The front side of it was pretty outdated-looking and the inside of it reminded Kevin of one you'd see in a cabin in the woods in a scary movie. Remember these photos of it that were taken right after we moved in?
This is the one that really creeps Kevin out...
I wonder if he pictures something more like this when he looks at it...
Anywho...we're having lots of company this month, so we figured it was time to finally get serious about the front door situation.
One afternoon a couple of weeks ago, we were standing in the living room staring at the door. We were talking about how much we didn't like the door, and how it didn't let any light into the room, and about what our dream door looked, etc.
Finally, I just said, "come on, let's go get a door". Kevin was confused as to where (and how) we were just magically going to "go get a door". I should have grabbed a screwdriver and really made him wonder. :-)
But as usual, he was intrigued by my suggestion, so we jumped in our car and high-tailed it downtown to a place that I had heard about from a friend. The building was as easy to find as my friend had described.
As we pulled into the parking lot, our mission suddenly became very real. We quickly realized that we probably should have at least combed our hair and put on something a little more presentable before we went to see a man about a door. We were sporting work clothes that not only didn't match (well, I take that back- my shirt did match Kevin's socks), but they also looked as though we had just been to one of those paintball fields- and our opponents definitely won. And if that wasn't bad enough, it also felt like my teeth were wearing sweaters. (Bear with me people...we were working on the house that day, and didn't plan on going anywhere!)
ANYWHO...As we sat there in the car, contemplating whether we should actually go in or not, we suddenly just had this "now or never" moment. So we got out and marched through the front door of the shop. I confidently strolled up to the first person I saw, mentally reminding myself to be conscious of my breath as I talked to her. I asked her if they had any damaged doors they might want to get rid of.
"Well, I'm not'd have to talk to Brian, and he's on his lunch break rot now" said the sweet little lady. ("Rot" is my interpretation of a sweet, little Southern woman saying the word, "right". Try it, outloud, rot'll see what I mean. It's precious.)
"Oh, okay- well, can we leave our name and number with you so that maybe he can call us when he gets back?", I asked.
"Why sure! That'd be just fine", she replied.
Just then the shop door opened, and in walked the man of the hour. Brian!
After the sweet, little lady introduced us, and explained what we were looking for, Brian escorted us to a stack of doors at the very back of the building. There was "only one door" he could think of, he said as we walked with him past some of the most gorgeous entry doors I've ever seen.
Sure enough. As soon as he pointed it out to us, Kevin and I both got that look in our eyes. (No, I'm not talking about the stuff in the corners that I forgot to wipe out before we left the house)
I'm talking- LOVE.
Love for a slightly bowed, solid mahogany door that needed to be stained, and that didn't that come with a doorknob. It was perfect for us! Like our house, it also needed some TLC, and since that's kind of "our thing" nowadays, we happily adopted the door that was otherwise destined for the burn pile.
I haven't had the time to stain it, or the funds to buy a door handle set, but we're really enjoying the way it looks already.
(Move your mouse back and forth over the photo below to see our old door change to our new door!)
We're just using our old doorknob on it right now. But one day, we'd love to have one of these bad boys...

...but did you know they're like $150? That's nuts!
I guess I'll have to scour the internet, and check on eBay, to see if I can find a less expensive one. Until then, our old door knob will have to do!

In preparation of our "Halloweenie Roast 2009", I am going to attempt to make a pretty pumpkin arrangement tomorrow. If it turns out, I'll post photos of it. If not, I'll post photos of it anyway. Hey, I told you about my teeth....a few pictures of some poorly painted pumpkins aren't going to scare anyone, right? :-)
The door is beautiful. My husband (also Kevin) and I are kindred spirits....there is rarely a weekend that goes by without a new (or continued) DIY project. I'll let you know if I run across a door knob upgrade during our searches!
Love the door! I recently bought a gorgeous handleset on ebay. On ebay it was $60 and the same set elsewhere was $220.
