This giveaway has now ended.
We'll be back soon to announce the winners name!
We'll be back soon to announce the winners name!

Good afternoon!
Yesterday morning, we woke up extra early so that we could take a another trip to our favorite True Value store. The store is about 40 minutes from our house, and since I usually work on design consultations from mid-morning to late in the evening, we wanted to make sure I could get back in time for me to get in a full days worth of work in.
Because our second True Value DIY Blog Squad project is going to be an outdoor project, we've had exterior design on the brain a lot lately. As I type, our yard is completely covered in leaves, and our 5-year old rake actually looks nervous, standing in the corner of our storage area under the house. Unfortunately I don't think we're allowed to purchase a leaf blower for ourselves (our DIY Squad mission is to tackle projects), but that doesn't mean we can't spend some of the money True Value gave us on YOU, right? :-)
So our October True Value giveaway will be this fantastic electric leaf blower/vacuum made by E-Max:

Here's a short video we shot yesterday morning while picking it out.
(It will give you a sneak peek at the decor items we'll be giving away in November too!)
To enter to win the E-Max Leaf Blower/Vacuum leave a comment on this post, and tell us why you'd like to win it! (we love your stories!)
The giveaway starts today (Friday, October 23rd, 2009) and will end on Monday, October 26th, 2009 at noon, Central Time. We'll choose a winner using on Monday afternoon- so make sure to come back to see if you've won!
Good luck!
Kevin will be back soon with a post about our bathroom door project. He's in the home stretch, and you're never going to believe how this DIY story ends!
Bear hugs,
Layla :-)
PS- Don't forget to enter True Values "DIY Drama Contest" for a chance to win $5,000 to spend at your local store too!

We are one of five bloggers selected by True Value to work on their DIY Blog Squad. We have been compensated for our time commitment to the program, as well as our posts about our experiences. We have also been compensated for the materials needed for our DIY projects. However, our opinions are entirely our own and we have not been paid to publish positive comments.
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1 – 200 of 402 Newer› Newest»I would love to win the leaf blower because I have a 3 year old and a 4 year old and anything that will help cut down on yard work time would be AMAZING.
You guys are awesome. Thanks for doing this !!!
You look like you're having fun with all of this. Good for you!
I would love to win the leaf blower because someone decided they liked my old leaf blower and took it right out of my garage!!!
I love reading your blog, ya are to cute!!!
I would love to win the leaf blower/vacuum. I've wanted one for years. I do all the pruning around my house and my least favorite part of the job is bagging all those leaves and clippings. Luckily my 9 year old usually helps!
What an awesome prize! My hubby and I just bought our first home this month and with it have interited many trees and all of the leaves. Which of course are great, until they fall to the ground! :) This would help us soooo much with all of our fall cleanup!
We could definitely use a leaf blower. We have a huge maple tree in the front yard and a backyard full of trees. Our neighbor believes that since the leaves come from our tree, they are our responsibility to rake and bag. She is constantly raking the leaves on her property back onto ours. A leaf blower would really help so we could blow them back onto her property...just kidding, we'll be using the blower to gather and bag them like good neighbors.
andreapaetkau at gmail dot com
Two words. Football Season. I have lost my husband until January and I despise raking! Oh how this would help :)
I live under the shade of two Oak trees that are over 100 years old and usually require 40 to 50 lawn bags to contain the falling leaves. It is cold they are falling, and falling, and falling!! Any assistance is welcomed!!
To blow all the sawdust out of my garage from my husband and all his many DIY projects that are not getting finished, wait maybe it will blow him away too. No just kidding. Most are my projects.
I would LOVE this leaf blower! We have TWO huge 100 year old oak trees in our front yard. You should see the amount of leaves they produce. HELP!
ok I raked my front yard the other day and woke up at 2 am with arm pain - tylenol to the rescue. I live in new england and could really use a leaf blower right about now. In my town we have a giant vacuum truck that comes to vacuum up the leaves in front of your home so I could just blow them all out front and not have to pick any up! Yippie! I hope I win.
I (along with my hubby) would love a leaf blower for our backyard. We love our neighbors and love the humungo trees in their yards (they keep us cool in the summer), but we don't like the 17 bags of leaves we had to pile up last fall! We don't have a single tree in our yard and did 17 bags! A leaf blower would make the job a little less painful I think. :)
Oh Layla and Kevin...we need this leaf blower. We live in New England (leaf central) and our house is on the market, so we have to keep the yard looking would really save our aching arms if we had a leaf blower to keep the leaves off the lawn. ;-)
Leaf blower - that would be awesome! I have too many leaves and not enough time. I could even make bigger piles with a leaf blower and the kids can jump in them. It would be easier to clean all up!
I'd like to blow leaves...I mean, who wouldn't?
I leaf blower...that is the #1 thing on my husbands Christmas list. We lived in Florida for 5 years and well...grass doesnt grow so great there. We rarely had grass to cut much less leaves all over the ground. Now that we are back in AL...its a different story and my boys and myself along with dh are sooo tired of raking!
Who wouldn't want to win!?! We just bought our 1st home this month & we are SO EXCITED...but know that a home will come with LOTS of yardwork! The leaf blower would be a huge help!
oh I love the picture of you cozying up with the box. so adorable.
