This morning, in the hush of dawn, I slipped out of bed and left Kevin to sleep. (Brrr...it's chilly in here! Should I turn on the heat? No...that's silly...it's only October 3rd) Instead, I welcomed the opportunity to snuggle into a pair of fuzzy, gray pajama pants and a long-sleeve thermal shirt. Then, I pulled out a fresh, new pair of thick, white socks. There's something so great about slipping into a pair of new socks, isn't there?
I whipped up a bowl of oatmeal and filled a small wine glass with orange juice. I love to drink orange juice from wine glasses. It makes me feel like I'm on vacation. :-)
Then, like I so often do, I found myself tiptoeing towards the Reading Room.
I love to sit in there, first thing in the morning. Just me, my breakfast, a magazine, and birdsongs outside the window.
It's peaceful, and inspiring. The perfect way to gently stimulate my brain into the day.

Like our Mothers, the Reading Room reminds us to slow down every now and then, and at the same time, encourages us to be creative, and continue to learn.
So when I started hanging things on the wall in here, it seemed like the perfect place to use things that reminded us of our Moms- the women whose eyes always seem to sparkle with the look of loving, and whose smiles always radiate such a comforting warmth.

One of the first things to go up on the wall was my Mom's Shellbox

I hung it low, so that visitors would feel welcome to interact with it...

I love the laminated key that sits on top of my Shellbox too. Skinny, silk ribbons, hang down from it- each adorned with a tiny shell. The key makes it so much fun to learn the names of each of these sweet little specimens, hand-collected by my beach-combing Mother.

The Lettered Olive will always be my favorite. :-)
Speaking of favorites, the photos of our Moms are among two of our favorite things in the whole house....

