Tuesday, May 26, 2009

One Year Anniversary Post

Today marks the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of my blog.
It's crazy how fun flies when you're having the time of your life!
I started this blog to document our journey through the renovation of our home, but it's turned into so much more than just a place to showcase our "before and afters".

I've made so many great friends here!

And it's probably a blessing in disguise that we all live so far away from each other because if we were all in the same town, I have a sneaking suspicion things could get a little out of control. :-)

Can you imagine? All of us congregating at the local HomeGoods on delivery day morning, to make sure we're the first ones that get to sift through the latest & greatest shipment of amazing accessories.
The word "chaotic" comes to mind.
As does this photo:

All joking aside, it really has been such a treat to hear from people all over the globe. I appreciate your comments so much!

I've been encouraged to follow my dreams here.

A year ago, I spent a lot of time thinking about interior design. I watched HGTV and read every shelter magazine I could get my hands on. I helped friends and family stage their homes for quick sales on the teeny-tiniest budgets known to man. I peeked into the windows of homes that were for sale, whether they were in our price range or not, just to dream about what I would do with the place. (That's actually how we ended up with the Lettered Cottage!) But back then I worked a nine to five job at a photography studio, and just couldn't ever seem to find the time, or energy, to figure out how to turn my obsession, uh, I mean passion into a career.

Today, because of this blog, I wake up every day, bright-eyed and broken-nailed (Hey, I'm a DIY'er, what can I say?) eager to create fresh new design plans for people all over the world.
It's been such a wonderful year- from "meeting" all of you talented, creative, witty, sweet people out there, to creating inspiring products, to sharing stories about our lives here at the "L.C.", to dreaming up design plans for those who have asked for my help. It's really been a blast! I look forward to the friendships, opportunities, and design challenges Year #2 has to offer!

To celebrate my One Year "Blogiversary", I'm having some more giveaways!

The first one is from Red Letter Words...

Meet Dee.

Dee's loves God, her husband (of 15 years), her four children, her family and her friends. She also adores travelling and scrapbooking, and says she could play with paper and pictures for HOURS. Other interesting tidbits about Dee: she just recently started drinking coffee, and she arranges the clothes in her closet by color, but not in "rainbow order".
Some things that make her tick include decorating her house and staying up really, really late.

When Dee first emailed me about doing a giveaway on my blog, my pulse quickened a little, because the name of her company instantly appealed to me, and I just knew she probably made some amazing things.

One second after visiting her Etsy shop,
Red Letter Words, I was in love.

Dee's works of art have been featured all over blogland. And, today, Dee has offered to give this 12x12 beauty to one of you!

To enter, leave a comment here with your email address OR blog address. Then make sure you visit Dee at her Etsy shop, Red Letter Words.

Thank you Dee! Your work is amazing, uplifting and beautiful- just like you!

The second Giveaway I'm having is for a set of four etched wine glasses, made by Sarah of Whitewash Sundries:

Meet Sarah.

In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and her four lovable dogs. She also spends time helping the local animal shelter, reading, and getting rough-n-tough as "Anna Malinstinct" (get it? "animal instinct") with her roller derby team.
Sarah is inspired by almost everything she sees. And although she works as an Economics teacher, she also possesses tons of artistic talent. She has a passion for transforming everyday objects into extraordinary works of heart. Today, this "Jill-of-all-Mediums" is offering up a set of four of her hand-etched wine glasses to one lucky reader.

Again, all you need to do is leave a comment on this post with either the address of your blog, OR you email address and visit her Etsy shop, "Whitewash Sundries", and you'll be entered to win!

Thank you Sarah! You are so talented. Your Etsy shop is guaranteed to be a hit!

Good luck to all those that enter the giveaways, and thank you to everyone who has encouraged me to keep on keepin' on. I love you guys! Contest ends Wednesday, May 27th, 2009 at midnight. Winners will be announced the next day.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Predicting the future
The most accurate way to predict the future is to get busy creating it. Though you cannot guess what's going to happen, you can know for sure what you intend to do.
Do you wish to be in the right place at the right time? Then commit to creating real value in every time and place where you find yourself.

The most reliable way to get in on a good thing is to put forth the effort that makes that good thing real. A surefire way to have good luck is to create your own luck through the actions you take.

It serves no purpose to wish for what you don't have. Use that energy to fulfill, express and expand upon all the great possibilities you do have.

The more generously you participate in life, the more it will go your way. Always see the positive possibilities in the way things are, and things will work to the benefit of you and those around you.

The future belongs to those who act with commitment, persistence and positive purpose in the present. Use this now moment to make your best predictions for the future come to life.