I would love to win. Thanks for the giveaway.
We would love a leaf blower. It would save us soooo much raking!!!
Leaf blowers are a wonderful way to clean up the yard! And they are legal where I live now, for many years in Los Angeles, they were not, and you would be fined! I have several trees in the back yard and two plum trees in the front yard that are preparing for fall. Every day I am out there with a rake, so a leaf blower would speed the process along!
Thanks for hosting a great contest, and this is a very useful item to have as well!
Ohhh! This would be awesome! We just moved into our first home in an older neighborhood with HUGE, mature trees... and we are slowly accumulating all the yard gear we need. The blower would be a great help!
Hey guys! Here are just a few reasons why we'd love to win that awesome leaf blower! :)
- We live in Montana. If those leaves aren't raked by mid-November, they become a huge pile of slush. :)
- Our boxer Gus will look hilarious with the leaf blower to his lips!
- My hubby would look mighty sexy with a leaf blower.
- It would be a total luxury!
- I would use it everyday. In the house? Not so much.
- I could very easily dedicate a monthly segment to the leaf blower.
That's all for now :) Totally excited to see who wins! :) Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
- Jana
I love your guy's blog, just stumbled across it recently. I am getting married in Dec and I am sure my soon to be husband would love this!
I would love to win this prize for my parents. Now that the baby of the family (age 21) has left the nest, Mom & Dad are left to do things like rake leaves and shovel snow by themselves. This would be perfect for them!
I would love to win this leave blower.... not to necessarily blow the leaves around (we live in Southern California, where there is only one season!), but to clean up the dirt, trimmings, etc every time I garden.
i would love to win this leaf blower even though i have nary a leaf to blow the near future i will live where millions and jillions of leaves will drop all around me...and it will be heaven.
I would love to win that leaf blower. I have to admit, we have no leaves at our house, we live in Arizona! But we have SOOO many other drought resistant plants that make such a huge mess when we trim. It is impossible to rake that stuff off the rocks and our little $20 leaf blower hardly cuts it!
Great giveaway! Thanks!
I'd love to win the leaf blower because my last two hair dryers decided to take a shortcut and throw flames instead warm and toasty air. That was warm and toasty fun. NOT.
Can't hurt to try something new, right???
Funky Junk Interiors
We just bought a home that sits on 1 1/2 acres and has so many oak trees starting to drop leaves and, *watch out*, falling acorns! We are looking around the home we just moved into that also has a gutted kitchen in the midst of being remodeled and thinking, "how is all this going to get done?"!!! I digress. A leaf blower would be rad. You guys rock, by the way! OH, did I mention the four kiddos underfoot :)???
I would love to win because I don't want to actually spend MONEY on a machine that can only blow leafs! I'd much rather spend it on a porch rocker or something pretty. But we do have a yard and a big, old tree in the backyard. Which means we will have lots and lots of leafs that will need blowing, and we'd love your help!
A leaf blower would be great! I'd use it on all the leaves that fall from my neighbor's trees onto our lawn.
Anything that cuts down on yardwork time is a good thing.
My patio is always covered with my neighbors' tree's leaves! Saw a blower at a garage sale, but someone beat me to it. Oh well. :)
What a perfect thing to give away this time of year! We would love to win the leaf blower because as newlyweds who didn't have a traditional wedding we don't have a lot of the typical things you need to care for a home. We're lucky to have very nice neighbors would blew off our driveway for us recently and I'd really love to be able to return the favor as well as do the rest of our yard. Great giveaway! Thanks!
That leaf blower would have a good home here!! We live in an area with a LOT of trees, and not only do we have our yard to take care of, but we live on our churches property (my husband is the pastor)and there are just as many tress over there! We have a LOT of leaves to pick up!!!
email is:
I would L-O-V-E to win a leaf blower because I have a huge/old/beautiful/obnoxious tree that sheds 30,000 leaves every fall/winter. I also have a big corner yard, and I get all the other leaves that blow across the street from the park, too!
Every other year, I have to rake it all by myself while my husband is in Iraq and I get nasty blisters on my hands. :(
Yay yay yay for leaf blowers!
I'm picturing me inside with a cup of apple cider, and him outside with that! This way he wont be so mad when i don't help... hehe
Hey! I would love to win that awesome leaf blower from True Value because along our driveway and the entire back of our home are trees that, as pretty as they are, are currently dropping leaves all over the place. It would really pretty up our yard to win it. :)
Thanks to you and True Value for the opportunity!
This would be a GREAT thing to give to my husband to free him up leaf raking to do other projects around the house for ME!! Thanks.
I am desperate for this!
I just bought a home BECAUSE of the beautiful trees and ... never imagined the leaves would fall LOL
We really REALLY need a leaf blower!
Try as I might, I cannot keep the grass off the driveway/sidewalk after cutting it, which 3 little kiddos then play in and drag into the house.
I would love the leaf blower, so I could keep the driveway/sidewalk free of grass and leaves and off of my little ones too! :)
I love your blog. Thank you!
