I promised some behind-the-scenes photos of our shoot with The Nest magazine, so here they are!
The excitement all started last Tuesday. Our prop stylist (Alistair) shipped us a bunch of Fed Ex boxes full of accessories...

He and his assistant Don didn't really remove many of our own accessories, they just added some things here and there. It was amazing to watch them work. They were so sweet, and they even left a bunch of stuff for us to keep!
Around 11:30 p.m. that night, Kevin wanted to vacuum the Dining Room one more time before we hit the hay. Well, he was rushing a little too quickly at one point and proceeded to accidentally knock over one of our houseplants...

Good thing he had the vacuum handy. :-)

Then, on Wednesday night, (after the crew had come over to check out our place) Kevin began installing an oil-rubbed bronze handle set that one of our readers was kind enough to send us for our new front door...

The only way we could make it work on our door was to use it backwards (so the doorknob faces outside, and the big handle part is inside the house), but like Kevin said while he was installing it, "whaddaya gonna do?". We actually like seeing the fancier side of the handle set anyway, so it kind of worked out in the end.

Thursday morning Kevin and I didn't realize Panera Bread was catering our big day OR that we were allowed to eat it, so right before Kara (make up) and Missie (wardrobe) showed up, Kevin made a run to Hardees to get a couple of biscuits for us...
Missie and Kara pulled into the driveway about the same time Kevin was getting back, so as you can see, we didn't really have a chance to eat much of them before the festivities began. :-)
We invited them into our blank slate master bedroom and while Kara set up her make up area, Missie began going through the wardrobe case David's crew brought from New York. It's amazing how many clothes and shoes they fit into that thing!
(Psst...that's Kevin's gold record in the background!) :-)
Also tucked inside the wardrobe case were a few bags full of jewelry for me to wear...
Here is a photo of some of the clothes they sent for us to wear...
Among other things, I wore that cuddly-looking sweater in the middle of the rack for one set up, and the bright green one in front of it in another. I never would have picked a sweater that color, but Missie paired it with an eggplant-colored tank and some dark J.Crew jeans and it really did look neat when it was all put together. Eggplant and pea soup- who knew!?
Here is a photo of some of Kara's make up...
It looked so pretty all laid out like that! It really made me want to buy more makeup. I hardly ever wear the stuff though, and I certainly don't need another expensive obsession. Fixing up this house is expensive enough! :-)
These next few photos show one of my favorite parts of the whole day. It was amazing to have my hair and makeup done by Kara!
Here's me in one of my favorite "woobies" they sent...
(that's one of David's assistants, Christina, on the laptop in the background)
I think Kevin even enjoyed getting pampered...
...even if it did make him feel a little like a "surrogate" robot. :-)
(Don't worry, for some reason we didn't look like robots in the photos David shot) :-)
Meanwhile, on the other side of the house, the work table in our office was quickly getting covered in things they didn't want to use in any of the shots...
Alistair gave us the bran and orange colored fabric on top of this stack...
It's huge, and all the sides are hemmed, so I may use it as a table cloth during our Halloweenie Roast!
He was also kind enough to leave us the two chunky, ivory-colored West Elm candles in this shot...
The silver cake stand you see in the background was a gift from Kim at Twice Remembered. Thank you Kim- sorry it didn't make it into the shoot!
Can you believe the price tag on this throw blanket I found in the guest bedroom?
I love the bird napkin in this shot...
And check out these fabrics and dishtowels I found laying on top of the dryer in the laundry room. I'm not sure if they used any of them in the kitchen set up or not, but they looked so pretty all piled up...
I think some of these bowls did end up around the house throughout the day though...
It seems like they used bowls in every single room, and it really inspired me to incorporate more of them throughout the house.
In addition to the items I mentioned above, Alistair also left us some Anthropologie bowls, glasses and votive holders. He also left us an awesome piece of robins egg blue striped fabric (they used it as a tablecloth in the dining room), a huge zinc cake stand, handfuls of tea lights and taper candles and even some vintage kitchen items he purchased at a flea market here in Prattville. He was such an inspiration. He had the best English accent, and I could have just listened to him speak all day. When he said I should, "start hosting flea market tours" like his good friend Eddie Ross, I thought I was going to die! What a dream to hear someone as talented as him say that to little ol' me!
