chris said...

What can I say? There has never been any doubt that you and Kevin were destined for more! I commend you for going out on a limb. Not many people are willing (me included!) to take that risk, and I'm SO happy that it's paying off for my friend! We're all behind you 110%!

Anonymous said...

and i rarely post but faithfully follow your blog. wishing you BOTH a world of possitive vibes in this journey.



Maillardville Manor said...

Congrats!!! If any one deserves it, it's you two. You design beautifully. And I think it's wonderful you are so honest! no one has it all figured all the time! Thanks for being so genuine!!
Lots of Love

Ange said...

Layla & Kevin!

That is such exciting news! My husband and I have been where you are now and I so understand how hard climbing out on that limb is - and how hard it is to stay our there as it gets more and more likely it's going to break and dump you on your backside!
This is the good bit - enjoy it, you have both earned it.
Well done and congratulations for having the courage to follow your heart.

Carrie said...

How exciting!!! Congratulations!! Look forward to seeing your work in the magazine! I know it will be amazing!

Unknown said...

How exciting!! I love that magazine and I know ya'll will be a perfect fit for it!

Donna said...

Congrats you two!! This is only the beginning of an amazing journey for you guys. You will do an awesome job as always. So glad you get to use the God given talent you both have and enjoy working together. Very lucky you guys are. Can't wait to see your new projects. Blessings to ya!!

rachele said...

Congratulations to the both of you! That is such exciting & wonderful news!! They couldn't have picked a better duo to do the job!

Kerri - Driftwood Interiors said...

Congratulations, that's such fantastic news! This post really struck a chord (pardon the musical pun!) with me, because I was always under the impression that you two were wildly successful from the outset, and until you spoke about taking a risk, and it not working out at first, I realised that it's so easy to make assumptions. I know I'm guilty of thinking that other bloggers are doing it better, that their businesses are hugely successful and compating myself, often negatively, to them. Thank you for your honesty, and your inspiration, and for showing us that it's ok to take a risk. Good luck with your new venture - you'll do an awesome job! K xx

Kerri - Driftwood Interiors said...

Oops, I actually can spell - I mean 'comparing'!

Debby said...

If cuteness and creativity is an occupation you both will succeed. Congratulations

Tessa said...

You are both fabulous, crazy talented, and warm hearted people. Cottages and Bungalows is so lucky to have you. Wishing you both all the best in your new "job". Sounds like a pretty dreamy way to make a living!

Preppy Mama said...

Woo Hoo!! That is awesome news!! COngrats to you both!!

Kristen said...

Congratulations! That is super exciting and you guys deserve it!

My Cottage Charm said...

I am SO STINKIN' excited for you two!! I think things are gonna be coming at you fast and furious, so you better hold on tight and enjoy the ride!
You guys shouldn't be nervous, you've got this in the bag!!! :) Just enjoy the moment...bask in the both deserve it sooo much! I'm so happy for you both! (and the fact that you get an air conditioning unit so you don't have to swelter in the summertime heat anymore is a big ol' bonus! :-)
I cannot WAIT to see the outcome! I bought cottages and bungalows this month to see your was amazing! You guy rock at this staging and photography stuff.. :0)
TJ and I are very proud of you guys and we love ya lots!
I think this is the moment in time when all that you've worked so hard for is coming together.
God bless and ENJOY!
Missy :)

RachTurner said...

Congratulations!! So well deserved. Can't wait to see what you guys come up with!

Cassie Bustamante said...

i have had a little wine, so that may also be a contributing factor, but i am crying tears of joy for you two. way to live the dream, and not be afraid to put yourselves out there. i love your blog, love what you do, and wish i had your balls.;) thanks for being a huge inspiration to all of us!

Erin @ Two Story Cottage said...

Congrats!! It is easy to root for you two! Can't wait to check out the Southern cottage in the mag. :) :)

Eileen said...

Amazing news, congrats to the both of you. First the music video this week, and now a real, honest to goodness magazine spread.

What a wonderful post to read.

Sandi said...

yea for YOU!!! two are the cutest little couple!!! can't wait to see and hear all about your new adventure! i "heart" you!!!