I have to win this sucker... It is another electric item that will allow me to use and tangle yet another drop cord and drive Hubby NUTS!!! Hugs, Janna
This would be an amazing win! Unfortunately, the hubs and I are poor newlyweds who, whenever yard work needs to be tackled, have to drive over to my parents' house to borrow random lawn supplies. Long story short, the pops is tired of going to complete his lawn tasks and thinking someone took off with his goods :)
Heather from Crestview, FL
Would love the leaf blower, I have two cats and two dogs. What's that? Leaf isn't the manufacturer but rather what you are supposed to blow? Ohhh, sure, I knew that. I was only kiddin' about the inside, yea that's the ticket.
Deborah @ The Fairfield House
I have recently started reading your blog and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!! I've gotten ideas for so many little projects and given my hubby some new "honey-dos"... We have a Sweet Gum tree in our front yard and everyone tells us to be done with it, cut it down because it is such a mess. No way! It is old and beautiful and I'd rather rake leaves than be naked without our beautiful tree. HOWEVER, I'd love a leaf blower to help us with out and keep our little bunglow's yard looking spiffy. Can't wait to read more projects!
I'd so love to win the leaf blower! We have a huge yard with lots of trees and my poor husband usually ends up doing all the raking himself (while I entertain our 3 little ones). A leaf blower would make his job easier and help get all the leaves into our compost bin faster. :)
We just finished our yard this year after years of dirt - with lots of clay so you got stuck when it was wet. I lost several pairs of shoes in the struggle. Our arsenal of yard tools consists of a cute pink gardening set and a shovel. My husband would be ecstatic to actually have a useful, manly tool!
The leaf blower would be a HUGE help to my husband and I. Currently we have 20+ trees and 1 rake.
I have wanted one of those forever.
keep up the good work, I love looking at what you do.
I would love to win the leaf blower because.......
I have this neighbor. (Let me say right here that she is a friend.) She thinks it is hilarious to blow the leaves off of her trees and vines with HER leaf blower.She sneaks out early in the morning and blows them before work. She blows them as soon as she gets home from work. She blows them whenever she can, all through the fall. Guess where she blows them? Yep....MY yard. She laughs and laughs....and blows more leaves my way. If only I had a leaf blower to blow them back.......(evil cackle!)
I'd love the leaf blower because our current blower is held together with duct tape...and still the blower tube still manages to fall off every few minutes.
Just found your blog and absolutely adore it!
For the first time in our life, we need a leaf blower to actually blow leaves. Just moved to Pennsylvania from Arizona. In Arizona, we used a leaf blower to blow the sand off of our sidewalks. My sweet husband decided to leave the blower there for our renters. Now we are here in the land of FOUR seasons and we have colored leaves falling to the ground. My husband is missing his leaf blower and I'm tired of hearing about it - ha!
I would love to win this leaf blower! My entire back yard is enclosed with trees and needless to say a leaf blower would be a huge help. Thanks so much for the chance!
I'd love to win. That vacuum thing has me intrigued. I had the bright idea of making our side yard an entire island of plantings, rather than actual grass.
Unfortunately I did not foresee the trees that are over it dropping every leaf and pine needle INTO the inland plantings.
Ive tried raking and it lose my plants. I've tried blowing and I lose my mulch. I am hoping a delicate vacuum balance will do the trick, and prevent these unsightly blisters on my hands.
I would like the leaf blower, please :)This is our first fall in our "new" house and we are one of the only young families on the entire street. Most of the homes still boast their original owners, now retired and manicuring their lawns with some fierce dedication. With four children ages 8 and under, we pale sadly in comparison. It's a good week if the grass gets mowed, let alone edged and aerated. Our house needs some love, but it has an amazing wooded acre lot. We have a huge black locust right beside our driveway that's dropping its teeny weeny leaves all over the place. Those things are tricky to rake! A leaf blower would be just the thing to take care of the locust leaves *and* get us up to speed with our meticulous neighbors :)
Thanks, Kevin & Layla!!! This is really generous of you!
Great giveaway! :) When I was growing up I didn't want anything to do with power tool, mowers, leaf blowers, screw drivers - you get the point - but since I've gotte married my husband actually wants me to help him out with doing stuff. The newest "toy" he got was a hedge trimmer, and that was a blast! He did take off half of a bush - the nthe leaves, the actual bush, so I had to step in and do the rest. :)*lol*
I would love to win this for my husband, and more importantly so I don't have to listen to him complain about having to rake up all the leafs!
I would LOVE that, we have a leaf carpet every other day here!
Oh my husband and I so need a leaf blower!!! lol our yard is literally overflowing with leaves. I love when the leaves fall but geesh lol....we have a little much :)
Just stumbled onto your blog a few days ago. So much fun! Hubby and I are closing on our first home together in a few weeks. A leaf blower would sure come in handy as we have a mixture of maples, oaks and pines on the property. Congrats on being a part of the DIY squad. --Tiffany
my boyfriend asked for this for christmas!! i would love to win it for him. We have a huge yard with lots of rees so new blower=more quality time! :)
My marriage and I need this leaf blower! I always (nag) ask my husband to blow out the garage and driveway with our gas blower and he is always a few days late. If I had an electric blower I could do it when I wanted it done and would be such a happy wife:)!
Okay so here's my story on why I would love love love a leaf blower.
We have a nice big front yard. Gorgeous. Only one tree though - an evergreen.