-- Ralph Marston


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Kayleen said...

Your site is inspiring and these giveaways are so great! Thanks for sharing your ideas with the world!~

holisticgal said...

I am pleased to be the first to wish you Happy Anniversary, Layla!!
What a lovely, inspirational piece you created, and it was so touching to see what the comments and communications from 'strangers' have done for you. So many of us feel the same way about you and your talents, too! It is a pleasure to tune in and see your posts and photos, and I am cheering you on in your business development.

With that in mind, I feel very strongly about a contest you should enter. I read how adventurous you are with your HGTV entry. Did you know that Martha Stewart is hosting a contest for 'Dreamers into Doers?' She is giving away $10,000 to winners who have turned their dreams into businesses. It has you as the winner written ALL OVER IT! Give it some thought, and let us know what you decide, ok? I am sure I am not the only one who would tell you to apply....am I? The contest is mentioned on the first page, then the application is at:
Best wishes to you on your continued success, and I am off to enter your contests. Thanks for bringing many bright spots to my days,
Holisticgal Jen

TanyaLea said...

Happy BLOGGY Anniversary!! :)
...Looking forward to the year ahead and all of the fun things I KNOW we are in store for!


holisticgal said...

My email is Holisticgal22@aol.com. Thanks.

Is simply *visiting* the other two sites enough, because I did not see an area to leave a comment?

Have you decided when your giveaway date is yet?
Happy Day, Layla,
Holisticgal Jen

Jen Kroll said...

I love Red Letter Words! And Dee for that matter!! And I love that you're featuring her on your site! I'd love to win. :) Email address is admin@jenkrollphotography.com

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Layla - I really enjoy your uplifting blog and reading about your decorating adventures. Here's to many more!
Catherine at simplynatural.blogspot.com

Michelle said...

Happy 1st Blogoversary! It's been a joy and inspiration following your home improvement projects over the last year.

My email address is Aloha1964@aol.com. My blog is http://www.pamomofseven.blogspot.com

IEA said...

Happy 1st anniversary. I follow your blog since months and months, frist in texas, now back in germany. you have inspired me many times, keep up that good work! Greetings from Germany, Iris

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your One Year Anniversary. Your blog is delightful. I would love to win either of the creative gifts. The little bird picture would fit beautifully in my soon to be painted laundry room/back entry. Wine in our family is considered a food group. LOL.

Thanks and I am looking forward to the years to come.


Brandi said...

This is such a lovely giveaway. I would feel lucky to receive a beautiful sign by Dee, or the glasses by Sarah. Thank you.

Daryl at Vermont Cottage said...

Congratulations on the one year blogiversary! I felt like I was reading my own words when reading your post today, but I too have a "regular" job and decorating is on the side. I sure wish I had more time and energy to devote to my real passion. Perhaps in a year I'll be writing something similar.

Please enter me in your giveaways! I love the signs and will have to check out the rest of her work. We're also big wine lovers around here so the wine glasses will get used well (love the numbers too).

Take care,

Rebecca said...

Happy Anniversary!

Frank and Natalie said...

Happy Aniversary!
I LOVE the Red Letter Words. The glasses are beautiful as well.


Kate said...

What a great giveaway! Congrats on your anniversary. Dee and Sarah are both so talented. And to think - Dee is just a jaunt down the highway from me! (I'm in Detroit)

tanya said...

It has been a blast discovering your blog ~~~I look forward to reading it daily and seeing all your before and afters.

Trish @TheOldPostRoad said...

You have a great blog! Keep it up. Please enter my name for the giveaway! www.TheOldPostRoadBLOG.blogspot.com

Sarah Parham said...

Your blog, my 1st coffee of the day and a house with kids still asleep.....PRICELESS!!!!

I love everything you do. You inspire me!

Sarah xo

Di said...

Yay! I'm the first to comment.

Congratulations on completing your first year. I love and am inspired by your blog! Thanks for sharing yourself with us.

What beautiful and talented women you've featured today.

I can't wait to check out both of their etsy shops. The items you've shown on your blog are gorgeous. I can't wait to see more.

(mom2riandkayl at lycos dot com)

MagicMarkingsArt said...

Happy One Year Anniversary. I am sending a round of applause on the successful pursuit of your passion, and wish you much designer goodness in the upcoming year.
Your give-a-ways are delightful, and I am off to visit.
Cheers to your continued creative success.

lnkmom said...

Beautiful things! Happy Blog-a-versary!!!


Cathy said...

Happy Anniversary, Layla! Your blog is always a day brightener and you inspire me. Thanks for including us in the celebration with a giveaway!

Kim said...

Congratulations on your "anniversary"!! Recently have found your blog and I'm really enjoying it!!

