Remember this guy? We started blogging about it here, and today I'm going to cover the second half of our first True Value project.
We used an etched glass kit (the material comes on a roll) on the insides of both pieces of plexi. You can't see through it at all, so it gives 100% privacy while still allowing the light from the bathroom to shine through into the hallway. It's a really pretty effect at night! After that, I mitered some decorative wood moulding and attached it to the plexi using epoxy, I started filling in all the gaps with stainable/paintable wood filler.

Here's a close up of the wood filler after it had dried. It's amazing how it has the ability to make the moulding look like it was always a part of the door. (And hide all my imperfect cuts. Shhh!)

The door knob was preventing the door from laying flat while the epoxy dried, so I set it on top of four paint cans.

The next thing I did was tape off the door knob and plexi glass.

I was so proud of my tape job on the knob I actually made Layla come outside and have a looksie. I probably took 7 or 8 pictures of this bad boy, but Layla thought it would be a little excessive to post more than one. :-)
After the tape was in place it was prime time! I used some gray-tinted primer that we had left over from a previous project.

Finally, I painted the door Benjamin Moore's "Fieldstone". Once it was dry, Layla came out and did her thing with her little electric sander.

We picked up some poly the last time we were at True Value. I gave the door a coat to seal and protect it.

We could hardly wait to get it into the house and on the guest bathroom doorway. It's been really uncomfortable for our guests to go to the bathroom for the past few weeks, so we were eager to give them their privacy back.

(I kid, I kid!)
Here it is today, happily hanging in the hallway...

We changed out the mirror over the linen press with one that we were previously using in the kitchen. We like the way its curves contrast with the straight lines of the wood planks on the wall behind it. (Not to mention, we've got plans for the rectangular gray one inside the bathroom now- more on that to come!)