Becky said...

So I have a tear in my eye, a pep in my step, and song in my heart. I'm so happy for you guys. You guys make an amazing power couple. God bless you for He knows the desires of your heart.


geri said...

Layla and Kevin.
HOLY HANNA!!!!!!!!
This is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad.
Each new day you wake and know you are loved, happy, healthy, and making a difference in this world are feelings you can't live without.
Receiving a special gift, a wonderful job opportunity or having a dream come true are blessing from above that makes our heart sing.
I wish you blessings everyday.
I will get that glossy magazine as soon as it hits the stands! geri.

Jill said...

Congratulations!! There are some great times ahead for you guys! I really, really love that photo of you guys holding hands-- it's so sweet.

Kate Riley said...

Congratulations my dear friend, this is ONLY the beginning and someday a reality show is calling . . . not that you'll take it, or maybe you will? You and Kev will be a 'power couple' where you style by day and he plays by night. And we will all watch, starstruck. Good for you for learning to fly when the branch broke.

What a charmed life you do and will lead, I lift you up today and celebrate with you!

Big hugs,

Kendra@Creative Ambitions said...

I love this!! Congratulations to you both! Wow! You deserve it! Thanks for all the inspiration and fun you two give!!

Meghan said...

How exciting.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, that's fantastic news. Can't wait to see the results.

Birdie Pearl said...

This is so exciting! What a blessing! I cannot wait to see the results of this new gig, as I know it will be absolutely wonderful! If you don't reach for the stars, you won't ever catch any! Good luck you two!

Six in the Mix said...

God bless! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Total strangers or proud of you, too! I was just braggin' while waiting at the pharmacy the other day showing off your article in Cottages & Bungalows! You all did a wonderful job.

burlap+blue said...

Congrats, guys! You two deserve it and I'm sure this is only the beginning! Can't wait to see where the ride takes you! xo

InMyOwnStyle said...

Hi Layla and Kevin-

How exciting. I knew it was just a matter of time - you are so talented. You will do great.
My best- Diane

Lynda @ Happenstance Home said...

Continue chasing your dreams and making them a reality. I love following your journey and can't think of two people more deserving!

Moondancerjen said...


Life is 5 Minutes Long said...

Whoo hoo follow your dreams!

Amy R. said...

Congrats! That is exciting and I can't wait to see the next issue of Cottages and Bungalows with your work in it! You inspire me to chase my dreams and I know there is lots more in store for you both!

Laura said...

Wow. That's awesome. You're so talented and deserve the break. Lx

The Cozy Cape said...

Oh my gosh! That is AWESOME! I'm so happy for your guys. I can't wait to see it!

~Grace Happens~ said...

congratulations and well deserved! i have a special place in my heart for cottages and bungalows, as it was my very first magazine feature. dreams do come true!!!!

JoLynn said...

That is great news!! I was wondering when someone was going to be smart enough to hire you for such a gig! :) Love your style, so can't wait to see what you come up with for your new project.

Cheryl said...

I admire you and Kevin for chasing your dreams.
Congrats to you both! Wishing you much success.

vanessa said...

That is awesome! Hope all your dreams continue to come true! I'll trade you some AU football tickets and a tour of the locker room and field for some styling of my house! War Eagle!

Erin Southwell said...

Congratulations, Friend! I'm so incredibly happy for you guys! I love being a dream chaser right along with ya!

Courtney said...

congrats, you two! no one deserves it more. we are all rooting for you!!!

Simply Complex said...

Congrats guys. You sure are good at what you do. (and if you work at something long enough, there is no way you will fail... so keep working!)

WhisperWood Cottage said...

That's great new, Kevin and Layla! We all know how talented you are, so we have no doubt you will rock it! Keep on livin' the dream!! :)


Vanessa@decor happy said...

Congrats on following your dreams. This is only the start of something big!

Unknown said...

how exciting to see fruits of labor appear. our prayers are with you. keep up the good work.

Jackie said...

Those who take risks, truly live life. Those who don't,do not truly live...I can't remember where I've seen this....

Best wishes to you both in everything you do :) <3

Carla said...