Anonymous said...

What great items, and talented women. Congrats on your one year anniversary.
Thanks For entering me. Monica http://happynester.blogspot.com/

adrienne said...

Love your blog Layla! And love the artists you introduce us to. Always fun finds! Thanks!

Kathi said...

Wow. I had no idea that your blog was only one year old! It is one of the first ones I found and I've been hooked ever since. Your thoughts, ideas and photos are great! I wish you all the best and thank you for being here!

Glo said...

congratulations on your one year anniversary!

Love the etched wine glasses!


Meredith said...

Just found your blog and immediately bookmarked it. Great ideas and posts.

Mandi@TidbitsfromtheTremaynes said...

Happy Anniversary! I would LOVE either one of those things!

Kathy said...

wow!!! Love those giveaways! such talented ladies!

Kathy =)

The Raymonds said...

Love LOVE LOVE your blog! It inspires me everyday and has actually completely changed the way I view my house! Hope to win a giveaway!! Mandy417@comcast.net

Maisy said...

Happy Anniversary!
I love all your giveaways. How generous of these girls.
Happy Tuesday!

Donna said...

Hi Layla - Congrats on your one year blog anniversary. your blog is wonderful, love seeing what you come up - you are very talented. I would love to be a winner. I have a new blog now, here is the address: http://casarue2659.typepad.com/donnabourgoin/

Pam said...


First of all - Happy Blog-iversary! I have really enjoyed reading your blog and get tons of inspiration from you. Thanks!

Secondly - Both giveaways are fabulous! Can't wait to check out their etsy stores.

XO, Pam @ http://ramblingsofahappyhomemaker.blogspot.com

Lynn Kellan said...

Happy Anniversary, Layla!! Thank you for inspiring us, both with your design taste and with your bubbly, joyful outlook on life.


Pam said...

Your blog has inspired me so much in the decorating of my home. It's always such a joy to see what new idea I will be reading about on your blog. Thank you so much!


Julie said...

Enter me now!

Anonymous said...

These are adorable.


glbuzz said...

Happy Anniversary, Layla. I SO love your site. It is the only blog that I check on a daily basis. Your designs are wonderful and I am slowly incorporating many of your idea's from the consultations in my home. Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge!

Tammy said...

What talented women you showcase all the time. They are truly amazing. I'd love the chance to win an item they have created.
Happy Anniversary to you and what an amazing year you have had in blogland. Heres to the next year being just as good or even better.


katevp-a said...

wow!!! what a lovely giveaway!! I love the art and the glasses! what a great idea!


beachbrights said...

Congrats on your one year! I just love you!!


Sheri @ www.careergirlinterrupted.com said...

Layla - Happy Anniversary! You have inspired me in so many ways over the last course of the year. I have so many project ideas stored in "the next house" file. I guess i need to get myself off to etsy and nose around some - i fell in love with those wine glasses when you used them in a post last week - and omg - i ADORE those plaques. Girlfriend - go forth and create - what you were made to do! - sheri, over at http://www.whatdoyoumeanitsduetoday.blogspot.com

Shaina said...

I would love to enter the Red Letter Words giveaway! I absolutely LOVE that!

Stacey @ The Blessed Nest said...

Congratulations, Layla!!! I've just loved reading your blog and getting beautiful inspiration from The Lettered Cottage! :) Here's wishing you another year of "dreams come true"!

I LOVE both of those giveaways!!! How wonderful! I'd love a chance to win!

grits404 said...

love red letter words. congrats on one year!

Bette said...

Oh my goodness - I LOVE LOVE LOVE these from Red Letter Words!! So cool. - natandbette@hotmail.com

Darcy said...

What beautiful and inspiring artwork from Red Letter. And the perfect addition to my newly repainted hallway. Pick me!

Chris said...

Happy Blog-versary!!! What a great give away, Layla!

princessmimi said...

Congratulations on your anniversary post! Thank you for the great giveaways. Both featured ladies have beautiful things! I can't wait to see what you have created for my space!

Le said...

i read your blog eveyday! i love it, your style, and that sweet little cottage you call home. i am so sorry that i have been bad about commenting but all of the little things that you do are so beautiful!

Flo and Grace said...

Love your site,Layla. You should visit mine and see how I was "inspired" by your creations. Happy 1 year!

lalalovely lindsay said...

what a lovely post...congratulations on one year! please keep blogging, i love your ideas. you've got real talent.

Erin said...

Congratulations Layla! This has been a wonderful year for you and a great few months since I found you. Both of these women are so talented (as are you)!! I would be happy to win one of their items. ecmabon at gmail dot com

Ms. Witi said...