I love, love, love your decorating style!
I work in a dental office and I LOVE your "teeth feel like they are wearing sweaters comment" sooooo funny! How did you luck out on such a beautiful door. Destiny!
Thanks for keeping an eye out for us Dondra! We appreciate it!
Kevin and Layla
We're off to check out eBay now!
Thanks for the 411!
Kevin and Layla
Your new door is beautiful. I have front door envy! Our home (old farmhouse) currently doesn't even have a front door/entry (previous owners built a room around it). Another DIY of these days.
Love it. Are you going to put up curtains or frost the glass? In my neck of the woods, we'd have nosy neighbors peering in... LOL
The new door is beautiful! How fitting that he (Brian) returned when he did and the one door he had was right for you!
Definitely check eBay for a new handle set. I've purchased quality door knobs and cabinet hardware there for a fraction of the retail price.
I LOVE your new door! I also LOVE that your address is 527--which is my birthday...I'm such a dork that way, finding meaning in numbers! LOL
Layla, so you got a FREE door??? wow you are so lucky!
if I had this type of door, my NOSY neighbors would have their nose in my parlour!!
TOOO cute, We leave the Coastal Nest in a rush like that all the time! you know what....seems like there are alot of us out there that do the same thing:) Nothings stoppin me when I got my mojo going..I just dont think about even "looking" in the mirror before I take off.
BTW Layla, we have that awesome door handle on our front door out at the beach, I adore it, It was expensive, but worth every penny. It ttttttotally makes the door..
Coastal Nest:)
That's a nice front door. Love it. Door handles make all the difference to your door! I had an obsession with some and I laybyed it because I HAD to have it, but yes they are expensive! See them here...
Katrina :)
the 'sweater teeth' comment made me smile! we've all had that feeling! and I love love love the door! AND the fact that you didn't break down and buy any of the ones you passed to get to it! can't wait to see it finished, along with the pumpking arrangement!
Layla, your candid sense of humor always cracks me up... you'd fit right in with my family. I guess that's why I always feel so 'at home' here!!
The door looks great! Now I'm sure you can score a good bargain on the handle somewhere, too. Ebay is a good start!
There is so much to tell you!
1)That new door is just gorgeous! It was meant for The Lettered Cottage! I noticed it in some of your photos last week and was wondering if I missed a "front door" post or something:)
2) Your old front door was EXACTLY like OUR old front door that we replaced a couple of months ago! Yeah, gotta love those weird raised squares and rectangles!
3)How close are you to a Southeastern Salvage? There IS one in Nashville and Chattanooga. Get there. Like, now! Ha! Why, you may ask? Because that is where you will find the gorgeous handle set you want for SOOOO much cheaper? How do I know this? Because we put nearly the same handle set on our new front door! We bought it at Southeastern Salvage a couple of years ago for around $50 or so {maybe even cheaper - I don't remember exactly, but I know we very surprised at the price!} Here is our handle set on our still unpainted door.
4) If the people at Lowes and Home Depot didn't see me so often, they'd think I was a hobo. I *so* understand about rushing out and then realizing what you look like, lol! Oddly enough, it's when I look my worst that the other fine HD or Lowes associates and patrons stop and ask me "what are you working on today?" I don't think they'd recognize me if I came in wearing makeup and clean clothes!
Love the door! Good find!
I don't post often but I read daily and I do purchase from TLCH but when you commented about not having brushed your teeth that day all I could think was,"Gee,I am soo glad I am not the only person who forgets to do this when I get all involved in stay at home all day DIY project."
I'm cracking up at this post because I absolutely HATE our front door so we painted it to look like your before picture. We also own the set you're looking to get - that was our first attempt at making the hideous heavy badly stained wood door look presentable. When that didn't work, we painted it black.
LOL!!! I'm still snorting at the horror scene.
Don't hate me, but I have that door handle set you desire. And I love it! Now I just have to paint my (gasp) 70's burgundy coloured door to my wonderful black coffee colour. Soon!!!