Congratulations! I love your blog and will look forward to following your next chapter! I thought of you when I saw this fabric made by a fellow Kansas City will want some, I promise!

Somewhere In The Sun said...

I applaud you for following your dreams! Do it now, while you can!! Best wishes to you both!

Chris at Red Gate Farm said...

Congrats to you both! After what you did on Tybee Island and how creative your e-zine was... well I can hardly wait to see this issue!

Cheri said...

Congrats Kevin and Layla!
If you were my kids === I'd be giddy excited and happy for you!

Way to go!
Looking forward to seeing your work.

Angie :) said...

That is such great news Layla!! I have LOVED your blog from the first day I read it! And I visit almost daily!! I'm so excited for this new adventure for you guys!! You are Kevin are both so talented and deserve this opportunity!! Good luck!!

tonya said...

YEAY! Congrats, Layla & Kevin. I am really looking forward to seeing your work. Hope your leap of faith pays off big time:) Thanks for your is pure sunshine!

Heather said...

Congratulations! What an inspirational story! I love how God so often gives us the desires of our hearts if we trust him and take that huge leap of faith. You are both very gifted - keep using those gifts!

Teresa said...

Congratulations! I am so proud of you both. I will be rooting you on and be there when you need me, with support, love and a listening ear. Ttyl. Just call when you need something.


Teresa T.

Garden4fun said...

It was so exciting to read this post - I've been following your blog for awhile and think you two do fabulous work, plus, I love your quirky style.

Can't wait to see the magazine! Congratulations!!!

Julie said...

YEAH!! I'm THRILLED for you two! You are by FAR my very favorite blog to read....and I read a lot of 'em! :) Still bummed you aren't doing consultations anymore (hahaha....) but I'm so so happy for you! Can't wait to hear details later!


Michael, April and Ryan Cooke said...

How exciting!! Have fun!

Sandra said...

Here's to a very heartfelt CONGRATS on getting the gig. How exciting!

It must be wonderful to feel the rush of knowing someone 'in the know' has finally recognized your skill and ambition (because really, both are needed if one expects to get anywhere in life!), and I'm very happy for the two of you.

Take a moment, savour the feeling, do a silly little happy dance and then carry on and give em all you got!

How wonderfully awesome.



Rie said...

Congratulations, that's so cool! I love that you are doing it together. So sweet. :)

Between You and Me said...

not surprised at two are the most precious couple...keep chasing your dreams!


Beth West said...

Yay! You two are going to do a wonderful job. I'm looking forward to seeing it. I can already picture the two of you jetting around the country doing photo shoots and having a great time.

Donna said...

It's so exciting to do what you really WANT to do in life! I, too, am embarking on a new project...can't elaborate until it all comes about, but am so excited about it as well! It's like a new life!! Happy new life to you!!

Samantha said...

Very strange but after reading this post I feel a little filling up of my eyes coming on, I pop into your lives every so often, or you pop into mine, not sure which way really, to read what you guys are up to and to get inspiration, and along the way I've got a little attached to you and your blog, so I hope you guys have a blast and it all goes well for you, congratulations,

Shari said...

Congratulations. Your story is a real inspiration to me. I know you will both be successful and this is just the beginning.

Kathy said...

Bravo!! You two are so inspiring in every way, I am so happy to ~know~ you

Anonymous said...

i'll add my congrats to all of the others you will get. thank you for your blog and giving us the courage to "tear down a wall and see what's behind it".

angela | the painted house said...

Yes, yes, yes! This is perfect for you two! I am so happy you have this opportunity. When I saw your Tybee house e-zine, I thought it was just as beautiful as the big kid magazines. Real talent, you two!

Shannan Martin said...

A long time in coming, but so inevitable and so deserved! Can't wait to see what you do to the place. :)

Y Mama said...

I would LOVE to be a stylist! fashion or homes! Best of luck! This is an awesome opportuniy and adventure!! Congrats!!

Victoria said...

I am so glad to hear this! I, too, left a career without knowing exactly where I was going to land. I am still paddling along in my journey, but I know that I'll never find what I don't at least try to look for. I am so glad that your leap had a happy landing!