Congratulations on the Inspiring first Year!

What wonderful giveaways you are having in honor of it...we should be the ones "giving" to you for your thoughts and wisdom that you have "shared" with us. :)

I would love to be entered in both drawings! www.testingteamorange.blogspot.com

Jacinda Vandenberg said...

Happy Anniversary! I love this blog-I've been so inspired when it comes to decorating our house. We got married 8 months ago and are expecting our first baby in 9.5 weeks. :)

Keep up the good work!

Blog: happy-homemaker-vandenberg.blogspot.com

Email: jacindajoy@gmail.com

Meghann said...

Oh my gosh, 1 year already! Congratulations! These giveaways are just spectacular - fitting to your blog of course :)
The Red Letter Words store is awesome! I love how Dee makes the scriptures so attainable - the momma bird talking to the baby bird is wonderful.
WhitewashSundries is amazing! I love the etched candle holders as well - so pretty!!
Good luck to everyone, and Congratulations again, here's to the next year of decorating bliss :)

Nicole said...

I'd love either of these giveaways...and i'll be visiting both of those shops asap;)

barbj said...

How exciting!!! What wonderful giveaways! Ooooh, pick me, pick me!
Love your blog and look forward to it everyday. Thanks so much for sharing.

MsKitty said...

Congrats, Layla! You certainly deserve the success and joy that have come your way through this blog. Your creativity seems to be unlimited.

I would be honored to have either of these lovely prizes in my home. My blogs are: www.southernoregoncoast.blogspot.com, or www.mskittyspub.blogspot.com.

I wish you all the continued success in the world!

mimi charmante said...

Yippy - the first comment!!! Both wonderful give-aways~
Happy Anniversary~

Pam @ Frippery said...

Happy 1 year! I agree that blogging is delightful. I find your blog to be wonderful decorating inspiration. Here's to many more! Pam

Wanda said...

Congratulations on your One-Year Anniversary of this blog! Wahoo! Thank you for all of your inspiration!

Blessings to you!

Jackie said...

Wow...one year! I enjoy your blog and your inspiring ideas. Congratulations!

Unknown said...

Wow! Happy One Year! I love your blog, and look forward to seeing new topics and photographs from you. I especially love your photographs of the very simplest of objects. Keep up the good work and your awesome inspiration.

Cheri said...


Good morning and what wonderful giveaways for your first anniversary... and by the way

cheri.geer@gmail.com or

Kaye said...

Congrats! You have come a long way! I love to read your blog and watch your progress. You find the most beautiful photos and people, also. Cheers to another year, I'll be "following"!!!!

Natalie Meester said...

Oh my, I love these by Dee. They relay that you are a christian to others, but don't hit someone over the head with it.

I would love to win one of these.

Happy 1 year Anniversary Layla!

Abbie said...

Wow! I love the Red Letter Words! And they would go anywhere, with anything! Thanks, Layla, for sharing your passion with me (and all your readers).

Beth Ann said...

Both of these giveaways look awesome!!!

My email address is 1981baw@gmail.com

Natalie said...

would love either! how beautiful.

duchess said...

Happy Anniversary!
Thanks for the great contests girls.

duchess @

Elle Jay Bee said...

Hi Layla!!

Congrats on a fabulous first year! I can't wait to see what this year brings...we will all just have to watch and see!

Please enter me into the give-away. My blog address is http://www.restyledhome.blogspot.com


Mandy Ford Art & Illustration said...

Congrats on your anniversary! You blog is so inspiring. What wonderful giveaways...the art print is adorable and I love the wine glasses!

Laura said...

Both of these giveaways are too cute. I hope I win one!

Vanessa said...

Love love love the red letter words! I'm looking around my house right now thinking of lots of places where I could put that plaque! In fact, I'll be coming through Montgomery this weekend on the way to the beach, so if I win, you don't even have to ship it!! The glasses are beautiful also! I have enjoyed reading your blog! I used to live in Millbrook, pretty close to P'ville. Great place to live! Take care and congrats on a year of blogging!

Our Family said...

Wow, first one to post?! I'd like to enter this giveaway, and THANK YOU for all your fabulous ideas. Your kitchen is bookmarked as my 'inspiration picture' and I can't tell you how many times I've called Hubby to the computer to show him something else from your blog....

Jill said...

I'm getting so excited to see the plan you have for my entry way! I know it'll be great! I love the red letter words! I'm thinking of re-doing my daughter's room in brown, blue and white - so I may just have to buy that print if I don't win in! Thanks!

Unknown said...