Something tells me you'll find the perfect handle to go with your perfect door shortly.
Love the door!! It looks pretty from the road not stained so I can only imagine how beautiful it will be stained.
Umm next time you head out "this way" how about coming about a 1/2 mile further to see me please?!. LOL..
{{Big Hugs}}
the new front door looks perfect for your home, I bet you are loving all the extra natural light in the room too
Beautiful!!! It's posts like these with your fun, lovely spirit shining through that keep me coming back to your blog over and over:)
I just did a front door project similar to what you've got in the works. I blogged about it:
I have the same/almost the same door handle set...and yes...I think mine was $120 at Lowes.
I LOVE opening and closing this door handle! It just flows nicer instead of the doorknob. It's like you grab the handle and you're holding hand with the new door. Good luck with your project.
I LOVE it too! GREAT FIND! It totally looks awesome in your house! We also have a 3/4 lighted front door but it's with leaded glass (before that sounds too snobby...our neighbor works for the door company so we got it at cost, YAY!). I'm still in love with it 6 years later. And I agree, the door knob/lock combo KILLS you with it's unsightly price! OH yeah and BTW, you should try the pumpkin topiary thingy where you use dowle rods through the smaller to bigger pumkins on an old urn thingy...totally fits your diy style!
Beautiful door!! We always discuss the need to do something with our front door, but then it's just discussion. LOL
Haven't watched Scream in years, but I've seen something like 8000 references to it in the last week.
You are just so lively and great! The door looks fab! I love that you got it from the "burn pile" It is so much better to get a steal of a deal than to pay full price -- it's priceless (pun intended). Enjoy your company this month!
ok layla! how does one (you) get so lucky! that door is b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l!!! i love it!
Oh! I love it already!! Can.Not.Wait. to see how you finish this project!
Hey Layla...LOVE the door! I just sent you an email with a lead on that gorgeous read! ;o) ~Mary~
LOVE LOVE that style of door!!
That is gorgeous! ;)
love the new door, it looks like ours. but don't waste your money on a less expensive door lock because if you do what we did, and buy the ones that are about 90, they go bad in about two years. then you "get" to replace them. just wait until you can buy the good one, you'll be glad you did. :) the cheaper ones break way too easily, and i know. :(
love your new door! we loved being about to SEE OUT too!
Hi Guys.
What an amazing transformation. It is always so surprising what a difference a door that lets in light can do.
My Glenn changes our door while I was at work. When I came home I saw this beautiful new 10 glass paneled door welcoming me up the new deck he had just finished.
Now my pooch Henry doesn't jump up in excitement and claw his way to happiness with us coming up the walk, not to mention the paint no longer flies off the door. He is better than any belt sander we own. hehe
I have enjoyed looking for things like old glass door knobs or handles or fixtures at salvage yards. Maybe there are some close to you. They are too much fun to visit.
If I see anything I will take a pic and send it to you.
Have a fun "PUMPKIN" day. geri.
Boy, you are really manufacturing light these days...looking great!
Hey, I know you guys are "somewhere" in Alabama, don't forget to check your local Marvin's for great deals on door hardware!
Layla, I am SO jealous. I want a door just like that for my house. Really, I do. I haven't found any great salvage places here in St Louis. I keep hoping, but we are not a mecca of great stores like that. It's very sad for me. Oh, I want a door like that. Congrats on your beautiful find. I can't wait to see the finished product. Dixie
Gorgeous door! I just love reading your funny posts! Makes me feel better knowing there are others out there doing similar things. ;)
RIGHT ON! What a great find for your door ... I am very much a 'let the sunlight in' kinda girl and I can't really describe the difference in the feeling ... like, it is uncomfortable going up to a solid door and knocking ... equally uncomfortable answering a solid door ... the windows are so much more friendly ... just like you two are! Analogy? The solid door is like the sweaters on the teeth syndrome ... the window door is like sparkling brushed pearly whites!