Shades of pale said...

Thats so wonderful! Cant wait to see it!.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Kevin and Layla! I'm sure this is just the beginning of great things for you both.

BAE said...

Despite it coming on Friday the 13th (who SAID it's bad luck!?), this is wonderful, inspiring, yippee news. Kick up your heels and celebrate--you've earned it. And I know I'll be hot on the trail of the first issue that features you. Let us know when it's available?


Katy said...

Really exciting news for you two, I'm very happy for y'all. I love it when things start falling in place and everything seems right. HOPE this is the start of some great things to (keep coming) come. Happy news you guys!

E&E said...

That is wonderful news!! SO happy for you both. You're an inspiration :) Can't wait to see the shoot!

alison said...

congratulations, you guys! i understand those feelings, you're never quite sure what to do with them. but it paid off for you guys woo hooooooooo! i love your blog even though i'm not a blogger. i found it through an article you wrote on hgtv. you guys had just painted your cabinets black and i loved it so much and our cabinets are now black. :] keep up the great and inspiring work!

Moore Minutes said...

You two are an awesome team and have accomplished amazing things in these last couple years. My favorite thing is you both took the risk to follow your passions. I "get" what you're saying about NEEDING to do something about the husband and I feel that way and I admire that you ACTED on it. I also love that you two felt the same and are a TEAM. Congrats you two. :)

Kathleen Grace said...

I'm so happy for you both! I'm a lurker (sorry) but I follow your blog on my reader and it was just a matter of time before someone offered you that job. You are both so talented and appealing and down to earth. My husband and I were just having coffee this morning and I actually said to him, "why didn't we take more chances and follow our dreams when we were younger?" (We are early 50's).
Go for it! be happy, follow your dreams. I wish you all the very best:>)


Allison said...

Congratulations to the both of you! I am new to following your blog and an enjoying your energy, talent and inspiration. Best of luck to you in following your dream! You will do a fabulous job. How very exciting!

Anonymous said...

Yay for Layla & Kevin! We all are excited for you.

.... and your welcome!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Layla and Kevin!!!! Your hard work is paying off. This news has made my day and inspires me as well!

Miss Mustard Seed said...

Good for you! You are both so talented and I know you'll do great. :)

jo said...

I was wondering who the friend was when I read this and actually got a little choked up when you said "you". You have inspired me to do a few things around my house-we are slowly putting up beadboard in our bedroom just like the height in your kitchen.
And I now read Ralph Marston for inspiration.
And I sent both my kids a link to the "5" book.
And I sent all my friends a link to
the "I believe" dance on youtube.
Congratulations and THANK YOU for the tidbits of design and inspiration I get from someone I may never even meet.

Upscale Downhome said...

Way to Go, guys! I love reading your blog. I love to see people trying to live their dreams like me! Can't wait to see your real for pay photo shoot!
Sarah in Wisconsin

Dianne said...

This is just the beginning. I knew it was only a matter of time. You are looking at a fantastic future that is well deserved!!! xoxo

Whitney said...

I am soooooo excited for you! I've been following the blog for a while now, and your style is EXACTLY what I LOVE. I hope you get hired to do more!

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Layla and Kevin...this awesome news! :) I'm soooo excited for you guys!!! :)

ggfblog said...

I'm so happy for you, Layla and Kevin! You are such an inspiration. This is just the beginning of all the success ahead for you two because you are just so talented. Congratulations and have fun!


Adrienne Rachie Photography said...

Congrats guys! You deserve it :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm doing a dance of joy for you 2! It is always so neat to see others doing what they love- taking that scary step is difficult- we were there 3 years ago when we took the big step of going into ministry and moving from the only place I ever knew. But my the blessings, stretching, growing.... what we miss by staying in our comfort zone!

bee blessed

CalleLillyCafe said...