HOWever... our neighbours have a tree that butts up against the driveway. And for some reason, every fall, we get more leaves than they do. I should probably mention that they have THREE big giant leafy trees. And don't get me wrong, I love having the trees around. But it never ceases to absolutely BOGGLE MY MIND that we seem to have the MOST leaves on the block... AND WE HAVE AN EVERGREEN TREE.
As things currently stand I get to go out there in my unfenced front yard and try and keep my 2 yr old from running away from our yard while I rake the whole huge thing. And my hubby won't break out the dough for a leaf blower because 'WE ONLY HAVE AN EVERGREEN'.
Dear husband: There is not an invisible forcefield protecting us from neighbouring leaves. I would have noticed.
I'd love to win. Our neighbors have two HUGE oak trees what we love but lots of leaves wander into our yard. And I hate raking!
I would love to win the leaf blower! What a great tool buddy it would make to cleaning out the garage and blowing those fall leaves. You know the ones that love to fall in large amounts, covering every square inch here in MN:)
Thanks for the video and inspiration... So, I would love to win the leaf blower so I can keep taking care of business around our yard and not have to wait on the love of my life to fire up his polluting, stinky, gas hogging blower...
I would love to win the leaf blower/vacuum. We have leaves dropping like crazy and as if that isn't enough - you can walk outside and hear a rhythmic "plunk, plunk". It's the sound of acorns descending like the sky is falling down. The ground is covered with them. Do you think the blower/vac would suck up acorns? Because they are the worst thing to try and rake up - they slip between the tines (?) of the rake, it's beyond frustrating. It would be the best win ever!
DH and I are buying our first house next week and the idea of all of the leaves and acorns that we will be in the backyard are going to be overwhelming! Congrats as well!
I have a GABILLION trees in my yard which only means I have a KABILLION leaves. This would be a perfect time to randomly pick me
I would love to with that leaf blower because the husband works out of town Monday through Friday and it'd make his life easier on the weekends instead of raking!
Wait... I mean, my life easier. Of course I wouldn't make him to yard work on his only days home! :)
I think we'd both be happy with it- we'll say that!! :)
I would LOVE to win the leaf blower because...well... becuase we are in a recession and how awesome would it be to win that, wrap it up, and present it to my wonderful husband at Christams!! Free gift AND a happy husband...Priceless!!
I'd like to win THE leaf blower because we will soon have lots of trees (if we get the house we are trying to buy).
Thanks to you both for sharing your True Value moola with all of us!
I would love a leaf blower, what a great giveaway, Thankyou, Kathysue
Kevin and Layla,
Help us keep up with the Jones!!!They have a super cool leaf blower!
Thanks for your sharing spirit!
Okay, so the ever-busy husband is too busy {and a little short on $$} to fix ours! We have 1.5 acres and tons of grass. We often have to blow it off our driveway and sidewalk after we've let it grow too high! I am all about my front walk looking nice, so I've been suffering through dried up grass clumps in the path! Hope I win!
I would LOVE to have one cuz we live on a LARGE lot and last year had to do it all by hand or drive a hour away to borrow the inlaws cuz we're broke, newlyweds saving to build our own house all extra expenses out the window
Ummm... because I think you shared and gave me half of your bazillion leaves in my yard.. nuf said.
This is exactly what our HUGE yard needs so I can avoid some leaf raking blisters!! I've got fingers, toes and eyes crossed for this one! You guys rock!
A leaf blower? AWESOME. My husband borrows the neighbors all the time. It would be awesome if he had his own. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog. Read it daily...or as you update!
please let me win!!we are empty nesters and getting old!! help,the leaves are falling and we can't get them up! love you guys!! mary
I have two acres (2 acres!) chucked full of trees. I need to win for that alone. However, the real issue is that I have 2 acres worth of leaves that decide to blow directly into our garage all. day. Fingers are crossed!
What a great prize to win! We have 1/2 an acre lot with lots of those pretty leaves that think they must come down every year!
we would LOVE the blower!!! my husband drives across town every time he mows the grass to borrow his brother's and then has to return it--ours broke right after we moved into our new house and unfortunately it's not on the list of things we can spend money on right now!
Lots of leaves ...... help !!! i want ti win
One acre. Dozens of trees. 'Nuff said! :-P
I live in a park that every home has quite a few trees & the big open field across from our house, blows them all into our yard. Help I'm drowning in leaves :)
What a great giveaway. I've never had a leaf blower and would love to have one.
You guys are adorable! Love it. And I'm completely in love with that tote. The leaf blower is nice to, but the tote is fantastic :).
Today marks my husband and my ten year wedding anniversary. Today I am also recovering from having the I didn't get him anything this past week. :( (Poor planning, I know.) But wouldn't a leaf blower make my hubby happy?!?!
Love the video! Your future is bright!!
Cool giveaway too :)
Love your blog, just found it a few weeks ago!
What a great idea for this time of year! We too have a gazillion leaves blowing around this time of year and we spend weeks raking and bagging them! What a wonderful timesaver this would be for our family of five =) I'm crossing my fingers!!
The video is so cute....I'm anxious to see the bathroom door. In the meantime, thanks for the blower give-away. I would love to win would definitely help with keeping the patio cleared of the yard debris the boys track in.