(By the way, Eddie's "Halloween Block Party" is airing on HGTV tomorrow night at 8/7 central!)
And that's all we can show until the magazine comes out!
We hope you enjoyed our sneak peek! :-)
We'll be back tomorrow with our first True Value DIY Squad project!
PS- To those who subscribe, the Winter issue of The Nest should arrive around December 28th.
And to those who have inquired, The Nest is a subscription-only magazine, and is not available in stores or on newsstands. Subscriptions are $14.99. To order, visit this link! (The Nest is a division of "The Knot" magazine)
It looks like you have such fun! Can't wait to see the whole thing all together on pretty pages!
How absolutely amazing! and well deserved!
How exciting! Just a note...I have the striped dishtowels (the aqua & brown ones)They are from Bed Bath & Beyond & they are fabulous!
Im am so glad it went well and it sounds like yall had a blast. What a sweet thing for them to leave some of those neat goodies behind. Oh how I wish I would have been there just to watch the smiles on your faces. Thanks for sharing with us what you could and I cant wait to see the rest when the nest comes out. Im headed over now to order my mags~ As soon as the smoke clears and yall get some much needed rest give me a email. I miss ya!
Thanks for the info on the dishtowels "Hopeful Helpmate"! :-)
Kevin and Layla
Congratulations! That looked like so much fun. I can't wait to see the magazine.
How fun!!!! I can't wait to see!
This is incredibly exciting to me! Can't wait to see!
So incredibly exciting!!! Your house photographed AND a makeover too! Did they leave any clothes? Did they leave the $400 blanket? ;) was it chashmere?? Ha :) Thanks for sharing the pictures!! Can't wait for the article!
What an absolute blast! Congrats!
What a long, fun and crazy day. Thank so much for sharing. I can't wait to see the article. Congratulations again on your well deserved day in the spotlight. :)
What fun!! Thanks for showing us around behind the scenes!!
* Such FUN & what an INCREDIBLE EXPERIENCE for you two (PLUS the REST of the family, of course!)~~~
Loved reading about & sharing all your exciting & NEW joys SO FAR~ (HOPEFULLY, you'll reprint the article & pics HERE after it comes out, as I just don't ORDER subscriptions much anymore!). I can't wait to SEE IT ALL ... and you two "MAGAZINE STARS" too!!!
Warme hugs,
Linda in AZ *
what a great experience for you guys! sounds like a blast. can't wait to see the finished product!
What fun! Thanks for allowing us a little peek! :) So happy for you!
I love that sweater you have on Layla ~ it is sweet. Looks like you guys had a great time!
Thank you for taking us behind the scenes... so interesting and looked like to much fun!!
I just stopped by to say congratulations Layla! I'm really happy for you :)
By the way, when I was checking out your latest post, my husband Rich said "I know that guy". Sure enough he knows his band! I guess congratulations to you both are in order since his album went gold ;)
OMGoodness!! You must feel like you're living a dream. Every detail of this is amazing. This is a memory for a lifetime. :) You two have worked hard and deserve this. What an accomplishment...you must think that life can't get much better than this! :)
I have just found your site and spent ALL DAY reading the ENTIRE site. I did manage to fit in some other must do items, but BOY did I enjoy learning about you and getting much inspiration today.
Thank goodness tomorrow is Sunday. Time to start an inspired project.
Congrats! Looks like you had a great (and I'm sure exhausting) time! :)
How fun to have yourselves and your home so pampered ! Relish it - you deserve the spotlight !
Can't wait for the photo spread. How exciting !
how much fun does that look?! congrats again, guys.
I just LOVE the vest that you are wearing. It's beautiful.
I am looking forward to more pic once the mag is published. Unforatunately it's not for sale in the Netherlands.
It must have felt a bit like Dorothy and crew when they got "the works" in Emerald City before getting to meet the wizard! For me, it's that degree of out-of-this-world; I can't imagine what that makes it for you and Kevin!!!
Thanks for the sneak peek! Can't wait to see the real deal in December!
How many times can I say how adorable you two are????
Kevin with the box/guitar is CLASSIC...everything looks so exciting, I can't wait to see the magazine. Thanks for sharing this dream come true Layla, simply amazing.