You know Layla ... you really ought to write a book ... you are the best with words ...
Cheers ~
prairiegirl xo
That's much better!
And yes, door knob sets are unreasonably expensive. We bought one last year and about choked. Do you have a Habitat for Humanity Restore? They have stuff like that for pretty cheap. But it's always hit or miss as to what's there.
Oh Lord Layla I love your stories! Love the new door - what a great find!
Awesome door! It looks great as is, I'm sure it will be stunning with some new stain and a new doorknob.
I have that front door set of knobs and found them at Lowe's. I KNOW I did not spend $150. Definitely less than $100. Did you look there? It was about a year, ago.
Love the new door, it is amazing how one thing can make such a huge change in the appearance and feel of the house. Great find!!!
Love your new door...and YOUR sense of humor! That "scary" pic is a riot! Made me LOL!
* I... LOVE... THAT... DOOR!!!!!!!
(You ARE going to take down the numbers on the molding, right??? I'm thinking of seeing it WRITTEN OUT, or, some classic numbers right under the glass, but I KNOW you'll come up with something MUUUCH more "unique"!)~~~)...
Again, LOVE... THAT... DOOR, Layla!!! (And I think you "found" it because "NICE things happen to NICE people!")~~~
Linda in AZ *
Beautiful door! I love the way it dresses up your entry. Can't wait to see your pumpkin project.
Lovely, Layla! Lucky you, that's exactly what kind of front door I want too. Maybe one day.
Beautiful door. I love how you guys take what other people would call junk and fix it up. It just amazes me how honest you are about it too.
I love that door. We have had the same one on one of the houses my hurband built us many years ago. Oh, I loved it!!
I love the new door. But I see that you have another problem similar to me. THE SCREEN DOOR! I love having the door open but because we live near dairies, the screen door is mandatory with all the flies. But it isn't so aesthetically pleasing. What are your ideas about this problem? Especially now that you have a beautiful door you don't want to cover up.
great door! what a difference that is going to make.. inside & out!
What a coincidence. I just posted about redoing my front door yesterday. I even replaced the lock set with the one you posted. It is expensive but works like a charm. Beware...all lock holes are not the same. Check out my post.
love your door :) i renovated an old (1950's) house this year and am a faithful reader of your blog. i have an interior decorating business and have very similar taste to yours. i LOVE your house and all your great deals on accessories! we have some of the same things and paint colors (coincidence)--like the rosemary, sage, thyme, and parsley boxes! i am a flea mkt & antique store junkie--i feel like we are kindred spirits :) everything in my house is painted or recyled from somewhere. anyway, there's a great website called they have oil rubbed bronze handlesets for about $60. (they also have cheap faucets) mine works great--it's not as craftsman-style as the one your pictured, but it's a good deal!
Wow ~ it was just waiting for you two to come and rescue it! As for your shopping attire ~ all you would have needed was to run into someone that you hadn't seen in years! That happened to me one day ~ we had been moving and sweating and you know the look ~ no makeup and the works. Ran into Wal-Mart to pick up a curtain rod, around the corner and bam into someone I had not seen in years. I could just hear them saying as I walked away "she has really gone downhill...." ~ you get the picture. Love that door ~ it just adds so much to your room!
I would recommend They have very nice quality for a low price. Friends of mine just changed all their handles and locks using their products. Wish I had know about them a year ago when I redid mine :/.
Thanks for all the great tips on where to find handle sets. We love hearing all of your stories too. They inspire us to keep on keepin' on!!
Layla! I laughed out loud at your little photoshopped version of your living room with Drew Barrymore in it. Ha!
Your door is lovely! It looks amazing with the light coming through. Congrats on your find!
My habitat store had this door set for $40!! Go to this link and scroll down til you see the picture. If you want, I can go find out ALL the details and get back to you!!!