By the way...D.W. Moody's is one of our fav's too! Keep up the great work!
I have no leaves to blow, being in a newer home. I don't want this blower for me, I want it for my sweet father-in-law, Stuart.
He is THE kindest person you will ever meet. He is the kind of person who will know your life story witin the first five minutes of talking to you. He is so easy to talk to and he cares about YOU and where YOU come from. He is so genuine. Oh...I love this man! Everyone loves this man. He has supported his wife through her cancer (twice), raised an amazing family, and never stops loving (I have never heard him complain about any trial he is handed)!
Recently, he fell off a ladder and had to have knee surgery. It is healing pretty well, but it is still hard for him to get out and get the yard work done. He has eight mature apples trees, along with many other trees, that NEED that leaf blower!!!!
Here's to STU!
What a great giveaway! My husband and I just bought our first home and are dreading some of the yard work details and this would be a great help.
P.S. - My husband grew up in Prattville and his parents still live there, so we get down there once or twice a year. So if you see a creepy girl in a car driving slowly by your house to check it out, it's me. I love what you've done w/ the place and am excited to see what you do to the exterior!
--Because I have all the trees of the US in my front yard and this would be great to help with the ginormous yard work we have to do all the time to make our lawn look 1/10th as perfect as our "green-grass perfect always" neighbor's house :) Please leaf blower, be mine! :)
I live in the desert and, around here, leaves don't grow on trees!
Hopefully, at this time, next year I'll be living back in Pennsylvania in the middle of the woods. I will need a leaf blower, especially an E-Max Leaf Blower/Vacuum, so I can clear a path to my door. I'm afraid if I don't have a blower, I'll never find my way home! This is a brilliant giveaway idea. Thanks.
My husband will love me forever if i win this!! We live on 2 acres and it's surrounded with trees! we can't keep our front porch or driveway area clear of trees for one afternoon! so, i'm constantly out there sweeping ALL THE TIME! besides, my 2 year old would get a big kick out of helping mommy with yard work!
Great giveaway... I would love to win this because the one we have now I can never get started. Darn pull cords...UGH
We would love to win the leaf blower because it's raining leaves in Kentucky.
Have a blessed and wonderful day!
kari & kijsa
My husband would absolutely LOVE this:):) we just moved and have a HUGE yard, with MANY trees!! Perfect time of year to use a leaf blower!!
I love your blog! Our leaf blower quit and it's the 3rd one we've had. The leaves are piling up and waiting.
I hate to say it but I totally spy on my husband while he works outside. Coming from a ranch/farmish background- I'm fully knowledgeable on mowing, weedeating, etc. etc. I mean, I grew up driving tractors and hauling hay for goodness sake BUT I'm also a christian wifey and we have our roles around here. I do the house/ the man of the house does the yard/cars... we have very defined roles but we do help eachother out... Anyhow, one fine crisp autumn day my husband [the big buff (not so fit hunk of a used to be a Rugby player) man that he is] was attempting to rake the entire lawn and with his hands put all the leaves into black sacks... which that is how some people do it but MAN! After zillions of black sacks later and one tuckered out daddy... I admit I did get a "little" giggle out of it (I know terrible wife right!) I got to thinking there has got to be an easier way! Well I know what that way is now, after... yes spying on the lawn care business that comes next door and it is totally neccessary to have a leaf blower to accomplish this task in a "noncausing the husband a heart attack" kind of way... He has been wanting one for the last three years since we bought our home. Crossing my fingers ;) Great Giveaway Idea!
We would love to win the blower because we have moved from a house with no trees and about 300 sq ft of lawn to a house with LOTS of oaks and maples and about 1/2 an acre of lawn.
Just came across you site a couple weeks ago and now check it everyday. Enjoy your projects thoroughly. Thanks for the chance to win.
I would love to win the leaf blower. We don't have large enough trees to create that many leaves, yet, but the blower would be great to blow away the trimmings after mowing the lawn.
your blog is great! I can't wait to see the finished bathroom door project.
We moved into our first house 2 months ago and are realizing there are SO many things that we are lacking. A leaf blower for this time of year is right up there on the list!
With 4 young boys, we would put that to use year round!
Why I'd like to win the leaf blower... How many characters can my comment contain? =D
okay... here are my top three:
1. .25 acres
2. over 10 leaf shedding trees
3. my hubby will smile really BIG!!
Number 3 is my favorite reason!
It would be so amazing to win a leaf blower!! We have a huge maple tree in our front yard, and I have a husband who hates yard work.... it would so enrich our marriage to win this!! And in a pinch I could use it to blow dry my hair...
Sharyl at
What an awesome giveaway! That's so nice of you guys to give part of your winnings to one of us! Can't wait to see who won!
dreamindomestic [at] gmail [dot] com
Oh gosh, I would love to win the leaf blower! We don't have that many trees, but our neighbors all around us do, and its such a pain to rake up leaves from trees that aren't even ours.
Love the blog, thanks for doing this!!
NOT HERE FOR THE GIVEAWAY..just want to make sure that I don't screw someone else out of it. Unfortunately, living in an apartment in Los Angeles, I have no use for the leaf blower. Someday though.