K, first of all, my blog feed only had up to before the giveaways listed, so I came over to say, Congrats on one year! I only just started reading your blog, and you and some others totally inspire me to get past watching HGTV and dreaming and get into JUST DO IT AND LOVE IT. <3 so thanks to YOU!

And second of all, I am in love with those Red Letter Words. Like, serious LOVE. cute and meaningful and just LOVE.
i'm pretty sure my blog shows up when I login to comment, just in case though, i'm http://onthelaundryline.blogspot.com

Lacey said...

Enter me!!

Kurtzhals said...

Sweet. I'm the first one to comment.
Congrats on the first year! I stalk your blog for new posts and think you're darling.
I'm off to check out the forementioned ladies shops!

Samantha said...

I LOVE the Red Letter Words print! It matches our bedroom perfectly and is based on my favorite Sunday school song! :) Dee is super talented!


Carol in Indian Springs Village said...

Wow, both of these women are very talented. I've added their Etsy shops to my favorites and will be saving some money up so I can shop with them if I don't win! And congratulations on the anniversary!


Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

Oooh what wonderful giveaways! Enter me in both of them please. :)

Happy One Year!!!!

Roeshel said...

I've met the sweetest people through blogging too. :) Congratulations to you for living your dream! You're such an inspiration!

Beautiful giveaways from talented ladies! Thanks for sharing the links! ::off to visit their stores::

Have a great week!

Amber said...

Happy blogiversary :) LOVE all you do here!!!

Shar said...

I am so happy I stumbled upon your blog one day not so long ago. I have already received major inspiration for decorating my beach house. Thank you so much. My email for the give aways: sharyates@gmail.com.

Thanks so much!

Wall Appeals said...

Oh wow. These are amazing give aways. I LOVE the red letter canvases and the etched glasses - beautiful. I just bought my dream house and already have a place for either or both! So, PICK ME!


Julia said...

Hi Layla! Congratulations on one year of blogging. I have loved reading your blog, particularly the half note cottage entries. I hope to join all of you amazing gals who blog regularly one day. I haven't yet taken the plunge but I hope to fairly soon.

Terri said...

Sure love those signs that Dee letters.......... Please enter me in the contest. I'm hopping over to her Etsy store right now.


Anonymous said...

Happy one year anniversary Layla! I enjoy your blog immensely as I pray and wait and look for our own cottage. :)

I LOVE Dee's work at Red Letter Words! So perfect! Thanks for introducing her.


greanbeanmama @ yahoo . com

Anonymous said...

Love Dee's artwork, so encouraging! Thanks so much, Layla :)

Jen said...

I wonder if being the first comment is good luck? Thanks for the giveaways. They are all soooo beautiful! http://goldfishcrumbs.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

What cute etsy shops!!! THe Red LEtter shop is darling and so is the other one! THanks for the chance t win. I read this blog daily! You are so cute and I wish that you were my neighbor!

Kimberly said...

Happy Anniversary!! Tomorrow is mine and my hubby's 20th marriage anniversary, so I share your celebration. Thank you and these talented girls for another great giveaway. I will certainly visit their Etsy shops.
My blog address: kimberly-boarding.blogspot.com or e-mail: boardmomma84@gmail.com Please visit my blog and join me as a friend. If I can get some followers, I too am planning a give away!

Katie said...

Love the giveaways!!! Sign me up! www.domestic-kate.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

please enter me in the RED LETTER.. love AND birds.. O.M.G... i am heading to her Etsy shop now!!!
thanks for the introduction Layla!
-tracie at http://traciemobley.blogspot.com/

Flax and spindle said...

beautiful! It's interesting how things can transform into something you would have never expected!

Wonderful links, going to check them out now.

bebedance5@charter.net said...

Love your blog! Lots of inspiration!

jaime said...

Congrats on your 1st year!!!
Great giveaways!

Kristen said...

Creativity is so fun! Congrats on your 1 year anniversary. I LOVE Dee's work. Thanks for the giveaways.

Kelley said...

We just built a new bathroom and I've been looking for some artwork with scripture to hang on the main wall... this is PERFECT!!!!

SJ said...

Congrats on your one-year anniversary! I love your blog and those Red Letter Words signs!

Sarah said...

What wonderful give aways for your Blog Birthday!

I hope you have many more happy birthdays! Congrats!

Takin' time to smell the flowers! said...

One year is a big deal! Happy Blogiversary!! I love your blog, its very inspiring:) These giveaways are great too! Have a wonderful day.

Gina said...

Oh my goodness...I love these goodies. And I love that in are in Prattville, Alabama of all places. I grew up visiting my grandparents in Prattville. We would walk to get Lee's chicken and Grandma would fix some purple hull peas and buttermilk cornbread to go with it. Makes me smile just thinking about it. I love the salt and pepper shaker - I think I need that....