Okay, I just fell in love w/you even more! Heehee. I'm typing this on my iPad in the car, hubby is driving & my sunglasses are able to hide the tears that are filling these eyes of mine from my family. I kept reading on to see who this fabulous friend of yours was. Thought I would see a big time name & we could click on a link to see her awesome web site. Ha! How sweet are you & your hubby? I love coming to your site for some feel good heart warming daily reminder & inspiration, for those of us who think we'll never make it to the day's end or sometime between breakfast & dinner our kids may drive us insane! I just love to visit you & I even share the videos w/my girls too. All in all, you & your hubby are doing great things. Are destined for even greater things. And allow us to leave feeling beyond inspired. Thank you. =)

Lisa said...

That's awesome! What a great opportunity for the both of you. I don't know why it took so long, you are so talented. And, the end of your post brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for being here and being so inspiring.
Lisa @ pix up stix.

Anonymous said...

Congratulation Layla & Kevin,
You will be a huge asset to that magazine as you are simply fantastic! i'm surprised no-one has snapped you both with your skills up ages ago.
I'm sure your parents will be so proud of you and i wish you both the best of luck from here into the future xxx

Chanda said...

Destiny is a strange thing.. sometimes you have to find it or sometimes it finds you! A big congrats for both of you!

Grace @ Sense and Simplicity said...

I'm so happy for you both. You have such talent and I love hearing how blogland has helped someone like you fulfill their dreams. Congrats.

michiganhome said...

You had me... I was really eager to see who the person was you were about to thank! Well, THANK YOU, Layla and Kevin for all that you do and the wonderful inspiration that you are. I LOVE that you are going after it, whatever IT may be...Whooo hooooooo!

Wendy said...

Well, CONGRATULATIONS to one of my favorite design/music duos! I know you'll knock it out of the park!! And since you're living one of my dreams, too...I'm going to live vicariously through you. ;-)

Keep up the good work!!

Melissa Stover said...

this is wonderful! i know you'll do a great job. can't wait to see it.

Michaela said...

I love the work you and your husband do. Your dedication to the blog is amazing. The relationship you and Kevin have is inspiring in itself, and the designs you show us from around your house are beautiful. I love your story and how passionately you both chase your dreams. Thanks for the encouragement to everyone to do what they love. You have a real gift!
I pray that God will bless you as you continue to bless others with your creative work (:

Unknown said...

Congratulations to you both! I have loved your blog from the first day I stumbled upon it and have thought so often how lucky I AM to be able to see your talents! I wonder though, will you still be doing make-over designs for others??? (I hope!)

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Layla, I am so EXCITED for you and Kevin. That is awesome!! I have so loved following you guys on your blog and you are both so talented!! You will do an amazing job with the photo shoot. I can't wait to hear more about it! Best of luck with this and I will be praying for you that things go very well. Love & blessings from NC!

Michelle said...

Hi guys!
Congrats, you deserve it! You are both extremely talented and more importantly "real"! Good luck and I can't wait to see the outcome! XoXo

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Kevin and Layla! What an exciting adventure you all are ab out to embark on. How fun to have your best friend there by your side to play with, too. I know your mommas are proud. Have fun as you always do and you are sure to inspire more people than you already do here on your blog.
Hugs to you both! Job well done!

chris said...

Awesome! Iam so happy for you both, I really am. It is so nice that you have been able to fulfill "dreams". You both have been so generous with your joy and it is so contagious!
Thank you both for opening your home,lives and dreams to me.I look forward to experience your new endeavor.
God bless.

Amy Lynne said...

Congratulations! After seeing your Tybee Island spread I know your new shoot will be amazing! Wishing you both the best of luck!

Renae Moore said...

Congratulations Layla and Kevin....this is JUST the beginning of great things to come!
HUGE blessings.....

Karla@TheClassyWoman said...

Congrats Layla & Kevin! You guys make an amazing team and you are super talented. Your own home, your book and your spread from Tybee are proof of that! I love that you are having so much fun together and living your dreams-that's what it's all about.

I too gave up a great career to follow my passions and pursue creativity and it feels great. From time to time I've had to pick up odd jobs to keep things afloat but I wouldn't have it any other way. It's been 4 years that I haven't had to commute, fight traffic or answer to someone else-love it!

I can't wait to see this magazine! I'm so excited for you guys. :)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new gig! I'm sure you will make the cottage look even *more* adorable than it already is.