Move your mouse back and forth over the image below to see the before and after.
We did a different technique on the inside of the bathroom door, which we'll blog about as we start to renovate the guest bathroom. We're super pleased with how our first True Value project turned out and can't believe we almost threw this old beauty away at one point. Silly wabbits!
We're gearing up for our 2009 Halloweenie Roast this Friday. It's a costume party and we'll be counting on you guys to choose a winner next week. Even though Layla and I aren't eligible to win the prize because we're hosting the contest, that didn't stop us from really getting into picking out our costumes! We'll be shooting video and taking plenty of photos to capture all the craziness. It should be a blast and we're really looking forward to hanging out with our friends!
Have a great Halloween week,
We are one of five bloggers selected by True Value to work on their DIY Blog Squad. We have been compensated for our time commitment to the program, as well as our posts about our experiences. We have also been compensated for the materials needed for our DIY projects. However, our opinions are entirely our own and we have not been paid to publish positive comments.
Check out the Lettered Cottage Home Zinc Placecards Giveaway at Made 2 Create!
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Kimm at Reinvented
wish I was as talented with power tools, sadly not but bumble my way through
great post, lurve the styling
It's beautiful! The before and after of that hallway area is truly dramatic. It has such a warm and welcoming feel now.
I do have one question!!
Does the plexi allow any light through? I was hoping to do this in my little condo, so that the light from the bedrooms can reach the hallway, so I'm hoping that the light will still get through.
That photo of the before and after is just crazy -- it doesn't even look like the same house!
I love how the door turned out - it's fabulous, and the mirror change out was a great idea. Looks fabulous!
xo Isa
The before and after pictures are amazing! The hallway is so charming now, it doesn't even look like the same house. Beautiful job!
You guys are amazing. I absolutely love the way it turned out and I never would have thought of cutting out the middle of the door for the plexiglass insert...or framing it out for that matter. Great job!!!
Love, love, love it!! Very dramatic before and after! :)
Are you kidding me? That looks fabulous! I guess that's why they pay you guys the big bucks ;)
I've had that color in the back of my mind ever since Anne Turner Carroll's kitchen started making its rounds on the blogosphere - https://www.decorpad.com/photo.htm?photoId=6951
I'm wondering what it looks like in your house. Could you describe the color? In Turner's kitchen it almost looked too green for what I'm wanting. I want to find that perfect I-don't-really-know-what-color-to-call-this-but-it-looks-pretty-Swedish neutral :)Is your door a warm gray with a subtle green undertone or is the green more pronounced. Sorry to be so detailed, but I'm geeky like that when it comes to color.
Looks fantastic, guys! Oh, and just in case you don't have enough to do next week, have you ever consider Layla giving a little tutorial on how she works her distressing magic with that sander?
Stunning! Love the before & after - as others have said, doesn't even look like the same house!
I love the hovering over the picture so it goes Before ... After ... Before ... After ... Before ... After ... need I say that I kept doing that. What a great transformation.
Love love love the door, it turned out fabulous! Thanks for the link, I LOVE sponsoring posts! :)
Would you consider adding the same trim to the bottom panel ?
Whatever its a great idea
Gorgeous! I'd have never thought of this. Love it!
Have a great week. TTFN ~Marydon
this is CRAZY GOOD! the transformation is ridiculous!
amazing job, as usual!
no wonder i'm hooked!
Wow, that is AMAZING!! I LOVE this redo, and I'm stealing the paint color (wont be the first time I've done this from you!)
I cant believe the before and after - it shows you anything is possible with a little creativity and hard work!
The before and after picture is so cool. What a difference you made with not a lot of money. So impressive and so beautiful.
Pure Genius! I just love, love how it turned out!
The door really is amazing and the colour is just perfect. Well done.
You two are bar none amazing! I can't even express how impressed I am with all your projects.
I also wanted to let you know in the November BH&G mag, there's a coupon for $5 of any $25 purchase at TrueValue. I wouldn't have even taken note of it if weren't for your blog.
I am so glad you posted a closeup of that taped door handle because I was squinting to see how the heck you did that!! Impressive! Great door makeover and I too find it amazing it is the same house...very inspiring.
The change is AMAZING!!!!!
you've done an awesome job
Wow! The before and after is amazing! Love your work....you are inspiring my husband and I to try a few things around our house.
Holy rusted metal, batman, that transformation is FANTSTIC! I sat here and toggled back and forth about 11 million times. WAY TO GO!
It turned out beautiful! And seriously, that tape job on the doorknob - stunning. Very nice. :)
It is crazy to think that is the same area. It is gorgeous!
Swoon! I can't wait until we get past the structural projects on our house and get to to the wonderfully gratifying projects like this.
Absolutely wonderful. What a transformation between the before and after. I love your home. Keep up the great work! ox
It's beautiful, and I love the color you selected! The mirror switch was a fabulous idea too!
Your guys's house is beautiful! i'm very excited to see your other projects!
woah the before and after went from drab to fab! awesome!
I just love all of your ideas!! The door looks so awesome! You both are such an inspiration to my husband and I who have just started work on our house! Hope you can follow and enjoy our blog like we do yours!!
It looks like a completely different house! I love the way it turned out ~ fabulous!
How About A Sneak Peak Of The Bathroom?
that mirror is LOVELY!