I'm sure you can't get sick of hearing this but you both are too cute and very inspiring. Every time I read your blog, I think of a new project to tackle. Thank you for, once again, putting a smile on my face.
Boy do we need a leaf blower! Fall has hit us hard here in Kansas! But it's still so gorgeous!
Thanks for the opportunity! Can't wait to see what's next!
You guys are so sweet to do a giveaway! I could definitely use this leaf blower, because we live in the house on our street that has the biggest tree and it definitely drops *plenty* of leaves for us to clean up! Also, I'm allergic to everything about the outdoors (literally, everything haha) so my poor husband has to rake all by himself! This would probably be the best present he could possibly receive :).
I would love to win this leaf blower so I could give it to my mother! She is a 62 year old lady and a faithful Church Janitor! She lives in Heber Arizona which is in the middle of a national forest! Which means LOTS of pine trees and even MORE pine needles! Every Sunday morning and Wednesday night (and basically anyother time there's a church function) you'll find my mother out there sweeping all the pine needles off of the sidewalks so that no one slips and falls on them! She's had a couple blowers but none seem to work too well for her! I would love to help make my moms life just a little more care free! Wouldn't we all?
I would love to win this because we have quite a few trees in our yard. The leaves fall on our deck and constantly need to be swept off. This blower would sure be a time-saving device for me! thank you
This looks like a great leaf blower. Makes mine look sick. I would love to win this
Small corner, small town, small state, USA is FLAT (as a pancake)and breezy; our house is LONG. We don't only get our leaves, but the leaves from everyone else's yard.
We're old....the combo is not an ideal situation when the leaves fall. ;)
Our daughter wants to jump in the leaves and I don't have the energy to rake the WHOLE yard so I would love the leaf blower! Holly
I have an 8 month old and he hates to be cold after getting out of the bathtub. If I could just keep this in the house, not only could I get him dry really quick, but I could also save myself from having to wash so many towels! ;-) Please pick me!
Okay, so maybe my husband would LOVE it for a Christmas present too :)
Thanks for letting us have a chance at some of your TrueValue prize!
we have been raking my mother in laws leaves for forty years.
I would love to win this leaf blower for my mom's yard....she is 73 and unable to do her own yard. Her old leaf blower literally sounds like an airplane taking off! It is that loud! No leaf-blowing before 9am at her house! Thanks for having such a nice giveaway! You blog is great!
Oh my goodness...a leaf blower!! If there were ever a giveaway to win in blog land it would be this one. Our house is nestled among ginormous oak trees and to say we have a leaf problem is a huge understatement!! We spend a large amount of time every fall just trying to keep up. We'd never get done if all we had was a rake. We use a bagger on the mower and a super heavy leaf blower that only my husband and sons can manhandle. I'd love to have an electric one that I could navigate through the yard.
You guys are at such an exciting time in your many opportunities and so much talent!
Hello Layla and Kevin,
I so enjoy your posts and especially for a give away I really need. My front porch is broken terra cotta tile and it is slippery especially when leaves are all over it. I keep it swept, but a blower for all those leaves from the covered in leaves front yard would be awesome!
Would love to win!
I would love to win the leaf blower for my husband! What a great giveaway!
Love your blog.
Hello! I live in NH. The only thing in abundance here right now is leaves. And squirrels but that's a giveaway for another day. I NEED this!
I would love to leave the rakes in the garage this year.
You don't need to put me in the drawing---we are already happy owners to a leaf blower!---but I just wanted to say that it is so much fun watching you guys together! You can tell that you're truly best friends, and it's so refreshing to see such a darling couples like y'all! I am a relatively new mommy, and one of the things I miss is all the alone time that I used to have doing fun stuff with my hubby! Of course we still have fun together, but there was just something special about being just the two of us that I miss sometimes. Anyways, good luck to all the giveaway entries!
Yayyy! What a great Giveaway! I would LOVE to win the leaf blower/vacuum. That is one amoung many items I have failed to purchase, and whould help me out sooooo much!!!!!
You Guys are the BEST!!!!
MIchelle Torres
Pick me! Pick me! We stupidly bought a house in the middle of the forest, which means too many leaves and two aching backs! :)
I would love to win this leaf blower for my husband. He is working four jobs right now and having a leaf blower means I can do some of the work for him!
CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail
Oh please! That would be amazing! We just bought our first house and we are currently putting in a yard. It would be immensely helpful to my hardworking husband (and I'd probably play around with it too!!)
Thanks so much!! You guys rock!
I would love towin the leaf blower because we just moved into our first single family home. It has a yard and trees much different from the townhouse we are used to!
I need a leaf blower because my kids just told me they are too tired to go out and rake! Don't you feel bad for them? Yeah, me neither!
How nice of you to share part of your gift card. Hope we win!
I would love to win the leaf blower/vacuum because it would help us out around the house also my 2 year old and my 7 year old would love it we can blow the leaf and a pile then jump in them!!!
I love your blog we are in the process of re-doing our cabinets we saw your cabinets and I love the black so we went to get the paint and I love the black! We decided to leave the top cabints on so my husband place beadboard on the door and then we painted that black too!! I love my cabinets! Thank you so much for your blog!
I would love to have a leaf blower to clean up all the grass clippings after my husband cuts grass!