Wow, just plain wow! Everything looks fabulous.
I just starting reading your blog and I love it! love your house and ideas and love that woobie...where is it from??
It looks awesome! I love all the bowls (we have them everywhere in our house, my husband frowns at me when I buy decorative ones now).
Also! I had no idea your Kevin was Trust Co* singer Kevin. I may or may not have an imported to the UK copy of their first album :)
The Nest magazine isn't available in the UK, so could you post some of the official pic if you are allowed?
Can't wait to see the photos of the house! It is always an inspiration to read what you guys are doing with the house. Did they let you keep the JCrew jeans?
Love the "woobie" you are wearing and the awesome green sweater with beaded neckline. Do you know where they are from?
I cannot wait, i am on pins n needles to see the magazine!
Congrats to you both... you deserved this!
this is so interesting !!!
Great stuff...so exciting to see you and your home being photographed.
I would details on the sweater you are wearing! It's gorgeous, just like you!
love your blog! not sure why your front door knob wasn't working the right way...i have a similar one made by baldwin and in order to fit our door facing out i had to turn the latch around...all i did was pull it out and turn...if you have any questions feel free to email me at christinelasko@yahoo.com
How fun! I'm sure this is an experience you will never forget! Can't wait to see the article - I hope you can post it on your blog for the non-subscribers?
how amazing!!!! looks like fun...can't wait to see the pictures :)
How exciting! I can't wait to see the shoot photos.
I knew you guys were in AL, but I didn't know you were in Prattville. My former SIL (who I'm still very good friends with) is about to move there. Most of my and dh's family lives in Mobile. Next time I fly to the US to visit them, I'm going to have to drive up to Pratville to check out your super cool cottage!
This experience is something I can only dream about- BEAUTIFUL and fun!!!
love the behind the scenes looks. i think your house and YOU look great always... no "styling" needed.
Looking gorgeous darling! I've ordered the magazine and am anxious to see all the photo's. Thanks for taking the time to show us what you've been up to, especially since we are all SO curious! Probably felt like Christmas and your birthday all in one week! Enjoy every minute!
Love, love, love this post! What an amazing experience for you guys! Thanks for giving us all a sneak peek. I think I may have to go subscribe now.. can't wait to see the article!
Layla and Kevin.
I Loved the whole your entire day you have shared with us all.
I am "pooped" just hearing all the hard work that you went through and how long and involved the whole process was.
LOVE the "WOOBIE"! Who makes that little frock? hehe
The door handle looks amazing,you and Kevin are an adorable couple (new clothes and makeup or not)and your home is so beautifully style and welcoming. I am sure the Nest had a great time getting to know you and be a part of your story.
I am off to order a subscription. geri.
Sounds like a hurricane moved in....but a GOOD one, not those pesky bad ones!
The makeup...the jewelry...the accesories...what a ball!
Thanks for sharing a true sneak peak with us!
It looks like it was a lot of fun!
Whenever I see so much makeup spread out like that, all the pretty colours, I immediately want to go out and buy a whole bunch. But like you, I hardly wear makeup so that would be a huge waste of money. It is nice to look at though!
How fun! What an exciting day...the behind the scene pics were so fun to look at - and I loved seeing that cake plate mixed in with the other accessories {even it didn't get used, it was in good company, hehe!}
Can't wait to see the shoot pictures in December! Woot!
Holy cow, I had no idea your husband was the singer for Trust Company! What a wonderful life you guys have!
So excited for you guys!!! And you know what...I noticed Kevin's gold record in the background and had no idea his band was Trust Co. I have their cd in my truck...and love it!
I followed your tweets on your shoot day and was just feeling the excitement for you. So cool. And that fabric (the orange and bran one): Wow! So pretty!
So fabulous! How exciting for both of you. I love your oatmeal woobie - so cute, especially with the belt. What is the gold record for? It sure seems like you two work hard and well together - what an amazing gift!
How exciting- what a n experience to have shared!! Love some of the bowls- I am bookmarking this post as proof to my hubby that my bowl addicition is completely founded. :)
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