I enjoy your blog so much. It inspires me.


Mary Beth Smith said...

Well Happy Aniiversary on your blog! I have enjoyed being addicted to it! Haha...You have inspired me with my redesigns in our new house. Thanks! Awesome giveaway..I have my fingers crossed!
Mary Beth

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Happy blogo-versary, friend! Love the Red Letter Words, both great giveaways. I'm sure your 2nd year will be even better than the first.

Anonymous said...

Hi Layla,
First can I say that I love your blog and all of your inspiration. You are right about Homegoods, but watch out girl, cuz I can take ya...LOL!!!

Love the giveaways and I would be thrilled to win either one of them.

Thanks for the wonderful posts and for inspiring so many.


Melissa M. said...

I've just been checking out your blog for about a week now and love it. Also love that print with the two little birdies. Happy One-Year Anniversary!
mcsm6868 at comcast dot net

Mrs. E said...

Happy Anniversary! Thanks for posting your blog. I'm always so inspired--even though I lurk a lot and don't leave many comments! You & your ideas are beautiful!

KM said...

Your story is sOOOOO inspiring, Layla. Keep blogging!


Misti of Studio M Designs said...

Congrats on your blogiversary Layla! Mine is sneaking up quickly. Love the giveaways, both look fabulous. Count me in!


Cookie said...

Wow, only one year. I must have started following your blog only a few months after you started. Well, I love it and would love to be entered in your giveaways. Keep up the great work.


Julie M. Jackson said...

Congrats on one year! The giveaways are awesome! Thank You! Going to visit the etsy shops now!

Julie in Houston

Hope and Justin said...

Congrats on the one year!!! This is a fabulous blog!! **Fingers crossed for either fabulous giveaway!!** =)

Keri Beth Mason said...

Happy Blogiversary! Blogoversary? Whatever. I love your blog!


Anonymous said...

Wow! I found your blog today and I just love it! So inspirational. And a giveaway too, this is a good day! Please enter me too, thanks.

amy jupin said...

happy happy!


The Pampered World said...

Congrats on your one year anniversary! Love the giveaway....my email is elizhaig@gmail.com

Kimberly said...

Love your blog! Happy Anniversary! I really like the signs at Red Letter Words! Please enter me in your drawing.

kimmmtt at yahoo dot com

Frugal Jen said...

Happy Anniversary! I always look forward to reading your post to get ideas.

The Tattered Cottage said...

Congratulations on your one year anniversay! Here's to many more.Cheers. I Love your blog!

Jack said...

Happy Anniversary Layla! I love, love, love you blog and you have inspired me so much over the last few months! You have such a gift and it's such a great experience to watch you go after your dreams!

Nicki said...

Happy Blogiversary! Thank you for all the inspiration you give to us all!

C.E.R. said...

Happy blogversary, Layla! I'd love to win either of these beauties.


Kelley Eubanks said...

Congrats on a year! I love your blog! www.myfrontporch-kelley.blogspot.com


Tricia said...

Congratulations, Layla!
I'm quite sure that the past year has been very exciting for you.
I love coming here to get inspiration, and dream.
You have some wonderful give a ways lined up, and the lucky winner will surely love their "prize".
Again, congrats and here's a toast to many more years of anniversaries.

Rick and Shannon said...

Love reading your blog! SOOO many great ideas! Happy Anniversary!

Vanessa {Bloom Right Here!} said...

Happy Anniversary! I don't comment often, but I read every post. I love the inspiration I get from you! What a fun give away! Red Letter Words is definitely going to become one of my favorite Etsy shops! Thanks!


Nina Diane said...

Happy Blog Anniversary!!

Teresa said...

I started coming here a few months back- you have such a fun spirit- I'm going to use your kitchen ideas to help me re-make my kitchen-
I look forward each morning to checking out what new and fun thing you have come up with- It's always a happy day when I come here.
Teresa- Http://www.andersenseven.typepad.com

Leslie said...

Happy Blog-iversary! I'm a relative newbie to your blog, but you've provided soooo much inspiration in the short time I've been reading, and I am officially hooked!

heypooks at gmail dot com

misty w. said...

Love, love, love your blog. Would you believe we just did one of our bathroom updates in a COASTAL theme, all due to inspiration from your blog? Seriously! Thanks for inspiring!


kristy mae said...

I am so happy to have found your blog. I've only been reading for a few months but I love it!

The Shine your light... art would look adorable in my daughter's new room!

Jamie said...

I love this giveaway!!


Meghan said...