I love how it turned out! The after photo looks like it came straight out of a magazine!
That was one crazy-good taping job! I think you could have gotten away with at least 5 photos of that masterpeice! The door turned out beautifully, a feature all on its own. Love it :)
I have the same question as Kristi - does the plexi let the light through? I imagine it does...
Looks great, by the way.
UN-BEE-LEAVE-AH-BUL!!!!Holy Schnikes!! (say it correctly - it rhymes with Nikes)
So, Kevin - why don't you open your own handy man business and take your jobs on a onesy-twosy basis? You have the talent and skill.
And that tape job? Literally the best tape job ever done by a male.
Hey you two!
Love the door. Kevin you are so funny about the doorknob tape job. LOL, it's the little things in life that make us happy, right? (if it was me, I probably would of taken as many pics of the taped knob too. smile)
The switcheroo with the mirror was a good move. Liking that a lot. A cool idea for the plexiglass door on the outside would be to have vinyl wording of "RESTROOM" or "WC" on it or something of that nature.
What a fabulous transformation!
Oh, I am just sick with envy! Your entire home is the best transformation ever! When you took off the drywall, I couldn't imagine loving it anymore until . . . you added the door. Stunning. I love that everything you do is so thought out and you do all the projects so well. You must be very proud of yourselves.
LOVE it. Especially the color! Great job guys!
Nice job! The door looks great! Love the color too.
Wow, that before and after is amazing. It is a great look at how far you have taken things in your home. Just beautiful!
Wow, that is beautiful! I love the way it turned out. :)
It looks amazing!! I LOL'ed about the tape job on the knob. I was looking at it thinking, "Wow! That is a great tape job!" Then I read how proud you were of it. Too funny. :)
Way to kick butt, Kevin!!! Love that soft taupey gray color that you guys choose..its adds a nice bit of subtle contrast. Have fun at the Halloweenie party, can't wait to see your costumes:)
Awesome result! Really j'adore the transformation. You and your husband are the perfect combination.
Sigh..... swoon. Gorgeous.
Wow, it turned out really beautiful!!
Your home is beautiful.
I just found your blog the other day and can't stop reading/looking at it.
We just bought a 1951 cape cod style house in Maryland and we have a lot of the same panneling etc. that you have in your house. You've given me so many great ideas for painting and decorating. THANK YOU!
Can't wait to see what you guys come up with next!
It looks great! You guys are so creative!
What an AMAZING transformation!! I have 3 old doors waiting for me in my parents storage to do something like this with one day when we have a house! ;)
looks great!!! you inspire me!
The before and after does not look like the same house! I love what you did--the room looks so warm and inviting.
Love, love, love. Can't say anything more than that.
I really really like that mirror. I'd ask where you got it - but I bet it was some fleamarket yard sale find. If you said ebay, maybe there would be a glimmer of hope of me finding one just like it. I like the paint color too. I'm thinking I need to paint my bathroom in the near future...
You guys have some of the best ideas I have ever seen. Definitely love the bathroom door.
Cool! Looks great. :)
Im so glad that yall finished the guest bathroom...now I can come for a visit and not head for the woods...heeeee~
Wow - the door looks amazing. The difference between what your hall looked like before and how it does now is incredible - you wouldn't believe it was the same space. It looks very Scandinavian - a very simple look which I love. Well done!
wow, guys ... truly an awesome project!
it looks fantastic -- especially in the before and after mouse over. the recent "before" seems hard to believe ... you've made the "after" so professional and fitting, it looks like it should have been "born" that way!
Wow, it looks so great! I have been thinking about doing something similar to our mudroom door. Now I have to!
Thanks for the kick in the pants!
Love, love, love it! You kids are so good. :)
WOW! Amazing transformation! So very inspiring! I would love to see the same after pic with the light on in the bathroom, curious how the light shows through.
Thank you for sharing your creativiy and hard work.
That tape job IS amazing! No wonder the door turned out so well.
Wow. So much potential, it would be so much fun to restore. I recently went to look at a house like this one. Only difference…it was 4 TIMES the price. Guess that’s the price you pay for living in California. Thanks for showing us the pictures.
wow, what a great job on that door. So creative. I love it! Thanks for sharing.
You guys are so awesome!
Amazing, love to see the before and after photos. You have an eye for what works...and then you DO it!
You two have truly taken this house and done pure magic to it! I love all your ideas...such beauty and creativity! I love all the natural light! Great great job on EVERYTHING! I love your blog! :)
You have a beautiful home :) I was wondering if you would share some info on the 'etched glass kit (that comes on a roll)'. We recently installed a french door in our bathroom and need to make it more private, but still bright. I would appreciate any help! Thanks, Lisa
Just found your blog over at Young House Love and I can't wait to dive into it even deeper, once the holidays pass. Happy New Year and great blog!!
I love the look! I also really like the dresser with baskets for drawers. How did you find baskets to fit the hangers from the old drawers so well?
Hello. I love reading your blog and came back to this post today because I was remembering that you had some great tips on repainting old wood. I have a desk I want to repaint and was going to ask you a couple of questions. After you used the citristrip (which by the way, would you recommend?)and got it all cleaned off, did you prime, then paint? Did you just brush the paint on and with what type of brush? My email is gailcaroline@gmail.com if that would be more helpful. Thank you so much!
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