I did not mean to add my link to your comment section. I thought this $40 find was more important than etiquette ;)
You are welcome NOT to post this in your comments.
That door is particularly gorgeous...did you get it for FREE? Wowza if so!
The handle will come...I'm sure of it!
What's next...what's next?
Love it! I thought I saw this door change when you posted your pictures of your hallway. My husband and I bought a door just like this, it will be our back door. Tell me will you hang a roman shade over it or just let it be. I thought about hanging a roman shade with our monogram on it , but I am not sure what I will do.
By the way I have been In love with your blog forever, like since you posted about That fabulous wing chair you had reupholstered, I have been hooked ever since! thank you for sharing your talent!
LOVE IT! I love the view from your hallway, too! Someday this is the door I want. You should see my idea files!
Love the door! Love your blog, I have to look at it everyday. It inspires me to do projects around my own house. Right now it's redorating our family room. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Layla,
I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing all the work you and your husband do together. I wanted to let you know that I was super lucky to come across a new door handle like the one you showed while snooping around Lowes one day. I was supposed to be in and out (gettin an outlet cover .59cents) and wound up seeing that beauty on the clearance table...original price 157.99 marked down to 55.00 THEN I asked if it was going to be marked down any more and LOW and BEHOLD I wound up getting it for 37.00 BUCKS! So that bargain led to all new door knobs for all the doors inside the house as well and well you know how it goes..........Anyway my point is that apparently you can dicker on clearance prices at Lowes! Who knew! Good luck on your search!
Love your blog,
Definitely find a doorhandle online. We purchased ours, the exact one we wanted at Lowes, through Ebay for about $20. :-) HTH!
You lucky duck! I too live in good old "Alabamer" and if you ever head to Birmingham there a store called Southeastern husband and I bought the same hardware for our door for $ was a couple of months ago...but they had tons! This place is great for cheap finds!
I love the "new" door! It is always fun to go to places like that and see expressions when you want what they see as the trash :)
We have the handle/door knob that you want... unfortunately, it is broken. We still use it, haha, but we just have to always lock the deadbolt. I think it is SO worth it. It was randomly in a drawer when we bought the house. We couldn't believe they didn't actually USE it.... we didn't know it was broken then. But, we loved it so much we had to keep it.
Ps-- I would probably be one of those nosy neighbors the other posts are referring to :)
the new door is awesome - the light it lets in is gorgeous!
I am so jealous of everything! What a fresh, cozy home you two have made!
Love it!! It is amazing to me that you found the perfect door on your first attempt!! It was destined to go home with you!! :)
I loved looking at your home and the improvements you have made.
Some bad news about the oil rubbed bronze look door knobs. They do not wear well. After 3 years my backdoor know already has the oil rubbed finish worn off. Check out my blog Three Dogs at Home to see my painted knobs. You probably could get used entry way knobs etc from a lock smith for cheap or free.
this post is hilarious. love the accents and the descriptions. :) that door is beautiful! i think i'm a little slow this morning though, cause i seem to be the only one that doesn't get how you scored that door! was in in the trash bin/damaged section of the store? surely not, it's gorgeous. i'm also a day late, i just read your pumpkin post and this one too. that punkin is fabulous. it gets my crafty juices flowing. i need to go find a white pumpkin and a doily! :)
I couldn't believe it when I saw it. I have that door (actually two) & that hardware! Please take a look at my blog:
Love your house & your blog!
Natalie B
Love, love, love the door! This post is absolutely hilarious. I was laughing out loud! I was painting the other day and all of a sudden I had the urge to go to Lowe's. I didn't clean up, change, or anything. I just prayed... prayed that I wouldn't see anyone that I knew. Luckily... I didn't. So funny!
I think I remember a post where someone sent you a door handle but just in case my brain is still a little too fuzzy from this stinkin' head cold that hurts really bad when I lean over to pick something up, I thought I would suggest The Habitat for Humanity Store.
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