Their images remind me of this poem...
Her love is like an island
in life's ocean, vast and wide.
A peaceful, quiet shelter
from the wind, the rain, the tide.
'Tis bound on the north by Hope,
By Patience on the West,
By Tender Counsel on the South
And on the East, by Rest.
Above it, like a beacon light, shine Faith, and Truth, and Prayer;
And through the changing scenes of life
I find a haven there.
- Author Unknown
Whether it's a reading room, a craft corner, a breakfast nook, or a simple window seat, I think it's so important to carve out and create special places like these for yourself. These areas can often help put things into perspective and they encourage you to be you.
Henry Miller once said, "the moment one gives close attention to any thing, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself."
Now go on and create something indescribably magnificent for yourself- you deserve it!
PS...Visit Brooke at Velvet & Linen today for a chance to win a copy of "The Well Dressed Home" by designer Annette Tatum!
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I now know why you are so beautiful. You are a mini mom.
The highest form of decorating is to create environments that allow and encourage peace of mind and right living...to create spaces for doing all the things we must and love to do. This is truly a lovely post about decorating, as well as a sweet tribute to your respective mothers.
What a beautiful room! What a beautiful tribute to your mothers!
Gorgeous post! And what a great reminder about our moms. They really do offer a safe haven for each of us. I sent my mom an email just this morning that thanked her for being a wonderful mother and amazing friend. We've really needed each other recently.
Hugs to you, Layla!
That poem is just lovely...
I hope and pray I'm that to my children when they look back as adults. You look just like your mother, as I'm sure you've heard before.
Blessings to you and yours, Fine Linen
Beautiful words, and a lovely tribute to your mums! Wendy xxx
This post made me cry. I loved it. My mom passed away about 4 years ago when I was only 20 and not too experienced with life. I inherited her chair-and-a-half and all her cross stitch things. I love to just curl up there and stitch when I have a problem and I need her advice. I sit and wait for her answer. You know what? I always get one.
Wow! You look so much like your mom!
This ia a beautiful post Layla!
Thank you for the reminders..
{{Big Hugs}}
Whoa - hands down- you look excatly like your mother! Very beautiful and thanks for sharing....
Really lovely post! My kids are all early risers, so I would have to get up at the crack of dawn to be the first one up, but I can just TASTE the chill in the air, the cozy reading room, and delicious OJ. I must start using more of my "pretty things" everyday. Thanks for the reminder, and the peek at your lovely gifts from your moms...
ooooh!! Such a pretty room!! Heading over to see more on your links!
I just became a follower so that I don't miss anything.
I feel more relaxed just reading this. Thank you for the gentle reminder to make this inspiring and peaceful moments for ourselves and that it takes little more than orange juice in a fancy glass and some slippers to feel fabulous.
Hi, Layla-
You are a beautiful lady, you know that? You are thoughtful and enthusiastic, creative and wise.
You are absolutely gorgeous on the outside as well. You look SO much like your beautiful mother.
I love this reading room idea. I am a busy mother of two children who has no room of my own and feel like I'm always picking up. The other day I thought, "Self, why not take the guest room as your sanctuary? It's peaceful there."
I'm not settled in yet, but I love the serenity in that room.
Your reading room reminded me of having a place of one's own... to reflect and renew.
What a beautiful post, Layla.
I love surrounding myself with family photos.
The photos of your mothers are wonderful.
Thank you so much for letting everyone know about my giveaway. I think your readers will love this book!
It really is about making your home reflect your personal style. Of course you already do that perfectly!
Sounds like a lovely morning and a really special room. I don't think I would ever want a home that is finished. I love the process of creating our home and making those special places. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Layla,
Thanks for stopping by my blog and yes to Oct. I didn't get the email.
Have a great weekend!
Layla, I love your reading room. Your post touched a special place in my heart because my precious mother passed away just 11 days ago. She was the most inspiring woman I know, and she was the one who encouraged me to start my blog just 7 months ago. I miss her terribly. Give your mom an extra hug and kiss from me. Soak her up ( I know you do!)
This was such a beautiful post. I love that you made it extra special by putting touches of your mothers in the room. So sweet!
I believe this is one of my most favorite posts of yours ~ the pic of your mother could be you in a vintage shot, and I love the simple snap of the glass in the window.
Wow! You look just like your mom and Kevin's face looks exactly like his mothers too. There is no mistaking.
Oh I love brand new socks! Nothing like it :)
I'm jealous of your reading room, would so love to have an entire room dedicated to reading!
What a sweet post, Layla! Oh, you look just like your pretty mom! I love your blog.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Early morning is my favorite time too--what a great tribute to both moms!
Your Mom.....are you sure it isn't a portrait of YOU. My goodness you look like your Mom. Great post. XXX Annie
Wowza! Your likeness to your mom is uncanny!!! Two beautiful broads! Love the reading room. I have one myself.
* Good EARLY, Sunday morning, Layla~
WHAT a coincidence!~~~ I woke up at 3:30 a.m., just feeling like I "should" get up. I too, tiptoed into my study, making sure not to awaken Jim & the dog. And now, after a prayer for some people I love very much who are fighting cancer, I feel GOOD and ready and happy to start the day...
Soooooo, I came in here and read this... perfect timing, my
friend!!! What a lovely, deep, warm, beautiful, calming & thoughtful posting here~~~ I loved every word, and so "know" where you are coming from when it comes to Moms...
We are blessed~ TRUUULY blessed~ Thank you for such LOVELY writing (AND picures!) this a.m..........
Linda in AZ *
You look exactly like your mom. I would have thought that picture was you. Wow!
What a lovely post!!! It moved me to tears. You have such a gift to inspire. It's hard not to recognize the resemblance both you and Kevin have of your lovely mothers.
What a lovely post - great writing style!
You look so very much like your mother! I never really knew my mother, so I don't have those memories. But I am so with you about carving out a special little space for yourself. Virginia Woolf so aptly talked about having "a room of one's own." Whether it is your own or shared, it is a space where you find great pleasure in just being there. Love the shell collection!
Funny how we connect. This morning I woke with images of your reading room as well. I tried to enjoy the still of the morning but then my mind drifted to our project and excitement filled my soul. I jumped out of bed and headed to Lowes and before I knew it Marc was sharing my excitement. I love that we have husbands that love us enough to share in things that make us "happy". I dont think we could do half of what we do without their support and helping hands. Let's just say we are off to a good start and I cant wait to share more soon. ~
I really love that reading room, the picture looks like it's from a magazine!
I love your mom's shell boxes..., didn't know before that they actually open!
Hi! My mom (Kevin's aunt Shirley) told me about your site and I have been looking around for a while this afternoon.(should have been working but oh well!) Your home looks beautiful. I am loving the day bed in your reading room! The room looks like such a retreat and a cozy space. Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas.
Goodness, gracious! You guys look just like your Moms!
Sweet post.
Susan S.
You like so like your beautiful mother!
ditto the above comment! sweet :)
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