Congratulations Layla on your first year! As my husband and I are "shopping" for our first home right now, I don't have to walk down streets to peek in windows for inspiration... I just look at your blog and dream of all of the projects that we can model after yours. You and your Lettered Cottage are such an inspiration!


The P*dunc's said...

You have me thinking all the time about improving my home! Thank you.

kri55ten at yahoo dot com

Shannon said...

Happy Anniversary! Love your site and look forward to your posts. You've given me so many great ideas!


Wendy said...

Count me in! I just love your blog! And your style!

Kristin C said...

I'd love to be entered, please! The Red Letter Words are just darling.

I'm a recent addition to your readership, but have loved seeing what you've done in your own cottage and the Half Note. Happy anniversary!

Unknown said...

Congrats Layla! I love your blog,and always look forward to your inspiring posts. The giveaways are great! Thanks for pointing the way to great sites.

Jennifer said...

Happy BLOGiversary!!
I am so very glad I found your blog when I did. You have inspired me to do all sorts of DIY projects I wanted to do, but didn't think I could. You have soooo many inspiring and darling ideas. Thanks for sharing them with all of us!

Ivymamma said...

Happy Anniversary! I look forward to your posts - you inspirie me to try things at my house instead of just watching HGTV or drooling over the magazines. I'm in the middle of a kitchen makeover - lots of paint!!!! I would love to win and add some fun accesories.

Jan said...

Congratulations! Happy first anniversary Layla! Your blog is wonderful, keep up the good work!


Vanessa said...

Oooh! so love that wall art. Just gorgeous!

Happy Blogiversary.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!! I love reading your blog. The giveaways are both great, love them! My email address is: sarafdodson@yahoo.com

Annelies said...

Happy Anniversary....and what a gift you have been for all of us in blogland!!! My sweet daughter and her husband are trying to buy their first home and I know YOU will be their inspiration as they decorate their home. So....if I win ( please please) I will gift them with this wonderful reminder of the blog that opens up our eyes and our hearts. Looking forward to year two. Hugs, Annelies

Emily Ann said...

What great giveaways! I love your blog and all your wonderful ideas!


Anonymous said...

Congradulations! I look at your blog as soon as I get up evering morning. I get so many ideas. I would love your giveaways. They are great!!

Rachel said...

Love it! This is so fun, thanks!


Erin Southwell said...

Oh my gosh, I ****LOVE*** the Red letter Words art!!

I am so happy and blessed to have known you the past year, L, and to have shared in fun projects and inspiration with you!! Looking forward to Year No. 2 and all that it will surely bring!


Kristi said...

I love your blog, I love your ideas, and I love both those give aways! keep the ideas coming! thanks.

Jen~ Lipstick and Laundry said...

WoW I had never seen these MASTERPIECES... I would love an opportunity to WIN one... AMAZING...
Thank you...

Kristen McG said...

Love your blog... it's inspired many projects around our home! You are vvery talented.
Anyway, I am visiting the etsy stores listed, and my blog is

Sarah said...

Loving your blog and your fabulous decorating ideas! It is one of my favorites that I watch for updates on my reader!

Happy Anniversary!!

ssmglewis at aol dot com

Unknown said...

My e-mail address is:

Happy Anniversary!

Christy said...

Happy Blogiversary! How exciting!

What great giveaways too! Love them both. :)


Beth's Blog said...

Happy Anniversary!
Great giveaways.
I Love your blog.

Karen said...

Happy Anniversary!
Love the giveaways. I can't wait to shop at these wonderful sites!

Anonymous said...

Awwww Layla! Im happy and proud to say I have been your friend from the very start. I have cheered you on while sending in your videos and still think they are missing out on the greatest lil decorating diva ever. They will regret it one day. I have watched lettered cottage become an awesome home....and I have grown to love you more and more every post. I cant wait to travel on along with you another year. Your blog is a sweet giveaway every day! Love ya girlie~

Unknown said...

I love visiting your site to see updates of projects that you're working on - such inspiration.

The giveaways are beautiful, too!


Unknown said...

So great! you are so inspiring... Your blog is the first one I go to everyday! Good luck with year #2!

Geo said...

Thank You! I've received so much in the way of inspiration from visiting your blog. Your light shines from all you do. Congrats and best wishes. And I'm pining to see the Half Note finished! :)

Lindy said...

Happy blog-versary! Thanks for sharing two great etsy shops that I have never seen! I love them both.

My email is lindyd1011@aim.com

Anonymous said...


I am so excited to put the design you made for me into motion!


~Allie~ said...

THANKS for entering me! What 2 great prizes! Thanks again! williamspartyoffive.blogspot.com

The Stivender Family said...