Glad y'all decided to chase your dreams and share the journey with all of us. You challenge me to think about what I want to do in my "next act". I've been teaching elementary school for 15 years, and I'm starting to look beyond the windows in my classroom to search for what else could be out there for me. Watching y'all do what you love - and do it soooooo well - is inspiring!

Keep doing what you're doing!


Cass@Happiness Lives Here said...

Congrats! This sounds incredibly amazing. You both are talented and creative and Cottages and Bungalows picked the right team to style a shoot. I hope this opens up a multitude of wonderful things for you two. In the words of Frank Sinatra "The best is yet to come".

Melissa Lester said...

I was going to say congratulations, but after reading the end of your post, I will amend that to "Awwwww ... congratulations!"

AntiqueChase said...

Figuring out what you WANT to do in life and actually doing it is PRICELESS!!

Congrats!! ..and I love your blog!

HJ2 said...

Wow - Well done you two!!!!
Looking forward to you blogging all about it
XX :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! This is the beginning of new beginnings. If you're gonna dream - DREAM BIG! That's my motto. Can't wait to see what's next.

Kimberly said...

Well ya fooled me! I thought you guys had it all goin' on and i was jealous - so you have what it takes - you just need to find the right niche. Do what you love and you'll be the happiest.

ASquared06 said...

Aw. Tear. That is one of the sweetest things ever said to me. Seriously.

Congrats to the both of you on the job and I can't wait to see and hear alllllll about it. You guys are an inspiration to so many. We think you are pretty darn super awsome too!

Country Contemporary said...

Bravo, you two! It does take a whole lot of courage and a real sense of adventure and conviction to ditch the safe and secure to pursue your dreams. And, no, it doesn't always work out as you planned, but it life is what happens when you were making those other plans, so it's all good. Look what happened! Congrats, go forth and don't look back. Can't wait to see how your new gig turns out - it'll be great, I'm sure of it!


Loft32 said...

That is great news! Congrats to the both of you! I admire your passion for what you do and the courage that it takes to follow your dreams. You're an inspiration to many!


Teresa said...

Oh Happy Day! I love your work and I'm sure your new adventure will be fabulous.
Congrats....and looking forward to more wonderful ideas.

Allison @ House of Hepworths said...

OMG that is great news!! Congratulations! You so deserve this because you are so crazy talented!

Also, I am so thrilled that you stopped by my little ol' blog and left me a few comments. I was actually so thrilled that I jumped up and ran to tell my husband! You made my day.

Good luck with your awesome new gig! I can't wait to read all about it.


Nadir @ Hodgepodge said...

Congratulations!!!!! I'm so excited for you both! What a great venture, can't wait to hear how it turns out! :-D

Unknown said...

Its you guys who are the inspiring ones! I am so thrilled for you and all i can say is thank you for letting us go on the journey with you...


Julie Ann said...

Well, I almost picked up a copy of that magazine before I left for a vacation and then went with an old standby. But let me tell you after reading your blog...I will subscribe to that magazine if you became a regular feature in it. Thank you for all your inspiration and sharing a piece of yourself. I'm super excited!

Homegrown Photography said...

Layla & Kevin - you are truly an inspiration to me! Recently my husband and I moved to the country, but I'm still making a 1.5hour commute to my corporate job in the big city. I started a part time photography business about a year and a half ago and I really want to jump with both feet and leave office politics in the dust! However, my husband was laid off in February and I don't feel safe going forward with it. We're both crafty gypsy souls and really want to follow our dreams...but we've been scared...especially by what our parents will say/do. I needed to hear your story today - it really gives me hope that if you take a leap of faith - you will land safely! I'm so super excited for y'all and I know even greater things will come! Both of you inspire me to LIVE and not just dream. Best wishes on a great journey! Britney

Homegrown Photography said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melanie {The Tiny Tudor} said...

Congratulations! I so enjoy your blog and am looking forward to seeing your future projects and successes.

JR in Sweden said...

Well, just joining the masses to say CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm so happy for you guys, but I'm not a bit surprised. You were really brave to go out on that limb and find your true calling. You're doing great!