I love your blog! PLEASE pick me! That leaf blower would be awesome for us because we have 50 bajillion leaves to rake in the fall. Okay, not that many but it feels like it. Anyway, winning the leaf blower would totally be amazing!!!
A leaf blower would be great! Thanks for having the contest.
I would love to win the leaf blower because we just moved into a house that has about 35 oak trees around it. I'm already ankle deep in leaves!
I would love to win the leaf blower! Makes getting the leaves up much more fun
If I win the leafblower, I promise to not only send you a picture of ours, which is currently held together by DUCT TAPE, but I also promise to retire it for good . . . It barely "blows", and the picker-upper-part died a looooong time ago! If we're buried in leaves by the time the contest is over, come dig us out, okay???
We live at the bottom of a hill and all the leaves from the neighborhood blow into our yard. We would definitely put this leaf blower to good use!
I would totally love to win this because our yard is constantly covered with leaves this time of year. I guess we should have considered the crazy amount of trees around us beore moving in! My husband and the rake, don't get a long. Most times he ends up getting hurt lol! Thanks for the chance!!
I'm pretty sure that you never sleep. (-: Happy success to you both
count me in for wanting to win, help keep the yards tidy.
Oh darn! Forget what I just said about not needing a leaf blower! I 6 days we close on a house in the country that sits on 30 ACRES and has 3 horse barns. I'm sure we could use a leaf blower somewhere. :::sigh::: It is going to take a while (quite a while) for this city girl to get accustomed to thinking like a country girl.
We recently bought a house that was a foreclosure, and nobody had lived in it for over a year. our back porch is covered in layers and layers of tiny leaves from the big honeysuckle bushes. This would be great to get us motivated to get the porch clean.
Oooh, I could really use a leaf blower. Our house is surrounded by trees and the leaves are definitely piling up! Not to mention all those evil sweet gum balls that fall and get stuck in the ground! Love your blog... :)
I would love to win because my husband and I just moved into our first house and as we spent most of our savings on the house we have little money left for necessities. The neighbors are starting look at our lawn in disgust since we don't own a mower yet, let alone a rack to get the leaves. So a leaf blower would help to stop glaring at us and get the yard cleaned up some!
A leaf blower would be a luxury for me since my husband is handicapped and I do all of the raking :)
We just bought a house in March. This is our first fall with yard work. I think this might be a test for our marriage! =)
We just moved back to the states after being overseas for 4 years with the military. We got rid of most of our lawn stuff before we went over there, so we have to start all over with buying things. This would make a great Christmas present for my husband! and it would save me some money to use on gifts for my 6 kids. :)
I would love to win the leaf blower because all the trees in my yard wait to drop their leaves until after the city stops picking up yard waste. It's too many leaves to fit in my compost bin, so they sit all winter getting gross until the city starts picking up again in the spring. With this thing, I could shred them into little pieces and use them in my flower beds!
Our yard has 12 full grown deciduous trees in the main part of it (that does not include those that ring the perimeter). Enough said!
We live on an acre and half lot full of trees - part of the reason we bought the house - but the job of raking is huge. I'd sure love a leaf blower to help make the job easier!
I would love to win this because this was our first year in our own home and the first time I had to do yard work. IT SUCKS! I'd love to use this instead of a rake and broom. :)
I would love to win this leaf blower. My husband and I are about to buy a house on 1.8 acres! All wooded! We're going to have A LOT of leaves to take care of and this will definitely be a great help! Thanks for offering this!
While I don't know that winning a leaf blower would be a huge excitment to me, my hubby and 9 year old son would be thrilled! They are the ones that get stuck raking up all the maple leaves that cover are huge yard. Don't worry, if we win, our old rake would stil be put to good use making small piles of leaves for my 2 year old daughter to play in, but at least she wouldn't be getting in the way of work getting done!
Thanks for for all the amazing stuff you do. I love reading your blog!
ooh ooh ooh count me in!
We gave this very same leaf blower to my father last year for Christmas. Our leaf blower just died last weekend and we a new one badly!
abfantom at yahoo dot com
would love to win the leaf blower!! We just moved to our first house and I'm sweeping the fall leaves everyday from our porch...maybe my husband will help if he has this new toy :)
Thanks for the chance!!
I'd love to win it because I have 5 massive Poplar trees and one Apple Tree on my property.
Hey Kevin and Layla,
Your blog inspires me so much- we just bought our first home about a year ago. Its not a custom home or our retirement home but it's ours and that makes it our dream home! The only thing I have to compain about in my dream home is as much as I love the... 12... 12!!! trees on our little one-third acre lot. The shade that give is magnificent but they have a bad habit- in the fall they drop all that wonderful shade covering right on our lawn! LOL. We need a leaf blower to help us take of that bad habit!!! We are both students (Im in nursing school) and work full time so being about to conquer our leaf problem in one afternoon would be amazing. Thanks for the inspiration!
Would love the leaf blower to help pick up the leaves that my four strategically placed, 50+ year lovely maples have droped on my yard and - even more fun - on the flat roof parts of my home! I so desperately need staff, but a leaf blower would be a good start!
OOH! Pick ME!!!! We moved this June into a house that needs a tone of work (we are living with walls covered in half torn off wall paper right now). It is an old house and we moved from a newer cookie cutterish kind of house that was basically cleared of all trees before the building began.