Congrats on one year! I just recently found your blog and have a a great time going back and reading older posts. I love your simple cottage style. It is what I want to accomplish in my home even though the style of my home isn't really cottage. Maybe the next one will be!!

Astrid in Bristling Acres said...

Happy Anniversary! WOW! Such a lovely giveaway!

astrid at tds dot net

Erica said...

Happy one year anniversary! I love reading your blog -i get excited to see what's coming next. Thank you for the opportunity to win some beautiful things and for sharing your beautiful ideas with us!

rmf said...

Love it! Thank you so much for the inspiration everyday!

Tina said...

Love your blog! Thanks for the chance to win some goodies.

Carrie and Shane said...

I am new to your site but have been so inspired by your attention to detail. I especiallly love your cabinets and the ability to see the beauty in things some might cast away. I like to call found objects like that "twice blessed." Thanks for a wonderful blog.

Catrina Poulson said...

Happy 1st anni! I have really enjoyed reading your blog.

I never enter contests, but how cute is that lettered canvas!


Thanks, and can't wait to see where the next year takes you!


mindy said...

Oh how fun!! I would love to be entered into the drawing! You have wonderful design ideas and it is so fun to look at everything! My email address is

Amy said...

Congrats on a fabulous year. You're ideas inspire me!

I look forward to every new post.

Nikki Cogg said...

I'd love to be in the giveaways!! Congratulations on your anniversary, I always get excited when I see you have a new post in my dashboard :) I also showed your post on how to paint cabinets to my husband and we're seriously considering doing our kitchen! Here is my blog address for the giveaways:

Thanks Layla!

Sarah said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog!



Torey said...

I really love your blog. Such great giveaways!
toreycervantes @ gmail.com

jess said...

congrats on ur one year blog anniversary!! i love reading every entry you post up for us and it has inspired me in many areas.

the giveaways are gorgeous and i would love to win one of them!

my email address is jrienstra211@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine recommended your blog about a month ago - and I love it. Happy Anniversary! How blessed you are that you get to do what you LOVE every single day. I haven't yet entered in a giveaway, but I loved the red letter words!


Megan said...

Congratulations! I've enjoyed reading about your ideas, projects, and shopping excursions and look forward to reading more! You've done a wonderful job!


CaraMae said...

I absolutely love your site and all of your creativity and amazing ideas- thank you for sharing and for sharing these great givaway opportunities!

Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

what beautiful giveaways!!! and happy anniversary!

Anonymous said...

happy anniversary! i love sitting here at the computer and cozying up at the lettered cottage at least once a day. sometimes i chck back more than once to see if there is anything new! how fun would it be to win either of these fabulous giveaways!!! enjoy your tuesday.


Catherine M said...

I love your blog! And these are great giveaways :)


Peg M. said...

Congratulations on your "one Year Anniversary of Blogging!!!" :-)
I love both words and letters on furniture and other objects in my home! I will enjoy perusing both of the talented artists' websites. Yes, please enter me in the give-away!

Peg M.

Katie McCrary said...

thanks so much for your blog! We just finished our own before/after project...go see!I've been using your dropcloth drapes!!! thanks!!!

stefanie said...

happy anniversary, and congratulations, your blog is beautiful and fresh. thank you for your generous giveaway.

Pippa Faz said...

I love all the great ideas and inspiration you give to those that visit your site. Thanks for sharing your anniversary with us and I can't wait to celebrate your next one and others for years to come!! Congrats!!

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

What a fun giveaway! Happy Anniversary to you.

A Little Bit Zany said...

Love following along on your adventures, thanks for the give aways!

KJ said...

I am new to your site and am already totally inspired (and addicted!). Good for you for making your dreams come true!

karlene said...

I always look forward to reading your blog and I am thankful you decided to start it!! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Layla! Your friends are also very talented - thanks for all your inspiring posts.

--Vicki K.

Sarah said...

What talented artists! Looking forward to another year of inspiration through your blog!

Katherine said...

Wow! Congrats on the anniversary. You've accomplished a lot in the last year (having your blog recognized by other publications and inspiring so many to do a lot with a little.)

And the giveaways are amazing. I love Dee's artwork! Birds always remind me of family.


Farmer's Wife said...

Congrats, and keep the great ideas coming.

Love ya, Molly

Missy said...

Congrats on your 1st year. I love your blog and have been following for about a month, it is inspirational. My sister found your site and sent it to me to look at your kitchen. I am going to start on my redo very soon.

Chris@Cats On My Quilts said...

Congrats on your year of inspiring us! I love your blog and look forward to seeing much more.

Jenn said...

Happy Anniversary Layla! You inspire me...as always!


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