Commenter #477 is the winner of the Oak Leaf and Pearl necklace-

Joseph said...
Wow! Tough to choose. I'd love either, but think I would go for the oak leaf . . .
Fingers crossed!
October 12, 2009 5:25 AM

And Commenter #310 is the winner of the Fleur-de-Lis & Coin Pearl necklace-

Bryan, Jen, Noah and Kiki too! said...
I'd love the Fleur-de-Lis & Coin Pearl Necklace, it's beautiful! :) Thanks guys, what a pretty giveaway!
October 10, 2009 9:23 PM
Congratulations to you both!
Please contact kat@englady.com to redeem your beautiful prizes!
PS- If you didn't win, but would like to purchase one of Kat's necklaces, just enter THE LETTERED COTTAGE in the "message to the seller" box when checking out at her Etsy store. You'll receive 10% off your order plus Free Shipping through October 31st!
(Kat will refund the discounts to you upon notification of your purchase)
yay! congrats to the winners!
you know layla and kevin ~ we are all winners just having 'the lettered cottage' here to visit!
Ugh! I didn't win!
N-E-ways, y'all can have another chance over at my blog:
Oh, those lucky ducks! Seriously, beautiful necklaces!
Congratulations winners and what a beautiful give away! Love the pumpkin you crafty gal! I just might have to do it too!
Congratulations winners!
Hey there, Mr and Mrs LC...I just want to say that I am enjoying your regular blog posts! It makes a reader feel at home in the old and beautiful LC! Keep up the great work!
Congrats to the winners...what gorgeous necklaces!!
Congrtas to the winners! I was really hoping to get my digits on that Fleur-De-Lis & pearl! Love this blog. Im a new blogger and am in heaven! I just did a post on my fave blogs. Layla & Kevin you are my #1!!
SO.VERY.EXCITED! Thanks to TLC and EngLady for the contest.
Thank you SO much Layla & Kevin! Oh my gosh, I've never won anything, I seriously just yelped in my poor friend's ear on the phone hehe :) Thank you so much, that just made my day! :)
What a giveaway! That's awesome! I have been obessed with your blog for a while now and I just continue on loving it!
I am also having a give away today and I would love for you to win! It is not as fancy as those beautiful necklaces but hey, its my first one!
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