Well, along with the old house we also got old huge trees and as beautiful as the fall is, it also means a lot of work! A leaf blower would make life much easier and maybe we will actually be able to get the layers of wallpaper off.
would love a new leaf blower, they are soooooo handy! Rob,
I live in an oak woods and have a broken leaf blower! May luck be with me!
LOVE your blog! You INSPIRE!
Great post - I'd love the leaf blower so my husband can blow the leaves better -
Actually ours is broken down, won't hold a charge and is really loud and too big -
Love, love the leaf blower
Love your blog
I'd love a leaf blower because our tyard is covered with leaves and I have a bad back!
The leaf blower would be a SUPERB Christmas gift for my hubby! He needs another yard gadget since he only got to use his riding lawn-mower once this year! (Long story!) Thanks for this great giveaway and I can't wait to see the bathroom door project!
My husband would absolutely LOVE me (he already does, but even more so) :) if I won this for him! He loves to take care of the yard, but this is one thing that he does not have. Thanks so much for the giveaway!!
Thank you for the giveaway.
I'd love to win this for my husband because, we live in the country and the tree's are really starting to turn. My husband was looking at one of these while we were at the store but, put it down. I know he really wanted it!
What a great giveaway! I would love to be included. Thanks for the opportunity!
If I don't win this Leaf blower that means that our leaves will remain on the grass and the grass will be dead come spring. So I MUST win that leaf blower!
hmahan_0529 @ yahoo dot com
I would love to win the leaf blower. My husband and I despise raking. It would be a lot easier. Great giveaway!
A leaf blower?? How ideal. But we'd still have to rake piles & do some jumpin' w 4 kids 4 and under!
Thank you!
a leaf blower would work wonders in a yard that is shared with the moles (or groundhogs?)... they leave their small hills and we're more than happy to share our space- but raking over these hills tears up the yard!
we'd be nice even and let you try it out for us before you sent it... :)
I love reading you blog. You guys are inspiring. This is our first "fall" in our new house. And our front yard trees shed all sorts of seedy leafy goodness this time of year. That leaf blower would be the bomb diggity!
We have LOTS of trees, and thus, lots of leaves! :)
Our son had his own lawn business while he was in high school, which was great because he stayed out of trouble and made extra money. The down side is that now we've been left with equipment that is worn out or doesn't work - such as our blower!
This would be a back saver. The bagging feature would be perfect for doing the bushes by the back fence.
I would love to win the leaf blower for my husband because raking our yard and sweeping our driveway is such a discouraging task for him. In a few hours our yard looks just like it did before he de-leafed it!
Oh my gosh! How awesome! I am sitting here today, in my home office...staring out to the gorgeous Maple tree in my front yard. And the not-so-gorgeous carpet of leaves covering my lawn. I could sooooo use that baby! ;o) ~mary~
I would love to win the leafblower because we just bought a huge house that needs lots of works and the outdoors sometimes end up at the bottom of the list. This would save us tons of time!
I would love to win the leaf blower for my husband. All of our neighbors pay to have a lawn service do their yard work, but my husband works hard on our lawn each week. He would love this!
I would love to win this leaf blower because... well c'mon now, who likes raking leaves?
I swear, each leaf that falls on my walkway turns into an Octomom. I lack the maternal instinct, and a leaf-blower/vac would help save my sanity.
I would love to win this leaf blower because then my husband would leave the shop vac alone and stop taping it up and rigging it to reverse the air flow to make it into a leaf blower.
i have one tree that every day leaves leafs every were well hope i win
This would be AWESOME!!
The leaf blower would be a great back saver for my father and elderly aunt. The leaves just pile up and we're 2000 miles away and unable to help.
joe h
I need a leaf blower because I just bought this house about two years ago and I've been buying lawn equipment slowly as I have money. I have a lawnmower and an edger, but I sure as heck don't have a leaf blower. That would complete my set!
I would love to win the leaf blower because our teenage son does yard work as his job and ours is about to bite the dust. It would be so nice!! Thanks you so much for thinking of us!!! I love your blog!!
Janice Smith
I'd love to win this to help with cleaning up our leaves and my parents leaves. Our home is on 4 acres, with most being wooded, so cleaning up fall leaves is quite a task. My parents live around the corner and are getting elderly, so we also help them out by my husband, sons and I cleaning up their leaves too. This blower would be such a help! Thanks so much.
Thanks you guys!
I would love to win it because A)Our landlord is over 90 years old. He has a grandson who is supposed to help out with yard work, but is unreliable. We like to help out but have little time between work and school. and B)We are hoping to move into our own home in the near future!
Ohh I would love a leaf blower!! I love following your home redo ...the paneled hall is great!!
I have a great reason why I'd love to win. My husband closed his business in this crazy economy and decided to sell the house too....much to my dismay! Well, we had 3 tag sales and sold the riding mower, snow plow, leaf blower, tools, etc....(his idea). Now we are NOT selling the house (long story) and have over an acre of leaves right now. Help! I loved your presentation by the wonder why they selected you two. Thanks :)
vac924 at gmail dot com
cause my cheeks are tired from trying to blow the leaves myself-
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